Fawn Journey Hawk and I (Heather) met through Red Elk in 2003 when I went with him to her Medicine Woman Camp. Red Elk describes her as more powerful in the ways of Medicine than he is, and they relied on each other for different skill sets. Fawn doesn’t use computers or phones because she literally ruins them, and they don’t work around her. She has a niece Carly that she speaks with who sends me messages via email from her. This message just arrived:


The message from brother Red Elk:

He watches over his wife and family.

He asked me (Fawn Journey Hawk) to bridge the gap of ignorance around the contamination.

He says if people aren’t informed that the reality of the situation sinks in; the next generations will produce over 50% retardation and severe physical defects.
The contamination builds ever so slowly that it goes unnoticed like the frog in the pot that doesn’t realize it’s hotter.

My problem in delivery the message is the old tradition of “killing the messenger”. It seems to be the nature of this society to attack. Red Elk took it on, but in the end he became angry and discouraged. He did his darnedest to build that bridge but very few cared to cross it. Those he tried so hard to reach eventually sucked the joy out of his life.

To carry his message to those who don’t want to hear it makes me uneasy.

Sky’s First Job

Hi Heather. It’s been a long time since I emailed you. I have a couple of great testimonials for you. First, in Red Elk’s “Lessons” book, I have been practicing doing the Ku-ing for injuries. I have gotten 2 of my injuries to substantially heal VERY MUCH QUICKER than they normally would have using this technique. One time I jammed my pinky fingernail on my steering wheel as I was reaching for something in my truck. It was so hard that it almost separated the fingernail from the nail bed. It made a big white place on my fingernail and throbbed and hurt very badly. I ku-ed it for a few minutes and the pain went away, also, the white place where it had separated the nail from the nail bed became very hard to see, and almost completely went away. This happened instantly. The white place (crease) on my nail bed healed up much quicker than previous similar injuries have.

The second time I tried it, I had a very bad and pretty deep cut right along side and just under the edge of my right thumbnail. I was picking up my computer hard drive to put it back in place after we had just put new flooring in. My hand slipped as I was picking it up and there was a small but very sharp little piece of aluminum sticking out on the back of the unit that was apparently almost as sharp as a knife. It cut me about 1/8 of an inch deep or deeper, and about a half inch long, in this very tender spot. It bled badly for a minute or so, while I went and washed it off. I then thought about Ku-ing it away.

So, I worked on that for about 10 minutes right after I had gotten cut and washed the cut off. Believe it or not, it stopped bleeding VERY QUICKLY, and even stopped hurting. It looked as if it had sealed itself shut from a very deep level, working out towards the surface from the inside. The cut didn’t hurt the rest of the day. Then, it apparently got slightly infected and hurt for a couple of days afterwards, but not too badly. After that, It grew completely shut and was completely healed. I had sustained 2 other cuts on my hands, one the day before, and one the day after, while I was working around the house. These two were not very deep or serious cuts like the one I used the Ku-ing on, but the deeper, more serious cut that I Ku-ed away healed more quickly than the 2 that I didn’t Ku away.

I go to a Native American healer for some other health conditions I have. I was there 2 days after that bad cut, and I showed it to him. He was very impressed.

I am still working on being able to levitate. My NA healer friend told me of another way to do levitation, as I was not having any success (yet) with the trampoline idea that Red Elk taught. I got a mini trampoline and did what he said. I have yet to get it to work, however, my friend told me of another way, and I have gotten a little success out of that method. Here’s what he told me: He told me to put my hands down by my side with my palms facing downward like Robert Downey Jr’s “Iron Man” character from the Marvel Comics movies does when he flies. Then, imagine my body sending energy out of my palms to lift me off of the ground. I did this and the first time, I could feel my body being lifted up off of my heels onto my toes. I slightly adjusted my hand position and this made me come up off my toes and stand on my heels, it was like it shifted the weight back when I held my palms more forward. I have a medical scale here at my home (I am a licensed acupuncturist). I did this on my medical scale with the weight balanced in the middle, and after a few seconds, the weight drops to the bottom like a stone (indicating that I weigh less than the weight selected on the scale). I have done this twice on the scale and have made the scale drop to indicate a lower weight for me. I have yet to leave the ground yet though. Have any of you, maybe Adam? had any success in levitation? If you have any more advice or tips on this, I am all ears.

Also, my wife and I have been doing the anti-aging thing that Red Elk taught for a while now (a couple months maybe?) So far, neither of us has dreamed about the day of our wedding (this is the photo we are using from 4 years ago). But we are continuing to work on it. Would it be possible for you to put me in touch with Red Elk’s apprentice or grandson? I would like to talk to someone else who is working on developing the abilities that Red Elk teaches. I figured that maybe we could help each other by talking about our experiences with these methods.

Thanks again for sharing Red Elk’s pdf books with us. They are among the best books I have ever read.

Sky’s response:

Yeah Heather that is very interesting and since I said I’d like and try to continue grandfather’s teaching on the phone and in person. I feel is if this a test from grandfather or God to see if I have what it take to continue spreading the teachings and love of God if it’s ok with you and him I’d be willing to talk and teach what I know.

And so I connected the two last night.

Spirit Man vs. The Flesh

Don’t you get it?  You ARE “Dead to the flesh”!
It’s by not BELIEVING that, that your / man’s problem is based.
When you were baptized and rose from the watery grave, that FLESH body (and all it contained) was left in the grave. “L” HAS SET hIS “Don’t believe it”! TRAP!  AND YOU’VE FALLEN FOR IT!
“Born again” = Born AS THE FIRST TIME…BRAND NEW and TOTALLY INNOCENT!  A BABY….fresh from the “grave” Womb.
“L” has you / us DIPPING BACK INTO OUR FORMER CORPES.  IE; WE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY START “Pinning” for our SINFUL past WAYS!  Thus become “double dippers”….a Sin here, a GOD thing there.  In a SHORT TIME we have a tendency to REDRESS our SINLESS (new) SELF with the rotting skin of our own DEAD CORPSE.
As a NEW BORN, that “dead body clothing” is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, so we are in constant struggle to disrobe that OLD FLESH.
HOW can one “fight” this?”  ACCEPT YOU DIED!
“SEE” what your DOING is…”Grave ROBBING”!
STOP   B  E  L  E I  V  I  N  G     “L”!!!!!!
                                                              APOLOGIZE TO “DAD”!

Practice – Email 2/25/2012

I am going to start posting things that I can find in my emails, and clean them up like I used to for Red Elk.


Getting late, but “Got the message” from Sky’s mind:  TELEPATHY.   
He said, “Your going to bed (yeah)…Darn!”
You want to practice telepathy, don’t ya?
I grin and said, “OK, for a short time….I’m ready…sent.”
He was STARTLED!  “With your eyes OPEN?”
Sure….You’ve gotta NOT let ANY KNOW you are “talking”.
He got the sending correctly.
Back and Forth we sent…till TOO much…getting “garbled”. He was too tired to “send” ONE….Thoughts wandered.  Couldn’t make up his mind.
Still, told him the several FLYING thoughts.  
“I couldn’t make up my mind, gramps”……………
I know son. Time to stop, 
He’s getting good.  And Easy thing YOU can practice.  TAKES PRACTICE THOUGH….to have SPECIFIC Conversations.  Aho? 

A Red Elk Short Owl Story


Heather….LAST PAGE, Line is a TITIL to yet ANOTHER Story….page 447 or
pagwe 448.  Nothing there AFTER.  Yup, some r missing, hon.  ???

Id like to ADD THIS Story in Shorts as well.  Anywhere u see fit. (PLEASE


Grandfather had an exstreamy dangerious “job” ahead.  One he didn’t know if
he’d come home from.  He’d allready written severl letters to his loved
ones, AND his Will.  It was THAT Dangerous.

Now it was time to relax.  He did so in his faverit way;  A Long Hot bath.

Laying back he shut his eyes and began talking to God.  Giveing Thanks for
WHATEVER layed ahead.  “I’m in ur hands, Sir.  Help me compleat this orderd
work…live or not”…………

At that saying, sudenly an owl right outside the bathroom window began to
hoot.  To most NAs the owl is a ‘sign’ that brings anxitity and
fear…..”Fortellers of Death”.  Grandfather welcomes them, and thier
messages.  He appreaceates thier tellings…and feels sad other NAs don’t

To Him, they are welcome friends.  Aho?

Still, here was an owl….”Teller of Death”, HOOTING right outside his
window….but the HOOT….well, tho it sounded like ANY “hoot”….was

“WHAT!?” Grandfather thought.  “W  H  A  T”!


Yes, the owl was SINGING!  Actualy SINGING!

“HOOT  HOOT  HOOT” was all that ANYONE ELES would, or COULD, hear.  But
grandfather, on this night, was given “Speciel Ears”.  NEVER had he heard
setch.        EVER!

The song being “sang” was a LOVE SONG!  a CALL to any “gals” ‘out there’
that could hear his voice.  His MATEING CALL!  and it was BUITYFULL!

Suddenly all the tensions stored within grandfathers’ body, relesed.  He
bacame TOTOLY relaxed.  GOD, through the bird, was telling him  “I LOVE

And he fell asleep.


Heather here….

One of my greatest adventures with Red Elk was in 2003, when he took me on an amazing journey to meet his friend Fawn Journey Hawk. I can’t go into the details of what we were doing, but I assure you, it was a learning experience for me, a time in my life I will never forget, and when I realized….Red Elk was the real deal.

I/We have been reaching out to make sure that notice of Red Elk’s passing has been shared. Thanks to Coast to Coast AM, their announcement made it on their website, facebook and radio show reaching  millions of people.

Sometimes it takes awhile to reach a medicine woman who isn’t using modern communication devices, but alas she has been in contact with me now and wrote this. I asked her permission to read it at the memorial service for Red Elk on September 26, 2015. I am publishing now because I believe some people need to hear this. It’s for your heart. Just one of the many messages I’m receiving and will share soon.

Also, regarding Fawn. She is moving her medicine camp and if someone could message me if they have a place that would be suitable for her camp, she will open her tipi for teachings and healings.


Red Elk Gone

A void on the Medicine Path

Yet still a vivid memory and dreams of times past.


He danced with the Wounded Medicine Stones

And dared to defy Grandmother Owl

Red Elk laughed at the darkness

And trespassed in the Underworld


The path he followed was his own

And like the Wolf, mated for life.

He carried the inner-conflict of a “breed”

And used it to build a bridge.


But most of all he was human


“I brought you five pounds of the

Best fudge in the world,” he said

As he handed me the box,

I looked inside-

One piece left,

“but I ate some on the way home.”


“Red Elk, I’ll cook dinner tonight,

What would you like?”

“Baked apples”

Well, I asked so we had baked apples.

That old Indian loved sugar.


Now he’s but a whisper in this dimension.

A whisper that remains as a memory and continues

To walk beside his woman

And look after his loved ones.

A whisper that says, “I’m still here.” “

Red Elk’s Memorial Invitation

There will be a service for Red Elk in Ellensburg WA Saturday September 26, 2015. We are planning to have the service at Kiwanis Park in Ellensburg from noon to four, but continual sharing is welcome. Adam and a few other people will be camping out at Red Elk’s house for a few days. Adam will be getting to Red Elks place on Friday.  Everyone is welcome to camp-out at his place for a few days. Bring a dish to share, we are doing a potluck.

DK Remembers Red Elk

I saw DK post this to Red Elk’s daughter on Facebook, and he allowed me to share his fondest memory with you all.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for my friend RED ELK.

My fondest memory of RED ELK is when he taught me how to talk to trees!

Another time we were in Santa Fe, NM, and we were walking on the street and their was these flowers hanging over the sidewalk,and this young couple came up to them first but ignored it!

The women walks around it when the man walks over it. Then me and RED ELK past it, but then RED ELK said to me, “Wait a minute!”

He went back over to them flowers and picked one of them up and put it to his ear and listened, then he spoke to it, then he came back to me and told me, “Those flowers are sad!”

I said, “How come?”

Then he said the flowers told him they make themselves bright and beautiful for the people to see, but they just ignore them and walk past them not saying anything.

So the flowers put themselves over the sidewalk so they would be seen and still people just walk around them or over them.

Then RED ELK said, “I told them how beautiful and bright they are, and that they have a beautiful smell.”

Then RED ELK added, “Now we’ll come back to them in a half hour and they will be standing up tall and bright and beautiful again!”

We went back and sure enough! They were standing tall and bright and beautiful again!


Community Welcome Service for Red Elk

There will be a service for Red Elk  in September.  The family had a private one and now they would like to have a public service.  The weekend of September 19 there will be a service for Red Elk in Ellensburg.   I will have more details soon.

Sky’s first dilemma answered

Sky came tonight with a question.

He told me how he had found Grandfather’s Medicine Bag that he wears around his neck. He asked if it should be put with his ashes, or burned with his ashes? He said that Canada John said to ask a mutual friend Tim in the community. I wasn’t sure and when we spoke with Adam he said to gift it. While I was doing dishes I had a strong feeling that if Sky was to carry on Red Elk’s work, then he was to keep it for himself to learn to use. Then I wrote to Tim and gave him the 3 choices. He said that Sky should keep it…hiya hiya. I told him that I felt that deep inside too. He said Tapweh. Now I realized, I don’t know what Native American language that is or what it means, and I can’t google it either! He said it is a Cree expression for truth.

I think we are all going to learn a lot on this journey.