Spirit Man vs. The Flesh

Don’t you get it?  You ARE “Dead to the flesh”!
It’s by not BELIEVING that, that your / man’s problem is based.
When you were baptized and rose from the watery grave, that FLESH body (and all it contained) was left in the grave. “L” HAS SET hIS “Don’t believe it”! TRAP!  AND YOU’VE FALLEN FOR IT!
“Born again” = Born AS THE FIRST TIME…BRAND NEW and TOTALLY INNOCENT!  A BABY….fresh from the “grave” Womb.
“L” has you / us DIPPING BACK INTO OUR FORMER CORPES.  IE; WE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY START “Pinning” for our SINFUL past WAYS!  Thus become “double dippers”….a Sin here, a GOD thing there.  In a SHORT TIME we have a tendency to REDRESS our SINLESS (new) SELF with the rotting skin of our own DEAD CORPSE.
As a NEW BORN, that “dead body clothing” is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, so we are in constant struggle to disrobe that OLD FLESH.
HOW can one “fight” this?”  ACCEPT YOU DIED!
“SEE” what your DOING is…”Grave ROBBING”!
STOP   B  E  L  E I  V  I  N  G     “L”!!!!!!
                                                              APOLOGIZE TO “DAD”!


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One Response to “Spirit Man vs. The Flesh”

  1. David says:
