Are You Sharing the ‘Gift’ of Fear? Or the Gift of Courage?

Over time I have had many Emails from folks who inform me of “dangers” our/other Governments “put out.” I KNOW some ARE true…but suspect many are Not. Is this “Fear Giving” from the dark one?
I tell only what I KNOW. In this I’ve tried my best to share with you to be wise…”Prepare.” I see what our future holds, and Death is always at the fore.
I have shared that what WE do, to see it as Doing for our Future Generations. Not for You, so much as for THEM.
ARE we to “spread fear?” No. WE are to spread PEACE. Compassion. CARING.
One can not walk through this Darkness CRINGING. But with our heads held HIGH….and our Fears abated due to our Relationship with “He” who has always existed. Our FATHER.
DO you have that FULL BELIEF? Emails from many seem to show otherwise, mostly.
Consider what I’m writing. Think HARD on it.
Can you accept “death” WHILE STILL ALIVE? Are you THAT WILLING?
OUR Big Brother wasn’t so happy that he’d “skip down the road” to the hill called Golgotha. He knew the horror of the “way” of “passing” and would have preferred another “way.” Yet, with His blood seeping through every pore…He went on, WILLINGLY, with these words on His lips: “Never the less Father, YOUR Will be done.”
Now we, Too, must consider OUR “passing.” Will it be sudden and unexpected? Or one we’ve been FED Fear of?
To those who TRULY “Believe”…this, tho difficult…SHOWS, TO THOSE AROUND US and THOSE OF OUR FUTURE.
It may be OUR turn now to “Face The Lions,” as did our TRUE BELIEVER Brethren of the Original and TRUE Church.
Think…and do your best TO do so. Aho?
“Fear NOT, for I am WITH YOU.”
Aho? re
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