Posts Tagged ‘contemplation’


October 1, 2014

I asked grandfather “What is the root thought behind the creation of dimensions? What are the mechanics that govern it?”
To paraphrase, he said that the only mechanics that govern dimensions, or anything, is that thoughts are real. Really these things are quite easy. It’s difficult for people to accept that these things are so simple.
To really understand a specific thing about dimensions, or anything, you contemplate. Contemplate on the part that you like or would like to learn about. You then look deeply at that thought and expand it.
The bible says to have the mind of a child. How can you have the mind of a child when you’re trying to emphasize simplicity into adult stupidity? This contemplation should be done with the mind of a child. To expand your thought you simply follow your thoughts as they come. This is done freely as a child would do without over-complicating or over-analyzing the thought. Be a kid!

Grandfather red elk’s words

We are FAR more than PHYSICAL.  We are ALSO made of SPIRITUAL.

It is the last that I tell of here:




DEEP DEEP (sometimes called  Deep Deep Deep) CONSCIOUSNESS (this is “the HEART GodCreator “sees”)



And, naturally, the PHYSICAL.

ALL these things make up a human being.

ALL , including the PHYSICAL, are PURE ENERGY.

As water is AIR (in a CONCENTRATED Form) and as AIR is WATER (of DILUTED Form)…ALL is the SAME : ENERGY.

The human being is of 3 :  Body / Mind / Spirit…..just as CreatorGod is of 3 :  3-in-1.

Our 3 are of SOUL (mind) / SPIRIT (a born with INNER Angel HELPER, called a Nagual) /  Physical (called TONAL).

These last 3…us….Plus the Physical, are what makes us “up”.

If you can learn the “doings” and meanings of these 3, you can better understand how to take Full Control of your abilities and control your life to the upmost of your “dream(s)”…Life of PARADISICAL Living.    EVEN TO THE CHANGING OF ALL WORLD “AFFAIRS”.



I’ve often wondered, WHY do people make “Life” so COMPLICATED!??

Goes A lot smoother when you relax, float on the surface of the riptide.


I’m like anyone else…Bills/Break Downs/One thing after another.


In all this, I’ve just “lay(ed) back”, said/say, “Fix it please, “Dad”…and Thanks.”

Always works.

Call it Faith, Trust, whatever…it ALWAYS works.

Why get uptight, ulcers, depressed, sick…when it’s so SIMPLE.



Getting DAYS of dishes done…then C was called to a SKY Meeting at school (he’s failing)…then to home and dome clearing.

Sky is NOT “failing,” to ME…..has ALL the SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE he needs.  PASSING THE SPIRITUAL THO!!!

I HATE School “teaching”.  Quit when I was 15  (he’ll be that next month).  Can ALWAYS improve via GED, as I…WHEN HE’S READY (as I did).

I’m quite aware my spelling is SUPER BAD…BIG DEAL!  You can READ it…that’s ALL that matters. (Alot is caused by SHAKES and No Going Back Over what I type.  NO TIME!  TOO many to answer DAILY).

WS doing a SUPER Job of repairing before my writings go on the Blog / Etc..  a VOLUNTEER!!! I’m am so THANKFUL FOR WHAT SHE DOES!  HO!

Takes a GIANT load off Heather’s work (book) and YOUR’S.

I want to Home School Sky…his mom and Meachelle (my wife) won’t allow it.  C (daughter) was…and did FANTASTIC!  (Got her GED too).

In today’s world, it WILL BE RARE to GET a JOB!  Even “Fast Foods”.  Still, I understand “proper” schooling.  Why I want to continue on…in HOME Schooling.  Aho?

No, what people NEED to know is HOW TO “CONNECT” / How to LIVE withIN Nature.  THAT will FEED YOU!  Otherwise : WELFARE…and THAT will go “down the tube” too….in time.

Sky know how to build his own abode….fish….some snaring….go “without”.  Things MANY DON’T.  He’s far better ‘prepared’ then ALOT of the ‘Sheeple’ of most of “civilized” man.

How many KIDS do YOU Know who can cook?  Sew?  Etc. ???  LIFE stuff!  WHO THEN IS THE “SMART” ONE”?   re

(WS – who’s kinda blushing right now! 😀 )

Ever hear the saying “The eyes are the doorway to the Soul”?

Well, there’s truth to that.

Via the eyes, one can see immediate Intent.  Anger / Love / Ego / Intimidation / Etc.

Intimidation is a Power Play with police / “Men In Black” / Etc.

Our Government agents are rife with this.

Whenever I see “glasses” I immediately go on the alert.  Automatically don’t Like the person.  Distrust them.

The Blind…the “Casual Wearer” / I can take.  Not those who use these as a psychological weapon. Because that’s what it is.

NO One is “Superior” to me…nor I to Them.

Meet me as an EQUAL, or don’t meet me At ALL !



A sister sent:

heres the info i just found. I AM RIGHT!!!  :)  i went to yahoo search and typed in earths current tilt   and got some webs.  here are 2 i checked. wow…and double wow!!!!!   please share . maybe others know this or seen or would like to know.  . sis

Aho.   Will right now.  Thanks.  re

<This sister> has been telling me she Swears the sun is going up / down MORE AND MORE   FROM  THE NORMAL E / W.

Don’t think we are getting ready to FLIP?  CHECK THIS SITE OUT!   re


Reader(s);  Mankind is so very strange to me.  I AM a Medicine Man….despite what people think.  OF the INNER Heyoka.  That’s far different then those of Traditional.

Still, I am just that.

Our Inner go to Permanent Healing….but even that has its limits.  We 12 tell truth and the truth is :  Your Healings are totally up to you.

Basically, stay right in The Great 3-in-One, and so too will your Health.  Be it Mental to Physical.

THERE lays your health.

We 12 just work in a different way.  Aho?

I want all to understand, to toss away the Bible is to toss away all the good you are quite capable of.

Yes, man Can do “things”.  Great “things”.  But it is up to you.


I’d like all, Bible readers or not, to know something :  The Bible, in the days it was written , had No punctuation.  None at all.  This has caused alot of problems over the centuries. Periods , Commas , Etc. placed by men to help us “better understand”.  Often it has caused MISS-Understanding of its Purity.

For instance, the TWO Words :  FAITH  and  BELIEVE(ing).



Both One Word.

Our 12 understand this and it helps US to be FAR BETTER “Doers”.

It is THAT That we use and walk in (in our “way”).

I am TEACHING YOU to be an INNER HEYOKA Medicine Man / Woman.

Our way of helping you (individually) or OTHERS (collectively).

I have told only truths, friends  (despite some “jokes”).

When it comes to HIM….I tell ALL Truth.  Aho?

Here we (all) are, healers / helpers / LOVERS.  Agape Lovers.

We can change our World to our Selves….and STAY THAT WAY.

But it’s up to you.

YOU are the “CENTER OF THE ‘UNIVERSE’ “….but embedded into the CENTER of The ALL….CreatorGod/Allah/ Etc..

I want you to know too, Your HEART “wants” MUST be NOT for SELF….but for ALL.

Self “indulgements” have NO ROOM in PURITY.  Thus be very careful of WHAT (deep down REASON(s) ) that your asking for.

HE KNOWS YOUR DEEP DEEP Reason(s) of the Asking.

Often we DON’T get our “request”….the reason is this request has a SELF REASON deep  deep down within you.

Thus it’s rejected.

HE  K  N  O  W  S   YOUR “HEART”.

You can fool YOU, but you can NEVER   EVER!….. FOOL “HIM”.

Know that.  Aho?

GB    re


Mark Boyle, rich guy, went ‘no cash’ and is loving it…and teaching others to do the same.

Mark Boyle’s ‘Moneyless Man’: Why I Live Without Money (VIDEO)

No Money Man: the Thrifty Adventures of Mark Boyle

Live Q&A with Mark Boyle

The Freeconomy Community


Beautiful out.  Going to “broom off” the domes and shovel snow off porch.  14 to maybe 16 inches and still coming down.  “Brooming” is using a broom to push upward from inside.  Did this when in my TiPi.  All snows fall to base and goes up-ward.  INSULATING the whole.  FAR WARMER inside, then.  LOVE IT!

The whites kept their roof nails sticking above the shingles, to CATCH snow.  Today we put out Big Bucks to insulate the daylights in the attic.  Just another way to make someone rich.  Aho?

The common man is so STUPID (in my eyes).

My domes have old blankets over the frame (Sweat Lodge way), with tarp over those.  Snowfall is “broomed” off from INSIDE (push against the inside).  It then slides down and slowly collects all around.  Insulating the ALL.      I LOVE THE STUFF!  (Guess you can call this “Snow Berming”)

Folks, why FIGHT winter?  USE IT and be COMPATABLE with it.  Aho?

Gonna get our snowshoes out and take Sky for a Walk-About.  Get him used to these.

If any are interested, I’ve owned / used a number of styles.  I WON’T USE BUT THE “OJIBWAY” STYLE now.

FANTASTIC “All Around” design.  IVENS SNOWSHOE Co. is where I get ours (3 or 4 pairs).

Decided best to make Tire Rubber “Chaps” instead of full Mukluks.  High enough to strap above the knees.  LESS SWEAT PROBLEMS.  Aho?

Plenty of good SNOW ICE CREAM makings, right outside our door.  (  :

Also got out my Converted Water Ski.  LOVE THIS like you wouldn’t believe!  I took off the skeg and foot “step-in”.  Screwed in good metal “eyes” at top sides.  Drilled a hole at tip (pull rope) AND the BACK.

(Going downhill I walk behind it and hold it back / steer)

I load this with my winter camping gear (AND Fire Wood).  Keeping the load VERY low.  Try to go 10 inches high.  Never above 16 inches.  Use the “eyes” to crisscross rope over the load.


My NA Ancestors did this.  Theirs tho were often 20 ft. long.  Steam Bent the tip.  Glides behind like a breeze.  10 to 15 inch width.  THIN single board.  UNDULATE as you go along….”fitting” the contour of the land.  Aho?

Bought my ski at a ‘cheap shop’.  $5.00.  “Eyes” another $4.00.

Used a Like Ski to make a DOG SLED.  Used an old Lawn Mower Handle.  Ran Cocker Spaniels with our daughter aboard. Gave it to a ‘cheap shop’ after I got malamutes and a freight sled.  THEY SOLD IT IN 4 DAYS!  $25.00 !!!

I’ve taught a number how to make DOG HARNESSES out of old jeans.  Each leg does one dog.  This “doing” from the way the Eskimo in Greenland did, long ago.

Other then having CRAZY coast livers pass by (freeway)…Winter CAN BE FUN!

Why not try it?  GB    re


Memories are all stored in our DNA.  ALL the doings through one’s life, to death.

Creator, too, holds memories.

The difference between we and Him differ tho.

Like a “Story Quilt”, His has blank squares.  THOSE are the squares of His forgiving you your ‘wrongs’.

No recording on His ‘your’ ‘quilt’ ‘ when you’ve been forgiven.  Gone forever on your lifetime.

Sleep like a baby, KNOWING.

