Category : From Meachelle

Meachelle’s message to Rosa!


August 5, 2022

I’m speaking with Meachelle and she wants to know how Rosa is doing and if I can find her. I’m going to pin this to the top of the blog: she wants Rosa to know that she would like to hear from her, doesn’t expect anything from her, prays for her every day and lifts her up and would like to know how she is doing.

Thank you!



July 13, 2019

I received a voicemail at 9:52 a.m. from Meachelle Osborn:

Yesterday Meachelle went up to Cle Elum to get Lynnsay and when she got back Rosa was there, and just getting ready to leave. She visited and took them out to lunch. Meachelle got her on the way to the ocean to go more south instead of going toward Seattle. Meachelle shares how Rosa is a very lovely lady, shared more with her, and looking for a place to find her freedom after she has made many sacrifices in her life and now she is moving around to see what she can find. She is really really really neat and I want you to post another thing saying I can’t say thank you enough.

That’s the gist of my message from Meachelle to Rosa…I can tell by her exuberance of meeting you Rosa that you really touched her heart and she doesn’t feel so alone after her husband’s passing. Interestingly enough you came almost a month after his birthday, and the timing is just beautiful.

Hello Rosa,

Meachelle received the beautiful gifts and offerings. She was overwhelmed, especially because she will be retiring this summer. She puts her yarn supplies to good use, and is like a squirrel with the financial support. She says she hopes that you are blessed beyond all the ways that she can say thank you, because she can not say it enough times. It would have been Red Elk’s 76 birthday on June 18, 2019 and every time something likes this happens she feels very connected to his work on this earth and how it has supported her long after his passing. Red Elk wasn’t traditional, so there is nothing but the love of folks like you that create this security for her.

I am most grateful too…it shows me to keep sending messages of his teachings, and to keep the work going AM & PM as he requested. Much love and safe journeys. May you see all of the beauty in the world and enjoy your moments, every step of the way!

Thank you from Meachelle, family and me! Red Elk too!


Hi Rosa,

I was out of the country but when I got home I received a message from Meachelle and she was so overwhelmed with your generosity she wanted to make sure I got another message on the post about your support to her. I have so much to share, and will when I get a chance to talk to Meachelle. Thank you so much. I will return with more information soon.
