Archive for July, 2014

Anthony Texts Messages

July 28, 2014

OK so today it seemed like it was going to be an uneventful day of just chores but at night time we had a very deep talk. It started as the story about him waiting an angel hand a story thats in the book. And then to the soulless guy from his story thats also in the big book lol but then I told him about a few of my experiences and I found out that lucifer has tried to take me out before because he knew I would grow closer to God and then he gave me a speech I wish we could have recorded cause I believe everybody should have heard it. It was about the many trials of those who seek God and Purity and the many trials ahead of me and all the real dangers I will be in which lead to how important your personal closeness with God is and to not let it be shaken through your trials.



Update from Red Elk about Anthony

Yesterday was a milestone to me.  With Anthony’s help I was able to get outside….to the

There I guided him on putting up my oversizes Cabela’s cot and LAYED IN THE

The sun felt so GOOD, but didn’t want to sunburn.

I haven’t had This type of outing in OVER FULL YEAR….PTL!

THIS WAS my 17th trip outside in a year as well.

1st real ‘outing’ though. ( :

Took a picture but it couldn’t be sent. sigh

I received 2 small donations yesterday.  Just enough to cover my trucks new tag and
to share with Anthony and my grandson. Both declined yet it’s the inner heyoka’ way and
would be a disgrace to not take…as it’s from God too. Aho?

Today M will take Anthony cheap shopping. Get him a belt. He’s losing weight…possibly some jeans as well. He’s very mum about his own need.

He and Sky are practicing mental telepathy, nightly. Making progress too. Then to
invisibility. Sky can teach him the 101 of it anyway. With Anthony’s reading and superb
memory, all I can do is add ‘chinking’ to the ‘lofs’ of facts already shared. An
amazing young man. Ho!

Doctor’s think I’ve broken my back…at neck and
towel waist.

Several bones open like a horse shoe…exposing the nerves there…this
causing all the pain in arms/hips. A form of arthritis they say. All I now is I

I’ll be OK, angels help, as well as Anthony.

Well, guess thats it for now. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

OOPS…PS: far more starting to realize


Donations are being delivered!

I asked Red Elk what he would like me to post:

Red Elk said, “Anthony is working out perfect. He has already read everything I have suggested he read before he came, he’s read every book I’ve written, and he’s watched all my videos. He has damn near a photographic memory. I wish I could do more for him.” I said, “Maybe he is just there to answer your prayers.” Red Elk agreed, “Maybe so.”

Interestingly enough, I received a call from a friend of mine who requested to meet with Red Elk for an hour. Last time he saw him he took his advice and it saved his house! He received a new job with a $3,000 bonus check and it all came after talking with Red Elk. Now that he is in a transition, having worked his last day at one job and starting a new one, he decided it is time to seek more clarity. Red Elk is staying up waiting for him.

There was some donations that came in after Adam picked up Anthony, and directed to go to support Anthony’s stay at Red Elk’s and to provide Red Elk tobacco. My friend met me at the store and we filled up his truck with supplies.

Adam and I had expected that Anthony would be low on supplies by now but he reported he still has 80% of his stock from when Adam took him shopping. That means that these supplies should last him through August then. I asked Red Elk if he was feeding him and he said, “No, it’s damn hard to give anything to the kid. I think he will have lost 40lbs by the time he decides to move on.” I said, “Well he does know how to fast.” Red Elk said, “Yes we have talked about this.”

I talked to Anthony and told him that winter there will come quickly and it will get cold in September very fast. That we have to anticipate this if he is to continue to stay with Red Elk. (Of course we all hope so – but it is up to him).

Any donations that come in will be used to purchase him boots, coats, and warm clothing at Goodwill. I would like to buy it from my town because our stores are full of such quality donations. Adam told me he came with only the clothes on his back, a laptop, and a small carryon case. Not much at all.

Anthony helps Meachelle with as many chores as he can, and he believes if he can enroll Sky and Christy to help her that all the problems this family has had will be solved. I think it will be interesting to see how far he can transform the living situation of this family.

He helps Red Elk and listens very carefully and follows his directions perfectly. Red Elk has a lot of needs and he seems to be patient with all of them.

Adam and I know things are going well because when they are not we hear from Red Elk, passing the time, reaching out. I brought this up as a chuckle and he agreed. He said that many people have been showing up too. I told him I’m glad his life has changed and he is once again busy, and not isolated in his house.

We haven’t reached the point yet to prepare for lessons to be recorded. I think right now the last two weeks is everyone just figuring out what their role is.

Jeff is on his way, with only a few hours to go…he is proud and honored to be a part of this. This is great because the donations would have just paid my gas to get there and back, and Jeff is donating his time and gas to make this delivery, and maybe, just maybe he will get another miracle in his life too.

Pretty cool isn’t it!


Red Elk Update

Things are going really well for Red Elk. Anthony has been helping the family, Red Elk and they have been testing equipment to see if it is possible to take him camping. Sounds like they are working up to it successfully.

Adam and Heather Update

Anthony is there.

Red Elk and Anthony are learning to be with each other. Two strangers in a strange land you would say.

The donations were an amazing gift to allow Anthony a soft landing.

Adam donated his time and gas money to get Anthony to Red Elk. I (Heather) have donated my sleep to make sure things are going as planned. I am available for the emergency preparedness. What if Red Elk and Anthony do not want to continue? I am responsible to return Anthony home. Although, I do not think and pray that is the outcome. I believe wholeheartedly that this is the unfolding of a new chapter for Red Elk to get his teachings out to YOU.

The path will reveal itself.



Severe Storm Delays Anthony – In Boston!

He just made it to Boston at 5:00 p.m. EST.

We hope he makes it by Thursday morning!



Off To The Airport

Anthony is on his way to the airport to spend his day traveling to Red Elk!

Well this morning is really exciting. I even dreamed of meeting Anthony
last night. I found a sketch drawing of him to share with you all.

We received a donation that will allow us to purchase Red Elk some tobacco 
and Anthony some food and supplies for his living quarters in a trailer
next to Red Elk yesterday. 

We also received a donation early this morning to use as we see fit, 
so I sent it to Adam to put gas in Red Elk's pickup truck and buy another 
pack of smokes.

Anthony has a drivers license and will just need to be taught where to go
to town and do some of Red Elk's errands. They will probably have to
practice how to get Red Elk in the truck if they are to take him out and
about. I suppose Red Elk will use this opportunity to get back out to the

I know Anthony wrote he is pumped up for this. He is really excited. He is
all about his studies so this should be an amazing opportunity for him,
and a bit of rough living.

I will update you all on the progress. 

Purity to all

Hi to you...and all;

Been just over a full week of 'purity' work. Not one single ding not done
in  that realm.  Just about unbelievable. Purity seems to be catching on.
Serious 'workers' WANTing to share / grow / teach  and protect each other
from the enemy. Two sets of husbands and wives....single men.....some only
one of married to. Phone / e mails / drop ins. Canada and USA. Each
'watching' out for each other....each checking their own work as well as that
of the others,  making sure, via concordance, the tellings are God correct.  

No, I'm not in charge, I'm just one of the group and am checked on as well.  Aho?!!! ( :  I
prefer it that way.  GOD , not man, in charge.  The way it was done when the Jews
had it when they followed HIM.  HO!

AS for ME/ HEALTH; I'm still 'as is'.  This is helping others see one need not be
discouraged with ones 'life'.. that one is / can still be effective in with HIM
despite the personal 'problems'. It's working too!  ( :  Praise the Lord!

ALL in this small group, see the need of personal and WORLD need, each wanting to be
a part in actually changing it. Sharing via personal life it CAN be changed.
im praying this both works out...n Works. Aho?

Now it's a 'wait and see' time.  Aho?    

God Bless,  


Update on Red Elk’s Situation

Hi this is Heather,

For years I have been in between reading your emails, sharing them with Red Elk, running the social media and so on. I have had the privilege of getting to know some of you very well. You have been generous in your exchanges of energy for energy with Red Elk. This has changed his life to some significant degree for his family, and he has been most grateful. Because of this awesome opportunity, I was able to communicate further with many of you on emails, Facebook messages, comments, etc. This allowed me to get to know the young man Anthony who cares greatly about his studies, which includes Red Elk’s teachings. He listens to them often as to not forget. He took care of a family member until that person passed on. He is young but has depth in love and caring. He has for years had a Red Elk jar named “Grampa” that he put his change into, and when it filled up he would send $20 or so. He never had many means but he gave as often as he could. Unbelievable. Many of you are like that. We never did raise any airline miles to bring him in, so he is putting together his funds and paying for a one way ticket here. Adam will help me get him to Red Elk’s if time permits. His plane will come in at midnight in 2 weeks! I told him that is OK! We are all happy to do what it takes to make this work. If any of you feel called to help Anthony so that we can make his stay sustainable in caring for Red Elk (and learning from Red Elk), then just mention what the donation use is intended for and I will see to it that we apply it any way you wish. Adam and I are going to purchase his initial supplies he will need for his trailer. What’s really amazing is Canada John just came down with the family and cleaned it out and prepared it for someone to live. When Adam heard of Anthony and realized what he and Canada John had just accomplished the weekend prior to Anthony saying he would come, he knew it was going to happen. Adam will pick up Anthony from the airport in the middle of the night and take him to Red Elk. Show him how to drive his truck and get to all the places Red Elk needs things. As Adam puts it, “He will prepare Anthony for a soft landing.”Adam will get Anthony a tape recorder so every time they have a conversation it will be recorded for us to later get out into the world.

Tenzing and I will travel later to sort out all of the computer issues, and figure out the best way to get the teachings out to you all.

My personal goal is to get Anthony stable to stay and learn from Red Elk, in which he will be able to directly pass on Purity, and have Anthony figure out a way to record their conversations, have him type his blogs, whatever we can do to get the teachings out to the world. The rest is up to God.

Thanks for all your support through the years, and it is amazing one of you, is on his way to help!

Really unbelievable.
God Bless,