Category : Mother Earth


I searched my personal emails with Red Elk – on death – this is what came up – I am not going to fix his spelling….h

you KNOW

The hardest thing I can EVER TELL YOU…is this :   YOU KNOW

This told to me by a brother Med. Man  (Elk Chief…Rod Skinindore….ie  Elk Chief).

Im my case i was given an “impossible” thing to do.

I asked HOW DO I DO IT?

his reply;  you KNOW

Stoped me Cold.  “Quarreled” with him.  His constant reply ;  you Know.

It took me a # of years to UNDERSTAND…and he Was RIGHT.  i DID KNOW!

I will forever be thankful for his telling.

How can you KNOW something with out KNOWING “it”?

You, reader, will understand in time, that   ALL      K N O W S  All!

“Growers ” will be as frustrated as was I.  GUARANTEED.

VERY VERY FEW Of The GROWERS will FULLY Comprehend it, though….to the DEPTH of it.  Its FULLNESS.  VERY few.

Perhaps This will help ;

ALL are BORN WITH the ability to DO the THINGS of GOD.    The FULL KNOWING.

YOU STILL HAVE THAT…locked DEEP INSIDE YOUR “Pre” Emergece from your mother womb.  IT WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU.  EVER!

Even Death won’t “erase it.”  Death will only OPEN the GIVEN KNOWLEDGE…”freely”….for you.  After MOMENTS, you WILL ONCE AGAIN HAVE that BORN WITH KNOWING  Fully to your’ THEN New (Soul) Body.  THEN u’ll understand.  TOTOL!

It is a shame so few will have the stamina to re-learn NOW.  In THIS Life.

Some WILL tho.  Yes, some WILL.  Ho


Our “Up-Stairs” knowledge.

Hidden (by Disobedience to GodCreator) when YOU began to go into the sinful Mans’ Way.

Again, VERY FEWW WILL FULLY UNDERSTAND….now, yet it IS a “Goal” to “Swim For”…HERE…NOW….to EXAMPLE for All (that’s left).  Thus these “Full Connectors) WILL BE HERE ON EARTH…to HELP Other ‘survivors’ along on (n toward” a NEW Life of GODLINESS LIVING!


“Big Bother WILL Reign…IN MAN!  TOTOLY!

To all: be aware to understand my twll here.

Yes, you DO KNOW.

We ALL are BORN Knowing..


We KNOW  and too, THEY KNOW.

We (of this planet) are NOT the Only SOUL BEARERS in existence.  If you DON’T BELIEVE THIS….till U fully understand…you never Will KNOW.

Till YOUR Time to “depart.

remember You KNOW.

Now , “work” on THIS “Telling”.

               GB   re

A letter From and To a listener of my last interview.  YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
We are to USE GOD’S WORD to “make it” WITHOUT FEAR.  Please read on.   GB    re

Hi Red Elk!,

        I got your message about bending like a green reed, that we have knees to bend and should use them.  Thanks for advice.

        This may be too long, but luckily I hardly ever email.  LOL

        Trish told me I should email you over 3 yrs ago, asked several times if I had.  Not sure when that was…but eventually I get around to it  LOL.

       Anyway, just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your podcast.  I first heard you on Zeph show yrs ago.

        I never thought you were crazy, was glad to hear someone else who has similar experiences.

        I didn’t know things seen were not considered “normal” until around 6 yrs old  There are too many wild things to list. When a baby people either called me “haunted” or “born between the worlds”. No one wanted to babysit me.   Not sure exactly what being born between the world means but that’s ok.   I am guessing it means a person who feels half in this world and half in the spirit world. Not quite fitting in.

        And I have to be careful, sometimes spirits pretend to be something else and lie like the devil.

       I am such a ghostly white person you would need sunglasses to look at me in the summer to protect the eyes!  LOL  But even younger than preschool I would have strange dreams and visions. And always dreams and visions with wolves, sometimes Indians too.  I was locked in a pretty prison, they would try to break me out.

        Christian friends tell me wolves are evil but I have a hard time believing that.  The wolves seemed to protect and taught me,  they called to me to come out and follow them when I was just a little girl.  I was never scared again when being chased in nightmares. I felt like one of them,  still dream of them,   They called me their sister.

   Bizarre thing, my dad was a HUGE racist.   I asked about a few ancestor photos I found, he said nope, they had dark skin because they were in the sun too long. Yrs later I found out he has some Indian heritage. And the place they came from in Mississippi ,,,get this, it is NESHOBA, means WOLF in Choctaw!  Wolf dreams took on new meaning.  I do not claim to be anything, just a human BEing.  Most Americans are mutts anyway.  lol

        Animals and I have always talked with each other.  I felt bad for a police dog at Special Olympics once, he broke rank and ran to me.  The cops fiance hated the dog, was mean to him over jealousy. try explaining that to a cop without them getting the nets and white coats out!!!.  Poor dogs have to be retrained if they break rank.

        After hearing your new podcast I shared with trish for the first time that I believe trees and plants speak too.   I was afraid she would think I was a little la la before.  hehehe

          Once when watering new flower beds at a house sitting job I watered a very tall old trees trunk for the heck of it.  That old tree asked me to spray the hose as high as I could reach, to get to its branches!  I question myself at times and thought it looked really silly, but did it.  The tree thanked me!   There had been a dry spell, Texas summers are brutal and tree missed the rain, felt gritty, like it needed it.

        I have been spared before in wrecks too, had a diesal pass through car when I prayed.  And then I found myself just a few blocks from my house.  Yet seconds before I was 30 minutes away, that was VERY disorienting.  I turned the news on later…….there was the same wreck, not everyone was lucky.

        Because of your interviews I was able to stop my handicapped ( partially brain damaged) child from disappearing.  The only way I can describe it is that it was like a doorway or portal.  I was worried he would get trapped there.  I even had to get help once, we were all searching for him in neighborhood.  He reappeared out of thin air in front of  everyone,  but they did not want to stick around or try to explain it.  they freaked.  He says he went to another place.  When he sleeps he says he goes to places without moving his feet. Since about 3 he would wake up and draw things like the planets, stone henge, etc…..He told me about these things on Mars who were put deep inside the rocks for punishment,.  And that they were waiting to be let out.  Which was creepy, I have dreamed about that.

         At around five he was drawing ancient hieroglyphics.  He said he draws what he sees there.  He is barely 14 now and still draws these things and weird maps.

       Anyway, there are too many experiences to list.  And email is getting long.

        BTW, I am the one who made Zeph the morph Lion face, not dog.  HAHA!

        Here is mine, I wanted a panther but was working against type, lol

        Just thank you for all you do.  If I were not broke now I would send a little something..


I’m broke but USE TO IT!  My “life” like that.  ALL MEDICINE PEOPLE are as that.  Keep your $$. YOU need it.

Your WOLVES are your TOTEM ANIMAL.  PROTECTORS.  I have my MAIN ONE (won’t tell) whose ALLIES ARE WOLVES…so in a sense, “mine” too.  I also have MUSKRAT.  GREAT for INTERNAL DIGESTIVE SYSTEM WORK.  A number healed by their abilities.

A TOTEM IS ACTUALLY A  N.A.  A  N  G  E  L !  GIVEN TO OUR ANCESTORS IN A WAY WE UNDERSTAND.   The general Earth populace know ONLY the “HEBREW” (whites’) ONES.  So OURS are “EVIL.”    Culture against culture…”WE are RIGHT…YOU are WRONG” thing.  Aho?

My Main One, in answer to my question “What IS a Totem, anyway?”  Appeared.  Stood up-right, took its great paw to the “chin” and pushed his head back.  JUST AS YOU’D SWEEP BACK A HOOD ON A HOODED SWEATSHIRT.  Head fell back AND THERE, INSIDE, Was THE HEAD OF A “WHITE MAN’S” ANGEL!  He GRINNED at me, reached back, and put his “head” back on.  Then walked off into the World Of Spirit.


Note: ALL!


KNOWING this, I COMMAND lUCIFER and “hIS” MADE DEMONS (under hIS control and I’M IN CONTROL OF hIM) to do as I ORDER!   hE HAS TOO!   Again, “hear” :  H  A  S  to.

Thus I am able to Cast Out Demons, “Clear” haunted houses and Evil Power Spots, etc.

lUCIFER FEARS ME!  (I MEAN JUST THAT).  For he KNOWS that I KNOW THE TRUTH….that he HAS to OBEY!  A “rule” set down by hIS/Our GREAT MAKER.   Aho?

“Fear Not, for I AM WITH YOU”…………………………..   ( :

You are not crazy (aka insane), you, AND SON, in-Sane, WITHIN !  Aho?


In our Lord and Great Creator….  GB    re


I just was loading my truck with several bags of our garbage to go to the dump. As I did I was reminded that: “This is YOU.  As you clean the porch it not only gets rid of the trash, IT MAKES THE PORCH LOOK CLEAN AND REFRESHING AGAIN.
This trash is as You, Red Elk.  YOU collect.  You “HAVE.”  You are not liking the SIMPLICITY of OF WHAT YOUR LIFE CAN BE!  So, you gripe and moan…BECAUSE YOU “CLING” to NEEDLESS “THINGS”….And ADD TO IT!

This represents Your INNER Spiritual Life!

I AM GETTING YOU PREPARED  I N S I DE !   FREE!   “Trash Free.”  Do you understand?

You can do something about it Now…or FORCE ME to do it FOR YOU, LATER!  The choice is yours, My Son.  Either you help Me help YOU…NOW….or it won’t be only Meachelle who “won’t like it”…IT WILL be YOU, AS WELL!  AHO?

Hear Me :   TO have NOT is to have ALL -  ME!    It must be done to LEARN TO TRUST ME  F  U  L  L  Y!   YOU, Others MUST BE THE TORCH THAT OTHERS WILL COME TO!  Aho?”

I have just returned from the garbage dump.  Thinking on what was shared by “Him” and thinking “that was IT”…not so!

It continued:
“Now you know why nothing was given to contemplate on in this morning’s Prayer Time.  NOW is the ‘Contemplation.’ Aho?
Know this, son:  ‘To GET is to GIVE.’  As you realize, all these “things” are an outreach of your Inner Self (as you have already understood).  Now look deeper.  I have watched you learn.  Watched you Share.  This is GOOD.
I have ‘doled out’ my gifting to you over the years.  Always “just enough.” BARELY enough.  Yet you have reached your age despite the hardship.  I HAVE GIVEN so YOU COULD Learn AND SHARE.
You tell “look to nature” to learn.  This is True, for nature has MUCH to teach.
Now SEE THE BIRDS  (at this I was shown a nest with 3-4 young ones.  Each being fed.)
Do you see how one is Fatter then the others?  Do you see one is exceedingly weak?  WHY is it so?  LOOK!  The FAT ONE IS HOGGING OUT THE OTHERS!  “GIVE ME…GIVE  ME” is its mindset.  It doesn’t matter about its brethren, it ONLY CARES ABOUT ITSELF!  GREED!  This Greed is KILLING ONE and WEAKENING THE OTHERS!
‘Survival of the fittest’ its said.  SURVIVAL OF ITS  SELF wants.
Man is like that.
Yes, it grows fat…but IN ITS WEIGHT, when this one tries its wings, IT FALLS THE HARDEST!  Its GREED is HURTING IT!
Man is like that.


It is not LOVE and CARING that “WANT  WANT  WANT” provides at the end.  It is LOVE and CARING that BRINGS SURVIVAL FOR ALL!
Thus you TOO must be as a bird that SHARES…for ALL.

Now You must look into the ‘Lesson of the Birds’.

I have given and given and GIVEN.  Now your nest is LITTERED with the Leavings.  NOW You COMPLAIN: “I NEED A BIGGER NEST!”  And ask for such.  WHY?!  So  you have a BIGGER PLACE to MESS?!!
You’re big enough to FLY…Well, DO SO!

Leave the clutter.  Leave the nest.  It’s served its purpose.  You’ll ALWAYS remember it….but NOW you can have the WORLD as your “nest.”  LET GO OF “THINGS.”  FLY in the FREEDOM and JOY of BEING WHAT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE!  a FREE FLYER!
A thing of BEAUTY that the ‘landlocked’ MARVEL at, and Wish They TOO could SOAR.

It is one thing to be shown what you have…but QUITE ANOTHER to SHOW the Teaching of it.
This is but a study book. It is Not ’til you APPLY its teachings that MANIFESTATIONS BECOME!

I gave and GIVE the book.  YOU must give the AMBITION.

I leave you now.  It is up to YOU to apply, or grow FAT and get NOWHERE!  Ho.”



My Brothers and Sisters,
You are not me.  In many ways we are alike, yet each has their OWN “way.”  I’d like to share my thoughts on my way:   FREEDOM!  At least as I FEEL its meaning.
Do you KNOW what it’s like to be “unburdened?”  To have Nothing?
Right now I have so MUCH “Things.”  I’m literally Overflowing with “THINGS”…and I’m POOR?!!    Shoot, I can barely MOVE ABOUT in this house!  Can you believe FIVE TVs?!  FIVE for gosh sake!  Only 4 living here…WHY do I/We need FIVE!!!  ???
Our closets so JAM-PACKED we need to store “everyday” clothing in BOXES and LAUNDRY SACKS!

I’m stuck.   With a Collector….and my wife is just that.  SO AM I !
I can’t  NOT blame MySELF!  (Bad grammar, but true)


I LONG for “the simple life”…..the days I was in a TiPi.  That was NOT a LONG TIME AGO!  10 years?

Gosh it was nice, but it was Lonely.  Meachelle wanted nothing to do with it.   sigh

So I bent to her Will  (it’s called marriage).  HAVE and HAD to.

Do you know what it’s like to go from an Uncluttered space AND ITS CLEANLINESS, to one of WALKING Room ONLY in a BIG Space?


Well, guess what?  I’M GUILTY.

Yup, me.

Disgusting , isn’t it…………………….

Now I want “OUT.”  Up past my brown eyes in STUPIDITY.  “STUFF!”     stuff  Stuff  STUFF!

What an idiot……………………………

Well, I can do something about it.  At least to MY “stuff.”

Methinks our Living Creator will “help” M on hers.  A FORCED lesson.  She’s not gonna like it………



A MUST “way.”

Look about you.  See the clutter.   IS it WORTH IT?

Well, no.  Nice to have, but NECESSARY?   Only you can decide.  Me?  I WANNA “HIBERNATE” IN MY MINI DOME!

Thing is, tho IT’S “clean,” ALL my “STUFF” will still be within easy reach, mere yards away. Convenient.  Aho?


(I’ve got ALOT to think about.)



Got an interview with Zeph Daniels in a few minutes.  Thought I’d Email and share this:

I may live in the NOW.

It will be The PAST we need to KNOW to get by in the FUTURE.  NOW is the time to LEARN that PAST.
“Tomorrow” will be too difficult AND can be OVERWHELMING.  THEN you’ll wish you HAD Learned the PAST.

Too late.  Too late.


Ho.   re

The podcast is here, on the 2009 Podcast & Radio Shows page. (WS)


Folks, Aussie Dave is an OBSERVER.  Here’s 2 he “found.”  I THINK I’LL GIVE #1 A TRY.  #2, I’ll WAIT!  ( :   re

Dave’s tale:
    wanted to tell u what these two animals showed me…first the rat….while moving a pile of firewood i found a rats house in it down the bottom in the middle…what really impressed me about this house was how it had first used water proof plastic for the first layer that touched the ground…then it used dry grass to form the nest…finially it used a thick layer of wool type padding out of my old bed….for the soft warm inner….that impressed me….very smart little critters…….the ladybugs taught me that if your life is threatened u can save yourself by making urself really repulsive….they can secrete a fowl smelling & tasting substance from their joints…other insects are turned off eating such a horrible thing…& the ladybug lives on….so my thought was that if your just about to me murdered…the best thing to do is poo yourself (which u might do anyway) & then wipe it all over yourself & throw it at your attacker….good chance they will lose interest in u & just want to get as far away from u as possible…(go clean themselves)….works for ladybug:)….GB


Anyone here ever get to an ocean beach?
If so, one that has BELL KELP washed ashore?

For those that don’t know this kelp, it has a big “ball” on one end, the stem goes to a “point” at the other.

It’s edible, but that’s not why I’m writing this.  IT MAKES AN EXCELLENT “Deep FOG HORN” SOUND!

Small ones higher pitched.  The bigger the deeper.

All are “3-pitched.”  The more you blow (harder) into it, it changes the tone.  Aho?

To make, all you need is a knife:
Cut the “ball” half off (leaving a “horn” “mouth”).
Go to the small end and start cutting that end towards “horn” end.  SMALL sections at a time…’til you hit HOLLOW within.  Now, at that hollow inner,  begin getting it bigger ’til that hollow can fit your pursed-up lips, then Leave it there (like blowing on a Trumpet).


The sound will amaze you.

Once, my brother and I were out in a small aluminum boat in Puget Sound.  In the SHIPPING channel.  BIG Ships passing by.  Our little 14-footer just a piece of flotsam to those guys.  Aho?

Well, FOG SET IN.  My brother Jim looked for his bottle Air Horn (Carried for just this type of situation).  HADN’T BROUGHT IT!
He was Worried (rightfully so).
We were trolling for salmon and now “Fog Locked”. Could take 2-4 hours for the fog to lift.
As we were trolling I had noticed riptides here and there.  MOST CARRIED THIS BELL KELP.
I told Jim, “Watch for rips, Jim, and cruise along it, I’ll show you something.  Nature provides If you “know.”  Wasn’t long before I had a kelp aboard.

Jim was perplexed.  “WHY?”

“You’ll see in a minute,” I told him.

Knife in hand and about 6 minutes later I was done.  Raised the “Horn” end and blew into the other.  YOU’D HAVE THOUGHT WE WERE A BATTLE WAGON!  DEEP and LOUD!

No ship problem.  Never got any salmon but DID make it safely through the fog.

I was at a Family Reunion, walking the beach with M and C and M’s dad.  Walked to the shoreline, and got a “horn.”  Cut it and began blowing it “3-pitch.”  Beach had MANY strollers.  All turned to see.

Father-in-law intrigued…wife and daughter too….so I got them one.  Different lengths.  All 4 of us now a “musical band” as we walked.
2 men approached.  Asked “HOW DO YOU DO THAT?”   Showed ’em and they got their own and whittled away.  Me “supervising.”
Turns out they were both Horn Blowers from a Big City California orchestra….out on vacation.  They got to wondering… WHITTLED FINGER HOLES ON THE STEAM, and LO!  Had “REAL” Horns!  One TUBA and one TROMBONE!  Man, could THEY PLAY!  FanTASTIC!

So, any ever get to the beach…………………………

Enjoy.    GB   re


Been looking at local trees as I drive by….thinking “survival shelters.”  Has dawned on me that many’s out-reaching big branches could form quick and easy…and INTERESTING structures IF PLACED UPSIDE-DOWN with trunk straight up.  “Pre-Made” Wall BRACES!

A “Future Experiment?”   Anyway, something to “Brain File.”

Would be easy to plant these and cover with rush leaves/Long weed “sheathing”/tarp “wrap-around”/etc. to hold heat (SAFE fire) IN and Snow/Rain OUT.

Thought I’d pass this possibility on to you as a fun backyard possible project for a Garden “shed”/”Tent”/etc.    GB   re


Not at all sure any here will be interested.  As all know, I’m building a mini “hobbit hut.”  I still have lots of “stuff” to go on and complete more…such as another hut with bathroom, etc.
Still, “stuff” about.  HUGE STUMPS, STONES, etc.  These I intend to incorporate into the wall of #2.
Our property here is DRY.  Sage country. Water hard to come by.  Aho?
I came across an article on a gal (landscape designer) in California.  She too has “problems.” NOW DOESN’T!  Has made a “Magical Meadow” by using rocks, etc. AND IT LOOKS GREAT!
She’s “right up my alley” in REASON of doing.
She DOES have water and now uses Far FAR LESS. Now a “backyard Paradise.”

With my mini in THIS type of setting….WOW!  And I do NOT NEED water to do so.  NOR the MONEY she used to do so.  YOU CAN TOO!

When I started building I started with stone steps up the slope to the entry.  WITH LANDSCAPING IN MIND, as I could.
Her doing on her land an INSPIRATION to me.

With SALVAGED Material and Time…if interested, YOU CAN TOO!

Due to water unavailability I long ago decided to “plant” Plastic “Flowers,” tucked here-n-there in stone “piles.” Wanting to turn a mystical area between Freeway and Side Road.  Getting rid of the “junk” as I go.  This li’l Earth Dome in “her” type “setting” will, in time BE DONE. (My intent anyway…and always  has been).  Aho?
Anyway,   if interested.  GB   re


A sister sent:
Hi RE,
I found this guy’s postings on YouTube and then went to his website.  And, look — he’s not out for money.  Selling a big ebook for $5, and its got good reviews too.  Really cute place only 14 x 14.

RE replied:
Thanks sis…..tho I’ve seen similar line “Smallys,” this one I’d rank #2 of all.
Passing this on.
Tho none (but one) I’m sending to ARE looking to build…worth a look.  Aho?  (PS, hope THIS gets to you.  Trying a ‘Forward’ button.  See what happens).  GB   re
