Archive for December, 2012

Merry Christmas

                          MERRY CHRISTMAS!
                                                                   re and family

Nothing Happened?

Readers….”Dooms-Day” has passed.  NOTHING HAPPENED?
I tell you True:  YES IT HAS!
What took place is / was,WAS A SPIRITUAL SHIFT…and EYE OPENING of “SPIRITUAL EYES”.  
NOW Slow (or NO) of those CALLED  will be JARED to “MOVE” onto LEARNING …GOD is REAL!
ALL Religions will SPLIT..  ALL. Christian / Muslim / Etc. will, in time, split into  FIFE (5) different “groups”….those that remain in “tradition” ways to various FREER ways.  Of this 5 way Split…only ONE group WILL LEARN SOUL “PURITY”.  IE….TOTAL SPIRITUAL   F R E E D O M! 
THE  “ELITE” of those ALL.
To these elite, it will matter NOT AT ALL what Cultural religion., what COLOR, what COUNTRY each if from….ALL THOSE WILL BE ONE!
THIS is what happened on the “doomsday”!
Yes, it HAS BEGUN.   HO!
Now, to all:  I LOVE YOU ALL!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!  GodCreator Bless us… ALL!   re


Folks, “I”, still “with you”. 
Being “still’ to allow you to give a go and Grow on at YOUR pace and “Alone”. 
You are NEVER “Alone”  Believe me!
I’m aware I’m “missed” Can FEEL it….still, you need to be “weaned”.  I hinder that.  So…
My news: 
3 strokes, possibly another small one, in 5 (6?)  days late last month. Then, in heavy coughing, I ran out of air….fell.  Now have a slightly cracked upper leg bone (Left side) that ends at my pelvis bone.  Also a couple injured ribs. Doing OK though…so not to be concerned.  “Dad” is healing….and my  knowledge.
Ribs much better.  Leg…better.  Aho?  HO!
I’m using a Walker and getting about the house OK.  Family helping a LOT!
Often putting aside their own needs for mine.
I’m ENJOYING being “OLD”.
Started age regression…TWICE.  Each time…STOPPED!
Asked “Dad”  “WHY”?
HE ANSWERED!  “You are a teacher.  To teach AGING, you Must KNOW “AGING” “.
OK by me, makes sense.  Aho?
Many realize I no longer do reply’s on the Comments section.  Why?   TOO  MANY TO LAZY TO READ THE BLOG FULLY.  Asking things long ago answered.  Both tiring and disgusting.
Its ‘Sink or Swim’ time, friends.
OK,  I’m still “with you”…WATCHING (and Praying), and I’m not the ONLY One doing so!
Have a Go(o)d Christmas.  Pray for each other,  FEAR NOT…and GROW! 