Life From Death

2 nights ago, while watching TV, Big Brother showed up, wanting me to follow (go) with Him. I Checked this Spirit, as I always do. “A-OK”…so headed to the bed room for quiet time between us. There He “took” me to the Prayer / Vision spot He has often taken me to. This was originally a “Spirit” spot. “Seen” a number of times. ‘Til on one actual Vision Trip time, He led me to an off trail….at it’s end was THE SAME SPOT He had taken me to, so many times “in Spirit”. THE REAL SPOT!
Here I was again, in Spirit, with Him.
Ordered to “look”, I did so. The scene before/below me was now DEVASTATED! Trees down…BLOWN Down, BURNED, some “sticks”, burnt, still standing. MILES AND MILES OF FORESTS. ALL I HAD OFTEN SEEN (in Spirit AND in Reality), now, well…..DEAD! Or ALMOST All. There WERE Survivors….tho EXTREMELY Scarce, “here and there”. Aho?
The sky was red with Fire Burn, as well as smoky / “dusky”. As far as I could see.
There below was an old style church building (I had always seen this there as well….Small / White / Steeple). It was no longer so. Now it was smudged with smoke and “Close Call” burnt wood. Very “forlorn”….but STILL “In Service”. USABLE.
NOT destroyed, but sure had seen a lot of “near calls”. Aho?
Before, all those had been GREEN tress…..MILES AND MILES of them, Leaning toward the church building. Windows and double doors open. THE TREES REPRESENTED HUMAN BEINGS. What was being told, inside, for all to hear, was the speaker: telling / teaching / sharing The PURE Word Of GodCreator. The Speaker was myself.
I was doing the same in all this devastation…there in the now nearly defunct wilderness.
Those who survived were slowly making their way, again, to the open windows BUT SHUT (tho UNLOCKED) doors. Smoke curling around it, from it….DEAD WOOD Smell all about. Again, air FILLED with Passed Over, now dead , trees. Still smoldering. Aho?
BUT….not ONLY where there Survivors (some UNTOUCHED but MOST “Injured”)…BUT there was ALSO….LIFE! TINY SEEDLINGS….growing in this devastated “mess”. NEW LIFE! Nurtured by their “parents” “deadness”. THOSE DEAD, creating the NUTRIENTS NEEDED FOR NEW LIFE….NEW “Reforestation”. LIFE GOES ON! NEW Life! A NEW START!
Even these tiny trees where learning towards the scruffy old church….LISTENINGÂ Â AÂ NÂ DÂ Â SPROUTING / GROWING…..QUICKLY!
The older survivors, that were hurt, where BEING HEALED! Standing TALL! WELL!
The vision showing over. Done.
I leave this for you to decide its meaning, AND if a TRUE “Future”.
I’m just a reporter, telling what was shown.  Re