Posts Tagged ‘Christ’

2 nights ago,  while watching TV, Big Brother showed up, wanting me to follow (go) with Him.  I Checked this Spirit, as I always do.  “A-OK”…so headed to the bed room for quiet time between us.  There He “took” me to the Prayer / Vision spot He has often taken me to.  This was originally a “Spirit” spot.  “Seen” a number of times.  ‘Til on one actual Vision Trip time, He led me to an off trail….at it’s end was THE SAME SPOT He had taken me to, so many times “in Spirit”.  THE REAL SPOT!
Here I was again, in Spirit, with Him.
Ordered to “look”, I did so.  The scene before/below me was now DEVASTATED!  Trees down…BLOWN Down, BURNED, some “sticks”, burnt, still standing.  MILES AND MILES OF FORESTS.  ALL I HAD OFTEN SEEN (in Spirit AND in Reality), now,  well…..DEAD!  Or ALMOST All.  There WERE Survivors….tho EXTREMELY Scarce, “here and there”.  Aho?
The sky was red with Fire Burn, as well as smoky / “dusky”.  As far as I could see.

There below was an old style church building (I had always seen this there as well….Small / White / Steeple).  It was no longer so.  Now it was smudged with smoke and “Close Call” burnt wood.  Very “forlorn”….but STILL “In Service”.  USABLE.

NOT destroyed, but sure had seen a lot of “near calls”.  Aho?

Before, all those had been GREEN tress…..MILES AND MILES of them, Leaning toward the church building.  Windows and double doors open.  THE TREES REPRESENTED HUMAN BEINGS.  What was being told, inside, for all to hear, was the speaker: telling / teaching / sharing The PURE Word Of GodCreator.  The Speaker was myself.
I was doing the same in all this devastation…there in the now nearly defunct wilderness.
Those who survived were slowly making their way, again, to the open windows BUT SHUT (tho UNLOCKED) doors.  Smoke curling around it, from it….DEAD WOOD Smell all about. Again, air FILLED with Passed Over, now dead , trees.  Still smoldering.  Aho?
BUT….not ONLY where there Survivors (some UNTOUCHED but MOST “Injured”)…BUT there was ALSO….LIFE!  TINY SEEDLINGS….growing in this devastated “mess”.  NEW LIFE!  Nurtured by their “parents” “deadness”.  THOSE DEAD, creating the NUTRIENTS NEEDED FOR NEW LIFE….NEW “Reforestation”.  LIFE GOES ON!  NEW Life!  A NEW START!

Even these tiny trees where learning towards the scruffy old church….LISTENING    A  N  D   SPROUTING / GROWING…..QUICKLY!

The older survivors, that were hurt, where BEING HEALED!  Standing TALL! WELL!


The vision showing over.  Done.

I leave this for you to decide its meaning, AND if a TRUE “Future”.

I’m just a reporter, telling what was shown.   Re


Life has years of packed on “luggage”.  Years of Accumulations.
Can get rather “heavy” to carry around.
Can get painful, Spiritually….lugging all that around, daily.

Big Brother (Jesus) can HELP.



To All :

Jesus…(“Big Brother”)




There is no more pleasurable feeling, than when GIVING.

red elk

(As I was posting this, the Christmas song ‘The Gift’, about the poor orphan girl who found an injured bird and took care of it then gave it as a gift to Jesus, came on the radio.  Thank you Dad, I needed that cry. – WS)

A brother emailed:

I was asking about how the silver cord/astral projection works versus
‘spirit travel’. I also asked how to get to the inner earth but I
wasn’t sure if you would tell me that or not.

Sorry.  Lost I guess.  DO recall!  That was a HUGE amount of money to / for us.  Will answer here so I KNOW you get, aho?

Astral Travel via Cord is a SELF-Willed travel.  ANYTHING of / in SELF is SELF…NOT “God”.

Spirit Travel is done either unknowingly (you’re asleep and Creator “takes over”) or ON GOD ORDER.  This way is thus PERFECT.  Self is NOT involved.  Aho?

In this last there IS NO CORD.  You are FULLY Invisible to those you see.  NO ONE CAN FOLLOW OR ATTACK YOU.

You’d be amazed at how many CORD doers are “out there”.  SOME WITH VERY EVIL INTENT!

A number of CORD Doers thus actually become POSSESSED by one following your cord or by simply following you as you return.  JUMPING INTO YOU BEFORE YOU FULLY RETURN.
Then, too, an evil doer can (and DO do) “cut” your cord…..YOU are then LOST “In Space”.  NEVER able to return to your fullness.  Literally NOT ALL THERE! Part of you floating around, “lost”….till Day of Judgment (soon – 2,000 years after this coming Earth Flip).

As a Medicine Man occasionally I’m ORDERED to trace a corded evil doer.  I’m SENT to the doer…then follow that one’s cord to its OTHER end…IE: the SPIRIT the doer has sent out.
The doer can NOT see me…as my spirit is in Creator’s Righteousness…but I can easily see them.  Aho?

Once located I sing a special WARRIOR / HUNTER song….this startles the Spirit of the sender and it starts to run…not knowing where the Hunter is at.  I “herd” that spirit…farther and farther from its source….STRETCHING THEIR CORD.  (The cord won’t break on its own).  Once VERY thin, I call for the “crew”.  ANGELS.  2 to 3 will show up AND CUT THE CORD of the evildoer. This has the same effect as you stretching a rubber band or Bungee Cord. LITERALLY Snapping the cut ends into two directions.  One end to the Spirit of the sender….the other to the sender.  “SNAPPING” BOTH and STUNNING Both.
In the “bad” Spirit this allows a stunned state…then the Angel Helpers take it away, PERMANENTLY.

I once asked “where are you taking it?”  The reply :  “We have a place for them.”  (Left it at that)

Now, when cut the SENDER’S End snaps back too.  STUNNING THE PERSON.  He / She wakes up STUNNED, and STAYS STUNNED.  (Part of him / her NO LONGER WITH Him / Her.  They then go through life in a very weakened SPIRITUAL state.  NEVER AGAIN to be “Strong”.  Their “abilities” never able to be again.
At best, a STRONG Sorceror is like a VERY new STUDENT of Wickedness.   A “wiccan” in limited doing.

An apprentice wiccan who can only do the common ways, and very easily handled.  Aho?

ALL “New Age” IS A DIVERSION FROM “L” to get you “High”, but “OFF THE MARK”!

Same too with drugs / etc.

CAN they get their Spirit back?  I suppose so.  Godliness CHANGE might do it…but the WICKEDNESS “Want” would no doubt be a missed “want”.  Chances are they WOULD return to the way they were.  Their former power overriding GODLINESS “change”.   EGO (self) is a hard force to overcome.

“Dad” “KNOWS THE HEART”.  The DEEP DEEP…and thus would NOT allow a Spirit Return UNLESS HE KNOWS YOU WILL NOT RETURN to the former ways.

I know of none who has been given back their Spirit, but still, IS possible. Aho?

As for your Caves Etc. question.  I’ve told you I would NOT give out these places. I meant it.
NO amount of $$ will get that info from me….EVER.

That knowledge IS ATTAINABLE to ALL…all that GET FULLY IN TUNE with “HIM”.

So, if you’re to know…ask HIM.   Aho?

Many of these places can GET YOU KILLED…or CAPTURED.

NOTHING to “play with”….so you’d have to be FULLY in HIM!  Aho?

Again, get THAT information from HIM.  I will NOT TELL.  Aho?

Ok, all herein answered.  Sorry the Snailed answer never arrived.  As told, once sent my mail/orders are completely out of my hands.  BLAME THE P.O. Machines / THIEVES.

GB    re

WE are at War, NOT with others…but with OURSELVES!

ReFUSING to heed “His” :  “Get RIGHT….GET RIGHT!!!”

Small things ‘telling’ at first…still you would not ‘hear’.

Bigger next…and mankind saw it only as ANOTHER’S “Problem”, “doesn’t affect ME”.

So Bigger and BIGGER!

“He warned…at first as a ‘whisper’…then more ‘audible’…NOW “He” SCREAMS!

NOW you start to ‘Hear” … but STILL DON’T “Get IT!”

Hang onto your hats, kids…WE’RE “IN FOR IT”!   re


There are TWO (2) reasons that brings illnesses to its final destination….Crippled or Death.

ONE is that “Dad” is using this to tell you “YOU NEED TO GET ‘RIGHT’ WITH ME.”

The other :  FEAR!

WHITE DOCTORS unknowingly Use FEAR to feed their “coffers”.


Combine That with RIGHTSTANDING (in Creator)…..and you’ll become FANTASTIC!

A “LIGHT” in “the DARKNESS”.



I’ve been  ‘at this’ (Medicine Man Ways) for a very long time.  Seen sicknesses ‘left to right’.  We have our ways.  Aho?

As an Inner Heyoka, as told, our Society seek PERMANENT healing.  Big Brother’s “way”.  Aho?  Ho!

Meanwhile, there ARE ways to Slow or Stop problems.

Cancer being one.


You make smell like a pizza, but you’ll be an EATING ONE!

Garlic (we used WILD Garlic….so yes, we had garlic)….Use store bought now.

KNOW that “Elephant” garlic is an ONION.  WON’T work.

A GARLIC DISH “wash” gets it to the hard to get areas.  Do (each time) ‘til you “run” clearly.

I’ve found a HOT BATH SOAK, then IMMEDIATELY rub Garlic “cream” on BOTTOM OF FEET (pores are then open greatly) gets the vapors slowly moving upwards and inwards, sure a GOOD WAY to get it into you.

I’d even soak cotton or wool socks in the juices and wear (right after soak / rub in) “doing” keeps this vapor going.

It’s an Amazing Herb.

I’m waiting for the “white doctors” to find out its many curing ways.

Breast Cancer?  RUB GARLIC “CREAM” ON, vigorously.

Still, this way is still a STOP GAP!   Either will return in Another Spot OR ANOTHER TYPE OF PROBLEM.



Adam out now from his Vision Quest.  Looked like a dirty, unshaved, “beat” HOBO emerging from the forest.  (  :

Did he get his Vision?  He thinks not.  I disagree.  He just doesn’t understand yet.

I’ll ask him to write of his time out there alone (if he’s willing).  CAME OUT “CHANGED”.

Better understanding of the Great SIMILARITIES between “white” religion and that of the NA.  Now able to BRIDGE…and “walk in 2 shoes”.

Far more understanding the “Way of Purity”.

I had food with me (he hadn’t eaten in 6 full days).  Wasn’t the “PERFECT” meal….(wife keeps buying only Low Fat meats….falls apart.  grrrrr).

Knowing it wouldn’t matter (He’d eat fried…and LOVE IT!).  (  :

Now in shower and getting shaved.

He’ll leave tomorrow.


Big Brother “went to the wilderness OFTEN”……PRIVATE Undisturbed  One-On-One with the Great Creator.

You’d be surprised how MUCH these times help you to “CENTER” yourself with HIM.

The NA KNEW THIS….the “whites” have forgotten.


Aho?    re


John, one of the three ‘trippers’:

That’s awesome. yes, please get me one if you are able. I stopped at the custom knife place on the way back home and the guy there thought they were out of business and unable to get them anymore. Thank you
Also, i will be talking to Sue chickadee tonight. 🙂 I know she’ll be very happy to hear from you. Shared the story and your email with mom…this whole thing brought a tear to her eye. She’s strong but you can’t help but be moved by everything that’s happening. I’m trying to find a good way to put into words the Go(o)d experience that collectively is growing in us. It seems to me that for myself and others this was more than just a step forward. It’s feels more like momentum!