I’ve been called a Lot of things (as you can imagine) but that’s a new on me! ( :
Here I am, TRYING to UN-parable the Bible…TRYING to Explain the SIMPLICITY of it, and find I’m “as ‘bad’ as it.
Back to the drawing board……………….  sigh
67 huh?  gee, I’m In LOVE!  ( :
I’m so THANKFUL for being Born as I have: a Half Breed. Knowing the understanding of both White and Native American “religions”. Without THAT, “I” couldnt help ANY to grow. Aho?
Our ‘Big Brother” traveled for YEARS learning AROUND  the WORLD learning what the “keepers” (of sacred knowledge)       people still retained. Then applied it into His “Doings”.  Over All; BRINGING BACK the ‘Days’ of Adam and Eve.
Going back (in time) I’ve been privy to watch some of these travels (Taught Sky and he’s quite good at it….”Its FUN!”). Useing this same method I and once Sky and I together) have traced / seen Murders / Lost animals / and yes : hidden Treasures. Gone back and watched how to DO ancient ceremonies and teach the indians how to DUPLACATE to reactivate for them today.Â
All kinds of ‘stuff’. Aho?
Much more as well. Praise The Lord!
Was and IS:Â the FIRST BORN!
I’ve come to the Same conclusion(s) He did:
There IS a REAL ‘GOD’
A CREATOR….a “FATHER” (Creator) of Absolutely EVERYTHINGÂ (but the GREAT VOID…His “Mother n Father of HIS “starting point”.
The ALL MAnkiND..on THIS Earth AND All OTHERS…even the Plants / etc. are of HIS Creation and are HIS “DREAMING”
That He LOVES to “IMAGINE/CREATE” and “Fine Tune” to PERFECTÂ (often destroying and starting over to Better the original idea…like our up coming Armageddon and Earth Flip)
He sees NO “death” in these things because its all a “To Real” making
That there IS no Death…just IMPROVEMENT !
He’s like a KID in many ways….Having a BALL…”Building”. Aho? !!!
All this and THOUSANDS of other things I learned what HE Learned…and EXAMPLED. Saying, “YOU TOO CAN DO AS I,,,FOLLOW me (His learning).
He (Big Brother) ABSOLUTE (speed the way i Want IT!) ALSO learned…was the FIRST to UNDERSTAND  WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT! And SHOWED it! (“Follow Me). That THAT KNOWLEDGE SAVES!   No “him” (per say) but The KNOWLEDGE!  Saves you from CONTROL….FROM DOMINATION…From SLAVERY! He InDEED (the way I WANT to spell it!) THE FIRST BORN”!
He Also learned ; WE PEOPLE ARE OUR WORSE ENEMY.   WE “block” all the “MIRACLES”. With this ONE WORD (and ALL RELATED To it ) ;   Â
God is DEAD’
Etc, Etc. are GETTING YOU  UNDER THEIR “Dumbness / FEAR. THEIR Fear there IS’ , but AFRAID To FACE IT.! Afraid THEY will “go to hell”.
                                                                  AND MANY ACCEPT THEIR “TEACHING LIES”!
What they ARE saying (“For ALL K N O W) There IS BUT ONE GOD”): “I’m AFRAID. I don’t WANT to “Go To HELL”…I WILL BE LONELY THERE…so JOIN  ME! believe as “Me. “MY” ” ‘Hi Tech”> has allowed ALL to FLY (airplanes) / Etc. Etc.. LETS “GO” TOGETHER!Â
                                                                                        Because I’m AFRAID
OK, I’m a “nut”. a “Joke”. A Liar.
I’m a TRUE Follower of He who FOUND the Full TRUTH.
At least FOR ME I’ve found it.Â
What I’ve found…I share. At least I TRY to share. AS DID JESUS.
HE said : “If you’ve seen ME, you’ve SEEN the FATHER” (CreatorGod ) (whose name is LOVE. PURE love).
I ask all to think as they want. Believe as YOU want. I don’t seek “followers” of ME. I’M NOT HIM! I too am just an APPRENTICE.
Do as YOU choose. I’m just Sharing.
                                                                     ITS ALL!…….   UP TO :     Â
                                                                                   YOU !                      Â