I have No Guides
I don’t have any guides. I have a guideline and it is the Holy Word. re
I don’t have any guides. I have a guideline and it is the Holy Word. re
Yes, mans “reality” IS A SELF INDUCED False “thought”. DREAMS are the REAL Reality to the common man. That’s about the closest they come to the TRUR Reality. Almost no one realizes it tho. I walk “split”…Knowing both. HAVE to live in theirs as I was born into theirs. But I have STRETCHED OUT what I was Born With. EXPANDED into the “World Of Spirit”…the FULL / COMPLETE and TRUE Reality. Walking both worlds despite being “trapped” in that of Mans. It is THIS “Split” I think that is “worrying” me. Here our world goes…into a MATRIX CHANGE SHIFT! A collapse of the BILLIONS’ “Reality” into something NEW. I’m at the wave top…SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF seeing the UPCOMING SHORE…and being on top means FORESEEING THE CRASH Of The WAVE on its rocky shores. See the wave as a solid mass, of PEOPLE, the Crest, formed (the few who see ahead). We, the SEERS…Eyes SEEING the “ahead”, KNOWING WE A L L ARE HEADING FOR A BONE JARING TREMENDOUS CRASH, in seeing, SCREAMING FEAR! “Go BACK! Go BACK! CALM DOWN! FLOW, Don’t RISE INMASS….FLOW for gosh sake, SLOW DOWN and FLOW! We have NO NEED to be TORN APART! We can GENTLY enter the CHANGE!”
Mankind is about to change, like it or not. We will do so in HEART RIPPING, FEARFUL, SMASH….or do so EVENLY with LESS “PAIN”. But The CHANGE is RIGHT BEFORE US! NOW!!! UGH re
Now it time to SERIOUSLY get “to it”….GROW IN HIM!
The “shaking of the sleeping child” is over.
They are either now up….or will miss the “School Bus”, completely.
I “foresee” a mass Rush for clothing and School Needs about to be. A dashing out to “catch the bus”.
Wrinkled clothing, no morning breakfast, near panic SCRAMBLING….just to catch that Now Leaving “bus”.
Well, better NEAR Late then late. I have done my job.
Now just to hold the door open, yelling “HURRY! HURRY!” as the children
pound down the stairs yelling “WAIT! WAIT! to the bus. Many wont make
it. They will be left standing at the curb. Missing the millenniums “Finals”.
It is sad, BUT true. ugh!
Aho? HO! Red Elk
Those things (tellings on aliens, spirit world, etc. – DW) were only meant to show the TRUE Reality of the Creators Vast domain. That THAT is filled with mysteries and “unseeable” things.
Frankly, it was / is to help lead people back to thinking on Him.
Hopefully leading them back to connection once again.
Sadly, almost to a “man” its contents HAVE “opened” …. their FEARS!
HUNDREDS of “Where should I go (move to), to be SAFE” letters have come
to me. ALL MISSING THE POINT of their “Awakening”: GO TO GOD! That it
is Only in His “wings” one is “safe”. ASK HIM…not ME, I reply. A few
have listened. UNDER 50! Of those, perhaps 14 are LEARNING, as well.
A minute amount considering I’ve reached out to over 26,000,000 ! “Dad”
making that possible. 5 times I’ve told to that amount at one time.
Each replayed yr.ly as well. Then too, other interviews via TV / AM
Radio / DVD / Internet radio / Magazines, as well as personal teaching to groups.
I / we have lost “friends” but gained TRUE Friends in all this. Sure
trimmed off the excess “fat”.
Through it we to have seen mankind at its worse…and BEST. By far,
worse. But, OH! The BEST! WOW! True revolving hi-resolution SPOT
LIGHTS cutting threw this Dark, Sinful, world. Yes indeed : WOW!
These are posts made from his email list, which predates the blog…so they’re new to the blog as well. If you’re wondering why the dome building posts begin when the main structure is already up, I no longer have the posts for the start of the original project, but I believe you can find posts about the beginning at Ghost32’s blog.  Terrible, cheesy titles are all me, tho! 😀
Even if you think you’ve read them already…some you haven’t, some you might have, and some are good to refresh your memory of. I certainly picked up on things I forgot while re-editing them.
The Dome Report: The Dollar Count
If All Is Your Mind Creation…Why Is Your Nagual Smacking You With It?
What Are YOUR ‘Bare Necessities?’
Believe Not a Word I Say…CHECK! CHECK! CHECK!
The Dome Report: Many Mighty Minis
REALLY Looking at NATURE: The Eyes of the Ancients
Time to SHOW – Or Prove Your Unbelief
The Difference Between GOD’S Church and MAN’S Church
Are You Sharing the ‘Gift’ of Fear? Or the Gift of Courage?
Mitakuye Oyasin and the Tower [Part 1]Â [Part 2]
The Dome Report: Another Small House Way
The Dome Report: ‘Scaping Your Land
Kelp-ol of the Bells (yes, I couldn’t resist a bad pun! BAD pun!)
To Know the Future, Learn the Past
Parable of the Little Fat Chick
On Totems and Angels and ‘In Sanity’
Comments have been disabled for 2 reasons – the length of time between their writing and now, and the fact that well, you know, we aren’t Red Elk and thus can not really answer for him.
More to come!
October 1, 2014
I asked grandfather “What is the root thought behind the creation of dimensions? What are the mechanics that govern it?”
To paraphrase, he said that the only mechanics that govern dimensions, or anything, is that thoughts are real. Really these things are quite easy. It’s difficult for people to accept that these things are so simple.
To really understand a specific thing about dimensions, or anything, you contemplate. Contemplate on the part that you like or would like to learn about. You then look deeply at that thought and expand it.
The bible says to have the mind of a child. How can you have the mind of a child when you’re trying to emphasize simplicity into adult stupidity? This contemplation should be done with the mind of a child. To expand your thought you simply follow your thoughts as they come. This is done freely as a child would do without over-complicating or over-analyzing the thought. Be a kid!
Grandfather red elk’s words
Hi to you...and all; Been just over a full week of 'purity' work. Not one single ding not done in that realm. Just about unbelievable. Purity seems to be catching on. Serious 'workers' WANTing to share / grow / teach and protect each other from the enemy. Two sets of husbands and wives....single men.....some only one of married to. Phone / e mails / drop ins. Canada and USA. Each 'watching' out for each other....each checking their own work as well as that of the others, making sure, via concordance, the tellings are God correct. No, I'm not in charge, I'm just one of the group and am checked on as well. Aho?!!! ( : I prefer it that way. GOD , not man, in charge. The way it was done when the Jews had it when they followed HIM. HO! AS for ME/ HEALTH; I'm still 'as is'. This is helping others see one need not be discouraged with ones 'life'.. that one is / can still be effective in with HIM despite the personal 'problems'. It's working too! ( : Praise the Lord! ALL in this small group, see the need of personal and WORLD need, each wanting to be a part in actually changing it. Sharing via personal life it CAN be changed. im praying this both works out...n Works. Aho? Now it's a 'wait and see' time. Aho? God Bless, re
Well, more lessons...on PURITY; L O V E. AGAPE love. This is loving even your worse enemy. Can you? BIG BROTHER DID. "FOLLOW ME" He said, "IF YOU CAN...THIS SIMPLE MOTION CAN CHANGE EVEN THE WORSE OF AN ENEMY. No GUARANTEE but TRY ANYWAY. You'll become like HIM if you persist. My wife and I have SEEN the reaction this LOVENESS does on some real pains in the ass. DRASTIC PERSONALITY CHANGES. ON SOME YOU COULD not EVER EXPECTING IT TO BE. LONG LASTING CHANGES! OK, THAT'S JUST one OF THE THINGS Purity DOES. LAST WEEK I TAUGHT A 'BROTHER' TO TALK WITH ANIMALS. With...NOT too. So what's the big deal? HE FEELS CALLED TO BECOME AN A N I M A L CHIROPRACTIC....to help THEM! What can benefit in THIS? Well, it CAN help BRING BACK THE ONENESS mankind once HAD with animal, ie; "HEAVEN ON EARTH" see, not ridiculous at all. A WONDERFUL CALLING! Now see THIS; there are THOUSANDS of mentally IMPAIRED. One to SHY to talk with HUMANS...but quit capable of LOVE TALKING to things NON RESPONSIVE to the 'normal human types. Giving THEM the special PRIDE they deserve. NO LONGER 'PERSECUTED' / LAUGHED AT. DO YOU SEE WHERE I'M GOING...purity = agape LOVE. It reaches out into MANY AREAS. AN THIS is just ONE 'LOVE' THING. OUR CREATOR GIVES many WAYS TO love. WHY MUST we DECIDE THE only WAY! ??? Now, start SHOWING Real LOVE. Don't laugh at others 'dreams'...if it hurts no one...BACK THE 'GIVER'. AHO? God Bless RE
WS / H , a goof on my part….right off the bat. PLEASE INSERT  B4  The “then the Coming Down of the Saints.”…..make that THEN the LIVING will rise (“assention”)  (THEN: the  saints part). Thank you.    re
“And the Dead Shall Rise First”
(2 Meanings?)
This morning held more then one thing to contemplate on. One being the title of this sharing.
Have you ever given great thought to this passage?
If, as most, it means to you that those laying in their “sleep” will rise and go “up”. “First”? Yes. THEN the LIVING will rise (“ascensionâ€), THEN a DESCENDING of the masses of Godly AFTER that. Correct?
Yes…correct…….BUT:Â This morning brought on even MORE thought on this.
You’ll need to understand what the DNA is all about. It is THE SOUL of ALL YOUR ANCESTORS…..passed down into YOU. YOUR “Genes”. Your CHILDREN have ALL the ancestors ….now INCLUDING YOURS !
The DNA is MEMORIES of ALL these ancestors. “Soul” passed on to each newborn. DNA is the “TREAD LINE” of mankind from the First Two to US. ALL THOSE MEMORIES ARE WITHIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US now living.
Now, with this in mind: YOUR “Soul Line Thread” ” is NOW BEING ACTIVATED! The DEAD ARE  “Rising” WITH-IN YOU!
Bringing on your STIRRING that ALL are NOW having!
Some run from this. “Partying” / Sex / Booze / Drugs / Etc.
WE ARE BEING “Stirred”…..like Chili Beans boiling in a pot!
Discarding those “beans” that are “bad”. Seeking only the GOOD to feast on.
MANY have an NA in their DNA blood line….(yet, in truth, ALL have…for we ALL starting from The FIRST two).
Those with an ancestor of recent Native American (blood) have a “jump”, though, than others who have only the thoughts of “white”.
Again, those with “recent” NA, have a “jump”. As they have the STILL Strongly held CLOSER memories . Aho?
OK, I see, through my knowledge ;Â The DEAD Â (who shall rise FIRST)Â Â Â AÂ RÂ Â EÂ Â Â RISING……..RIGHT Â NÂ OÂ WÂ !!!
It is TIME.
Accept or reject, I just share.