Posts Tagged ‘health’

My comment on the use of a Circle for sleep / meditation has caused 3 returns.  All 3 wanting to try it but an impossibility in their bedrooms.  This IS a problem.

Ever consider WHY so many NA make a “circled” abode (others, world wide, too)?


Our Great Turtle (Mother Earth) and all planets CIRCLE the sun.

It STARTS there.

Many Nature Beings build on that ‘line’.  Birds / Squirrels / Beavers….even schools of many fish swim in vast circling ways.  Many Herds stand against their enemies in a  circle.

We NA observed this and paid attention.

You are not aware that the Pyramids were CIRCLE Set.  Their 4 corners TOUCHED the EDGE of A CIRCLE!

TiPis / Domes / Hogans are Circle “based”.

Why has the “civilized” world gone Square?!


Circles allow Earth’s wind flows to be less disrupted.  Not so SQUARES!  Squares FIGHT the wind. “STAND AGAINST them….and get KNOCKED DOWN!”  NATURE FIGHTS BACK, in a sense.

To me, square buildings are an offense…AND an ARROGANCE, toward the Creator.  “He” set the circle way up…and MAN STANDS AGAINST “Him”!

If you will note,  The NA Nations that “lived Square” were often the more WAR-LIKE.

Lots to consider, that most never EVEN THINK OF.

Some NA built along the line of a COCKROACH body shape.  Rather low…Round ends, Sloped Walls.

Science says the cockroach has not changed its shape in “ages”…AND say THEY will be the Survivors of nuclear holocausts, as well.

Yes, LOTS to consider.

OK, Can’t “circle” your bed?   THEN CIRCLE YOUR HOUSE!  Even if a COCKROACH “Circle”.  Use PLANTS to “draw your circle”.  Re-design your LANDSCAPE to protect / energize the WHOLE HOUSE!

Then, your Square is IN a CIRCLE!

Just as are the pyramids.       re



In my years in ‘Medicine’ Healing. I have found there are two “Dis-Eases” that start out as simple Trickery.  “Cons” if you please:   ALZHEIMER’S and BI-POLAR.
BOTH ‘brought on’, to GET THEIR WAY!
In these, they escalate…and become a True sickness.
Thanks to “knowledgeable” Doctors/etc., they have now been ACCEPTED as Viable health problems.  THIS IS “GOOD”, For the DOCTORS / PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES / AND THE PATIENT!
Both are a SELF-ORIENTED  C  O  N.  A SCAM!  To loved ones and those around them.
BOTH can be “cured” by a GOOD Psychiatrist…..unfortunately, there ARE no GOOD Psychiatrists!!  At least not in/for THESE 2 areas.
I have “cured” 3 Alzheimer people.  NONE of the Bi-Polar.  The last do not WANT TO BE HEALED!
Even I can’t go across a persons will.
KNOW: SOME Bi-Polar are Demon caused.  NOT MOST THOUGH.
KNOW TOO:  there ARE people with TRUE Disorders.  BORN WITH things.  NOT ALL THOUGH.

There is another “problem” as well….NOT Self-Caused (in general).  This more a problem with the INDIVIDUAL then with the general public…..HOMOSEXUALITY.
Again, curable….IF they desire.
Today its ACCEPTED….and thus CAN ESCALATE through Accepting.
I do not get upset over gays…but DO get upset that THE CAUSE is UNKNOWN by our Church / Bible LEADERS.  WHY?  Because it’s REASON…..IS IN THE SCRIPTURES!


Time to Eat!

Our State (Washington) struggles with the need for money…our taxes go up and up.  From Property to Food to Drinks to Cigarettes…even Doctors soon to be forced to charge Taxes.   OK, we are all caught in this…while OUR income remains ‘stable’.  No raises to US, just more out FROM us.  Aho?

This means cutting costs to MEET costs.  Aho?

There ARE ways to “do well”, despite the taxes.

One of the Easiest is on FOOD.  “Grazing”.  IE: how to supplement your food needs by using Greens FOUND IN NATURE.

I’ve had a few visitors in the last few weeks…and introduced them to WILD CUCUMBERS.  This, the lower INSIDE of CAT-TAILS.  The HEART smells AND TASTES just like Cucumber!


Better know though, as the “tails” grow, the hearts become “woody”…no good.


To my wife and I, Cattails are the BEST PLANT for MANY things.  Food to Clothing Insulation, to Building, to Spear or Arrow…and perhaps a half dozen other things.

Many States have these…and MOST folks have No IDEA they are driving by God’s GARDEN, daily.

Dandelions…a weed to YOU maybe, but FOOD and Wine to US.

Carp and Suckers…”Trash fish”…here we can catch AS MANY AS WE CAN…and NO FISHING LICENSE NEEDED…Year ROUND!  “Trash?”

Not if you know how to fix ’em!  DANG, they’re delicious!

Most toss out Potato Peelings.  Why?  WASH and De-Eye before peeling and dip in oil and salt them…then into the oven to make a mass of Nutritious POTATO CHIPS!

Asparagus “hard end” cut offs: BOIL INTO A SOUP!

I’m telling you this to help you become aware of your lack of knowledge.  A lack that keeps you “cutting back”…and eventually DESPERATE.

Can sure wear a soul down.

You may say “GOD! WHY!!!”

And He quietly says  “Look out your window.  All there for you.  Why do you WEEP?”

“He” has provided…even books in Library AND on Internet SEARCH….AND given you your Brain to use.  WHY DON’T YOU START USING IT?



THIS in an Opportunity to LEARN!



It has been my observation of many years standing, that my Christian “clan” has a big fault.
Tho they claim “I believe the Word of God”….they prove otherwise.

Allow me to explain please:  say one gets bit by a rattlesnake for instance.  Almost to a person, that one would do all possible to get to a doctor (You?).  Yet He says “the viper’s poison will not effect you” (paraphrased). See?  They “believe” ’til He PUTS YOUR “SAYING” to the TEST!

“Red Elk, easy to say but you’ve never experienced, so how CAN you say YOU WOULDN’T!”

Wrong, my friends.  HAVE.  And His Word held true.  Just made me itch.

“Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child”….today, that, to most, is a “telling” to not spank….Love ’em to Death, instead.

Is it?   OR its it a telling that WITHOUT a NEEDED spanking, the child will grow into a Spoiled ADULT?

Think carefully when you read His Word.  I’ve found nearly EVERYTHING within His Book has at LEAST TWO (2) “views.”  At LEAST!

One has MAN’S WAY and One has HIS WAY.  Aho?



Man’s “rule” keeps you “safe”…but IN Man’s idea(s).

HIS “rule”, on the other-hand, will ALWAYS go “against THEIR grain.”

We are to be a LIGHT….but most of we Christians’ “lit candles” are UNDER A BASKET!

“I’d rather ye be Hot or Cold, then LUKEWARM.”


Just a thought.

GB     re


Good Morning.  Want you to know that tho I’d get shots, I would NOT do so without a fight. I’d avoid these “orders” TOTALLY if at all possible.  Not AFRAID of ’em but PO’ed the Gov wants to run my/our lives!  I just Live here…to me I have “diplomatic immunity,” as I gave up my earth county for God’s Land long ago.  Adopted into that land, too.  Legal, as far as I’m concerned.
I don’t vote here, I pay their taxes,  but NOT OF ANY Man-Controlled country on Earth.  (I’d vote if MY Country’s Head were on the ballot, but “He” NEVER  is!)

(Hummm, wonder if one could fight ’em under this thing)………………..

To me, I’m an Emissary to Earth and a Diplomat to the USA.   AND I’M SERIOUS ABOUT THIS!

VERY serious.    GB    re


Been thinking…HARD…on making my “Wind Washer.”  Got a strong pole I can cement “set” 3-4 ft into the ground.  Put a “T” at pole top, Hook on each end of that…Heavy spring on that and rope on other end of spring (got ’em, but even a strong Bungee Cord would do).  Then to THAT an “A” Frame (angled apart at bottom).  That in turn to hook onto, say, a 30 gal. barrel PAINTED BLACK (heats water). This laying on side.  Wide-ish slot at upper part of barrel to load/unload. Perhaps 2 windcatching “paddles” towards top of “A” rope.
Spring = BOUNCE.  Paddles = Wind SPIN/TWIST and UNtwist.  So this “Bobs and Waves” about.  One on each end of crosspole.
A drain in bottom end…that drains into a Straw and Sand “filter” (to trap soap in water).  From the filter to garden, etc.  Let the WIND do the washing.
YOU get the general idea.
I’d consider DOG Toy Balls with “Bumps” on ’em.  Toss those in with washing, to help agitate.  Aho?  Hummmmm  GB   re


(Note from WS in 2016 – the link is OLD information.  We all know now how things are working, but I thought RE’s answer was important to restore to the blog.)

A brother sent:
Articles like this one make me think that it might be time for me to rapidly come up with a master plan for leaving the country:

Red Elk answered:
Read it…but is this actually TRUE?  Or is it “antsy” folks putting out Fear/Hate tactics?  We WON’T KNOW FOR SURE ’til it “IS.”
I’ve foreseen LONG ago things like this, yet must “wait and see.”
It IS inevitable tho.  Eventually.  ALL added into the time of the Anti-Christ “savior.”

Brother, I’ll take ANY shots “required” BECAUSE I KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM USELESS WITHIN MY BODY.  I DO, BUT HOW MANY others do?

Remember Scriptures telling His Believers (TRUE ones, not the Half A– ones) can take POISON and NOT BE AFFECTED BY THEM?

Well, you either accept HIM (Word) on this Or…………………..

There are ACTUAL Known CHRISTIANS who have PROVEN this to be a Fact!  I myself being one.  Ciggs!  DRINKING POOPY WATER!   Guess its TIME to SHOW…or prove to yourself your UNBELIEF.  One thing for SURE, We TRUE Ones FULLY BELIEVE what is SAID.  No “if, whens,  or buts”….

WE WILL BE HEAVILY TESTED as That “day” approaches.  HEAVY!

Time to Clean Up our “ACTS.”  And MOST   A R E   “ACTS.”   Aho?   GB   re


Gettin’ the Chill Out

Report:    Water Pressure Release Valve replaced.  Despite 17°F, no FREEZE!  We have water again.  PRAISE THE LORD!  Found & Fixed another leak as well.   MinI Dome: took out inner pipe spark arrester and put on outside on top of exit hole.  2 now there.  Built a BIG fire, as usual; some smoke at first but have cut an exit hole (very small) at apex of main room.  Didn’t take long and smoke cleared (wasn’t much), and ‘draw’ took effect.  WORKING FINE now.  Still….???  That top hole will be about an 8 inch circle when fully done…”coning” to about 4 inches on top.  Using a tomato stand (aka cage – WS)enclosed in vinyl tarp…fastened to the net.  Sure hope all this will do the job, finally.  Been a hassle.
BIG uncovered rear “window” hole in back that yet has to be finished….so fire only able to raise enough heat to take off the inside chill ’til then.

Think that’s all I’ll do on the dome 2day….gotta prepare under the house (insulate pipes, etc.) during the next few days.  Far more important than the dome at this time.  Aho?

ALOT better today then 2-3 days ago.  A REAL “downer” then.  EVERYTHING went wrong.  U  G  H !!!        PTL    GB   re
