Category : e-mail

Been SLOWLY buying ZIP TIES.  A bag ,to 3, at a time.  This to use in building yet another li’l dome here.  Faster and can be adjusted as the willows shrink.  Been using strong string.  Sky’s dome has HUNDREDS of String Ties…..all now becoming loose (due to willow shrinkage).  Most should now be redone…but won’t.

My next (or NEXT AFTER next) will be a bit more expensive…using almost All framing and horizontals of PVC piping. Been buying THOSE at HABITAT FOR HUMANITY store.  Alot cheaper and supports the homeless / etc. at the same time.  Won’t need many as this one will be more a 2-Sleeper ONLY.  No cooking / heat / etc., just a fast permanent “tent” shelter….made to experiment and “catch” the Overflow of the other domes.  Small as it will be, it won’t surprise me to spend upwards of $200.00 to make this way.

Seems you are sending what I Email you to a small group of others you keep in contact with (the person he’s sending this email to is, that is. – WS).  One sent me a $40.00 donation today.  (I won’t tell who…so God gets the credit for using her.  A “Silent Christian”.  ALOT out there that ARE.  Some occasionally share with money…and ALL with what they CAN give : PRAYER Back Up.  Aho?

Well, this provided needed gas (now a half tank) and I got 3 more bags of those LOCK (“zip”) ties…adding to the few others I have.  EVEN BOUGHT A HOT DOG and PEPSI!

(I eat “on the run”…HOME is just a place to catch up on sleep…little time to even make a sandwich.  Either sleep (ALWAYS NEEDED)…or answering Emails or working on the Domes.  Run in to do dishes to help the wife, as I can.  Email “silent ones” help this keep going.  By “this” I mean ME…old “Loud Mouth”. The one unafraid to publically “Call In The Wilderness”.  Aho?  (How will people learn TRUTH if most stay silent?)  Aho?  Well, “Dad” saw one unafraid, and uses me to Tell AND SHOW.  Now OTHER “mouths” are “coming out”…PTL!



I would like you to know, it does Not make me feel good to “chew out”…nor to turn down those seeking advice.  It literally “turns my stomach”.

Over the years I’ve received THOUSANDS of Emails and Letters from folks “wanting”.

There are so MANY “out there”, Seeking.

When they stumble across one who understands and cares…and is open about it…they “jump right in”.

Try as I might, they keep “returning” again and AGAIN.

Suddenly I’m a GOOD FRIEND…and a “Pen Pal”.

Rarely giving in return.  My job is terribly “underpaid”….to say the least.

I am not writing this to “ask” or “hint”.  I am writing so you can understand the reasoning of WHY I do as I do (“jump” / Turn Downs / Etc.).

It is very upsetting to have constant “What about This / That” returns….people WANTING, but it seems not wanting enough to seek their answers from our Creator.  As often as I tell…”GO TO HIM and ask”, they totally ignore this telling.  Always seeking a SHORT CUT : ME!

Its one thing to deal / handle 4 or 5…or even 10.  Quite another to “do” with TENS OF THOUSANDS!

WS can verify SOME of the FLOOD of Emails I’ve received.  So too can my Post Master!  (Ever take home your daily mail in a NAVY SEA BAG!?!)

Frankly, I’m surprised I’m still Alive!  ANSWER EVERY SINGLE ONE!

Tho not all received the return.

MAIL HAS CONSTANTLY COME UP “Missing”!  Still does, too.

Believe me, I get some irate people from this.  (By the way, the POSTAL POLICE…a FEDERAL POLICE FORCE few know exists…has caught one of the thieves.  Now heading to “5 to 10” (YEARS in a Federal Prison)  THIS IS AN AUTOMATIC SENTENCE.  No “Buts” or “I’m sorries”…BAM! Off to judge and prison.

Over the years, I’ve “lost” ALOT of mail !  OUTgoing AND Incoming.

Friends, I CAN NOT “HANDLE” being a constant “Pen Pal”.

(In snail mail, most NEVER EVEN SEND A STAMP to return their answer(s)!)

The worse is those few EXCHANGE GIVERS who DO  give Some $$s / Etc  then expect  THAT   “Pays” for ALL help thereafter.  (‘Til the day I die,  I guess).

“GO to HIM,” I tell.     MOST DO NOT!

Well, maybe this will explain why I’ve been forced to do as I do.

Tell me, would YOU do DIFFERENTLY?

If so, “methinks you’re talking out of your” skivvies”!



That’s what I’m trying to Teach,   ANYWAY!

HE IS THERE FOR YOU, Just as HE’S there for ME!

DON’T try to take a “short cut”….I AM NOT HIM! Aho?

(Anymore, all I wanna do is crawl in a hole and SLEEP).   re

(Yes, yes I can vouch!  The first time I went down to help there were THREE LAWN BAGS COMPLETELY FULL of letters.  It took 3-4 FULL weekends to get it down to ONE bag, AND do the hundreds of emails!  He dictated, I typed.  Oh, there were a few that weren’t answered – because the person sending them forgot to include their name and address in some fashion.  No way TO answer!  — WS)

An Aussie brother wrote:

Thankyou so much for your reply!

I have left some further contact with Helen to  show you, once you have contact Red Elk again with her, and offer you a couple of photos of me and Mel, the beautiful woman I share my life with-given tobacco is quite difficult to send internationally, and some further understandings I have come to since I had a ‘moment’ this time last year. Thankyou for the ‘Awakwning Spirits’ recommendation…I took a lot more out of the message than I thought possible.- I heard discriptions of the brain and the way it should work! I have released my fear of the Sacred Silence… though I was in fear as of about six months ago when I laid down to meditate for the first time and ended up shaking like a jackhammer for about 10 minutes after – but my partner could not feel it in me..  woke me right up too!!! In my meditation I imagined holding an old ceramic water vase in my right hand and sort of scanning my body from above while on my back- I didn’t realize I was in meditation.. The closer I moved the vase up my body to my head the more vibrating it caused, until the pain I thought was a little much, and so I threw the bottle to the floor and ended up having words with my partner that she could not remember 10 minuted later- as I imagined it all.. Something now tells me to go for it, trust the god in me and Father all round, and to keep the attitude I have in seeking…

I have one main confusion in my work. I understand that we as a race are hear to evolve and accept the challenges that brings inner gold to ones soul and spirit by healing ones self through the mind and pure mind,  and through experiencing via reflections.Once this is achieved, then true healing for others and our Earth Mother comes into the picture. Where my confusion lies in where in ‘Awakening Spirits’ I am told not to heal myself as this is self serving. This came as a little shock but only before I could see what might be meant by the comment. does not the path of the Shaman start with the fixing and healing of ones own brain, and if this self healing continues for a time, is it the brain/mind that is not included in this self service, as a pure mind is only attained ‘purely’ by service to others? Is the work negated by willing brain connections that are not currently there… like willing the fusion of the 2 brain hemispheres, could this be what natural evolution could mean for our race?? all symbology I feel comes down to this either in the end or as the start of a new world. I have even heard you, Red Elk in your Armageddon Vision  express amazing representations of the many 3’s in man and also areas of the brain using geographical metaphors. It also resonates that all past civilizations are a new opportunity to change the pattern of the collective consciousness as the intellect can, but often fails due to the natural pressures that may not be known or at least not cared for… what a lovely crossroads we live in now!

I hope you have already felt the good wishes sent out to you and your close world family.

Red Elk replied:

That “crossroad” has ALWAYS BEEN.  Since BIRTH, each has the choice to grab it and hang on OR exploring the “man” (sin) world.  EXTREMELY RARE for ANY to stay with #1.  You didn’t…now “tripping” to get back to it.  Sure harder after “leaving”.  We of Medicine don’t have as much trouble…usually called to the work (and learning) at age 10 to 14.  Still not many years from birth. Still not easy tho…just easiER.  Aho?

This Breaking from old habits / ways to the Original way each are born with to go, SCARES ALOT OF “seekers” / Learners.  Some can’t take it and LEAVE the “way”.  Just shocks ‘em so badly. My ONLY APPRENTICE being one.  Levitated.  THAT’S ALL IT TOOK!  Left to home (Canada) the VERY NEXT DAY.
“Paying” for it now.  Warned him he would.  sigh

As for cigs…send $11.00 and I’ll foot the change and get ‘em here “In your name”.  Aho?  $11.23 A PACK here!  Postal rules changed a month ago.  Almost impossible to send via mail anymore.

Who is this first gal you mentioned?   re


What Does Fasting Mean?

See I missed a question from an E-mailer:   FASTING.

There are several types of fasting. Most think only the NO food for a few days.  Some: No Food…NO Water.    Both are a type.

There is Not eating a loved FOOD (one)…or missing A Meal…..All “for God”.  Each a “type.”

Ever think about the word Breakfast?  BREAK(ing) FASTING(ing).  Sleeping (no food / water) and then BREAKING your SLEEP-Fast(ing).

I know a number who fast on a regular bases…a Set Day…a number of Days, etc.

In this “way,” what had STARTED OUT as GOOD…becomes ROTE.  Like getting off to work 5 days a week.  ROUTINE.

Well, this “way” becomes “White Noise” (in most cases) to God.  What starts as a HEART thing to The Creator, ends up as a “duty.”

I don’t recommend it, Overall.

Fasting should be a “LED” thing.  Almost Spontaneous.  THAT    MEANS   SOMETHING TO HIM!

And yes, Fasting DOES help one “get close(r) to “Him” “.  Why?  YOU ARE TOTALLY DEVOTING YOUR TIME and COMFORT to “Him.”

What you are ACTUALLY doing is “Re-Setting”  YOUR “remember(ancing).”  “Forcing” yourself to REMEMBER(ing) ALL HE HAS DONE FOR YOU (Etc.)

It does YOU “GOOD”!  Gets YOU back in Godly Mind.

Its THAT that YOU ARE AFTER.  Learning to KEEP “In Tune” despite the days / weeks labor’s “life”.  Helping YOU to be “Hand in Hand” with HIM.   Aho?

Big Brother “went into the wilderness OFTEN”.  Fasting / Clearing His mind from the hectic hassles of His “followers” and all their needs “demands.”

I can tell you from personal experience…an “AWAY FROM IT ALL”  WILDERNESS  Fast/Prayer time SURE HELPS! All the more so for those who have many “seeking” and coming to YOU for help.

Just gets overwhelming at times. You just wanna turn around and WALK AWAY…”chucking” the Whole “work.”

In our “Medicine” Way this is called “Laying down your Feathers.”  WALKING AWAY FROM ONE’S “CALLING”.

Big Brother (Jesus) felt the same “Tiredness”;  “Father, how much LONGER must I be WITH them.”

“This one” knows how He felt!  ( :     re


A brother asked:

Greetings Red Elk

I hope that you and your family are well.

I have been doing much bible reading, and I have been talking to God both morning and night, hoping to strengthen that connection.

I was thinking about what you said about doing “miracles” and how it’s not really the knowing how to do it, but knowing that you can/are doing it.  Previously I had spent much time looking to find new techniques on how to do these things, but I have since understood, that it doesn’t really matter as long as you know and trust that it has been done.

I hope my thinking is on the right tracks?

I have a couple of questions to ask about fasting and baptism.  Does fasting improve our spiritual power and connection with God?  And should all people be baptised, just as Jesus was?


You’re on the right track on “talking to God”…BUT:  WHY just in morning and night?  WHY not ALL DURING YOUR DAY?   THOUGHT “talk.”

When I go to town I have a number of routes to take.  I get to the first “T” and say, “Which way, Pop?”  Then obey the “leadings”.  Often puts me seeing new things, doing new doings.  Saved a young gal from possible rape once. Parked truck on fire once.  “New” wind blew off building / etc.  Many times.  A toddler in middle of highway, wandering about once, loose cattle and rider trying to get ‘em (took the car and blocked ‘em) twice.  Often “signs” of coming events, rocks needed rolled from hill (needed to build) a number of times, Lost in fog…great horned owl led the way out once, 2 – 3 times an injured person “saved”, an old lady fallen unable to rise once (Been on distant farm yard “for hours”), Flat tire help a number of times….etc.  etc..  Just by asking “which way, Pop?”

Try it and see what He CAN lead you into.  Aho?

As for baptism (the word means SUBMERGED, NOT “Sprinkled”) it is a PERSONAL DECISION.  Means NOTHING otherwise.   re


Hello Red Elk

It was my pleasure to send you the donation, my only regret is that I could not currently afford to add an extra zero to the end of it!


There was a “sender”.  A dollar…sometimes 2.  “The WIDOW’S MITE”.  Worth more to US (Him / Me) then HUNDREDS!  THANK YOU AGAIN.  re

Hello Red Elk

I am really grateful that I found your blog, and consider it a true blessing.  I am really impressed with you mentioning the hobbit house in Wales, Simon dale and his family who created that has has now moved to an eco-village in Wales called Lammas.  There new place is similar to their hobbit house, just on a larger scale.  I am hoping to make something cheap and affordable when we move to an Eco-village in Portugal, but we are planning to  build a partially sub-merged earth bag (super adobe) dome, similar to what they build at cal earth.

May I ask you advise on whether it is ok to communicate with Father/God using such tools as I ching, Tarot etc?  I think that I have actually heard God’s voice about 13 years ago, sitting on a chair drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud male voice call my name, more of a shout really, but it was enough for me to jump out of my chair and run to the stairs expecting to see my dad waiting for me, but there was no one in the house!  I have always wondered if that was indeed the big man upstairs so to speak.

Blessings on your work, and I look forward to the book and further updates on the domes.  Talking about domes, how did you install the fires, and what did you do for a chimney?


P.S.  You are totally correct about the law of three, people don’t need more than three chances, in my experience, if you give people more than 3 chances then you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain!

Brother,  BEST TO YOU ON YOUR BUILDING!  Knew the Wales family were considering another spot.  Would like to keep up on their efforts…any idea of how to find out more?

I know nothing on I Ching…BUT ABSOLUTELY do NOTHING with TAROT!  NOT at ALL OF “DAD”!

Your ONLY “Safe” way is via the Bible.  NO RELIGION…and NOT as Messed With by man as it is.  That’s why I tell :  USE A CONCORDANCE when reading.  So MUCH “man” add-ons and Changing over the centuries…it, well….WHAT A MESS!  Still, with a CONCORDANCE, that “mess(ing)” can be TOTALLY OBLIVIATED.  Then, and ONLY then, will you find HIS PRECISE “Tellings”.  This what we 12 call PURE(ity). Aho?

I’d advise NO “shortcuts”.  Up to you tho…your “path”.  Aho?

WAS it “Dad” calling?  Doubtful.  IF IT HAPPENED 3 TIMES…an EXCELLENT chance it WAS / IS!  3 TIMES!  aho?

There are scriptures concerning just this!

You may be interested in looking up (on SEARCH)  Build a Survival Cabin on a Shoestring Budget.

This is a HUB Site put out by “Ghost”.  He has ALOT of Building with earth “bags”, as you are planning to do.   Things you will NOT find on other “How To” info.  His LEARNING and his MISTAKES as he does.  NO BS HERE!   Smart to check this out.  Save you some “hassles.”  Aho? (Its also in “Links” on the right of the blog – WS)

Hope this helps.  CreatorGod Bless….re

Also, you might find this interesting…

Will check as time permits.  Thanks.   Re

Hello Red Elk

I have just purchased the Strongs Concordance book, I am very very serious about learning.  I have also been reading the other book you suggested about the Masters in the far east.  You said on your website about talking to God, and that you should just ask and then shut up.  What I am really confused over is how does God communicate with us?  Is it verbal, via dreams or syncronistic events??

I have tried to find the answer in the bible, but I seem to be really really lost!

Do you still have those lessons that you were selling on your website a few years ago, I would be very interested in purchasing as much true information that will enable to learn the truth.

Thank you my friend.

ANY OF ALL 3!    Vision / Dream / TALK / “events”.   He ALWAYS ANSWERS!  ALWAYS!

Often NOT as you WANT.  At times NOT as FAST as you want!  Sometimes…”zilch”…meaning “YOU may Want It, but you say you “trust” me…and YOU DO NOT NEED THIS.  At least NOT at THIS time….Or even EVER.  NOW, DO you trust Me, or NOT!”?

Yes, I still sell 4 WRITTEN How-Tos.  Telepathy on demand.  Teleportation.  Levitation.  Health.  $22.00 per

Also “The Agenda”.  $33.00.

Missouri Teachings  … ALOT!

2 DVDs on my “Great Vision”.  $25.00 per  (postage rates went up 5 times since first out)….per.


Red Elk

Thanks for reminding me about ‘home work’, I am sitting here with my strongs concordance, didn’t realise just how big it would be!  I will be sending you another donation for all the help you have given me.  I really appreciate it!

Do you think that humans are capable of becoming immortal, if we follow God’s law to the letter?  I was reading about the 10 commandments, I have never heard you talk about them, should we follow them?  I follow a lot of them naturally, but some seem harder than ever to stick to in this modern age.

I am sorry to hear about your dog, at least he is happy in doggy heaven!  That has actually made me feel better, as we may have to put our dog to sleep, and the guilt over this may just about kills us all.

Thank you

God Bless!

The FULL Concordance IS Huge!  NOT so the TINY “Part” one some bibles contain.  NOT at ALL COMPLETE. Now you have the WHOLE ONE!  GOOD!

Yes on immortal.  BIBLE TELLS HOW.

10 Commandments:  “IF ANY DOES but ONE of these…THEY have Done ALL!”

ONLY CHRIST can set ANY free from ALL these 10 LAWS.  Do you SEE what He’s DONE FOR US!???


Miss all our pets…but KNOW THEY ALL ARE OK.  We’ll see each other again…and OFTEN.          GB   re

So if you have broken one of the commandments, you should ask God for forgiveness?

I am confused when you say that only in Christ can you be set free from?  We all should aspire to become a christ, but do we only become a Christ when we love God with all our heart and follow the ten commandments?

Serious head scratching here…

BOY do YOU NEED Learning!  ( :

YES…even if ANGRY (but don’t express it).  Remember…THOUGHTS are REAL!

Men see a “hot sweet thing” and imagine being in bed with them.  OH OH!   THOUGHTS ARE  REAL!


No one can   BE   CHRIST !  EVER!!!  We can, WITH HIS SUPPORT, be AS Him tho.  ChristLIKE.   Aho?


Better to understand what His death did…and what the Father did, by BRINGING HIM BACK TO LIFE.  Aho?    re


I get all KINDS of E-Mails…friends and unknowns alike.  ONLY 1 OR 2 are ALWAYS Positive….ALL others are full of FEARFUL INFORMATION.  From Government to Drinking Water to “DON’T EAT THIS” to…well, On and ON!

Know what?      I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!

These show me how FEARFUL senders are.  MANY claiming “I TRUST IN GOD!”


These are SO fearFUL its a wonder they can EXIST!


“Trust”?  DON’T TELL ME THAT Buffalo Crap!

If fearful of the WAY you might die…I can understand that!  But the actual Outcome?  To a TRUE BELIEVER…THAT shouldn’t enter their / your MIND!  EVER.

So, if you want to keep me interested in you…NEVER SEND ME YOUR FEAR CRAP!  Keep it to yourself.   Aho?


AND I’m telling all HOW TO STOP IT…how to PREPARE ‘til you grow Strong Enough TO Help Stop It / Etc.!



Reader(s):   I’ve asked Heather and Whale Sister to keep THIS posting CONSTANTLY ABOVE    ALL    others. (NEW POSTS are below. – WS)

Many Emailing or Commenting for “This / That” info.   I WILL NO LONGER ANSWER THESE.  “Why”?  IF you Do a SEARCH, INTERNET Search…..You will FIND IT IS TOLD (usually). EVERYTHING HAS  B E E N  Shared. I will Not “Re-Do” an already DONE thing.  I’ll have the big book out As Soon As Possible….WITH knowledge. Between THREE (3): This; What’s Already “out there”; ….AND SCRIPTURES….You WILL learn! I have no desire to do constant “Re-Dos”.  ITS ALREADY OUT THERE! I DO like to see the Emails/Comments that are UP-LIFTING.  Emails/Comments that Give me HOPE. But tired of “personal” “share with ME”.   Those that do so are simply Lazy.  Please, do your OWN ‘HOMEWORK’.

I suppose this posting will irritate some….WHY?  It should NOT, IF you are one REALLY wanting to connect!

Remember: YOU are the “Magic Button”.  PUSH IT!

Good luck and CreatorGod Bless      re

Readers:  I was sent an Email that said “I can’t understand why a 1st Nation guy would share all this knowledge to we ‘white’ people, after all we’ve done to you.”

Friends, lets be honest:  YOU probably haven’t “done” ANYTHING to us!  Maybe your ANCESTORS did, but not YOU. Aho?

What YOU do NOW, is YOU.

That holds true to ANY Race YOU “do” TO.  Aho?

The Emailer also said “You NA”.

I’ve shared I am NOT a “Full Blood” Native American (1st Nation).  I’m a BREED.  A METIS.  That means MIXED “breed”.  NA AND WHITE,  RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE.  Blackfoot / Shoshone (I’m told) and French / Irish.  I CLAIM NO FULL NA and have told that over and over. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!

Why do I share (sell) How To’s on Telepathy / Teleportation / Etc.?   HAVE TOLD THIS Over and Over as well : I’M DOING YOUR HOMEWORK!  It is ALL FREE…and I’ve Told THAT as well!  ANY who will pick up a BIBLE can get this information on “How.”  (Use a CONCORDANCE when reading).  It’s FREE, friends.  F  R  E  E!

People are so LAZY (in general) they SEEK withOUT “Doing”.  “Want it NOW!” attitude.

Ok, you then Pay me to “GIVE IT…NOW!”

I make a “wage” to do what YOU are TOO LAZY to do YOURSELF.

Just like you pay to eat at a McDonalds, etc..  MORE CONVENIENT  to BUY, then to go home and COOK, YourSelf.

Told MANY times TOO, that there is NO “NA” Medicine Secrets I will “put out”.  (Tho get “attacked” by sharing these ability knowledges…BY the NAs.)


I’ve told (in my 2 DVD Videos) what I have been SHOWN…by THE CREATOR….and If YOU get as “close” to “Him” as I have…”HE” WILL SHARE WITH YOU, as well.

Or… me.             Your choice.  Aho?

I will (hopefully) soon get my BIG “Short Stories”  Book published and “out there”.  IF you intend to buy, SAVE YOUR MONEY…it WON’T BE CHEAP! ($35.00 to $40.00).

This book is filled with Insight.  Gives You ALOT TO THINK ABOUT!  (It will be around 400 pages).

As all I tell….Don’t buy if you think it is “bunk”.  Again, this is Your CHOICE.

Not ONE is being “forced” to go the way I have.  I’m just here to SHARE what this “way” has done for / in me AND tell what it has done In me.

EVERYTHING is UP TO YOU to choose.  Aho?

So, I leave you to do, or think, as you please.

I tell you true…YOU and  I      W  I  L  L       BE SEEING EACH OTHER….GB    re


From our Aussie Brother.  HE MAKES SENSE.  I can LEARN from HIM!   Re


Personally I’m VERY ASHAMED of my white heritage.   re

somethin belong u then bro…but i dont think u should be…all tribes havehuman beings that have messed up in Fathers eyes…i forgive the dills long ago…just love em now…along with everyone else…i feel more related to my dogs than whitefellas:)…reckon we all gotta take responsiblity for what ‘we’ do…NOW….history is history…cant change it…but can try not to repeat it…what whitefellas do doesnt surprise me anymore…or blackfellas for that matter…(one stabbed his wife27 times in a drunken rage up in theNorthern Territory & then killed himself in shame…wife survived)…i think i’ve explained how ithink on this before…i dont see myself as a whitefella…just stuck in awhitefella body….dont feel any shame or responsibility for mistakes  ‘other’ HUMANS have made in thepast or will in the future…black red or brindle….feel ‘SORRY’ for all the ones hurt…& all the injustices though….not ashamed…only ashamed of mistakes i’ve made…but grateful for all the hard testings & oportunities to grow from them…thankful & grateful it wasnt me doin more terrible things….thankful & grateful foreverything….even the ‘bad’ examples shown….cant feel asshamed ofwhatothers have done…they have to feel that themselves…& answer to Father forit….can only love em bro….(hope this makes sense to ya) GB

Does…certainly.  I see more then you tho.  NA SUPRESSION STILL GOING ON!  Canada / USA / S. America.  What eggs me on is FEW SEEM TO CARE.  SOME do…but in general, rather not know about it.  Alot like the Germans around the “killing camps”.  Aho?   re

ok….i see that too…although not livin in aby community so only ‘bits’ here & there…like racism in laundrymat from white woman to aby woman….’resentment’ ignorance i saw…heard ‘myth’ story that abys get extra $ for each of their dogs…sounds like complete crap to me…but good racism resentment story to ‘justify’ hatred/racism….i also see racism from abys too….to me all family feud/tribal fightin…..guilty on both sides…innocents on both sides…cant feel shame for any…just compassion…allhave to feel own shame…otherwise i’d be a shamed out mess for all the mistakemakers…sorry for them…for their mess up…because they gunnahave topay for theirmistakes…(like we all do)…feel sorry for innocents too…hurt ones of mistakes….shame apersonalthing…compassion universal….big family feud tribal fight bro….nothin much has changed….iguess ucould feel ashamed of ur family in general…but that should include ALL human being relatives…not just one tribe…thats racism…otherwise we’d become the same as the racists…should be no sides……all in this together…onefamily….just compassion for themembers who mess up….& pray we’re not next….pray for them too…no help toget mad…useless as tits on abull….this leads to war bro…payback….let Father payback…He’ll do it right….GB

thought ofthis too….victims plight short lived…mistakemakers could be stuffin up their eternity…who deserves more compassion/prayer?…..also this repression would be very clear to the repressed but maynot be to others far away….& done indiscreet way…not advertised or admitted…not inpapers etc….hiddenfrom most….no doubt some break through this repression & shine like stars in world full of injustice…others trapped by it…see no wayout….here inVictoria unever see abys…up in territory/desert…heaps…one town was spot the whitefella…Tennet Creek….u’dhave to live there to get a good feel for the racism & resentment…but upthere has the potental to be another south africa….i saw high fences & mesh on windows…& drinkin seems to be the abys main pastime….white fellas out numbered 100 to 1….seems also tobe an ‘unnatural’ friendliness between whitefellas upthere…(glad to see another whiteface in a seaof black)…experienced this up in New Guinea too…..i see through itall bro…see the mess the abys are in with grog & ‘infighting’ too….soon things willchange…the abys will do muchbetter after theflip….& the whitefellas willbe ‘out ofplace’….GB