Posts Tagged ‘survival skills’

The last 2 days teaching I shared a number of VERY SIMPLE Healing Ways.  I’ll add ‘em here for all:

Many “pains” are an easy fix….simply by being AWARE…IE : OBSERVANT!

Once had a Cree in VERY bad lower back pain.  An ongoing thing.  He came to me looking VERY “down”.  “Can’t stop it, re.”

I laughed…told him to give me his wallet.  With difficulty he removed it and handed it over.  As SHOWN (Instant “telling” by our Creator)…it was ALMOST AS THICK AS A RED BUILDING BRICK!

I held it up…not saying a word.  HE UNDERSTOOD!  Taking it back he said “I’ve gotta clean this Damn thing out!”

As he walked away (wallet in HAND this time) The Cree Medicine Man and I just set and ROARED in LAUGHTER!

Wouldn’t YOU have a “Bad Back” if YOU were “sitting on a BRICK” day after day?  Constantly on a  “TILT” when you SET?  Even BENDING OVER pressing “the brick” against your butt cheek…pressed in by tight pants?   HEAL YOURSELF and save Chiropractor and Doctor calls / bills!

Another:  (My own wife this time) :  “My back is KILLING ME!  Hurts CONSTANTLY honey.”

Told her : “Start putting your purse strap on the OTHER SHOULDER”.

Her purse, weighing a “ton”, was CONSTANTLY pulling one side Down.  The shoulders are BONES.  GodCreator made man PERFECTLY….WE MISUSE IT!  Literally ABUSE it!  The poor bones (muscles attached…which in turn are connected to the BACKBONE’S Spine….have to TRY to REALIGN the VERTICAL Stand man was DESIGNED to be / walk in.  Doing what it can to KEEP YOU STRAIGHT and UPRIGHT.

She did so…in about 5 days was fine.

Knowing my wife…AND that “old habits” are DEEPLY INGRAINED in the mind…well, she’d “forget” and revert to her favorite side…RE-doing the problem.

I BOUGHT HER A “Hip Purse”.  “Wear it in FRONT of you AND GET RID OF ALL THAT EXTRA WEIGHT you carry”.  This “purse”, much smaller then the “piece of ‘LUGGAGE’” she HAD been wearing, HAD to be “toned down” to be able to carry the NEEDED things (and a FEW of the “junk” things gals lug about).  A “shock” to her “habits” but she now does so (MOST of the time).

Occasionally she starts to “hurt” and “complains”.  Tell her “don’t come complain to ME, idiot…YOU KNOW HOW TO STOP IT.  Your PATH tho.”  (She goes back and gets well again).

People are SO “Stupid.”

Big Brother told a number of Healed Ones:  “Go, and SIN NO MORE!”

Abusing the NATURAL Is a “Sin” (“Disobedience to God”).


THE WAY YOU WALK causes Problems.  LOOK AT THE BASE (soles) of your SHOES.  Are they (or one) worn down UNEVENLY? Off to one side / Etc.?

Are you “Bowlegged”?  “Knock Kneed”?

Your shoes WILL TELL YOU!


By paying attention to EACH step, you then become “Conscious” of Walking RIGHTLY!

This will take 3 DAYS to “break” your sloppy old walking habits.   YOU “become” “RIGHT in GOD” (“repented”).

But man, being man…in time, will ONCE AGAIN start going back to “the old (sinful) ways…SO CHECK EVER FEW MONTHS and do accordingly to “return”.  Otherwise you WILL be AGAIN hurting” / “sick”.

But as I’ve told my wife…”Its your Path…do as you please” (Just don’t come complaining to me….YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!”).

This WALKING “Way” also heals OTHER problems…..not just Bowlegs…OR Knock Kneed / etc..  YOU Figure it out!  Aho?



IE, change your OUTER looks!

This, in turn, STARTS ONE to thinking BETTER OF THEMSELVES!

A beginning to complete “REPENTENCE” and HEALING!

What are they “holding” that’s a “sin”?  CALLING THE CREATOR A LIAR!  His Written WORD a LIAR.   They are “saying”  “I’m not GOOD ENOUGH to have Him LOVE ME!”

Jesus (“Big Brother”) died for ALL!   Got that?   A  L  L !   DONT MAKE THAT SACRIFICE A WORTHLESS THING!    He didn’t “pick and choose”…ALL!  Aho?

Depression is NOT a NORMAL Brain Function…its YOU that has made the decision.  Now, IF you WANT to stop it…YOU can do so.  YOU’VE put yourself INTO it…now, “Repent” (get right with God) and GET YOUR REAR OUTTA IT!

Your path tho.  Do as you please.  Just don’t come crying to Me.  Aho?

KNOW THIS:  there Are SOME who “walk in depression” DELIBERATELY!  A VERY FEW because of “black” Possession (rare tho).  These rest tho, doing TO SEEK ATTENTION!

These “poor me-s” LOVE THE “POOR YOU” Attention!  DOTE IN IT!

How does THAT get healed?…TOUGH LOVE!  ReFUSE to give them the “pleasure”.

To constantly GIVE only “FEEDS” THEM!

Maybe they will get disgusted and STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD!

Continue PRAYING for them…BUT “MOVE AWAY” FROM THEM!   AHO????

Up to you tho…your path.

KnowTHIS TOO:  Some “GIVE” and don’t WANT to have work a cure for the depressed one.  WHY?  “WORKING their way to HEAVEN”!

These are AS “sick” and in need as MUCH as the DEPRESSED “Leech” one(s)!

We Can NOT “work our way to Heaven.”  Those thinking so have lost SIGHT of the FREELY GIVEN (Christ Sacrifice) GIFT!   Literally “saying” “it is NOT done. I must WORK!”  TOTAL BUFFALO CRAP!  It was FREE!  It IS Free!   Just ACCEPT THAT and “GET INTO HIS LAP”!

Ok, enough.  I’m given pay for these “healings”.  USE      THIS FREELY GIVEN KNOWLEDGE and GROW!  Re


Adam and a Canadian learner here.  Getting ALOT of yard things done.  Canadian with weed eater, Adam. with big Dr. Field Cutter. Teaming up and getting ALL our outside of house / domes back in GREAT looking shape.  We also got 2 Big loads of white sand…poured on Adam’s Dome floor and re-covered.  Re-arranging the interior as well.  LOTS AND LOTS of inner space.  Everything in its place…PERFECTLY..  Tieing his sleeping bag (rolled) to the wall…etc.  We now call it “The Apache Taj Mahal”.  ( :
Adam leveled the floor…the dirt put against dome outside (higher berming).  Now that (3 domes) area being “trimed” of weeds / etc.  WHOLE AREA WILL look GOOD in an hour or so.
LOTS of TEACHING, TOO.   Taught both Mental Telepathy and both successul the 1st time doing. Both Receiving and Sending to each.
The Canadian started and darn if he didn’t get side-tracked…Sending to ME.  CHEWED HIM OUT!  He hadn’t thought he WAS…..’TIL HE THOUGHT ABOUT IT!  ( :

Quite a time so far.
I’m on This while THEY are ‘DOING’.  Gotta go give ’em a hand….not fair.  Aho?   GB    re
I’ve a “sister” in Holland.  Quite a gal.  DOing much in “the OLD WAY”.  Just sent pictures of some of the tools the “BEFORE” Hi Tech” took over.  One, a SCYTHE.
I’ve used these often over the years.  AFTER learning the PROPER way…these are a JOY to use.  Actually rather RELAXING.  You get into a natural “rhythm” as you go…SLICING the bases of wheat to High weeds.  Really FUN!  AND: No GAS.  No SMELL.  No NOISE…and NO running back to fill up with gas/oil mix (“weed eaters”).
I’ve the last as well….DO like ’em for “close to fence / etc.” work”.  But in an overgrown Lot, to a Field, the Scythe just CAN’T be beat ($$ wise).  I’ve gone through 4 “weed Eaters” but YET to ruin the Scythe.

There are ALOT of “Old Timey” tools you can get…NEW…simply by knowing it’s name and looking Online.  Tools that Make SENSE!  Tools that LAST!  And often NOT AS EXPENSIVE as a “Modern” type.

I’ve been “burned” too often with High Tech things…so look for a BETTER Way….and darn if that “way” has an “antique” ‘stigma’.  Some are tools in our VERY ANCIENT past.

Ever lug two 5 gal.buckets, full?  ME TOO!  Banged legs / slopped out contents…and ROUGH ON THE ARMS / HANDS / BACK.  Well, I found and bought a SHOULDER YOKE!  WOW!  What a CARRYING Difference!  I LOVE IT! (
Readers, we WILL be NEEDING TO KNOW OF THESE THINGS!  It is THOSE “ancient” ways / tools WE ARE HEADED FOR!!
“Hear” me.  We are NOT “Changing”…our future IS RIGHT AROUND THE “CORNER”.   Prepare NOW…by at least KNOWING of these ways.    re

Into the Woods

I’ve been reading sites on Living In The Wilderness.  YOU might be interested (“dreaming”) of doing this too.

I see a number WANT to…but are AFRAID OF THE WOODS! (Many raised in / around cities).

I’d like to share some advice.

Yes, it IS “Scary”….especially if doing alone.  BUT, THIS FEAR CAN BE BROKEN.  At least you’ll KNOW if you can handle being alone.

GO TO THE WILDERNESS…make about a 20 ft. circle (mark with rocks or whatever if needed…to define your circle)….gather PLENTY of Firewood “inside”.

In your case, a tent etc. is ok…but NO Out Side “influences”(radio  /     etc) .  Ok with reading and writing materiel tho.

Go into the circle and DONT LEAVE IT!  Stay Day and NIGHT…ALONE!  As many as you can “take”.

I tell you true, the FIRST NIGHT is “HELL”!  SCARY!  STAY AWAKE  as  you can during the night(s).  Trying to get use to the Night’s Sounds.  A distant “moan” that’s only an animals call WILL FRIGHTEN YOU.  A twig snap will scramble you to your sleeping bag and the “protection” of your tent.  NOISES you are UNFAMILIAR with will ‘SPOOK’ you like crazy!!!

IF you can bear the night, then stay in your circle all day and the next night as well.  Again, staying awake as much as possible.  That 2 day/night is NOT as bad as the first (after all, nothing ate you or carried you off the 1st 24 hours…right?).

IF you can manage TWO 24 hrs in a row…”GO” for a THIRD 24 !


These 3  24s helps you KNOW if you can “handle” being “alone”.

The circle acting like a tiny prison wall. In  this space  you’ll see what BOREDOM can do to you (will be your worse problem).  In real life (living way off in the boonies), BOREDOM will be a HUGE factor!

Try this FEAR BREAKER…Learn!   Will save you $$ and Time to know NOW, then to “DO” and find out YOU CAN’T TAKE IT!   (Scripture; “Fear NOT”).  Aho?   re


Regarding Telepathy on demand…an actual happening:

My God-daughter wanted to try this.  Taught it to her and she did ditto to her father and brother, then asked if a time could be setup between us all for a “go”.  They in Mexico, myself here.  Agreed and set a Day and Time…making sure the Time difference between us was understood…thus all “on” at the same time.  This a week yet ahead.
On the day this was to be…well, I was “shot”.  SUPER Tired.  Needed bedding EARLY, and badly.  To stay up to Send / Receive would be EXTREMELY hard on me (that tired).
Well, being a Medicine Man and trained in many things,  I decided to TRAVEL AHEAD in time…seeing the 3 of them at the time agreed on.
I watched as they sat at their kitchen table and talked over what to send.  Once agreed on, at the Given Time (still yet in the future to me), they combined “as one” and began sending.
They sent THEIR VILLAGE.  Center water well…shops …Etc..  “Walking” their lilttle town as if I was their guest / tourist.  (Quite a nice little place. “Old” Mexico”..quaint, but with modern things (cars / Etc.).  The next day we exchanged “notes” …I telling what I saw…even their apartment / furniture / clothing (and color) they were wearing, etc., as well as thier town.  100% ON with all.
They were flabbergasted!
Little did they know I WAS FAST ASLEEP at the agreed “meeting” time!   (  :

Do you see what you are capable of doing?  “Impossible”?   ONLY FOR THOSE WHO WILL NOT ACCEPT WHAT OUR CREATOR HAS GIVEN US!   re

Ever hear of a PIT GREENHOUSE?   In “net cruising” I came across this.  QUITE INTERESTING.  You may be interested…I Am.

Go to “Search” and type in    ‘Build A Pit Greenhouse’    re

A brother later sent: this guys made abunker as well….GB


I am CONSTANTLY Amazed at the THINGS that man can UTILIZE in COMPATIBILITY with our Earth Mother and ALL that surrounds Her.

WHY oh WHY must we Twist and Turn in Her ARMS, Distorting Her usefulness….just so WE can “Call” Ourselves…”GOD”.


While truck having the water tank filled, I went out to SkyDome.  Arranging the droopy thin limbs so no face hit or stove heat will cause a problem.  Only want to cut off a Tiny amount. Trying to keep this sleeping loft as “deep woods” in look / feeling as much as possible.  Like You finding a little clear / flat part deep in the woods, laying down your sleeping bag and “crashing”, safely hidden. Then laid on the mattress there on the ledge. GOT WHAT I’M AFTER.  Looking “cool”. Aho?

If 1 sprawls on the bed and 2 sit on the steps…with the 3 new camp chairs and the 4 already set in, then 10 can be within (visiting).  No “room” problem at all. A good “friend den”.  Just about PERFECT for any looking to live small, year round, in the boonies.  Nothing like this “out there” that I know of.  The Hobbit House in Wales far bigger and the closest I’ve seen that comes close to this. Wish I’d made this in our woods section on this property…but then that would defeat its purpose.  Aho?

Sure learning on these 3.  Getting easier and easier…And STRONGER.

Fun to get your imagination moving…into a seeable FACT.  Much like getting a toy YOU put together.   FUN!  Aho?     re


BACK to a GOOD DAY.  Yesterday was LOUSY, AFTER starting out so SUPER GOOD.  (PayPal SHOULD be called “Pain In The ‘A’. Pal”.    GERRRRRR ) .

Anyway, most of yesterday and ‘til near noon today, Adam and I were working on his dome. WOW! IS IT “NEAT”!  He painted his little stove white with black front / back and it’s flat “cook top”…we moved everything out, poured sand on the dirt floor, then cut a heavy tarp cover for over that.  Now its Dirt / Dust free inside.  Did some re-tying at the entranceway and straightened THAT up and in general, did a major re-do of interior “furnishing”. Moved the stove from the center and quite close to the wall (making ALOT of “move about” run inside). He bought a tri-pod camp chair…folds much smaller then the 2 “fold flat” full ones he had in there.  Easier to store and get out as needed. The others will be used for outside chairs.

He’ll be back in 2 weeks.  This time with a rug to put over the floor tarp.  Then buy screen to hold crushed lava stone.  This will protect the wall and willow behind it from the close stove’s heat.  THIS ABODE IS LOOKING

F  A  N  T  A  S  T  I  C !

As found, BUILDING a dome is CHEAP….”FANCYING” it is WHAT UPS the “Done” PRICE!     Now his 10 cent dome will be somewhere around $250 and the 10 cents!

Pictures were taken and will be “on line” in a week or so. ( :

Then we got to Sky’s Dome.  Placing 2 large / heavily branched Tree Branches across the front of his sleeping loft.  One going UP to help support the roof. Bending into an ARBOR shape over the stair way to the loft.

Did similar with the other branch (and offshoots)…only this Laying….NOT Upright as #1.  Creating an interior of INSIDE “WILDERNESS”.

Out of all’s way, but like walking into a little “glade” when you go inside. Combined this with all the willow framing and you get the idea of “GNOME!” immediately.  Aho?

The experimental “stuff” i tried on the loose stone….WORKS! NO discoloration of stones and WELL “glued” together. PTL!

So, Sky’s Dome coming right along too.  I’ll be adding the tarp floor today (I hope).  Like Adam’s, will keep dust and dirt at bay.  Rug atop.  Aho?

Now for break…laundry and water fetching…then back “to it”.         GB     re


A brother wrote:

Dear Grandfather Redelk,

Thank you for that info-sight on power outages. That happened to us this year in the beggining of summer. My father had two fans that run on batteries. Have candles and food stuffs on hand. We lived in California before moving to Arizona. Actually born there and the earthquakes there prepared us for emergencies. Never knew when a big one would hit.  So power could be down for some time.

Another note to add was looking up on those cookstoves that run on batteries and came across all these native (natural stoves) on this page: You can download a page there where they have alll these cooking stoves from all the world.

Wow never knew all these brothers and sisters are way ahead of us in this natural living cooking wise. We are dumb
downed street shoes dummies thinking we have it made. Boy oh boy. We need real education in our “schools”.

Been having a problem with my left wrist area fell asleep on it and the weight well kinda kinked it or something. Well thought about maybe telling you, but then started to talk to Pops’ . Went to lie down on my bed and just started to do slow breaths and do exercises slowly moving my wrist doing these exercises i’ve never thought about doing. Slowly breathing and moving my wrist. Knowing the Creator was helping me out. My wrist is much better now. But that’s the kinda connection you get when you trust Pops’. I know my wrist was strained and not broken cause I know what a broken bone feels like. So that’s why I did those exercises. Knew it would help. Thank you Creator!

I know what that brother or sister  meant by just talking to him just in morning or at night. I’ve done that, or maybe just going out in the car. Like going shopping talking with big bro Jesus or Pops’. Last time I went I actually started to say ‘ DO i REALLY NEED THAT”. Stopped me from buying things I didn’t need. Still working on that. I do research alot of stuff now. I just don’t buy stuff cause it’s made by so and so. I try to see if the cost of an object is worth the money your paying for. Meaning will it wear out or have a longer use. Because sometimes or alot of times things or objects are made using the cheapest components that break so you have to keep buying the same stuff over and over again. If you buy or make stuff make it the best you can. I think as people we lost that in making stuff. Now it’s just the profits most people want and no honor in what you make to help our brothers and sisters.

Well Grandfather Redelk blessings to you and your family.

STUDIED World Stoves for YEARS!  KNOW ‘EM WELL!  Made a few too.  DITTO NA!  Nothing new to me.  MAY know a small few UNWRITTEN OF!  YOU learn.  I HAVE! ( :
Even Solar(s) of SEVERAL TYPES!   To Whites :  “NEW TECH!” ….to US….ANCIENT Tech..  Aho?  ( :

Cooked a number of times on ancient Eskimo BLUBBER “stoves”….and even SUN Dried FISH  (Wife LOVES this…I don’t care for fish).  Ever split fish and LAY IT IN THE SUN to dry / eat?

I’ve DELIBERATELY reFUSED to learn how to make a fire, with ANY means.  I PREFER No FIRE Cooking, at ALL!  DO cook…when with others and LOVE the ZZSTOVE for this.

Why do I prefer NO fire cooking?  TOTAL STEALTH!  No fire LIGHT…..No smoke SMELL!  Been doing this since before my TEENS!  I’ve been “in training” for a LONG Time…for WHAT’S DUE AHEAD!  Meant to LEARN so CAN help “runners” / Etc.  Aho?

“You” people are SO DANG ARROGANT!   Gonna be REALLY HARD on “you” CAUSE “YOU” RELY ON MAN “TECH”….and DAMN if “You’ll” PAY ATTENTION!

GREAT ON WRIST!  SUPER!   ( :  And AGREE on Commercially Made items…MOST ARE in for ONLY PROFIT.  To Get MORE…send to countries with Starvation live-ers…a DISGUSTING Near SLAVE LABOR group(s).  Then buy from ‘em CHEAP and SELL HIGH!

I have a CHEAP Picnic Table….NICE to see AND DOES ITS JOB…FOR AWHILE!  Now falling apart.  Going to make my OWN…the NA Type.  LOOKS PRIMITIVE (“rustic”) …but LASTS FOR YEARS!  Cost?  ZERO! (unless I BUY, and not MAKE,  the ROPE needed).

Have you ever MADE your own ROPE?  Or, for that matter, your own SHOESTRINGS??? Doesn’t cost a CENT!!!

Yup, “you” have no, to little, concept on living WITHOUT A $$ Bill. SLAVES YOURSELF, and THINKING “its GREAT!”

How “great” is it NOW?  “Owning ” a Home NOW TAKEN AWAY! ???  Looking to make payments on that “Great” New Car?  Etc.  Etc.  ???  ALL Many HAD…NOW LOST or Scrambling to KEEP!  (Most not NEEDED in the first place).

Sad, kid, SAD!

And THAT’S trying to exist in THIS “Life”.   WHAT ABOUT THE “AFTER” (this) LIFE???

I’ve been “sent” to help a bunch of “ding bats”!

Sighhhh……….  Still,      S  O  M  E       PAY ATTENTION!!!…. …PTL!


Our electricity went off over several Counties.  From Coast to PAST us (93 mi. inland to HERE).  Out for a number of hours.  CITIES / TOWNS / Etc. “DEAD”.

ALL our neighbors…ALL! in “panic mode.”  WE tho, quite enjoying!  WE HAVE WATER on hand….Candles….etc..
I’m sure some reading this OFTEN go through similar, and ARE prepared…but are YOU!???

We all headed to Adam’s Dome, lit the tiny wood stove and had a MARSHMALLOW ROAST.  Sat in the glow of the stoves open air baffle and Had a BALL!  Dogs with us as well.  Meanwhile others unable to cook, have coffee, etc. Just MISERABLE!

Do NOT depend on SUMMER Electricity NOT going out…ALWAYS be READY.  ALWAYS!!!  re