Posts Tagged ‘survival skills’

I am so MUCH wanting to move up to our (shared) other land.

Will TRY to get up there the end of this month to work more on the dome there.  LOUSY time to go….but NEED TO.  Aho?

If I had a SPARE $4,000.00 I would by a particular 4-season tent and “start” there.

I    would, but would my WIFE (‘M’ – WS)?  Or even would C (daughter) “release” Sky to me / or “change” so HE could move too?  VERY doubtful!

I want him OUT of the School System.  GED via Home Schooling (as we did with C)…or, frankly,  JUST PLAIN STOP ANY SCHOOLING.  That’s what I’D like, anyway. (I feel school is useless AFTER learning the BASICS).  WILDCRAFTING needed to be learned NOW.  Public School = JOB(s)….but SOON even THOSE will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE….ADULTS will be LUCKY to have a Job…let alone “newbies” entering into a “WORK” job.

M puts too Much into HEALTH Insurance.  NOT “GOD TRUST Insurance”.

Anyway, keeps her tied down to the “system” due to this way of thinking.  In that, it means $$$$$ to STAY right here to “Have Insurance.”   sigh

Daughter would NOT move….don’t WANT HER there UNTIL SHE “GROWS” anyway….tho that means Sky will be MADE to stay here.  sigh

Wife wouldn’t move considering C and Sky as well (I suppose).


I’m in a dilemma…and DON’T LIKE IT!

M is a HOARDER.  SAVES ALMOST EVERYTHING.  WANTS it ALL UP THERE WITH US!  NO concept of REAL “stripped down” living.

I, on the other hand, “hoard” what I NEED to continue my “work.”  HAVE ALOT…mostly tho : just “THINGS.”

Shoot, don’t even want a COMPUTER….OR even a PHONE!   Can (and WILL) simply GIVE AWAY….Sell or Toss Out OR WALK AWAY.  (Been that way for a Long Time).

I’ve done so…simply WALKED AWAY.  So KNOW I can (and WILL) do so once again.

Went from a HOUSE to a TiPi…Went from a CONDEMNED House in the woods to a CAR.  CAN AGAIN.  But CAN’T with family obligations here.  DANG!

MANY will (and some are NOW)  (be) facing the same “change”.

NOT EASY, is it Folks!?

I TRUST THE CREATOR….Wife SAYS she does.  Doesn’t SHOW it tho.   TOO “Clingy.”      sigh

May HAVE to “break away”….to get the other place Ready.  In time, ALL “mine” WILL at least have a “place” to go to.  EVEN IF A TENT.

Wish I had MUCH MORE LAND up there…to HELP Others “park” for a bit.  Don’t, so…..

As it is, we are spending a “fortune” JUST TO STAY RIGHT HERE! (And BARELY ABLE TO PAY OUR BILLS, TO do so).

“Slaves” to the “system”.

Well, my “woes” are MINE.  Others have NO land to go to.  NO place to “park”.  At least in that, I’m “lucky.”

I’ve been telling…for OVER 10 FULL YEARS to “prepare”.  NOW getting PANIC Emails.


Now you are STUCK in your “worries”.  I’ve done what I could AND YOU DID AS YOU PLEASED.  Now, “Pay the Piper!”

Sound harsh?  Well, I TRIED.  SHOULDA PAID ATTENTION!  Aho?

In MY future, I CAN get by on my SS $$.  And If THAT peters out, I CAN LIVE “on the LAND”.  When THAT gives out, I can DIE


Are YOU?    re


Red Elk asked me to post another comment:

What I’ve found to be disgusting is that people are starting to pick up slang from off of the internet… incorporating them with common English. It’s really hard sometimes to have a conversation with people my age that doesn’t include movies, games, television, you name it… If you talk anything about nature, living in the wilderness, etc they resemble a deer looking in a cars headlights. So far I’ve found none that’d like to venture out to the northeastern part of WA from the west (Redmond Area). Planing on leaving my comfort zone after this winter and slowly working my way on foot and bike while camping/eating along the way in the national forests to Cle Elum, and to Coltville hopefully. Much love!

And to leave his answer exactly as he spelled it. ;)  – WS

“B”…know EXACTLY what u mean.
I short cut AS WELL AS MISS-SPELL…HUGELY!…WS has to make EVERYTHING readabel 2 u / all.  Without her, Ive gotton MANY “is this CODE?” Es sent 2 me.  My reason is SHAKES…HUNDREDS of Es 2 answere….NO TIME 2 SPELL CK. ….LOUSY on SPELLING Anyway.
CONSTENTLY hit the wrong key…OR hit a key 2+ times (shakes).  Poor WS has managed a Good 99% my “way” n interperits.
(WS …send THIS “AS IS”, 2 SHOW).Aho?

Im a PC “dah”…can NOT comrehend PC “Geek” talk.  Just DE-FUSSES MY BRAIN! Took me a few ORS 2 find out what a MOUSE was!  HOURS! 3 FULL WKS to learn HOW TO SIGN-In / OUT (hadda have others do it…Agaimn n Again…till i grasped it).
(U r c-ing NO)W what WS has to put up with!).
PCs r a TOTOL FUSTRATION to me.  Has cost me HUNDREDS OF HUNDREDS OF $$ to keep um (7 now) Up!  Virises GALORE…STUCK KEYS….CONSTENT ReBOOTING (took me a few hrs to understand what was ment TO “ReBoot!”!).
2 Top It Off, im a 1 FINGER TYPER!  What u r reading NOW has taken me VERY CLOSE 2 20 MIN.! to TYP!
Then, along comes things like “LOL” / Etc..

Songs?   Hay, i dont care 4 these modren “songs” etc. anyway.  Daughter n grandkids can speak N Chiken STRUT NECK like u wouldnt BELEIVE!  Rubber Lip n STRUT this CRAP liker they were BORN in a Black SLUM!
Been to DOZONS of Resses…NA KIDS THE SAME WAY!  That n Drugs n Sex n…oh, 4get it!
guess im to old.  sigh

WSo, u think UVE got Problems?

Here I am, trying to get all BACK to the DECENTCY of GOODLY COMMON SENCE, n, well, Wanna CRY!
TOO DANG OLD TO WALK THE WOODS!  (“give out” in mere YARDS)…..Family 2 tend so cant get to a canoe n dissapier for a wk. or m. or 4EVER.
Got a GREAT Bike…LEGS WONT MOVE IT!  Hills r MT.s now.  Mts.?  No! CLIFFS!
I dont know how old u r…but at least can Hike n Bike.  STILL “LUCKY”! Better hurry up, kid…u ARNT GETING YOUNGER!

Good LUCK!   re

All three this time!

The 3

The blue and white dome in the back is Skydome, with Dome #1 and #2 (Adam's Dome) in front

I’ve observed many years..  Watching our children AND PARENTS….SLIPPING more and more into Technology.

There’s a use for tech (I’m not THAT ‘archaic’)….still, in this people are FORGETTING what “Life” is all about.

They are Quickly losing their TOUCH with the ALL.

It’s one thing to sit and play Movies and Games…to sit and sit, INSIDE.   Quite another to simply walk out and enjoy the weather.


We adults are responsible not only to Ourselves…but our CHILDREN, as well.



Our children are becoming BREATHING “Clones” of TV Shows…”Crash and Burn” / MAYHEM Games….etc.


YOU / I / US!  Are the EXAMPLES!



“Common Sense” should NEVER be an UN-Common “THING”!

I ask: What will YOU do, as the UN-Common Sense OF TODAY (which WAS Compassion / Agape LOVE / Helping one another) TAKES OVER WE HUMAN BEINGS!  ???

At the moment…Today’s IS taking over….AND LOOK AT WHAT IT IS DOING TO OUR EARTH…AND…the RACE called HUMAN BEINGS!


This is EXACTLY what the “others” (Aliens” to you) have done.

It is THOSE “others” that OUR “Man” has been LEARNING   A  L  O  T   FROM!  and “giving” YOU!

Now, you NEED to “TURN BACK TO HIM”!

Your PATH can LEAD to ALL MANS’ Death…OR a G(O)OD LIFE!

We ARE “on our way” to destruction (as we now ‘stand’).  YOU must HELP CHANGE IT!  By FIRST…Changing YOURSELF!

What’s it gonna be Dude? Dudette?    Re


My #1 dome in use often.  Adam’s nearly every weekend (#2 dome).

What’s it like?   Well, in MY mind : NICE!

In both there is electricity (run from the house via heavy cords).  Tho these can “have” via Electric Generator…OR Solar if one wants.

We bring in a food cooler, with iced DRINKS to keep foods chilled.  Enough variety of daily meals…milk / meats / vegetables / etc. for a full week.  Toilet paper on hand…Wash rags and towels…using Solar Bags heated in the sun.  On stove in winter.

Firewood stored from main “room” area (in #2 dome) and in a wood mini shed on #1.  Right outside the door.  We BOTH use our ZZIP stove to cut down on wood use and too much heat in the stove(s).

Each has space to hang / store extra clothing…again : out of the way of main floor.

Reading materiel always on hand…on shelves tied on the willows that make up these framings.

These don’t “drape” but are held tight against the sloping inner walls…Bungie Cords doing the holding.  This for coats etc. that one needs “unwrinkled” in a storage “duffel” “suitcase.  They also add to insulation.

To bring in MORE foods AND keep the inside uncluttered, I / We will add Straw Bales…Floor and Sides…with a well insulated top.  BEARS / Etc. CAN be a problem doing this way….so one CAN Hang these supplies high in a tree (Alaskan Way).

Our wood supply all from dead wood found….neither of use cut living trees.  Least not yet.  Those that WILL be cut we will cut in a forest THING way…taken only the VERY OLD or VERY YOUNG.  (Sun / Rain wanting that interferes with a GOOD growth of the rest). Literally : “Gardening” our area.  This the way of the Old Ones of NA.

Every THING benefits the “all”.  Aho?

Both of us…AND Sky…use alot of dead WEEDS and Tiny STICKS.  Keeping our immediate “home” area clear and fire resistant.  “Logs” only if cold weather.

We DRESS for mere CHILLY days…saving fuel.

LOOK AT NATURE…how the BIRDS “fluff up” their feathers to insulate.  How SQUIRRELS use a nest filled with LEAVES.   Dress in like manner…LAYERED.  Aho?

When one becomes “cabin locked” (“cabin fever”) it’s a simple walk-about going into HIS Living Room…THE OUTDOORS!  There to observe and learn from the animals about…Studying the ice caked creek….Etc.  LISTENING!  HEARING the Winter / Etc.

Tho it’s a pleasure to have another with you…know YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.

Bring a dog or cat if you’d like.  Helps (but adds to what you need to ‘get by’).  Aho?

In short, one can begin to ENJOY your li’l “cabin in the woods”.

It’s a Mind Set to live Small AND at near “0”  “needs”.  Needs you WON’T be able to have in so small a space.

A “Weekend” “away from it all” place…for a beginner.  Then perhaps a Week of “ditto”.

Hopefully, in time : your HOME!  Dumping the rent / house payment…the cost of heating / cooling that no longer needed space…and returning to the FREE Natural way.  You save so MUCH on trying to “keep up on the Joneses”…YOU become RICH!  Money in pocket…YOUR Pocket…Not going out to a Commercial COMPANY.

“How do I get to WORK?”  Well, WHY work?  SELL your house.  You have a BETTER ONE now…and ALL PAYED FOR.Land payments / taxes the only REAL need (if you can’t buy outright).  A car?  Or Trail Bike …roadable…a decent way to get to your “city” job.  The $$ saved can help make the yearly Tax…cause you’ll need so LITTLE that you can “go to work” on less hours…I.E. LESS INCOME = TAX BACK…not IN!  Use THAT to pay your year’s tax.  (That’s what we’ve done for YEARS now).

There’s alot to “say” about Small Living.  It HAS its benefits.  Just takes GUMPTION to  take the 1st step.  Aho?


What’s it like to live “small”?….A shock to your old ways…and not ALWAYS easy….but it grows on you.  You become ONE…with ALL!  IT FEELS GOOD!   re


Been SLOWLY buying ZIP TIES.  A bag ,to 3, at a time.  This to use in building yet another li’l dome here.  Faster and can be adjusted as the willows shrink.  Been using strong string.  Sky’s dome has HUNDREDS of String Ties…..all now becoming loose (due to willow shrinkage).  Most should now be redone…but won’t.

My next (or NEXT AFTER next) will be a bit more expensive…using almost All framing and horizontals of PVC piping. Been buying THOSE at HABITAT FOR HUMANITY store.  Alot cheaper and supports the homeless / etc. at the same time.  Won’t need many as this one will be more a 2-Sleeper ONLY.  No cooking / heat / etc., just a fast permanent “tent” shelter….made to experiment and “catch” the Overflow of the other domes.  Small as it will be, it won’t surprise me to spend upwards of $200.00 to make this way.

Seems you are sending what I Email you to a small group of others you keep in contact with (the person he’s sending this email to is, that is. – WS).  One sent me a $40.00 donation today.  (I won’t tell who…so God gets the credit for using her.  A “Silent Christian”.  ALOT out there that ARE.  Some occasionally share with money…and ALL with what they CAN give : PRAYER Back Up.  Aho?

Well, this provided needed gas (now a half tank) and I got 3 more bags of those LOCK (“zip”) ties…adding to the few others I have.  EVEN BOUGHT A HOT DOG and PEPSI!

(I eat “on the run”…HOME is just a place to catch up on sleep…little time to even make a sandwich.  Either sleep (ALWAYS NEEDED)…or answering Emails or working on the Domes.  Run in to do dishes to help the wife, as I can.  Email “silent ones” help this keep going.  By “this” I mean ME…old “Loud Mouth”. The one unafraid to publically “Call In The Wilderness”.  Aho?  (How will people learn TRUTH if most stay silent?)  Aho?  Well, “Dad” saw one unafraid, and uses me to Tell AND SHOW.  Now OTHER “mouths” are “coming out”…PTL!



Our grandson, SKY, is PHOBIC on his fear of mice.  Just goes BALLISTIC when he sees one!  Well, he went to our Can Goods cupboard to get a can of soup…THERE SAT A PACK RAT…STARING AT HIM!   My GOSH, the COMMOTION!!    SCREAMING AND YELLING “OH MY GOD!” “OH MY GOD!” as he tore down our hall to lock himself in the bathroom…Hyperventilating / shaking like a leaf in a tornado.  2:00 AM!

Anyway, caught it yesterday…on its ANKLE.  (Rat Trap).   I couldn’t kill the pretty thing.  Went to release it in distant woods.  IT TWISTED OUT…ran BACK to under out house!

Anyway, at least TEMPORARILY outta of the house.

Close to a pound and perhaps 13 – 14 in. long.

Showed our daughter…”Gee, it looks like a SQUIRREL!  Except not as much fur on its tail..  IT’S KINDA CUTE!”.

‘Til she saw, she too had “fear”.  Now a different “seeing”.

Sky wasn’t home.  Not sure if he’d look anyway.

Told him “You’ve GOT to  overcome this, Sky…’cause you’ll be seeing ALOT of mice AND Pack Rats WHEN WE MOVE TO THE PROPERTY.  You’ll NEVER make it, otherwise.”

Hope he can.

IN THE NEAR FUTURE, mankind will NEED to overcome MANY FEARS! Ones FAR GREATER then THIS…. or YOU….will NOT…..’MAKE IT’!    Aho?

“Fear NOT! For    I     AM WITH YOU!”  re


Dome #1 (brown) and Dome #2

Dome #1 is in the background, Dome #2 is the gray one.

Inside of Adam's Dome

Inside of Adam’s Dome

Pictures are now gathered under the  ‘Photos’ link at the top of the blog if you want to see more photos of Red Elk’s dome building.


Again I tell all you readers that I want All to understand what is on this blog is / are for INFORMATION.  I want NO ONE to ACCEPT as FACT.  I write from EXPERIENCE.  I Share from what I have FOUND, THROUGH my experience(s).  I leave ALL to YOU to accept, or reject.  I just SHARE.


Check.   Check.   CHECK!

Only in this will you know I tell TRUE.

I want NO “Followers” of “Red Elk”….I FOLLOW BIG BROTHER.  Use my tellings as a CATALYST to “shoot” your Inner Sight to  doing the same….IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

KNOW I am NOT “The Christ”…nor am I God.  I’m just a Follower / Seeker, as are you.  I’m just SHARING the INsights and DOings of my / this pathway. Aho?    re

We’ve been invaded by Field Mice and now Pack Rats (1st cousin to the Peruvian rat called CHINCHILLAS) this year.  For ??? reasons they will NOT hear me and stay out.  WARNED ‘EM “Go, STAY GONE…or Die”).  Ok, their choice.  Time to ‘war’.

We are not ‘killers’ here…tho the mice, well, the HERD of mice, are just TOO MUCH.  Setting mouse traps.  Gotten LOTS too….but still, just not our “thing”.  Aho?

My wife sent me on a “mission”…”GO GET A LIVE TRAP”.  Well, just back.  $90 (+tax )    for  the    smallest   is      TOO  much.     Did get Regular types tho…PLUS Sticky Strips AND Poison.  NONE OF WICH I LIKE TO USE.  Gonna leave it up to “the Warden”. She will probably say “no…return ‘em”  ( I HOPE).

So, what TO do?  “Iz ah IDIOT”….GO BACK TO THE OLD WAYS!

My dad…1/2   Native American  and    1/2   White,  did this… but with a Twist”…COMBINING the 2.  Taught me in my youth.  THAT’S what I’ll be doing the next 2 days!

Dad used a PLASTIC BUCKET…Stretched a heavy Paper Sack over the top….Towards the CENTER he cut “Pizza” strips….baited the center tip(s)…put Water (about 5 inches deep – DEEPER FOR RATS) in the container…put 2 – 3 wide stick RAMPS to the top of pail.  Then set this where he chose.  Mice (AND “rats”) smelled the food…climbed the ramps, walked toward the baited tip(s).  THE “CUT” unable to hold their weight, AND THEY SLID IN.

Drowning isn’t a nice way to die  (been close to THAT 3 times in my life…UGH!)!

And killing not my way anyway.  So will add some food at the DRY bottom and HAUL the “catch” a long way from home.  Release ‘em there.

My father was rather “vindictive”.  When someone “crossed him”…he’d do this too…RELEASING at THIER Yard!  “Let the SOBs Have ‘Em,” he’d say.  (Not MY way tho).

I’ve noticed the New Traps today….ones with “names”…have their Names / Logos on CHINISE MADE Traps.  What USED to be QUALITY has gone to “Looks Good…HAS THEIR NAME…so I’ll Buy it”.  IVE FOUND THE CHINESE “Short Cut”…WEAK SPRINGS!   Springs that OFTEN Break Backs / Etc. but the poor beasts are STILL ALIVE! (I’ve had to “do ‘em in” myself, with a hit on the head).  DANG!  If you HAVE to Kill…KILL QUICKLY!

Wish THOSE makers lived ‘just down the road.”  AND the Once EXCELLENT USA COMPANY “heads” who have “Buy Cheap, Sell High” ‘money grubbers’….. I would do a LIVE Trap and RELEASE ‘EM in THEIR YARD!

Poisons WORK, but then the poor beast crawl off and die…OFTEN in YOUR WALLS!    UGH, the SMELL!

(If my wife chooses this, I’ll move to one of my Domes and let HER trace the stench!)    ( :

Anyway, this trap is a CHEAP and EASY “winner”.   Good Luck.   re
