REAL Education – Are Your Kids Getting It?

Getting DAYS of dishes done…then C was called to a SKY Meeting at school (he’s failing)…then to home and dome clearing.
Sky is NOT “failing,” to ME…..has ALL the SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE he needs. PASSING THE SPIRITUAL THO!!!
I HATE School “teaching”. Quit when I was 15 (he’ll be that next month). Can ALWAYS improve via GED, as I…WHEN HE’S READY (as I did).
I’m quite aware my spelling is SUPER BAD…BIG DEAL! You can READ it…that’s ALL that matters. (Alot is caused by SHAKES and No Going Back Over what I type. NO TIME! TOO many to answer DAILY).
WS doing a SUPER Job of repairing before my writings go on the Blog / Etc.. a VOLUNTEER!!! I’m am so THANKFUL FOR WHAT SHE DOES! HO!
Takes a GIANT load off Heather’s work (book) and YOUR’S.
I want to Home School Sky…his mom and Meachelle (my wife) won’t allow it. C (daughter) was…and did FANTASTIC! (Got her GED too).
In today’s world, it WILL BE RARE to GET a JOB! Even “Fast Foods”. Still, I understand “proper” schooling. Why I want to continue on…in HOME Schooling. Aho?
No, what people NEED to know is HOW TO “CONNECT” / How to LIVE withIN Nature. THAT will FEED YOU! Otherwise : WELFARE…and THAT will go “down the tube” too….in time.
Sky know how to build his own abode….fish….some snaring….go “without”. Things MANY DON’T. He’s far better ‘prepared’ then ALOT of the ‘Sheeple’ of most of “civilized” man.
How many KIDS do YOU Know who can cook? Sew? Etc. ??? LIFE stuff! WHO THEN IS THE “SMART” ONE”?  re
(WS – who’s kinda blushing right now! 😀 )