Posts Tagged ‘grandson’

For various reasons, occasionally I get an Email  “re, I need a drum  (NA tone).”

They can be found on line…but generally are rather pricey.

$$ bad enough….but TONE even WORSE.

Until you receive you’ll have No Idea if it sounds like a “wet sack” or not as “deep” as you’d like.

The HIDE and SIZE is the deciding factor.

I find TOO SMALL makes more a THUMP noise….easier to take about, but…..

A 12 or 14 in. diameter works well in traveling / storing. Once you go to 20 in. and up…Not as easy….but BETTER TONE.  Aho?

For the DEEPEST tone, I prefer SHEEP HIDE…..its a THIN Hide tho.

I still prefer this over other hides. (But that’s MY “taste”)

I have Sheep / Beef / Buffalo / Elk / Horse /COYOTE.  The last is SUPER THIN….you just don’t store it…you “Pack” it.  CAREFULLY!  NOT a recommended hide (IF you can FIND one).

There are “Eskimo” drums…VERY Thin frame….a Whole Different sound.

Even “hides” using AIRCRAFT Fabric…and Others (as above) in-between.

Thus, IF you can actually VISIT the various types and TRY ‘em….often you are “taking a chance”.  Aho?

If you think ALL you need is a drum…THINK AGAIN!  You’ll need a “drum Stick,” aka the “pounder,” as well.

These TOO come in different type striking ends.  From VERY Stiff to SUPER Soft.  Each producing the “depth” of sound you want.

I use a number…”depending.”

One, VERY UNUSUAL, is a RUBBER GLOVE!  Filled finger tips (marbles / etc.).  SOUNDS LIKE 5 ARE STRIKING!  Various weights in each finger makes each beat SOUND LIKE AN ECHO!   (LOVE IT!)  This was my 5 yr. old GRANDSON’S (Sky) idea!  ( :

BUT…the CHEAPEST Drum…the EASIEST to carry, is a 2 LITER PLASTIC POP BOTTLE!  Take off the lid…cradle in one arm (in a manner that makes the most noise) and TAP WITH YOUR FINGER(S)!

I use this ALOT.  Doesn’t disturb the family.  I simply go in another room and have my “time.”  Aho?  I also use this in my Pickup…AND on MANY “Night Time Prayer time” in the wilderness.  SO QUIET IT DOES NOT DRAW UNWANTED COMPANY!

Once, using in a camp-out with a sleeper in his bag right beside me….he VERY slowly awoke.  THOUGHT I had a RADIO ON…LOW VOLUME!  (He now does the same).

Cheap enough for YOU to try.  Aho?

Be closing : NA Drumheads…IF too DAMP are “tightened” via holding over a fire (not TO close!).   If Too TIGHT….we WET it (water on hand and rubbed in).  If too Wet we also rub CORN MEAL on it (absorbs the over abundance) of dampness water).  Aho?

Anyway…hope this helps those interested.    re


This was an answer to a gentleman who had ordered SEVERAL Lessons / Etc.  LOST IN THE MAIL!  Never received.  (Happens TOO often).  The guy was NOT IRATE!  (I would have been!)

“Sweet and GODLY disposition.” UNBELIEVABLE!

He and his brother bought a trampoline to learn to Levitate.  THAT SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING.

Anyway…sent a “gifting” via 2 boxes.  BOTH (empty boxes) TOSSED OUT AT THE DUMP by Sky!  NO RETURN ADDRESS!

I hope he reads this.  (“bummer”)

I’d like to keep in touch with him…somehow.  Aho?

SHOULD help ALL…IF they’ll pay attention.   re

Tip on “Childlike Mind”

First…OBSERVE 1-3 year olds.  SEE how they IMAGINE / PLAY.  So INNOCENT in their “curve” of learning.  Nearly nothing phases ‘em.  IMAGINATION GALORE!  Remember when YOU were a kid?  How a BOX becomes a Fort?  A HOUSE?  A HIDEY HOLE?  A SLED?

Or your blankets were turned into TENTS?  Stretched between Chairs?


That was YOU when a child.  Remember?

Remember the dark room STORY Tellings?  “Ghosts” became REAL…SCARY!!!

DO YOU REMEMBER?  (Think about this)  THAT was YOU…WAYBACK THEN!

I don’t know if you’ve children…or their age.  Grandkids?  Niece or Nephew ‘small ones’   ????

If so, DON’T complain that they’re “making a mess” (clothes and toy “pick up and put away” is okay).

I’ve taken my daughter and now MY grandkids on “IMAGINATION” “Trips.”  Taught ‘em sheets and blankets In-House “tents.” Etc.  I PLAYED WITH ‘EM!


You can so EASILY return to that.  Take off your shoes and socks and WALK ON THE GRASS out in the sun.  Go jump IN a rain puddle!  Puddle to puddle.

Squish your toes in Wet MUD.  FEEL THE EARTH Mother!

Teach your li’l GAL one how to make dirty / wet  / slimy MUD PIES!  A small BOX to “cook ‘em in.”  PRETEND TO EAT ‘EM!  (Smack Smack….”Ohhh this is GOOD” commenting)

Don’t just OBSERVE…JOIN!

Moms can have “Tea Parties” with their girl(s).  BEING A KID WITH THEM!

We adults are now TOO RUSHED!  DROPPING the CHILD to Buy Buy Buy…”Have Have Have”…and PAY!  PAY!  PAY!  40 hours (+) a week.  WEEK AFTER WEEK!  Buy a TV to “entertain” the kids with MESMERIZED (“Leave Me ALONE!”) mind DULLNESS!  We buy ‘em Toys that PLAY BY THEMSELVES!  Turn on and WATCH ‘em “run.”

Or get ‘em Video Games and expensive game players…to SIT ON THEIR REARS and “Get ‘em OUTTA YOUR hair”…WE ARE KILLING THE ACTIVE Childlike MIND!

They grow FAT “arsed” “Playing.”

Was a day when they RAN OFF the fat!  Bikes, pull wagons, foot scooters (we have 4), STILTS (remember THOSE?), Swimsuit running in the RAIN, Etc.



We adults often spend MORE TIME with playing with our DOGS than we do playing WITH OUR KIDS!

We let TECHNOLOGY do OUR Work now!

In this WE    LOSE!


MACHINES take over what WE used to do / have: the IMAGINATION!

And we wonder where we “went wrong”………………………

THEN get on your Trampoline………………….


OK, REMEMBER NOT TO PRETEND you are “flying”…instead, ENJOY “flying!”


It will only be FOR A MOMENT!  (The “shock” of staying up will drop you)  BUT YOU, and any WATCHING, will KNOW YOU DID!


#2 is FAR HARDER!  ‘Cause Now YOU are trying.  ADULT takes over!

The old “I” gets in the way.


Frustration Now “sets in.”

GO “BACK” and have FUN!  “Screw” the “I”!  RETURN TO THE “BALL”…OF PLAY!  Aho?  re

(Thank you So MUCH for the cigs.  Had only 5 LEFT…and no $$ for more)

GB!  re


I am so MUCH wanting to move up to our (shared) other land.

Will TRY to get up there the end of this month to work more on the dome there.  LOUSY time to go….but NEED TO.  Aho?

If I had a SPARE $4,000.00 I would by a particular 4-season tent and “start” there.

I    would, but would my WIFE (‘M’ – WS)?  Or even would C (daughter) “release” Sky to me / or “change” so HE could move too?  VERY doubtful!

I want him OUT of the School System.  GED via Home Schooling (as we did with C)…or, frankly,  JUST PLAIN STOP ANY SCHOOLING.  That’s what I’D like, anyway. (I feel school is useless AFTER learning the BASICS).  WILDCRAFTING needed to be learned NOW.  Public School = JOB(s)….but SOON even THOSE will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE….ADULTS will be LUCKY to have a Job…let alone “newbies” entering into a “WORK” job.

M puts too Much into HEALTH Insurance.  NOT “GOD TRUST Insurance”.

Anyway, keeps her tied down to the “system” due to this way of thinking.  In that, it means $$$$$ to STAY right here to “Have Insurance.”   sigh

Daughter would NOT move….don’t WANT HER there UNTIL SHE “GROWS” anyway….tho that means Sky will be MADE to stay here.  sigh

Wife wouldn’t move considering C and Sky as well (I suppose).


I’m in a dilemma…and DON’T LIKE IT!

M is a HOARDER.  SAVES ALMOST EVERYTHING.  WANTS it ALL UP THERE WITH US!  NO concept of REAL “stripped down” living.

I, on the other hand, “hoard” what I NEED to continue my “work.”  HAVE ALOT…mostly tho : just “THINGS.”

Shoot, don’t even want a COMPUTER….OR even a PHONE!   Can (and WILL) simply GIVE AWAY….Sell or Toss Out OR WALK AWAY.  (Been that way for a Long Time).

I’ve done so…simply WALKED AWAY.  So KNOW I can (and WILL) do so once again.

Went from a HOUSE to a TiPi…Went from a CONDEMNED House in the woods to a CAR.  CAN AGAIN.  But CAN’T with family obligations here.  DANG!

MANY will (and some are NOW)  (be) facing the same “change”.

NOT EASY, is it Folks!?

I TRUST THE CREATOR….Wife SAYS she does.  Doesn’t SHOW it tho.   TOO “Clingy.”      sigh

May HAVE to “break away”….to get the other place Ready.  In time, ALL “mine” WILL at least have a “place” to go to.  EVEN IF A TENT.

Wish I had MUCH MORE LAND up there…to HELP Others “park” for a bit.  Don’t, so…..

As it is, we are spending a “fortune” JUST TO STAY RIGHT HERE! (And BARELY ABLE TO PAY OUR BILLS, TO do so).

“Slaves” to the “system”.

Well, my “woes” are MINE.  Others have NO land to go to.  NO place to “park”.  At least in that, I’m “lucky.”

I’ve been telling…for OVER 10 FULL YEARS to “prepare”.  NOW getting PANIC Emails.


Now you are STUCK in your “worries”.  I’ve done what I could AND YOU DID AS YOU PLEASED.  Now, “Pay the Piper!”

Sound harsh?  Well, I TRIED.  SHOULDA PAID ATTENTION!  Aho?

In MY future, I CAN get by on my SS $$.  And If THAT peters out, I CAN LIVE “on the LAND”.  When THAT gives out, I can DIE


Are YOU?    re


Our grandson, SKY, is PHOBIC on his fear of mice.  Just goes BALLISTIC when he sees one!  Well, he went to our Can Goods cupboard to get a can of soup…THERE SAT A PACK RAT…STARING AT HIM!   My GOSH, the COMMOTION!!    SCREAMING AND YELLING “OH MY GOD!” “OH MY GOD!” as he tore down our hall to lock himself in the bathroom…Hyperventilating / shaking like a leaf in a tornado.  2:00 AM!

Anyway, caught it yesterday…on its ANKLE.  (Rat Trap).   I couldn’t kill the pretty thing.  Went to release it in distant woods.  IT TWISTED OUT…ran BACK to under out house!

Anyway, at least TEMPORARILY outta of the house.

Close to a pound and perhaps 13 – 14 in. long.

Showed our daughter…”Gee, it looks like a SQUIRREL!  Except not as much fur on its tail..  IT’S KINDA CUTE!”.

‘Til she saw, she too had “fear”.  Now a different “seeing”.

Sky wasn’t home.  Not sure if he’d look anyway.

Told him “You’ve GOT to  overcome this, Sky…’cause you’ll be seeing ALOT of mice AND Pack Rats WHEN WE MOVE TO THE PROPERTY.  You’ll NEVER make it, otherwise.”

Hope he can.

IN THE NEAR FUTURE, mankind will NEED to overcome MANY FEARS! Ones FAR GREATER then THIS…. or YOU….will NOT…..’MAKE IT’!    Aho?

“Fear NOT! For    I     AM WITH YOU!”  re


BACK to a GOOD DAY.  Yesterday was LOUSY, AFTER starting out so SUPER GOOD.  (PayPal SHOULD be called “Pain In The ‘A’. Pal”.    GERRRRRR ) .

Anyway, most of yesterday and ‘til near noon today, Adam and I were working on his dome. WOW! IS IT “NEAT”!  He painted his little stove white with black front / back and it’s flat “cook top”…we moved everything out, poured sand on the dirt floor, then cut a heavy tarp cover for over that.  Now its Dirt / Dust free inside.  Did some re-tying at the entranceway and straightened THAT up and in general, did a major re-do of interior “furnishing”. Moved the stove from the center and quite close to the wall (making ALOT of “move about” run inside). He bought a tri-pod camp chair…folds much smaller then the 2 “fold flat” full ones he had in there.  Easier to store and get out as needed. The others will be used for outside chairs.

He’ll be back in 2 weeks.  This time with a rug to put over the floor tarp.  Then buy screen to hold crushed lava stone.  This will protect the wall and willow behind it from the close stove’s heat.  THIS ABODE IS LOOKING

F  A  N  T  A  S  T  I  C !

As found, BUILDING a dome is CHEAP….”FANCYING” it is WHAT UPS the “Done” PRICE!     Now his 10 cent dome will be somewhere around $250 and the 10 cents!

Pictures were taken and will be “on line” in a week or so. ( :

Then we got to Sky’s Dome.  Placing 2 large / heavily branched Tree Branches across the front of his sleeping loft.  One going UP to help support the roof. Bending into an ARBOR shape over the stair way to the loft.

Did similar with the other branch (and offshoots)…only this Laying….NOT Upright as #1.  Creating an interior of INSIDE “WILDERNESS”.

Out of all’s way, but like walking into a little “glade” when you go inside. Combined this with all the willow framing and you get the idea of “GNOME!” immediately.  Aho?

The experimental “stuff” i tried on the loose stone….WORKS! NO discoloration of stones and WELL “glued” together. PTL!

So, Sky’s Dome coming right along too.  I’ll be adding the tarp floor today (I hope).  Like Adam’s, will keep dust and dirt at bay.  Rug atop.  Aho?

Now for break…laundry and water fetching…then back “to it”.         GB     re



BEAUTIFUL DAY.  A “DO” day.  Cut Sky’s Bed Ledge front.  Leaving a narrow storage “shelf” beside the bed.  On now level main floor will go his 2 seat/table with back to ledge wall.  (There are 2 of these)…the other will be across from this set.

WAS going to dig a storage spot for the portable fire pit but instead have a better place below his Tri-Pod “pots/pans/etc.” area.  Easier to get to when wanted.  Pull it out to middle of floor for “campfire”.  LOTS of inner floor space for this.

Added an upright in a gap.  Will take and move 2 or 3 from circle.  This is going to make that side FAR more WIND RESISTANT.  (The Worse direction to wind).

One upright sprung out of its hole.  MY FAULT.  FORGOT to set THAT ONE Deep!  Easy to fix…slip a PVC “sleeve” on it…dig the deeper hole…put sleeve in and press that into hole.  PTL!

Meachelle came out to see.  LIKES the CHANGES.

Don’t know about Sky tho.  He stays inside and plays his %!##@ games.

That’s ok…taken His Plan and expanded it for better use.  Like it or not…that’s the way it WILL be!  Aho?

He doesn’t know about the added on Toilet area.  WON’T like it!  WILL tho when winter comes!  Either THERE or a COLD WALK to the Other Outhouse.  ( :

Will go add more willow horizontals in a bit.  LOTS of them!  Then will use what wire I have left…do the Top and both Windward sides.  Willows will have to do the rest.  Aho?

Still trying to keep the price down.  Aho?

Used all but 2 PVC pipes.  CLEANING UP THE “TRASH” LOOK of our “yard”.

M, in looking about…”sees” yet ANOTHER dome…darn near filling up the area.  A True “VILLAGE”!

Can, but can ALSO make THAT as a SWEAT LODGE!  (or do both).

Have enough salvage to do this AND 2 OR 3 OTHER Places….AND the room FOR ‘em…withOUT “crowding”.


Creator knows, “as is”, right NOW, I’ve plenty of “Guest(S)” Room!   ( :  ( :

Skydome sleeps one (on the ledge) n 2 to 3 ON THE FLOOR (if wanted / needed). Add THOSE and STILL SPACE TO MOVE ABOUT…this is THAT BIG!!!

Using 4 inch foam rubber as the “mattresses”.  ON HAND (freebys) ones.   ( :

Just more “trash” around this place.  Aho?

Turning Trash into Treasure….USEABLE treasure.  PTL!

So that’s “it” for now.  GB    re


Skydome Report

ALL Uprights now up.  This thing is HUGE!  As wide as my Fancy #1 dome is LONG  (18 ft.)…and 6 FULL STEPS long (3 ft per step=18 too ??).  Gotta get a tape on it though, to get an accurate measurement.  Anyway, a “PARTY SHACK”!  Too wide to meet the side uprights so will need to “sleeve” with larger pvc.  That means $$ needed.  sigh.  Might need to Prop Up at top too.  Just to be SURE it will take a snowload. Probably be wise to do so.  Don’t want all THIS work to go to pot!  ( : 

Trouble though….I can’t build closer then 10 ft from the Freeway Elk Fence….THINK I’m 9 FEET!  Again, gotta get a Tape on this.  sigh

Sky changed his mind on Cross Ventilation end window.  Think I’ll put a SMALL one in though…as an excellent idea.  Help keep inner condensation at bay.  Aho?

There will be a tall(ish) CLOSET in this one.  On the side up to the bed ledge.  That ledge will be 3 to 4 steps up.  A natural ledge above main floor area.

Finally ran out of strapping tape.  Can’t do side willows (horizontals) ‘til I get my SS $$ or a donation comes in.  Wednesday, at the latest.  I bought a 3 ft. wide roll of carpet (new) at a yard sale for a buck.  No WAY big enough to rug the floor, but WILL cover the Bed Ledge Steps. Anyway, use it somewhere.  Will keep my eyes open for a HUGE section.  Sky wants the main floor rugged.  OK by me…as this is more a HOUSE then EITHER of the other 2 domes!  God Willing, This will be a HECK OF AN ABODE!  Shoot… I may MOVE IN!  big  Big  BIG!  HUGE “BIG”!     I WANT it to look SHARP!  Sky does too.

So far its mostly me doing (again).  GOTTA TEAR HIM AWAY FROM HIS DANG VIDEO GAMES…AND his USELESS Free-Loading Buddies!  Grrrrr

Got him out to see what’s done so far.  He “Freaked”!  “I BET THE WHOLE  S  C  H  O  O  L  CAN FIT IN HERE, GRANDPA!  ALL OF ‘EM!”  ( :

OK, that’s it for now.  GB    re

Sky & Sky Dome

SkyDome comeing right along.  BEAUTIFUL DAY to “DO”.  Thing is, I’m doing the Uprights nearly alone.  Sky and “helper” help (HA!) a TINY BIT and are STILL here playing @$#!!! Video Games.

Does have it’s Good Side tho….no griping and “huffing” to listen to as I do the PVC Uprights.  Several in already…AND a ROUND WINDOW FRAME (Hula Hoop)!

Even the PVC and Conduit pipes were GIVEN, MANY years ago!  My cost so far: STRAPPING TAPE…and THAT roll bought 2-3 Xmases ago.  Using THIS instead of string Ties.  GOING UP FAST so far.  About 3 1/2 10s done all around.

Uprights are Easy…getting ‘em connected at top will be another matter.   This dome is more an oval then round….that’s why it will be difficult.

OK, dragged the boys out. Sought Sky’s advice to make SURE his design is being met.  So far so good.

Back in from #2 dome.  Marshmallow roast and more laughter.  Seems kids are only interested in DVD Games and FOOD!  ( :  

I’m getting better at these domes.  Fast and more PERMANENT.  The use of pvc is great and would sure go that route in the future…IF I didn’t have to BUY the stuff!   Won’t rot/bends rightly.  Fast!

The HORIZONTALS are still Willow.  Looks good and easy to get.  Holds the whole structure tight together.  Being INSIDE the tarp cover they won’t rot either.  Aho?

I’ve learned to NOT “shovel” dig the upright holes, too.  Pound in a Garden Trowel.  Then deeper with a stout “stick”.  This keeps the holes deep and VERY tight….RIGHT OFF! Shovel makes these holes to much trouble to “toughen up”.  Aho?

OK, enough for now.  GB    re


My Brothers and Sisters,
You are not me.  In many ways we are alike, yet each has their OWN “way.”  I’d like to share my thoughts on my way:   FREEDOM!  At least as I FEEL its meaning.
Do you KNOW what it’s like to be “unburdened?”  To have Nothing?
Right now I have so MUCH “Things.”  I’m literally Overflowing with “THINGS”…and I’m POOR?!!    Shoot, I can barely MOVE ABOUT in this house!  Can you believe FIVE TVs?!  FIVE for gosh sake!  Only 4 living here…WHY do I/We need FIVE!!!  ???
Our closets so JAM-PACKED we need to store “everyday” clothing in BOXES and LAUNDRY SACKS!

I’m stuck.   With a Collector….and my wife is just that.  SO AM I !
I can’t  NOT blame MySELF!  (Bad grammar, but true)


I LONG for “the simple life”…..the days I was in a TiPi.  That was NOT a LONG TIME AGO!  10 years?

Gosh it was nice, but it was Lonely.  Meachelle wanted nothing to do with it.   sigh

So I bent to her Will  (it’s called marriage).  HAVE and HAD to.

Do you know what it’s like to go from an Uncluttered space AND ITS CLEANLINESS, to one of WALKING Room ONLY in a BIG Space?


Well, guess what?  I’M GUILTY.

Yup, me.

Disgusting , isn’t it…………………….

Now I want “OUT.”  Up past my brown eyes in STUPIDITY.  “STUFF!”     stuff  Stuff  STUFF!

What an idiot……………………………

Well, I can do something about it.  At least to MY “stuff.”

Methinks our Living Creator will “help” M on hers.  A FORCED lesson.  She’s not gonna like it………



A MUST “way.”

Look about you.  See the clutter.   IS it WORTH IT?

Well, no.  Nice to have, but NECESSARY?   Only you can decide.  Me?  I WANNA “HIBERNATE” IN MY MINI DOME!

Thing is, tho IT’S “clean,” ALL my “STUFF” will still be within easy reach, mere yards away. Convenient.  Aho?


(I’ve got ALOT to think about.)



Anyone here ever get to an ocean beach?
If so, one that has BELL KELP washed ashore?

For those that don’t know this kelp, it has a big “ball” on one end, the stem goes to a “point” at the other.

It’s edible, but that’s not why I’m writing this.  IT MAKES AN EXCELLENT “Deep FOG HORN” SOUND!

Small ones higher pitched.  The bigger the deeper.

All are “3-pitched.”  The more you blow (harder) into it, it changes the tone.  Aho?

To make, all you need is a knife:
Cut the “ball” half off (leaving a “horn” “mouth”).
Go to the small end and start cutting that end towards “horn” end.  SMALL sections at a time…’til you hit HOLLOW within.  Now, at that hollow inner,  begin getting it bigger ’til that hollow can fit your pursed-up lips, then Leave it there (like blowing on a Trumpet).


The sound will amaze you.

Once, my brother and I were out in a small aluminum boat in Puget Sound.  In the SHIPPING channel.  BIG Ships passing by.  Our little 14-footer just a piece of flotsam to those guys.  Aho?

Well, FOG SET IN.  My brother Jim looked for his bottle Air Horn (Carried for just this type of situation).  HADN’T BROUGHT IT!
He was Worried (rightfully so).
We were trolling for salmon and now “Fog Locked”. Could take 2-4 hours for the fog to lift.
As we were trolling I had noticed riptides here and there.  MOST CARRIED THIS BELL KELP.
I told Jim, “Watch for rips, Jim, and cruise along it, I’ll show you something.  Nature provides If you “know.”  Wasn’t long before I had a kelp aboard.

Jim was perplexed.  “WHY?”

“You’ll see in a minute,” I told him.

Knife in hand and about 6 minutes later I was done.  Raised the “Horn” end and blew into the other.  YOU’D HAVE THOUGHT WE WERE A BATTLE WAGON!  DEEP and LOUD!

No ship problem.  Never got any salmon but DID make it safely through the fog.

I was at a Family Reunion, walking the beach with M and C and M’s dad.  Walked to the shoreline, and got a “horn.”  Cut it and began blowing it “3-pitch.”  Beach had MANY strollers.  All turned to see.

Father-in-law intrigued…wife and daughter too….so I got them one.  Different lengths.  All 4 of us now a “musical band” as we walked.
2 men approached.  Asked “HOW DO YOU DO THAT?”   Showed ’em and they got their own and whittled away.  Me “supervising.”
Turns out they were both Horn Blowers from a Big City California orchestra….out on vacation.  They got to wondering… WHITTLED FINGER HOLES ON THE STEAM, and LO!  Had “REAL” Horns!  One TUBA and one TROMBONE!  Man, could THEY PLAY!  FanTASTIC!

So, any ever get to the beach…………………………

Enjoy.    GB   re
