Category : Tellings

As I’m typing this I am in EXTREME pain.  Lower back.  SELF-BROUGHT ON!

You see, there’s a man who I’m “working” on.  THAT PROBLEM.
Poor guy was MISERABLE.  Hard to sleep / sit / walk.

I went to see why (yes, you CAN Look INTO A Body)..  Saw and  began.  A 2-Tripper (As in spiritual travel/visioning ‘trips’. -WS)*.

The last will complete…BUT the healing AFTERMATH will be awhile ’til it / he is COMPLETELY fine again.  ‘Til then he was to be still in pain.  Aho?

SO…TOOK IT ON MYSELF!  Literally TRADED and now I Carry the Pain!  HE now starting to feel GREAT!  Aho?  (This allows his injury to heal Painlessly…for HIM!)

I don’t do this often…TOO Painful!  But have if I deemed it best for the patient.  Aho?

Not many Med. People do this…mainly because they aren’t aware it CAN be done.  Others HAVE, and can’t “take it” (once is ENOUGH for Them!).  ( :

ANY ONE CAN!  Even YOU!  But I’d not recommend it without some Ground Work teaching first tho.
I’m telling to let you know THE ABILITIES OF THE HUMAN RACE.

GB    re

* Addendum:
Folks, WS goofed.  She “jumped the gun” and put “meaning” into my statement “SEE INTO THE BODY”.
Tho she IS correct on her “add on”…I MEANT EXACTLY WHAT I SAID!  Mankind CAN go to a person IN PERSON, and JUST LIKE AN X-Ray Machine…LOOK DIRECTLY INTO A BODY!  Be that body is Man OR Animal!
I MEANT what I SAID…NOT what SHE “Put In”.   re

Oh foo, I messed up. 😛 – WS
2 TOP NA Medicine Men are telling their people:  PREPARE FOR 2 YEARS OF FAMINE  !
Weather caused FOOD SHORTAGES.
I Concur!    re

I am so MUCH wanting to move up to our (shared) other land.

Will TRY to get up there the end of this month to work more on the dome there.  LOUSY time to go….but NEED TO.  Aho?

If I had a SPARE $4,000.00 I would by a particular 4-season tent and “start” there.

I    would, but would my WIFE (‘M’ – WS)?  Or even would C (daughter) “release” Sky to me / or “change” so HE could move too?  VERY doubtful!

I want him OUT of the School System.  GED via Home Schooling (as we did with C)…or, frankly,  JUST PLAIN STOP ANY SCHOOLING.  That’s what I’D like, anyway. (I feel school is useless AFTER learning the BASICS).  WILDCRAFTING needed to be learned NOW.  Public School = JOB(s)….but SOON even THOSE will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE….ADULTS will be LUCKY to have a Job…let alone “newbies” entering into a “WORK” job.

M puts too Much into HEALTH Insurance.  NOT “GOD TRUST Insurance”.

Anyway, keeps her tied down to the “system” due to this way of thinking.  In that, it means $$$$$ to STAY right here to “Have Insurance.”   sigh

Daughter would NOT move….don’t WANT HER there UNTIL SHE “GROWS” anyway….tho that means Sky will be MADE to stay here.  sigh

Wife wouldn’t move considering C and Sky as well (I suppose).


I’m in a dilemma…and DON’T LIKE IT!

M is a HOARDER.  SAVES ALMOST EVERYTHING.  WANTS it ALL UP THERE WITH US!  NO concept of REAL “stripped down” living.

I, on the other hand, “hoard” what I NEED to continue my “work.”  HAVE ALOT…mostly tho : just “THINGS.”

Shoot, don’t even want a COMPUTER….OR even a PHONE!   Can (and WILL) simply GIVE AWAY….Sell or Toss Out OR WALK AWAY.  (Been that way for a Long Time).

I’ve done so…simply WALKED AWAY.  So KNOW I can (and WILL) do so once again.

Went from a HOUSE to a TiPi…Went from a CONDEMNED House in the woods to a CAR.  CAN AGAIN.  But CAN’T with family obligations here.  DANG!

MANY will (and some are NOW)  (be) facing the same “change”.

NOT EASY, is it Folks!?

I TRUST THE CREATOR….Wife SAYS she does.  Doesn’t SHOW it tho.   TOO “Clingy.”      sigh

May HAVE to “break away”….to get the other place Ready.  In time, ALL “mine” WILL at least have a “place” to go to.  EVEN IF A TENT.

Wish I had MUCH MORE LAND up there…to HELP Others “park” for a bit.  Don’t, so…..

As it is, we are spending a “fortune” JUST TO STAY RIGHT HERE! (And BARELY ABLE TO PAY OUR BILLS, TO do so).

“Slaves” to the “system”.

Well, my “woes” are MINE.  Others have NO land to go to.  NO place to “park”.  At least in that, I’m “lucky.”

I’ve been telling…for OVER 10 FULL YEARS to “prepare”.  NOW getting PANIC Emails.


Now you are STUCK in your “worries”.  I’ve done what I could AND YOU DID AS YOU PLEASED.  Now, “Pay the Piper!”

Sound harsh?  Well, I TRIED.  SHOULDA PAID ATTENTION!  Aho?

In MY future, I CAN get by on my SS $$.  And If THAT peters out, I CAN LIVE “on the LAND”.  When THAT gives out, I can DIE


Are YOU?    re


Red Elk asked me to post another comment:

What I’ve found to be disgusting is that people are starting to pick up slang from off of the internet… incorporating them with common English. It’s really hard sometimes to have a conversation with people my age that doesn’t include movies, games, television, you name it… If you talk anything about nature, living in the wilderness, etc they resemble a deer looking in a cars headlights. So far I’ve found none that’d like to venture out to the northeastern part of WA from the west (Redmond Area). Planing on leaving my comfort zone after this winter and slowly working my way on foot and bike while camping/eating along the way in the national forests to Cle Elum, and to Coltville hopefully. Much love!

And to leave his answer exactly as he spelled it. ;)  – WS

“B”…know EXACTLY what u mean.
I short cut AS WELL AS MISS-SPELL…HUGELY!…WS has to make EVERYTHING readabel 2 u / all.  Without her, Ive gotton MANY “is this CODE?” Es sent 2 me.  My reason is SHAKES…HUNDREDS of Es 2 answere….NO TIME 2 SPELL CK. ….LOUSY on SPELLING Anyway.
CONSTENTLY hit the wrong key…OR hit a key 2+ times (shakes).  Poor WS has managed a Good 99% my “way” n interperits.
(WS …send THIS “AS IS”, 2 SHOW).Aho?

Im a PC “dah”…can NOT comrehend PC “Geek” talk.  Just DE-FUSSES MY BRAIN! Took me a few ORS 2 find out what a MOUSE was!  HOURS! 3 FULL WKS to learn HOW TO SIGN-In / OUT (hadda have others do it…Agaimn n Again…till i grasped it).
(U r c-ing NO)W what WS has to put up with!).
PCs r a TOTOL FUSTRATION to me.  Has cost me HUNDREDS OF HUNDREDS OF $$ to keep um (7 now) Up!  Virises GALORE…STUCK KEYS….CONSTENT ReBOOTING (took me a few hrs to understand what was ment TO “ReBoot!”!).
2 Top It Off, im a 1 FINGER TYPER!  What u r reading NOW has taken me VERY CLOSE 2 20 MIN.! to TYP!
Then, along comes things like “LOL” / Etc..

Songs?   Hay, i dont care 4 these modren “songs” etc. anyway.  Daughter n grandkids can speak N Chiken STRUT NECK like u wouldnt BELEIVE!  Rubber Lip n STRUT this CRAP liker they were BORN in a Black SLUM!
Been to DOZONS of Resses…NA KIDS THE SAME WAY!  That n Drugs n Sex n…oh, 4get it!
guess im to old.  sigh

WSo, u think UVE got Problems?

Here I am, trying to get all BACK to the DECENTCY of GOODLY COMMON SENCE, n, well, Wanna CRY!
TOO DANG OLD TO WALK THE WOODS!  (“give out” in mere YARDS)…..Family 2 tend so cant get to a canoe n dissapier for a wk. or m. or 4EVER.
Got a GREAT Bike…LEGS WONT MOVE IT!  Hills r MT.s now.  Mts.?  No! CLIFFS!
I dont know how old u r…but at least can Hike n Bike.  STILL “LUCKY”! Better hurry up, kid…u ARNT GETING YOUNGER!

Good LUCK!   re

This is a comment from reader Al, that Red Elk thought was so important it needed to be answered in a post:

Comment: I think it’s good(bad for us) he’s being called home because to me he seemed so disillusioned and hurting. I also saw him on youtube and could sense his godliness but was a little thrown off because he seemed to dislike christians and I assumed maybe God hadn’t revealed to him that he had a son. Now I can see his dislike was probably towards the religious establishment telling the indigenous their beliefs are nonsense. Are there any books that talk about true African religion/spirituality? I’m currently reading the books you recomended about Indian spirituality /shamanism but have never heard anyone mention any books about Africa. I’m African and most of my life bought into the distorted view that it’s all witchcraft and voodoo. I want to know the truth even if it’s just about one of the Countries like South Africa.

Hello Al… may be interested to know there’s an African/American that’s the Inner Heyoka FOR THE ARABIANS.  Tho I helped in his training, for the life of me I can NOT recall his NAME!  sigh
As for Mutwa….he has One book out (Actually he has many.  Go to this link at Amazon . – WS).  I THINK its called (of) FIRE, WATER, and WIND.  (I have one here, stored, somewhere) “VOODOO”????  Read THIS…you’ll understand MUCH better.  You’ll get a REAL INSIGHT into ALL Black Africans’ beliefs.
We of NA “Medicine” are ALSO labeled under “voodoo”…amongst other name “types.” The very word SHAMAN has ALL under “Witch Doctor”.  (SHAMAN is THE NAME of  of RUSSIAN Med. Men/women).  Seems EVERYTHING NOT “Christian” is Labeled “Shaman” (witch / voodooist / etc) IE : “BAD”.

It’s a matter of PERSONAL “Heart”.

There ARE a few who are NOT in The Inner Heyoka who WOULD BE….and, in a “Godly Sense,” ARE….simply because they will NOT “Do” for SELF / MONEY / PRESTIGE / EGO /  Etc.
“Pure Hearts!”
Not just in N. America, but World Wide (Thank CreatorGOD)!

To a “man”, these “Followers” are RESPECTED and LOVED by MANY….but “labeled” / DESPISED / Etc. by FAR MORE Many.

SO WAS JESUS (“Big Brother”).

If you’re a Bible reader, you will see what the “ESTABLISHED” religion Leaders / followers called HIM!

It is not an Easy “road” to follow GODLINESS.  FAR Harder to be VOCAL and EXAMPLER of it.

MUTWA has been DUPED…and is FIGHTING something he is blinded too.  Still, he DOES occasionally “come out” and bears “fruit.”

I will be sorry to see him go.  A GOOD MAN!  Aho?

I will be as Sorry to see the Dalai Lama go.  HE STILL HAS NOT GOT TO THE “ROOTS” OF HIS DEEP KNOWLEDGE.
Only ONE “Step” to GO.  (Hope he finds it and tells it before leaving…as his NAGUAL’S Many Incarnations will be Totally UNFULFILLED.
That one (the High Lama) will NEVER RETURN.  (Tho you can BET a FAKE ONE will be “lauded” as “he”…”returned”)

THIS Dalai Lama will be DONE at his death.

Brother, there is so MUCH you / all DON’T KNOW!

One thing leads into another when you DO know.  IF.  Aho?


I could teach for DAYS ON END…and simply DEEPLY “Scratch” the SURFACE of the Knowledge I DO know….and I STILL have A LONG WAY TO GO!

I too will die.  But HE NEVER DOES.  All we of G(o)od can do is help make you AWARE.

“Voodoo”?  Or UN-UNDERSTOOD ways?


Before I close here, I will say this:  One does NOT need to be “possessed” or Drugged to DO WHAT WE “12” DO.  So I ask you to be AWARE and STAY AWAY from The VOODOOIST’S “way” of “doing”.

Stay PURE…stay FULLY IN “HIM”…and you’ll NEVER be an UNGodly “doer”.

Aho?   re


I’ve observed many years..  Watching our children AND PARENTS….SLIPPING more and more into Technology.

There’s a use for tech (I’m not THAT ‘archaic’)….still, in this people are FORGETTING what “Life” is all about.

They are Quickly losing their TOUCH with the ALL.

It’s one thing to sit and play Movies and Games…to sit and sit, INSIDE.   Quite another to simply walk out and enjoy the weather.


We adults are responsible not only to Ourselves…but our CHILDREN, as well.



Our children are becoming BREATHING “Clones” of TV Shows…”Crash and Burn” / MAYHEM Games….etc.


YOU / I / US!  Are the EXAMPLES!



“Common Sense” should NEVER be an UN-Common “THING”!

I ask: What will YOU do, as the UN-Common Sense OF TODAY (which WAS Compassion / Agape LOVE / Helping one another) TAKES OVER WE HUMAN BEINGS!  ???

At the moment…Today’s IS taking over….AND LOOK AT WHAT IT IS DOING TO OUR EARTH…AND…the RACE called HUMAN BEINGS!


This is EXACTLY what the “others” (Aliens” to you) have done.

It is THOSE “others” that OUR “Man” has been LEARNING   A  L  O  T   FROM!  and “giving” YOU!

Now, you NEED to “TURN BACK TO HIM”!

Your PATH can LEAD to ALL MANS’ Death…OR a G(O)OD LIFE!

We ARE “on our way” to destruction (as we now ‘stand’).  YOU must HELP CHANGE IT!  By FIRST…Changing YOURSELF!

What’s it gonna be Dude? Dudette?    Re


Credo Mutwa…one of our 12, knows his time is very close.  He’s 90.  Dying.


His charge is all of Black Africa.

We are “leaving” folks. Think we are down to 10 (once he is gone).

NONE will replace us.  Ever.
We are the Last of this PRE-TRADITION Society.

“Tradition” is an Off-Shoot of this Inner Heyoka….LONG before them.  Taught at Big Brother’s feet when He was in The AMERICAS.  (No, I’m not a Mormon…but they are right…He DID “Walk the Americas”)

13 learned at His feet.  One turned “Judas” and started the Traditionalist Way.  Aho?

Ok, learn from us….WHILE YOU CAN!    WE ARE BEING CALLED “HOME”.   re

Regarding the message below (about the Medicine Wheels – WS): I’ve had 2 ask to go to these “sites”. “WHERE ARE THEY, re?”


Why? Well maybe those ASKING won’t tell….but WILL tell 1 or more. In time the common “White Invasion” will occur. Once again, if ONE NON-NA KNOWS….In time a few HUNDRED will!

Not ALL will “hold them Sacred” Stones will be removed (“as a souvenir”)….Etc.. DESTRUCTION!

Sorry folks, you Non-NA are like that.

We’ll (NA) keep these places “to Ourselves”. THE NON-NA TOO UNTRUSTWORTHY!

So, “don’t ask…cause I WONT tell!”

(See what “you’ve done to yourselves?”) “YOU” CANT BE TRUSTED!”

Sorry. re

Time travel is an intriguing experience.  I’ve had alot of time in, in doing this.  Tell ALL never to go past the third day AHEAD.  (Think that’s somewhere on this blog).

The PAST, tho, another matter.  You get to see so MUCH!

Did several on my 3 month Canadian Cree trip.  Was able to explain to them about an event.  MANY events.

The past is an “open book” once one learns this.  NOTHING is ruined THEN, tho may be,  NOW.  Aho?  That’s what I did for the Crees.  Using then On Hand THEN, to restore lost knowledge to the Crees of TODAY.  “Opened Up” 2 – 3 ancient Medicine Wheels for ‘em….got calls now of 2 others found.  Next time up I’ll check these out for ‘em…allowing the “wheels” to once again Do what the ancients designed them for.  LOTS OF KNOWLEDGE LOST in ALL North America, over time.  FUN to HELP today’s return to these things.  Aho?   re


Talking to Adam….telling of some of my MEDICINE MAN experiences.

As most know…I am a Medicine Man AND a WAKANYAN.  The last means “Spiritual adviser”.

Due to today’s worldly mess….I find my Wakanyan taking precedence.  I’d RATHER be doing “Medicine”.

Love the Sweat Lodge….the Wilderness ALONE times…and, yes, the Tradition of it.

I don’t get to do that much anymore.  MISS IT.

Haven’t done a Sweat in over 3 years.  A Wilderness Alone time in over maybe 5 years.

My NA “side” ACHES for those times again…..but the needs of man go beyond that.

So I’m stuck at this Computer…..trying to help man know their Inner SPIRITUAL side…and the importance of “One Relation”.  Not “One Country Under God”…but One WORLD under God.

I tell you true :  it’s quite a sacrifice.

My “INNER Spirit” ACHES for the Old “traditional” I was once so in peace with.

Just NO TIME for that anymore.   (sigh)…………..                        Y  O  U  are MORE IMPORTANT.   Aho?   re
