Food for the Taking…and Thought

Got EXACTLY WHAT I EXPECTED! A number thinking me crazy for not going after Any of these. “You can do so MUCH for OTHERS (I WOULD).” etc.
SAYING “I TRUST IN GOD”…then, when a “carrot” is dangled before ‘em…they DROP that “TRUST” in a BIG HURRY!  “Trust” in the Bill with “In God we Trust” on it…..MAN!
I expected it. I got it.
One “will fly out there and use the money for others.” Wanna bet…..not ALL of it!?
No one seems to realize To be GODLY means to be HONEST! IE: REPORT YOUR FIND(s). Guess what? SCRUTINY! Government will want to know where you got it. How much.  Government Land or Private Land (not yours?…others)…TAXES, once LEGAL BATTLES are over….and on and on AND ON! Maybe YEARS of LAWYER FEES to see IF you can have it, has OFTEN occurred!
So, you “Jackasses”…you want it, YOU go find it!  I was telling so MOST would actually SEE just WHERE THEIR TRUST REALLY IS!
Where is YOURS! ???   re
Reader(s):  I’ve asked Heather and Whale Sister to keep THIS posting CONSTANTLY ABOVE   ALL   others. (NEW POSTS are below. – WS)
Many Emailing or Commenting for “This / That” info.  I WILL NO LONGER ANSWER THESE. “Why”? IF you Do a SEARCH, INTERNET Search…..You will FIND IT IS TOLD (usually). EVERYTHING HAS B E E N Shared. I will Not “Re-Do” an already DONE thing. I’ll have the big book out As Soon As Possible….WITH knowledge. Between THREE (3): This; What’s Already “out there”; ….AND SCRIPTURES….You WILL learn! I have no desire to do constant “Re-Dos”. ITS ALREADY OUT THERE! I DO like to see the Emails/Comments that are UP-LIFTING. Emails/Comments that Give me HOPE. But tired of “personal” “share with ME”.  Those that do so are simply Lazy.  Please, do your OWN ‘HOMEWORK’.
I suppose this posting will irritate some….WHY? It should NOT, IF you are one REALLY wanting to connect!
Remember: YOU are the “Magic Button”. PUSH IT!
Good luck and CreatorGod Bless     re
Getting what you WANT….by PRAYER….Works. “HE KNOWS YOUR NEEDS”.  There ARE times a “need” isn’t one that is really such…but a WANT. Well, He also knows your WANTS, too. To help you be happy…often He fills THAT as well. “Keeps the kids happy” type thing.
Like you giving your child a “special toy”, tho he / she has a Roomful of toys all ready. Aho?
In my domes building, I’ve “wanted” a number of things. Things I couldn’t afford. One has been my WANT of a certain Color / Nap of a very expensive rug (for Sky’s dome). I “haunted” the local rug sales places. Hoping to find JUST the RIGHT Remnant (more affordable). Even often went to the 2 local “Cheap Shops” AND the Habitat For Humanity place.
I HAD PRAYED, so KNEW HE HAD HEARD. 2 weeks, 3, and 4 weeks of looking went by…EXPECTING AN ANSWER. “Somewhere…SOMEHOW” I’d find this answer met. After all, I PRAYED.
Then, 3 days ago, AGAIN I went looking….AND THERE IT WAS! At the Habitat place. The EXACT ROYAL BLUE, DEEP SCULPTURED NAP, of what I WANTED! $2.00!   Not a TINY piece, a small ROLL of cut off scrap.
So, now Sky has his floor rug (to yet be installed).
In that finding, I also found a rather large Burl Wood “wall hanging”. All shiny and cover coated in clear resin. I BOUGHT IT AS WELL!
NOW he has his “KITCHEN” TABLE! The “SPECIAL” area I had ASKED would SOMEHOW BE, for his “Tri-Pod” kitchen area.
Between the “Glowing” Royal Blue rug and This “table” (GLOWING TOO), the Interior SHINES! The inside is an “EYE GRABBER”!
(I’ve Pre-set both in, to see how well it will be…so know).
Folks, PRAYER WORKS.  But you must EXPECT IT TO.  Prayer, WithOUT FAITH, is a WEAKNESS.
I will now go to yet ANOTHER “need” Answered…..NEEDED A WHEEL ALIGNMENT. Steel threads exposed on one tire….and I needed it “NOW!”. Well, THE VERY NEXT DAY A DONATION CAME IN that COVERED THE COST. To top it off, I CALLED TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to get it done. HAD PRAYED! Told ‘em “I need to get it done THIS MORNING!”
Guess what!?
“We have JUST GOT A CANCELLATION. Can you come in at 10 minutes to 10:00?” (43 minutes away). “YES!”
See what I mean?
Folks, When you Ask…ALWAYS KNOW ITS HEARD, and go along EXPECTING THE ANSWER. Aho?   re
In regard to the message below this one, I’d like to tell what the “before THIS Earth, earth” was like.
Most have no doubt heard our (now) planet is called “The Emerald Marble in space”. Most have seen pictures of our (now) planet, taken by out-of-space cameras. Indeed, we live on a BEAUTIFUL planet.
The one THIS emerged from, in comparable size, would be considered a BB in size. VERY VERY SMALL….and ABSOLUTELY AWESOME IN BEAUTY!
Its surface was always Tropical-Like. The 2 Poles the coolest…forming MORE ICE and SNOW only during a certain time in its year. They stayed “snowy and Icy” year round….but more like our earths tall mountains do. Aho?
The ancient of ancient ancestors (that I was Shown) were alot like LAOTIANS in structure. Small, Lithe, BEAUTIFUL people.
I said “THOSE I WAS SHOWN”….There was yet ANOTHER type. UNSHOWN, but I “KNEW” they existed.
These last were that Earth’s CONTROLLERS. Earth people too, but VERY Controlling…..almost Early ROME type “leaders”.
I don’t know what was / had happened for this (THEN) Earth’s “demise” reason….but it wasn’t a good thing. Brought on this Whole Earth’s people’s CONTROLLING “Society”.
I DID get the “feeling” the Controlling Ones were TALLER…and LIGHTER in Color. “White”? While those I was shown were tan and, well, ….Laotian-Like, in skin shade / eyes / hair. Aho?
I was shown a SECRET SOCIETY of the smaller stature ones. One that was CONSIDERED VERY DANGEROUS to the Controllers.
Constantly hunted….tortured (to tell where more “of their ‘ilk’ were”) and murdered.
The WHOLE (then) EARTH Was in TOTAL “Disarray”…the G(o)od verses the “bad”. LOVE verses CONTROL….”All One” verses “US”.
At this ‘showing’ all “HELL” was about to take place (due to the friction). THE (then) EARTH WAS ABOUT TO BE “DESTROYED!”)!
This secret Society had certain people who … in EXTREME SECRECY … would meet “out in the boonies” (hidden places away from scrutiny). VERY DANGEROUS to do (this group meeting).
They had look-outs all about them (outside the prime meeters) to guard against “finders”. (Controller men).
These PRIME Meeters would go to an object (in one case, a large “finger-like” upright stone boulder) AND BEGAN A CERTAIN PRAYER. Then go to the stone, lay hands upon it, CONCENTRATE, and IMPRINT THIER KNOWLEGE INTO IT. Each imprinting their “piece” of knowledge.
CERTAIN OF TODAY’S PEOPLE know how to turn on the “search” mode OF THIS / THESE OBJECT “COMPUTERS”.
Anyway, when all the knowledge was Mind-Inserted into the object (in this case, the stone), the stone was somehow cut into MANY small pieces. (It wasn’t an “overnight thing”…ALL took WEEKS….insertion to cutting).
These pieces were snuck onto 5 Controllers’ Rockets (like our ICBMs)….and the rockets’ Trajectory orders were secretly reset.
THESE ROCKETS WERE MADE TO HELP CONTROLLERS ESCAPE the Disaster that was coming. “Lifeboats” for the “elite”.
(Yup…”SAVE OUR REARS and SCREW THE LITTLE GUYS”…..same-old same-old as dictators / etc. today).
Well, literally 2 – 3 minutes before the Controllers were to embark and EVACUATE the (then) earth….THE G(o)od SOCIETY “SHOT” THESE (5) ROCKETS OFF INTO SPACE!
The 5 ships …unmanned…escaped just in time. Heading out into space. To travel in different directions…floating for
“ages”. The knowledge objects aboard, sent, HOPING at least ONE ship would crash on the (THIS) NEW EARTH.
At least ONE made it when their (our OLD) Earth was reformed and appeared in THIS (Our earth NOW) plane. (A sort of “Beam me up, Scotty” type transference).
IT TOOK HUGE CENTURIES to “Re-Group” the (now) earth, we have now today.
In this “Re-Grouping”, the “then” earth’s PIECES …COLLECTED MORE “components” as it floated about in space AND EMERGED as OUR “MARBLE”. It GREW LARGER then it HAD been!
Anyway, these KNOWLEDGE objects are now (the FOUND ones) in Safe Hands “here-n-there”. PROTECTED AND WAITING TO BE OPENED AND SHARED TO ALL MANKIND.
So, that’s that. The start of TODAY’S Earth….from YESTERDAY’S Earth. The ORIGINAL Earth that began when “All was void, and without form”.