Posts Tagged ‘Christian Faith’

A brother emailed:

RE Hi, I wanted to let you know how I am doing with the whole Hologram concept. Today while walking my dog and praying DAD spoke to me and revealed so things. Doing this self awareness that I am being confronted by what is in me by who and what is happening out there, I really began to ask DAD to change me to cleanse me and heal me of the things I am finding.

BUT today DAD spoke something powerful that goes back to the KINGDOM IS WITHIN…. I am so used to operating out of the flesh that is at war with GOD and little experience operating out of the Kingdom! What DAD was saying is YOU ARE CLEAN, YOU DO HAVE A PURE HEART, ect…when you were BORN AGAIN I have given you all that you need, I AM IN you and with you. So I need to learn how to operate out of the NEW HEART that GOD has given me and not out the Flesh that is always in Conflict with everything.

I would like your help in what you have done to lay aside the things of the flesh and LIVE AND MOVE from ones Spirit in the Power of the Holy Spirit…is it meditation or Faith or a combination of a number of things? Thanks I see how the Flesh or Old Nature is part and parcel with the World system run by “L” so I want to Live in the Spirit and DIE to the Flesh….GOD bless

Red Elk replied:

Don’t you get it?  You ARE “Dead to the flesh”!

It’s by not BELIEVING that, that your / man’s problem is based.

When you were baptized and rose from the watery grave, that FLESH body (and all it contained) was left in the grave. “L” HAS SET hIS “Don’t beleive it”! TRAP!  AND YOU’VE FALLEN FOR IT!

“Born again” = Born AS THE FIRST TIME…BRAND NEW and TOTALLY INNOCENT!  A BABY….fresh from the “grave” Womb.

“L” has you / us DIPPING BACK INTO OUR FORMER CORPSES.  IE : WE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY START “Pining” for our SINFUL past WAYS!  Thus become “double dippers”….a Sin here, a GOD thing there.  In a SHORT TIME we have a tendency to RE-DRESS our SINLESS (new) SELF with the rotting skin of our own DEAD CORPSE.

As a NEW BORN, that “dead body clothing” is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, so we are in constant struggle to disrobe that OLD FLESH.

HOW can one “fight” this?”  ACCEPT YOU DIED!

“SEE” what you are DOING is…”Grave ROBBING”!

STOP   B  E  L  I E  V  I  N  G     “L”!!!!!!





Just back from neighbors…getting water.  We trade….whenever one of her animals has a problem I’m called to find out “What / Why”….direct from the “horses mouth” (mind to mind actually).

The gal came out with her “BAD” dog….who had refused to lay and sleep in its designated night sleep spot.  “Why?”

The dog was POUTING and “getting even” ‘cause “Mama wouldn’t give me MY TREAT!”

Told the owner, who started laughing.  Her dog had told the Truth.  DID take place.   ( :

Friends, I’ve tried to teach how to do this ‘talking’ herself.  She constantly refuses.  “Scared” of it I guess.  Typical, of nearly ALL.

Worse is Bible Readers (“believers”) seem so Anti-BELIEVING, they reject even This BASIC Skill.

In this case (gal) it’s ok by me….”easy energy trade”.

Still, sorta kinda ridiculous to me.


Why am I deemed a “Sorcerer” / “Possessed / “Witch” to so MANY?

Wont you EVER Understand that the ONLY THING stopping you from doing similar, is your NOT accepting that “HE” NEVER LIES????



I’ve told (at least twice) here :  “Are you understanding what I’m trying to do here?”  That “I can NOT Make you a Medicine Person, but VERY CLOSE TO IT”.

Listen, folks, I’ve been sticking my neck out for you here.

I could just as easily become close-mouthed and away from ANYBODIES scrutiny.

Far less stress on myself AND family.

I’ve gone to great extremes to try to help you people Wake Up.


The big book written won’t be long before it’s on the market.  It is FILLED with similar to what’s on these pages.  IF YOU DON’T CARE FOR WHAT’S HERE, you SURE won’t care for what’s THERE.  So, if contemplating buying (it won’t be cheap) and feel “slapped / spanked” here, STOP CONTEMPLATING!  Save your money.

Note: what is here, is here to TRY to get my fellow AGAPE GOD BELEIVERS better connection to “Him”.  It is done FREELY on my part.  I’ve asked for nothing (The ‘Donations’ tab wasn’t my idea and only a very scant number have used it).  2, actually.  The rest of you are getting a ‘free’ ride.

If you don’t like it….don’t come to me and complain!

Two have cared enough about YOU that they have sent…for YOUR SAKE.

I ask you to question yourself :  “Am I a CLOSET CHRISTIAN?”

I find some aren’t.  Some are DOERS as well as TALKERS.

I have little use for TALKERS!

Evidently Big Brother feels the same way…..”If you are ASHAMED OF ME…… “  (look it up).

I am NOT looking for donations, I am looking for FELLOWSHIP.  REAL fellowship.  LOVE ALL Fellowship.




Well, well past my bed time.  Adam (Co-owner of #2 dome) here.  We’ve been “exchanging energy”.  I have my abilities…Spiritual…others, theirs.  Adam has paid by fixing the sink’s plumbing / fixed our door frame (door was FALLING OUT!) / and giving a hand on #3 dome.  He had all the tools needed …. And HIS knowledge.

So, (to “friend” who advised I “get a JOB”); …told you I was DOING my job.  FAMILY NEEDS NOW TAKEN CARE OF.  GOD’S WAY, not “man’s”.

See what I mean?

TRUST IN GOD and all Will ALWAYS work out!

Or, go earn your $$ the hard way.  (Most DO do it that way).  Aho?

And “friend”, thanks for the opportunity to be able to share this. ( REALLY!  THANK YOU!)   GB!   Re



A sister replied:

Isn’t it sad that so many have forgotten this natural way of exchange??? Here some more people know to value that way. Mind you, amongst those who join that way, a sence of (personal)connection is growing, a sence which isn’t there among those who do on “money-exchange”.

True, since we are still in this money based society, we need some of it. But it’s just great to do without it where possible. Just wonderfull to see that “group”slowly growing here.

Hope the one you mentioned the E for, has got the core of your message……………


Red Elk answered her:

Hope so too, but DOUBT IT.

“L” used Scripture to test Jesus.  Jesus used Scripture to COUNTERATTACK him.

This is exactly what “friend” did.  “L” did it THROUGH him…I saw that and had to wait for “payday” (Adam).  Once that was so, was able to rebuke “friend” (“L” IN him) by SHAREING that MY TRUST was Viable.  Aho?

This “friend” truly meant well…but totally had / has NOT seen HE WAS BEING USED BY “L”!

Scripture can be a “2 edged sword”.  and you’d better be VERY CAREFULL on WHO you “try to ‘help'”….in my case, Big Brother IN me (NOT me).

There are so MANY just like “friend”.

“Get a JOB!”…..hummm, 68 yrs old.  One heart attack. Three strokes. Amputee. Diabetic. Who WOULD hire me!????

Like I said, I HAVE a job…my “Employer” is……GOD!

This poor guy (assume a guy), (and all like him) WILL lose their means of support (“man job”) in time.  “Christian” or not….THEY WILL BE “LOST”.  “Fall” like DOMINOES!

They have become complacent in their Man Jobs….(with IS of God)….to the point they feel ‘smug’ over their ‘abilities to ‘do’ for their personal families.  This is VERY DANGEROUS!  They are often SO “COMPLACENT” THAT THEY EVEN FAIL TO  P R A I S E  HIM that it (man job) is a DAY BY DAY GOD GIFT!

“He’ll” handle THAT,


I AM VERY THANKFUL for “friend’s” writing.  I am SO THANKFUL to “L” / sATAN for THIS CHANCE to TEACH to NOT have Anger / Etc., but to see what was / is TRULY taking place.  I am So GRATEFUL to “DAD” that I have learned to “see” what is going on…and TURN “L” / sATAN into (in at least This incident)  a DEFEATED ENEMY.  I am so ETERNALLY THANKFUL to our Big Brother JESUS THE LIVING CHRIST….for BEING  I N  ME to GROW / LEARN / COMBAT the everyday happenings of this we call “Life”.  I too am So THANKFUL to ALL God’s ANGELS who watch over me…and too, are here, AT MY “BECK AND CALL”….to provide any ANY extra “hand” needed.  REGARDLESS of what they need may be.

I have LEARNED that the CREATOR is AS REAL AS AM I!  MY “Dad”.

And, my sister, I thank YOU for your INSIGHTFUL Email,  that I can now use,  to Better TEACH.

CreaterGod BLESS!….your brother,  in HIM……re


In response to this post, a brother said:

That makes a lot of sense, Nature sense. Thanks, you know GOD had the twelve tribes circle around the pillar of fire and smoke with their openings to their tents facing the Pillar. GOD bless

Red Elk replied:

Forgot that.  Thank YOU!

If I recall (?) wasn’t JERICHO Circled a number of times before the Hebrews blew their horns?  I don’t recall HOW MANY CIRCLES (if they did).  Do you recall?  Interested (reason WHY too)!  (Hummm, gotta study this).


What is the SON Symbolic of?  ETERNAL LIFE!   GB    re

A sister replied to Red Elk:

They marched around the city once a day for 6 days, with seven priests carrying 7 rams’ horns in front of the Ark, and on the 7th day they marched around 7 times, blew the horns, and then the whole of Israel shouted and the walls fell.

Kind of funny that most people wouldn’t consider circles for themselves but don’t think anything of putting plants in them.

Red Elk replied:

Thanks.  Been a long time since I’ve read THOSE passages.

Yes, is odd, isn’t it.   Re



This is just too good.  A real lesson for all of us.  Have a Blessed Day.

The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.

He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, ”I’m very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the ‘What Would Jesus Do’bumper sticker, the ‘Choose Life’ license plate holder, the ‘Follow Me to Sunday-School’ bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally…I assumed you had stolen the car.”


(A meme, but one with a good message that Red Elk wants you to read. WS)

Preachin’…It Does a Body Good!


Photograph by Andreas F. Borchert, used under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Regarding the post on holograms, a friend of Red Elk asked:

RE I may call you on this over the Weekend, I have two questions on this. If this is true and the world around me is a Hologram of my own projections…what is the best thing I should do to clean up this life I am making and the second question is…How does the great commission, to go and preach the gospel to all the world, make sense? am I preaching to myself? I don’t doubt this I just want to know how to best USE this knowledge. Thanks GOD bless

Red Elk responded:

CALL…I’ll tell you.  But as a START:  When YOU go and “tell the world”….ALL THOSE are YOU!  YOU therefore CONCRETE  The WORD into your OWN Brain!  Do you understand?   re

The friend:

RE that is an incredible concept. What I do is establish the Truth to myself by preaching the word to ALL. The all is me but I am convincing all those different aspects of ME by preaching to the ALL. That is so wild but I can go with it. Am I right?

Red Elk:

well bro….”you ain’t no dope”.  PRECISELY RIGHT!

People just DON’T comprehend Gods WORD.   At Bible College I HAD TO TEACH THE SCHOLAR TEACHERS a few things.  Wonderful…DOPES!

Tell you bro, VERY EARLY QUIET TIME With The Creator…NIGHTLY, gets you into this knowledge.  I’ve done it for YEARS and YEARS.   GB   re

The friend:

Thank You so much!!! I think this is going to transform my life, it will certainly make things easier when I realize I am fighting myself and not “others” it will be easier to let go and let GOD!

When you say Early Quiet time do you mean when you get up at 3 or 4 AM ? Thanks a million brother and when I make those millions I will send it your way too! GOD bless

Red Elk:

When a “problem” arises….IT IS lUCIFER (WS note: Red Elk has told me in the past that he does not give lucifer the honor of capitalizing the first letter of his name) TEMPTING YOU TO REACT IN AN UNGODLY MANNER!

HOW you “meet” this temptation, is up to You.  YOUR  W I L L.

When you can LOVE ENOUGH to Walk AWAY … IN Love … you then become a “Peaceful Warrior”.  LITERALLY ‘LAUGHING IN “L”s FACE!

Wanna have some FUN?  THANK lUCIFER FOR THE   S  T  R  E  N  G T  H   E  N  I  N  G   Temptation OPPORTUNITY!  I mean REALLY THANK hIM!  And turn away from it…PRAISING GOD AS YOU DO!

It DRIVES “L” ‘UP THE WALL’!  DEFEATED!!!!   Aho?   Re


A friend of Red Elk responds to his open letter to the leaders of the Christian Faith:

“Leaders who are as unfamiliar with what Scripture teaches as the “body” they are teaching. As “astray” as those you are leading…astray.”

What is meant by this?
Red Elk’s Response:
Gee, clear to ME

My Brothers and Sisters; Over the years I have witnessed a sad thing with-in our Churches. Leaders who are as unfamiliar with what Scripture teaches as the “body” they are teaching. As “astray” as those you are leading…astray.

Please, look carefully with-in “His” Word…and With-in Yourself. Compare the two. Pray. Do “knee time” in a deep talk to our Creator.

ARE you “right”?

IS what you where taught at your Bible College TRULY the teachings of “His” Word?

Or are THEIR Teachings wrong?


Think on this “All”.


TEST IT! Test it against what YOU are Teaching.

Are They right? OR…the Scriptures?

Lucifer at first thought he had won, when he had our Lord “Big Brother” murdered. Not realizing this “killing” of a great danger to himself…and HIS “kingdom”…was THE GREATEST MISTAKE HE had EVER Done! That he had sent one to THE Leader…and ALIVE.

NOW he was definitely in BIG TROUBLE! He had sent the WORLD’S Leader to the OVER-ALL COMMANDER! and…..

A L I V E !

Oh Oh !…………………..

The “Booby Trap” had EXPLODED IN HIS FACE!

So he devised yet ANOTHER “plan” – Get those Humans THAT WERE HIS, into the Fast Growing FOLLOWERS Midst. People of “respect”. READERS! “SCHOOLERS”. “GODLY” “Good’….. HIS, people!

and the TRUE Believers / Followers “Fell for it!”

That was OUR Mistake!

Then, slowly, he had HIS (now leaders) TWIST The Scriptures. Covering “Gods” WORD with CAMEO “DIRT”.

Till today, we have what is being Taught … Right NOW!

Are YOU part of the “mechanism” of “Lucifer’s SECOND…”BOOBY TRAP”! ????

I ask you to search your heart, DILIGENTLY.

And to YOU, “followers”, I ask are YOU, part of that BOOBY TRAP!”


Though I could go on, I will leave you with this “as is”.


In HIM…..and In LOVE…..



In my years in ‘Medicine’ Healing. I have found there are two “Dis-Eases” that start out as simple Trickery.  “Cons” if you please:   ALZHEIMER’S and BI-POLAR.
BOTH ‘brought on’, to GET THEIR WAY!
In these, they escalate…and become a True sickness.
Thanks to “knowledgeable” Doctors/etc., they have now been ACCEPTED as Viable health problems.  THIS IS “GOOD”, For the DOCTORS / PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES / AND THE PATIENT!
Both are a SELF-ORIENTED  C  O  N.  A SCAM!  To loved ones and those around them.
BOTH can be “cured” by a GOOD Psychiatrist…..unfortunately, there ARE no GOOD Psychiatrists!!  At least not in/for THESE 2 areas.
I have “cured” 3 Alzheimer people.  NONE of the Bi-Polar.  The last do not WANT TO BE HEALED!
Even I can’t go across a persons will.
KNOW: SOME Bi-Polar are Demon caused.  NOT MOST THOUGH.
KNOW TOO:  there ARE people with TRUE Disorders.  BORN WITH things.  NOT ALL THOUGH.

There is another “problem” as well….NOT Self-Caused (in general).  This more a problem with the INDIVIDUAL then with the general public…..HOMOSEXUALITY.
Again, curable….IF they desire.
Today its ACCEPTED….and thus CAN ESCALATE through Accepting.
I do not get upset over gays…but DO get upset that THE CAUSE is UNKNOWN by our Church / Bible LEADERS.  WHY?  Because it’s REASON…..IS IN THE SCRIPTURES!
