Posts Tagged ‘Answers’

Some may wonder why I go “on and on” about “God”.  “Why not more Medicine Man Stuff?  That’s what I’M most Interested in!”

I AM “doing “Medicine”!…and the most DIFFICULT Healing ANY Med. Person (or ANY) can do.  TRYING TO HEAL THE “ACHES AND PAINS”….The “WHYS ?” of “this and that”, that every human being has. The SPIRITUAL ROOT that Heals and Answers ALL these problems.  YOUR SPIRITUAL NEED!
Ever been to a dentist for a Root Canal?  One that NEEDS TO HAVE NO NOVACAINE to get to the ROOT of the infection beFORE actual surgery CAN be done?  (I speak from personal Experience).  ???   Well, this Healing Work is JUST LIKE THAT!!
DARN PAINFUL on the patient!
(Makes ya wish you’d never came in seeking help!).

N O T H I N G!!

UFOs / Alians / Mel’s Hole / War Reasons / Politics / Etc. knowledge ARE NOT GOING  TO HELP “where it COUNTS”!
Get to the ROOT and ALL gets Understood…AND Answered.
So, friends, there is the ROOT of why I do so much “God Talk”.
Big Brother, we NA know as “The Greatest Med. Man That Ever Has Been”, was / is also still Living.  Still teaching.  Still healing.  HE NEVER STAYED DEAD!  Still around folks.  STILL WITH US!
He told “Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom Of God and ALL THESE THINGS will be Given Unto you”.  ALL your “WHAT” and “WHYS” of EVERYTHING!
Ever wonder why He so often said (after a healing work)  “Go … and SIN NO MORE!”  ???
“Sin” brings the illnesses / etc.. The word “sin” means “Disobey God” (check your concordance).
The word “repent” means “Return to God” (check your concordance).
I am “The Dentist from HELL”. (or so it seems).  ( :
Friends, its Your “Call”.  You can leave the “Dental Chair” at any time.  I, nor GOD “HIMSELF”,  will “tie you down” to that chair.  YOU PAY THE BILL.  You came in volunntarily, you can leave voluntarily. “He” AND I, WILL LOVE YOU ANYWAY.
So, friend(s)….know I AM doing doing a “Med. Work”… EXTREME Medicine Work!!

CreatorGod Bless.       Re


A brother emailed:

RE Hi, I wanted to let you know how I am doing with the whole Hologram concept. Today while walking my dog and praying DAD spoke to me and revealed so things. Doing this self awareness that I am being confronted by what is in me by who and what is happening out there, I really began to ask DAD to change me to cleanse me and heal me of the things I am finding.

BUT today DAD spoke something powerful that goes back to the KINGDOM IS WITHIN…. I am so used to operating out of the flesh that is at war with GOD and little experience operating out of the Kingdom! What DAD was saying is YOU ARE CLEAN, YOU DO HAVE A PURE HEART, ect…when you were BORN AGAIN I have given you all that you need, I AM IN you and with you. So I need to learn how to operate out of the NEW HEART that GOD has given me and not out the Flesh that is always in Conflict with everything.

I would like your help in what you have done to lay aside the things of the flesh and LIVE AND MOVE from ones Spirit in the Power of the Holy Spirit…is it meditation or Faith or a combination of a number of things? Thanks I see how the Flesh or Old Nature is part and parcel with the World system run by “L” so I want to Live in the Spirit and DIE to the Flesh….GOD bless

Red Elk replied:

Don’t you get it?  You ARE “Dead to the flesh”!

It’s by not BELIEVING that, that your / man’s problem is based.

When you were baptized and rose from the watery grave, that FLESH body (and all it contained) was left in the grave. “L” HAS SET hIS “Don’t beleive it”! TRAP!  AND YOU’VE FALLEN FOR IT!

“Born again” = Born AS THE FIRST TIME…BRAND NEW and TOTALLY INNOCENT!  A BABY….fresh from the “grave” Womb.

“L” has you / us DIPPING BACK INTO OUR FORMER CORPSES.  IE : WE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY START “Pining” for our SINFUL past WAYS!  Thus become “double dippers”….a Sin here, a GOD thing there.  In a SHORT TIME we have a tendency to RE-DRESS our SINLESS (new) SELF with the rotting skin of our own DEAD CORPSE.

As a NEW BORN, that “dead body clothing” is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, so we are in constant struggle to disrobe that OLD FLESH.

HOW can one “fight” this?”  ACCEPT YOU DIED!

“SEE” what you are DOING is…”Grave ROBBING”!

STOP   B  E  L  I E  V  I  N  G     “L”!!!!!!





I’ve told (at least twice) here :  “Are you understanding what I’m trying to do here?”  That “I can NOT Make you a Medicine Person, but VERY CLOSE TO IT”.

Listen, folks, I’ve been sticking my neck out for you here.

I could just as easily become close-mouthed and away from ANYBODIES scrutiny.

Far less stress on myself AND family.

I’ve gone to great extremes to try to help you people Wake Up.


The big book written won’t be long before it’s on the market.  It is FILLED with similar to what’s on these pages.  IF YOU DON’T CARE FOR WHAT’S HERE, you SURE won’t care for what’s THERE.  So, if contemplating buying (it won’t be cheap) and feel “slapped / spanked” here, STOP CONTEMPLATING!  Save your money.

Note: what is here, is here to TRY to get my fellow AGAPE GOD BELEIVERS better connection to “Him”.  It is done FREELY on my part.  I’ve asked for nothing (The ‘Donations’ tab wasn’t my idea and only a very scant number have used it).  2, actually.  The rest of you are getting a ‘free’ ride.

If you don’t like it….don’t come to me and complain!

Two have cared enough about YOU that they have sent…for YOUR SAKE.

I ask you to question yourself :  “Am I a CLOSET CHRISTIAN?”

I find some aren’t.  Some are DOERS as well as TALKERS.

I have little use for TALKERS!

Evidently Big Brother feels the same way…..”If you are ASHAMED OF ME…… “  (look it up).

I am NOT looking for donations, I am looking for FELLOWSHIP.  REAL fellowship.  LOVE ALL Fellowship.




I received this email from a “sister”.  A GROWER. Deserved an answer…and a Fair One.  This is #1 of 2.  HARD DECISIONS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE.

Will NOT be easy., as each must “DO” as THEY SEEM FIT.     Aho?    re

Quiet day here. Honey napping and me pondering, doing some Bible Study.  Thinking about life.  Wanted your input on something…
When you think of living on your property up here, do you see yourself having lots of people come (good and bad?) and how you’re going to handle it?

As you know we’ve had a lot of people in and outta here over the years, mainly past five, and at first we thought we only had lessons to learn like being more loving, or more patient, or more whatever. And, we did, that’s great.  But now wondering…

So many times our desire to “help”, or “bless”, or have a mutually beneficial working relationship with some of these has been just us giving until it hurt.  Tools and other property was either lost, left out in weather, “borrowed” (never returned), stolen, or damaged.  House never cared for with love and gratitude, trash thrown about.  Disrespect, don’t want to work, or, maybe desire to just help us for free, because of how we’ve given (example).

Now wondering about these lessons.  What will you do when people like that come to your property and are “users”, “takers”, “borrower/thieves”???

Have we missed it????  Have we missed the point???

We just finished a 1920’s story book about a group of Buccaneers/sorta pirates and in the beginning, first captain runs a tight ship.  Discipline strong, but not torture.  Making them obey and keep a clean ship.  Forbidding drunkeness except on “day off”.  One day a week they could rest and get drunk if they wanted, do whatever.  That captain dies, and puts four in his place who take turns.  After a time, discipline gets loose, men rebel, they stay drunk, ship in disrepair and dirty….leads to their capture and imprisonment.  Many are killed.  Both of us felt a “message” to us from the book, and now thinking and praying “what do we do?”

Praying and getting so far…Not an “open door” – “open hand” policy with all, as in the past.  But wisdom and discernment and letting privileges be earned is what we’re getting.  Getting to be captain of the “ship” in our care.

Hope we don’t sound “un-Christian” to you, RE; but we have to CHANGE WHAT WE’RE DOING — DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!!

Having to currently buy more tools and horsetack lost and wishing we had this part of life lesson understood better.  Praying and listening.

What would you say to all this?  What would you advise?  Please speak to us.  Tired of this merry-go-round.

We love you Red Elk

Of COURSE I have.  Several years, actually.  MY solution is ONLY a 2 1/2 day Stay.  In that time I will tell Basic Survival / some Stealth…and OUR Lord.  Then, children with them or not: “BYE BYE”.

I’ve warned, Advised , Shared world wide for several yrs now.  Know a goodly # will be knocking at our door.  I CAN’T nor WILL “Baby Sit”…men, GALS or those with kids.  2 1/2 days and THAT’S THAT.

A good shower, a bit to eat, a decent bed…the Tellings and “SORRY…OTHERS COMING…its now up to you.  G(O)od luck”.  Aho?

With luck that’s about all I can do.   There WILL be Alot of “Strays” passing our way.  Give ALL and equal chance and HOPE Ability.

I also expect some (?) to try to “take over”.  It IS possible I may HAVE to defend my family and possessions  (food / Water / etc.).  THIS MEANS I MAY NEED TO TAKE A LIFE!

ALL have had and equal opportunity to BE PREPARED.  MOST will NOT BE.  That 2 1/2 day Limit will be their final ‘help’ from us.  I suspect JEALOUSY more then NEED WILL cause a (more?) Raid.   THANK GOD THERE IS NO DEATH!  Sooooo they WILL live “after”.

Could I kill?  Won’t know ‘til actually faced with it….but MIGHT HAVE TO.   Aho?    re

PS:  I have a number of options I’d “go for” FIRST!




That that was just Emailed (Note – this is a second email, hence the ‘PS’, added to the end of the previous. WS) was more a “MAN” answer.  (Most don’t know BUT that).

Then….#4 : MY KNOWLEGE OF “DAD’S” WORD!  The PURE knowing…NOT the one you are still quite “into”.   “Thou Shalt Not KILL”….is a MAN (“lUCIFER”) TRICK.  It is “Thou Shalt Not MURDER”.


Do a WORD STUDY in your concordance and trace ‘KILL’ (in that verse) to its CORE ROOT!  YOU’ll see what I mean.

So, I’m ALLOWED to kill IF NOTHING ELSE WORKS (my OWN “rule” view).  Aho ?     re

#1 doing #2 thanking for everyday and some practice  #3  in spirit doing but have not experienced physical transport yet
#4 agree with you totally and study all the time with concordance.  yes, knew about word “kill” versus “murder”.  Never have trusted the danged translators.

Got the message, Grandfather.  It is clear and doing.



The future decision regarding your question would be So MUCH SIMPLER to answer IF I WHERE ALONE.

I do not expect to be tho.  I HOPE at least Some of my family will be with me.

For THEM, my decision would be biased.

If me, ALONE, it would be “another ball game”.

As I’ve shared with you in the past:  I’ve 2 “spots” to “watch over”.  “Spots” that open “other places”.

At a given time, I am to ‘open’ these 2 places for the ones the Creator wants to go in….I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE.  Then, at a given time, I am to ‘shut the 2 doors’ and that can only be done from “HERE”.  If one shows up EVEN A MOMENT PAST THAT “SHUT” TIME, they will NOT be allowed in.  They, as I, MUST STAY AND “FACE THE MUSIC”.

I have no idea who will be sent during this ‘doors opening time’…OR how many.

It would be nice to see my own loved ones enter, but that would be up to “Him”.

One “door” opens to the Inner Land(s) below us….the other, to a different dimension. EITHER PLACE A PLACE OF SAFE REFUGE from what THIS “reality” holds.

All I KNOW is “Go, now, and open the doors.  Shut at My command, and walk away to the “reality” you are in when the work is completed”.

I ASSUME there are such doors, and “door keepers” (as myself), around our planet.

Sure would be nice to see my family go through one.  Preferably, the Dimension one.

“LIFE’S a “BEACH” “.     ( :    GB    re

“God is in all things”.  Ever give thought to THAT?

I’d consider doing so…and pay Particular Attention to the one word: “ALL”.

There are No exceptions in “ALL”!

Every day events.  Meetings.  Quarrels.  Anger.  Joy.  Weather.  Your car breaking down, and On and On.  ALL!

Scripture tells us to “Give PRAISE in ALL things”.    Do YOU?

If so….do you do so….’TIL YOU MEAN IT!?!

“Try” me.  TEST this.  TEST   TEST    TEST !

I tell you true, IT FREES YOU UP!   Suddenly, even the WORSE happenings ARE ACTUALLY GIVEN OVER (UP!) TO “DAD”.  You walk away with a SMILE…not tears and hurts.  Not even Anger.

It has become a “FORGIVE” freedom.

YOUR VERY HEALTH IMPROVES!  (These “holdings” form your’ personALITY).   To the point you may get Ulcers, to Prison Time…or cancer, Etc.

Given UP, you walk IN ‘HIM’….and to be IN ‘Him’ IS to be in JOYFREEDOM! (one word).

This has MANY   AMAZING    results in more ways then the above.

One being TALKING   W  I  T  H  ANIMALS…or a simple flower…or, well, you NAME IT!   ALL means ALL!  Even a CAT! has God Awareness.  So too a Mountain, or a Cloud or a Cougar.  Again, YOU NAME IT!

As I set here, one of our Chihuahuas was on my lap CONVERSING WITH….WITH!….ME.  Mind to Mind.  Not “body language” but TELEPATHY Language.  I can do this with ANYTHING…cause ‘He’ is THERE…IN them!

To the vast majority, I and other Medicine People are either “nuts” or “of SATAN”.


Like I have told you….I can’t make you a Medicine Man / Woman….but ‘HE’ can! (in many ways).  Actually, already HAS….but you forgot.  You set it aside, to follow Mans’ Way.

So, you see folks, If you’re one who thinks that we of “unusual” (and thus “UNGodly”) abilities ARE “BAD”…..well, I’M not “Of Satan” / OR “Nuts”….YOU ARE!

he he he     ( :       re


The New Exodus

A lot of time “DOING” on Skydome…..Relaxing and CONTEMPLATING.

Several things thought on….but one with THESE RESULTS:


Like the Hebrews ‘pulled up and left’….ALL PEOPLE WHO LOVE THE CREATOR will NOW BEGIN LEAVING  A  L  L   RELIGIONS and strike out “on their own”.   Following their HEART!

“Old” rules and regulations of Every religion  W  I  L  L!…..BE CAST ASIDE.


(Only time will be the test on THIS one folks….but IF TRUE, not A LOT OF TIME I’d venture! ).     Re


Soundings of Our Future

Because of my ‘seeing’ the distant past….I foresee the FAR DISTANT FUTURE.  One to be expected in mankind’s DISTANT future is the use of SOUND “LASERS”!

Used by “others” in our distant past to CARVE Hillsides and even small mountains, but even MORE PORTABLE.

SOUND will be our “future”.

Handheld SOUND EMITTING units.  A ‘walk out and Aim” handheld unit.  (About the same size as today’s TV Channel Changers.

Farmers will be able to walk out to their land, Set the “type” sound required, Aim…press a button, and STIR THE LAND!  NO Tractors to create Fuel problems, Manufacturing of THIS machinery needs (GREAT for our Planet’s rejuvenation), and in mere HOURS “do” their croplands Next Planting needs.  Not DAYS.  Not WEEKS…but HOURS!  (Far less then on small “plots”).

Home Gardeners will even be using these.

Then too the SAME DEVICE will replace LOGGERS’ Chain Saws!  (Again, no factories to MAKE such).  “Set” / Aim / “Fire”…and CUT THE TREE DOWN!   A “ZZZIT” and that’s that.  “De-limbing” either while tree is still standing or when down, with the same device.

Many MANY uses.

WARS will NOT BE FOUGHT…due to the EASE of “shaking apart” Tanks to Ships to Planes…or ANY Machinery!  (Buildings…even UNDERGROUND, can be reached / destroyed easily with these devices).

MENS’ BODIES as well! (Just turns to “mush”, BONES DISINTEGRATE!).  Aho?


A simple 9 volt style Battery will be these small devices Energy Source.

Sound Great?   NOT REALLY!

Man, being man (vindictive / war-like), will HAVE TO be CONTROLLED!



And by WHO?  Planet “LEADERS” who will be EXEMPTED from the “Borg Law”.

Yes, there will be total Peace….By:….CONTROL!

“No Emotions” TOO takes away from SEXUAL DESIRES.  This No-Emotions Borgdom will EFFECT MANS’ ABILITY TO PRO-CREATE!

(LOVE must be to Pro-Create).

I ASSUME that one CAN “get back” the EMOTION of LOVE…and “breed”….but BY PERMIT ONLY!  (???).

Thus our POPULATION will be Controlled TOO….by “wise” “Leaders”  (who CAN have Sex / Children WITHOUT Restrictions!).

In short : the REALLY “ELITE”!

I have MORE then “foreseen”….I was TAKEN….AND SHOWN!

BUT, in those days, their WILL be RESISTERS!  People who REJECT BORGING…and HIDE!   These, the “hippies” of their day.

These “resisters” WILL CAUSE a MOVEMENT! One that will be of GRAVE DANGER as a TAKE-OVER of The CONTROLLERS!

MANY, WORLD WIDE, will DE-borg!  And AGAIN there will GREAT WORLD-WIDE WARFARE!  “Them against US” type thing.



But WILL, BACK INTO “HIS” MIND Starting Point!!!

THERE, ALL will ether go to the REAL Hell I’ve spoken of…Or REMAIN in the TOTALLY SINLESS ONE Scripture refers of as the “NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH”! (This some 2030-2037 yrs. AFTER This Coming Armageddon).


I was SHOWN All this.  TAKEN….and SHOWN!

Fantasy?  “Sci-Fi?  “NUTS”?

Only time will tell.

Just sharing, folks, just sharing.    re


Reader:  we need, desperately, to return to our ‘roots’. Our Creator.

You will not find this in the religions….though these DO help.

It can only be located Deep With-in yourself.  Your Heart.

We are seeing the many results of our ‘self’ path today.  “His” warnings.  The Great Oil Spill (this Will affect  ALL on our planet) /  The “Katrinas” and Tsunamis / The Tornadoes / Earthquakes….Desperation of Food needs / Wars…ALL ‘His’.  CALLING us to “Turn Around”…to come back, to touching our hearts, to ‘His’.

As a Great Spiritual Leader of the N.A. is saying (Arvol Looking Horse) is stating  “We (ALL mankind) have LOST OUR “SPIRIT”.”

Please, consider our MORALS.  Are you happy with the way YOUR children are going?  What he says, Is TRUE.  We MUST return.

Or face the consequences.

Things will Not get better, it will only get Worse. IF WE DON’T GET RIGHT.

“He” is DESPERATELY TRYING to wake us up.

TRYING to get us BACK.

“His” Love is THAT GREAT.

SO Great “He” is SACRIFICING MANY…to save we MANY MORE.

Please, Don’t let THEIR deaths be in vain.

Consider it.  Please!!     re


The Perfect World?

The PERFECT World?

In my many experiences,  I have seen some unusual things.  Done a few as well.  I will tell you this: IF All learned the FULL ABILITIES of MIND THOUGHT ALONE (Envisioning ’til one KNOWS what you “see” Is FACT)…we COULD have a Perfect World.  “HEAVEN On EARTH”.

This has its drawbacks though.  The GREATEST “problem” is the OTHER “Yous”.  Your NEGATIVE “YOUs”.

“You’ll ruin the ECONOMY!”  “You’ll have ALL out of WORK!”  “We’ll STARVE!”  Etc.  Etc.


It would take a HECK of A LOT of SELF-CONVICTION to overcome THOUSANDS of YEARS of “L” produced False Believing to overcome.  THOUSANDS of “Culture” “L” training years of “mankind” (HA!) Accepted Thinking to overcome.

IN heaven, that’s not a problem.  You INSTANTLY step into the “NO RESTRICTIONS” of the Way we were ORIGINALLY meant to be / live.

I say “no restrictions”…yet a “deal” with our Creator…..YOUR THOUGHTS   M  U  S  T   ALIGN  With “His” NO SIN ways.

That’s why their is NO Marriage (Lust / Sex) in heaven.

IF their IS Lust / Etc. “after” (WS – after you die)…it might be “heaven” to YOU…but it’s Not THE Heaven!  You are then in a “heavenly HELL”.

This is a form of PURGATORY, folks.  And you’ll have that purgatory ‘TIL The DAY OF ACTUAL JUDGEMENT!

On THAT DAY….you’ll find out WHERE you REALLY BELONG….and be SENT THERE….ForEVER!

“He” will NOT allow YOUR “greedy” (sin) wants to enter ‘HIS’ Wonderful HEAVEN.

Those that have “unclean”, and want to REMAIN in YOUR form of “heaven” WILL be cast out from ‘HIS’.

This does NOT mean “Oh GOODY…I get to go back, FOREVER, to “MY” “Heaven”…YOU can HAVE YOURS.  Toodle Loo!”

Sorry folks, but at the Day Of Judgment “YOUR” “Hell HEAVEN” will NO LONGER EXIST!

BUT,  YOU STILL WILL EXIST!  Never ceasing.  Eternal…and ETERNALLY…..but TOTALLY ALONE.  NEVER to hold a conversation with another, OR even with ‘GOD’!

Floating ENDlessly….by YOURSELF!

Those in this will BURN LIKE A FIRE…but not as a Fire as We know it….it is a “fire” of ENDLESSLY WANTING COMMUNICATION!  To even just SEE another human…let alone TALK to one!  YOU CAN’T EVEN COMMUNICATE WITH ‘GOD”!

‘He” will NEVER RESPOND!  E  V  E  R !

Now THAT’S HELL!  The TRUE hell.

Each of us have but THIS ONE LIFE.  Reincarnation of a person’s SOUL does NOT exist.  (The NAGUAL returns…not “you”).

Those for OTHERS…or choose for self….but be aware YOUR CHOICE is what MARKS YOUR  E T E R N E L  PATH!!

I am not telling you all this to scare you into “being GOOD”  (IF it DOES, and you…YOU…try to “WORK your way into Heaven”…”HE KNOWS YOUR HEART!  So forget THAT!  WON’T WORK!)!

No, I’m sharing this to make you AWARE is all.


I started this writing with the statement “I’ve seen / done Unusual things”.  ONE OF THOSE THINGS IS HAVING GONE INTO…WITNESSED…THIS OTHER ‘PLANE’!

So I KNOW some HAVE, and are enjoying their EARTH(ly) HEAVEN!

Good luck.

