The One Thing That Cannot Be Healed

Friends / and those who don’t want to be :  Over my years of service to my calling, I have learned many things. Most are shareable, and I am. Here and in my book.
I would like to share this:
Man(kind) does not understand life…so therefore can Not understand death.
Man(kind) does not understand death…so therefore can Not understand life.
Man(kind) does not UNDERSTAND THEIR SELVES. Their REASON. Their UNIQUENESS and the SPECIAL “BEING” each individual is. So how CAN they understand the first two?
We are very special, folks. Almost HOLY. Made to SHARE With / In the Great Creator. To actually WALK WITH / IN “Him”.
Each of us has “God” WITHIN! Yet we don’t act like it. We have forgotten.
We have clothed ourselves with the “Ways Of The World”. Self.
It was not meant to be. Nor has it need to continue. It’s a MATTER OF WILL.
Only YOU, and YOU ALONE who can reverse your painful life….for SELF is a Lonely place.
All the partying, All the drinking, All the sex sex sex, All the drugs, All the killings, All the wars…are only to hide your loneliness. Your search to “Find your Soul” in a sense. We use these things to HIDE OUR MISSING PART of being WITH “GOD”.
All this time, centuries after centuries, “He” has never left ANY of us. Always waiting. Always staying at our side. Always whispering “come back to me, my love, my child.â€Â Never has “He” ceased.
It is YOU that have fought that still, quiet voice…”come to me Child…I AM here…come to me.â€
“He” Is, too! RIGHT THERE WITH YOU…whispering: “return”…”come home”. “Let me hold you, hug you, kiss you”. “Come BACK, let ME BE YOUR” COMPLETE FATHER. I LOVE YOU!”  Come back……………………
Only you can return. “He” left that decision up to you. Totally.
There is no need to hate. No need to “side” over names. No need to see color, or culture differences.
There is but ONE “color”…the color called…..Love.
We started as ONE. We can RETURN to ONE. Mitakuye Oyasin: ONE RELATION.    Aho? Ho.  re
“He knows your needs”…..”Fear not”…..”Trust in HIM”….”Seek / Knock / Find”….”Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and ALL will be GIVEN onto you.”
Do you SEE THESE! ??? !!!
Today, I had no gas to get home. Was in town to see a friend of long standing. The check my wife wrote for gas…COULDN’T BE CASHED…OVERDRAWN!
Ok…”HE” KNEW THIS, tho I Didn’t. Well, friend took me out to eat…STEAK! THEN, without asking : FILLED THE PICKUP!
Now, go back and read the first line again.
The more you do, THE EASIER IT IS TO GROW in BELIEVINGFAITH (One Word). DO you Understand? re
I get all KINDS of E-Mails…friends and unknowns alike. ONLY 1 OR 2 are ALWAYS Positive….ALL others are full of FEARFUL INFORMATION. From Government to Drinking Water to “DON’T EAT THIS” to…well, On and ON!
Know what?     I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!
These show me how FEARFUL senders are. MANY claiming “I TRUST IN GOD!”
These are SO fearFUL its a wonder they can EXIST!
“Trust”? DON’T TELL ME THAT Buffalo Crap!
If fearful of the WAY you might die…I can understand that! But the actual Outcome? To a TRUE BELIEVER…THAT shouldn’t enter their / your MIND! EVER.
So, if you want to keep me interested in you…NEVER SEND ME YOUR FEAR CRAP! Keep it to yourself.  Aho?
AND I’m telling all HOW TO STOP IT…how to PREPARE ‘til you grow Strong Enough TO Help Stop It / Etc.!
Today’s kids often have no way to “get a job”. No longer can find/turn in Pop and Beer bottles in most states like when I was a boy. SOME States still do (Oregon for one).
But there are still OTHER ways….Lawn Cutting….Weeding….General yard Cleaning….Etc.
If you’re on a Shipping (ships) area….and the kid(s) like to fish, Well, here, boys go catch CARP / Etc., then take um to the Big Ship Docks and look for Asian Freighters. Selling their catch “on the spot” to the cook(s). Do alright too!
Any can do this. Adults as well. Just keep ’em on ice. Aho?
Carp / Suckers / +, NEED NO LICENSE TO CATCH (CHECK tho first) and you can catch NO LIMIT….YEAR ROUND.
I made decent $$ selling WORMS on “to the lake” Roads. Up to 6 years ago I sold these as bait. Just spent a few hours with a “part Dead” flashlight and got Dozens of Nightcrawlers. Kept ’em in WET NEWSPAPER in my “worm box”. Had a good thing going til the County added Chlorine to their water. KILLED ‘EM ALL!
My favorite tho was (and STILL IS) Shallow Water SALVAGE. Tie a steel rake to a strong line…”dredge” the dock (Etc.) Bottom…snag and bring up the “catch” and owners paid / pays VERY WELL. Rare for me to Skin Dive for things.
The biggest “catch” was a BRAND NEW FIBERGLASS DINGY! Owner never DID tell me how he managed to sink it. In under an hour I had $300.00.
Taught this to Matt (oldest grandson). This early summer he “contracted” to salvage a 16 ft. Fiberglass canoe. In under an hour…$100.00!
I’ve even made $$ live trapping loose PETS. The old BOX and STICK (with string to me, in hiding). EASY MONEY! ($20.00 for a Hamster…$15 for cats / Etc.).
Make $$s Dowsing broken pipes to run-away pets too….but that takes some time learning. Sky (youngest grandson) does this now too (I taught him). He’s learning “Map Dowsing” now as well. CHECK IT OUT (internet) and PRACTICE.
There IS $$ for kids, if given a little thought. Boys and Girls alike. Aho? re
Went to Habitat Store. In their “Free” (wood scrap) pile where about 40 old SPLIT CEDER FENCING Horizontal “boards”. WOW! Loaded all. Then a gal came out and said “Those are NOT FREE…they’re $1.00 each”. Me: “One of your guys said they WERE…and they ARE at your FREE Pile area”. Her: “We just haven’t put a sign on it”.
Ok, took all off and she got a sign on it Immediately.
WAS A REASON: Another came out to help unload. A kid in his mid 20s.
“What were you going to use these on?”  I explained about my Low Cost Dome-making for the homeless / etc. HE WILL BE COMING OUT THIS AFTERNOON with 1 or more friends…TO LEARN TO BUILD ONE!
We got on the SPIRITUAL…HE’S a SEARCHER! HUNGER for a LIVING God!  “I go to many different churches…none seems to fill my need. All seem …. (hesitant)…well……..more “man”, than “GOD”.
LET’S SEE WHERE THIS LEADS!  Will keep you informed. ( :   re
The guy never showed or called. After 6 now.  re
Got EXACTLY WHAT I EXPECTED! A number thinking me crazy for not going after Any of these. “You can do so MUCH for OTHERS (I WOULD).” etc.
SAYING “I TRUST IN GOD”…then, when a “carrot” is dangled before ‘em…they DROP that “TRUST” in a BIG HURRY!  “Trust” in the Bill with “In God we Trust” on it…..MAN!
I expected it. I got it.
One “will fly out there and use the money for others.” Wanna bet…..not ALL of it!?
No one seems to realize To be GODLY means to be HONEST! IE: REPORT YOUR FIND(s). Guess what? SCRUTINY! Government will want to know where you got it. How much.  Government Land or Private Land (not yours?…others)…TAXES, once LEGAL BATTLES are over….and on and on AND ON! Maybe YEARS of LAWYER FEES to see IF you can have it, has OFTEN occurred!
So, you “Jackasses”…you want it, YOU go find it!  I was telling so MOST would actually SEE just WHERE THEIR TRUST REALLY IS!
Where is YOURS! ???   re