Went to Habitat Store.  In their “Free” (wood scrap) pile where about 40 old SPLIT CEDER FENCING Horizontal “boards”.  WOW!  Loaded all.  Then a gal came out and said “Those are NOT FREE…they’re $1.00 each”.  Me: “One of your guys said they WERE…and they ARE at your FREE Pile area”.  Her:  “We just haven’t put a sign on it”.

Ok, took all off and she got a sign on it Immediately.

WAS A REASON:  Another came out to help unload.  A kid in his mid 20s.

“What were you going to use these on?”   I explained about my Low Cost Dome-making for the homeless / etc.  HE WILL BE COMING OUT THIS AFTERNOON with 1 or more friends…TO LEARN TO BUILD ONE!

We got on the SPIRITUAL…HE’S a SEARCHER!  HUNGER for a LIVING God!   “I go to many different churches…none seems to fill my need.  All seem …. (hesitant)…well……..more “man”, than “GOD”.

LET’S SEE WHERE THIS LEADS!   Will keep you informed.  ( :    re


The guy never showed or called.  After 6 now.   re



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