A Real DOER’S “Energy Exchange” Example

An Aussie brother wrote:
Thankyou so much for your reply!
I have left some further contact with Helen to show you, once you have contact Red Elk again with her, and offer you a couple of photos of me and Mel, the beautiful woman I share my life with-given tobacco is quite difficult to send internationally, and some further understandings I have come to since I had a ‘moment’ this time last year. Thankyou for the ‘Awakwning Spirits’ recommendation…I took a lot more out of the message than I thought possible.- I heard discriptions of the brain and the way it should work! I have released my fear of the Sacred Silence… though I was in fear as of about six months ago when I laid down to meditate for the first time and ended up shaking like a jackhammer for about 10 minutes after – but my partner could not feel it in me.. woke me right up too!!! In my meditation I imagined holding an old ceramic water vase in my right hand and sort of scanning my body from above while on my back- I didn’t realize I was in meditation.. The closer I moved the vase up my body to my head the more vibrating it caused, until the pain I thought was a little much, and so I threw the bottle to the floor and ended up having words with my partner that she could not remember 10 minuted later- as I imagined it all.. Something now tells me to go for it, trust the god in me and Father all round, and to keep the attitude I have in seeking…
I have one main confusion in my work. I understand that we as a race are hear to evolve and accept the challenges that brings inner gold to ones soul and spirit by healing ones self through the mind and pure mind, and through experiencing via reflections.Once this is achieved, then true healing for others and our Earth Mother comes into the picture. Where my confusion lies in where in ‘Awakening Spirits’ I am told not to heal myself as this is self serving. This came as a little shock but only before I could see what might be meant by the comment. does not the path of the Shaman start with the fixing and healing of ones own brain, and if this self healing continues for a time, is it the brain/mind that is not included in this self service, as a pure mind is only attained ‘purely’ by service to others? Is the work negated by willing brain connections that are not currently there… like willing the fusion of the 2 brain hemispheres, could this be what natural evolution could mean for our race?? all symbology I feel comes down to this either in the end or as the start of a new world. I have even heard you, Red Elk in your Armageddon Vision express amazing representations of the many 3’s in man and also areas of the brain using geographical metaphors. It also resonates that all past civilizations are a new opportunity to change the pattern of the collective consciousness as the intellect can, but often fails due to the natural pressures that may not be known or at least not cared for… what a lovely crossroads we live in now!
I hope you have already felt the good wishes sent out to you and your close world family.
Red Elk replied:
That “crossroad†has ALWAYS BEEN. Since BIRTH, each has the choice to grab it and hang on OR exploring the “man” (sin) world. EXTREMELY RARE for ANY to stay with #1. You didn’t…now “tripping” to get back to it. Sure harder after “leaving”. We of Medicine don’t have as much trouble…usually called to the work (and learning) at age 10 to 14. Still not many years from birth. Still not easy tho…just easiER. Aho?
This Breaking from old habits / ways to the Original way each are born with to go, SCARES ALOT OF “seekers” / Learners. Some can’t take it and LEAVE the “way”. Just shocks ‘em so badly. My ONLY APPRENTICE being one. Levitated. THAT’S ALL IT TOOK! Left to home (Canada) the VERY NEXT DAY.
“Paying” for it now. Warned him he would. sigh
As for cigs…send $11.00 and I’ll foot the change and get ‘em here “In your name”. Aho? $11.23 A PACK here! Postal rules changed a month ago. Almost impossible to send via mail anymore.
Who is this first gal you mentioned?  re
To any in the beginning of connecting to the Creator: You will have your “world” ‘reality’ turned asunder. Myths / Old Wives’ Tales / Fairy Tales / long “dead” species (dinosaurs / etc.) / Etc. you will find STILL EXIST. NOT “myths” / NOT “gone”…but ALL are very much in existence still. Mostly in the Inner Earth caverns. THIS EXISTS…CAVERNS of VAST SIZE.
You will ALSO find “Others” exist. “Aliens”.
In short, you be taken into knowledge beyond your “here” KNOWING.
All this will take time…AS YOU GROW IN “HIM”.
You GROWERS will find THIS (that man calls “reality”) has The REAL REALITY all about you. That, “blocked off” by your upbringing. Peers who TOO were TAUGHT these things “don’t exist”. They / You have ACCEPTED “blind people’s” “views”. Now tho, AS YOU GROW IN “HIM”…you will find THOSE VIEWS are All LIES.
As you grow…you will think you are “crazy”. This is the battle of your OLD “self” versus your NEW self.
Not often easy to accept these New “things”.
I writing this to Pre-Warn you….to, IN ADVANCE, make you “aware”. Less confusing / frightening with this pre-knowledge. Aho? GB re
Flash Player for the 08/17 show has been moved to the 2010 Radio Shows page.
This One (“I”) wishes you to know that WE ARE AT WAR!
This is not the Wars of TV / daily papers / etc. man is familiar with. Afghanistan / etc. are but a form of SUBTERFUGE. A “DECOY”, meant / designed to keep our eyes and minds off what is REALLY going on : THE WAR OF THE SPIRIT!
In the last word (“Spirit”) it is of several meanings:Â Your SOUL ; Your very BEING ; The “World of SPIRIT” ; WAR Between The Creator AND hE who WANTS to BE our “God” ; Etc.
“L” (lUCIFER) is THE ENEMY who we fight.
Each of us were meant…AND GIVEN…to Be “At Peace”… Within AND without. BORN with that ONENESS with the Creator. A Breathing / Walking “Garden Of Eden”.
“L” was given the duty to HELP US CHOOSE. SELF-WILL!
In this hE was given a “gift” too :Â TO PRESENT “OPPORTUNITIES” to “enjoy” “The Sins Of The ‘World”.
In this, WE become / became our OWN “worst enemy”.  This “worst” refers to the PHYSICAL us. IT IS THE “SPIRITUAL” us that is the SPIRIT WAR.
Do NOT make the mistake there IS no “Spirit” World. For any thinking otherwise is well entrenched in the DECEIVED “FOXHOLE”.
“Bullets” and “Shells” passing over you. YOU FAIL TO SEE WHY THAT “FOXHOLE” (you Dug) IS BUILT! IE: MENTALLY you KNOW there’s a “war” going on and you hide in your self-made hole “to be safe”.
That’s ok by “L”….YOU are NOT FIRING AT hIM! INEFFECTIVE to hIs attack over the Whole battlefield. USELESS…a WIMP “soldier”.
YOU in that hole THINK “you are safe”, while the battle passes beyond you. THINK AGAIN! AS it goes past…YOU ARE NOW ALONE! To be “picked off” at the ENEMIES LEISURE.
BeHIND the “enemies” line. ALONE! A thousand enemy soldiers NOW SURROUND … YOU!
You then think, “Its ok. I’ll simply stand up and surrender”. 666 !
Alive NOW, in THIS ‘reality’….but THE WAR ISN’T OVER in the World called “Spirit”. A COUNTERATTACK  W I L L  BE MADE…
Believe me, you’ll “pay”. Aho?
Do as you may. It’s your decision…your “path”. Aho?
I just want to make what’s going on CLEAR to you. Aho?
(Don’t stand before The Creator and say “you were never told”. By reading this, YOU’VE BEEN TOLD!).
Ok, ’nuff said. Now : “KNOW your ENEMY” ;  Literally, READ ABOUT hIM! STUDY how hE WORKS! Become FAMILIAR with hIS tricks and “Twists and Turns”. KNOW hIS CUNNING!
This is often not done by “believers”. No matter of WHAT religion or Culture you / they are in.
Patten and Rommel “KNEW” each other. STUDIED each other.
In this they were able to maneuver. Trying to Out Wit the other. NETHER WENT IN “BLIND”!
SPEND TIME Doing So.  re