Know This

Interesting Site that bears checking into???
Aussy Dave sent me this.
Rather interesting. You might be interested.
I like the idea of these Survival Tabs….$24 for 180 Tabs that u can survive on for 3-4 months….even at 3months that works out to 26 cents a day for food…or $1.86 a week….even if they last only 2 weeks cause u keep munching away on them, that’s still $1.70 per day or $14 per week spent on food…these tabs provide 100% of all the vitamins & minerals etc…plus protein & carbs….old people dying & unable to eat have been given these & lived on for years in some cases…apparently they taste good & u can just put one in your mouth & suck on it till it is gone……from same Camping Survival place in NY state we got our radios from HERE. Toll free number = 800.537.1339 ………it comes with a plastic bag inside lid u can put the tabs in & then carry in pocket leaving the container free to be used as a water canteen….GB
Hey, We are DOING …despite so little.
YOU can TOO!
Quiet hot out and BIG winds…from the East (rare).
Doing a number on the tarp I put over the High-Bird. I’ll have Sky help me “cauterize” it and roll it up.
OH….also bought yet ANOTHER Camouflage Tarp. Smaller then yesterdays. Wanna use it as a “high set” sun and rain covering to sleep under. About “tarped out” I think.
$28.00 in pocket…$30.00 in each (2) bank accounts…plus a bit of change….AND a FULL TANK OF GAS. I’m “siting pretty” for a change. That TOO is Rare. Aho?
Payed OFF another Doctor Bill. Three “gone” now…in a week. Praise The Lord!
BIG ones left though. Slow but sure. Aho?
We’re about $22,000.00 in debt…Doctors / ATV and all. Better then the over $30,000 of a week and a half ago. Having Ms car payed off has helped.
ALL the rigs License Plate Tags are due. My Drivers license due too. “Petty stuff” that “eats” at any spare cash.  AND One more load of garbage to get to the dump. $5.00…AND $6.00 just to DRIVE there and back. “Chew” “Chew” “Chew”.
(we ALL know THAT story, right?).
I know some on this list have land (homes/ etc.)Â WISH ALL HAD!
Even IF no water / toilet or PLACE.
Aussy Dave long ago discovered DIRT (with clay in it). Has a FINE Place as home…AND Garage…AND Shed. Cost? Mostly SELF WORK.
“Ghost” has his being lived in too…BAGS FILLED WITH ARIZONA “SAND”. Under $15,000.00 And SELF LABOR.
I have the 3 small domes here. All 3 are under $700.00 on ALL Quite useable…and occasionally are.
Plus the 30 foot diameter I’m trying to finish on are Safe (run) Land. So far less then $3,000.00 on that…Plus SWEAT!
It’s amazing what ONE can do…three? UNBELIEVABLE!
As has been a habit lately, I keep looking at all the STUFF I’ve / we’ve collected. Way WAY too MUCH! Slowly giving away.
Folks, if you CAN buy a piece of land…DO ALL YOU CAN TOO. “Water Be Damned”. Learn to SKY COLLECT and learn to use FAR LESS!
Its not unusual to go a FULL WEEK without a “proper” shower. BIRD BATHS BETWEEN!
You do NOT “NEED” ELECTRICITY…..YOU do NOT NEED a HAIR DRYER. YOU do Not NEED a TV or PC….etc., not REALLY. Buy a Solar + Wind up radio to listen too. BOOKS. CANDLES (save the wax to remake)….Etc. Etc., AND SOME OVERALLS!
Did OUR ancestors HAVE your so-called “NEEDS”? BUFFALO CRAP!
Should I by land “type decision” FIRST. Aho?
Good Luck.
Here’s a ‘goody’ that may interest a number : type in (search) WATERBOXX (2 Xs). Rather fascinating Grow Plants / TREES “way”.
Not only that, but Side Bar related info a WORTHY look too.
One on Homes from Living Trees. Something I’ve done in the ’60s. Still there as far as I know. Made from growing bent willows. Made it for Christy as her own ‘private cabin In The Woods’.
Even given thought to doing “ditto” on our safe land…using very tall White Birch trees in a grove there.
Anyway, check these places out if you’re interested.
Remember, Willows and willow-related trees (Birch being one) means : SURFACE WATER.
Got a ‘comment’. The sender telling a bit on his childhood days. A fun read. He mentioned KITE FLYING….now THERE’S something I know of!
I belong to the Kite Flyers Association. Got ALOT of ‘em. “Trains” (several on one line) / Controlled / Regular / Etc.
Sky and grandma like to go out in spring’s breeze and fly ‘em. Seems there’s no age limit to the joy of “just dinging around in the breeze” with ‘em.
Some daring souls use ‘em to do some fantastic “shots” using a camera….HIGH UP shots of the “Below and All Around”. See for yourself…visit KITE PHOTOGRAPHY on internet search. Even tell how to rig up your camera. COOL! (Some go ‘house-to-house’ and people pay ‘em for pics of their land / place “from Above”).
My VERY FAVORITE is KITE FISHING! Gotta teach Sky this one yet.
I’ve used a tiny kite to “slide” my lure down the ‘wind shoot’ of the Yakima river…after trout along too bushy areas to fish from immediate shore. VERY Effective! Used this to go almost a 4th of a mile away shore on ponds nearby. Flew to the other side, released my rigged hook, and slowly troll back. No need for a boat. EQUALLY Successful!
To get the kite past YOUR shoreline can be a hassle….so I use 2 poles. One for kite (and leave That up)…#2 for fishing. This way I don’t have to constantly try to launch the kite…just pull Kite Line in to rehook (enough string beyond that to keep the kite still up).
Another way of fishing is By FAR my most enjoyable way :Â Face Mask / Snorkel / Fins / Innertube with bait line and Fish “Keep” line tied to me….and LAMINATED Fishing License….CARRIED WITH ME (This has saved me TWICE from ‘illegal’ fishing).
Swim out, look below for the fish AND SIZE you want….lower your OLD rod (and OLD Reel), baited, to the fish. Tease ‘em / Anger ‘em…and WHAM…”FISH ON!”  Really LARGE(er) ones CAN GIVE YOU A “Nantookit†Sleigh Ride!
When I do this type fishing, I’ve YET to come back “skunked” and ALWAYS WITH MY FULL LIMIT! (Much to the anger of jealous others, fishing)
Don’t forget to put a DIVER’S Flag on your tube if in a lake with boats about. Aho?
I’ve done unusual things in my life. If its not dangerous and looks like fun and looks like I’m capable of trying things out…I GIVE IT A GO!
Hope this “whets” some appetites. Boys / Girls / Moms / Dads or Grandparents : GO HAVE SOME FUN!
Life is Too SHORT to be just filled with “worries”. Aho?   Re
Most across the USA are snowed in….or, in general, in Cold.
Wanna see what YOU CAN DO if “homeless”? Now’s a GREAT TIME to go BACK YARD CAMPING! Yup, with a tent (or tarp). A big bundle of Fire Wood….Sleeping bag or several Blankets.
In short : GO TRY IT!
The house is but yards away. You won’t die if “too much” for you.
Sky likes to put a “footprint” (cover on the ground and tent set up there, ON IT). Then put a tarp over the whole (tent is only for 3 seasons). Once couldn’t get his fire going…so STILL Camped, WITHOUT Fire.
Kid has guts.
There have been a couple of times he a buddy(s) slept in one dome. TO “MUCH” FOR THE FRIEND(s)! So ended up coming in. SKY did NOT want too. If it wasn’t for his buddy(s) “crying” he would have stayed out.
Like I said : “Guts”.
The “safety” of a warm house just yards away helps “newbies”. Nothing to cringe about “running”. At least you’ll get a TASTE of HOW PREPARED YOU ARE!
Best to find out NOW, than when Suddenly FORCED too!
With even this SLIGHT try….it can sure give you Insight!
Seriously, GIVE THIS A TRY. The opportunity is Here ….NOW. GB re
Hi sister ;Â tho Im unable to receive ANY Emails, i can still SEND.
Hope u had a realy good Xmas. And that uve FINILY been able to try out ur Snowshoes!
Here, pleanty of snow…somewher over 4 feet.
Snowmobils used as safe transpertation (illegely). My shoes in storage n snowed in.
We drive r 4wd rigs over the parking / driveway area n pack it down to get in / out. Works fine.
Even with rds cleard by Country trucks (in time), its still hard to see…”white Outs” at certin area. 4wd driveing only, n SUCKS gas! 4 trips to town n the PU has only enough gas to GET gas. Over $70.00 to fill each time. 2 1/2 fillings a wk. on mine n 1 1/2 fillings on Ms car. LOTS of Money just to get about. Aho? Our earning streached to the exstrame limit…n Elect. bill due any time now. Then too, Land Taxes.
The 3 doomes r looking “good” right now. ( :  one undamaged, otker 2 still quit useabel, tho bent in in places with the snow + ice.
Yesterday i had mt eldest grandson circel each dome with his snowmobile (a # of times). I can now (?) get out to them n get at least Some snow off. (Mite, today). A real tireing hassel geting to them other-wise. (Im not geting any younger). ( :
As u know, life is an Adventure! Can be FUN….or a Problem. Its all as one looks at it Ive found.
“Problems” just there to help u overcome. Usaly with a VERY Simple salution.
I live in “2 worlds”….SALUITION “worlds”. This house (and ALL it takes for its constent up-keep), and the “World” of SIMPLCITY. The last, FAR cheaper!
Admittiably, less “Comfortabel” tho. Little rm. for exspensive “add ons”. This makes “Small” rather “Cabin Feaver(ish)”. U and about 4 others) have learned to overcome alot of that by going out and gardening n “hunting”. Not as easy when one has 3 OTHERS…and so many PETS, tho. U have another advantage as well ; Shorter trips. Here a “short” trip is 8 1/2 miles (to Skys school). 10 1/2 to one town n 16 1/2 to another. ALL are on some ruff hills. WIND allways, on way back. Bikes not feasabel (ok if uve the time to do so tho). When liveing far closer to town, n i used the bike, it took me 40 minits to n hr. to get to town….and ALWAYS at about 3 HOURS to get back (wind). Never a pleasent doing. Today Im ALOT older n these hills ALONE can “kill” me.
Frankly, I prefer useing one of our Foot Scooters. Takes even longer, but FAR MORE relaxeing.
Ive a small Back Pack on the handel bars of my main one, and carry a biger one on my back. Good enough for grocery runs.
My bike has so many bags they act as “STOP Sails” when rideing home. REAL Work! (To the point Ive often wanted to camp out overnite and doing a 2 DAYER on each trip)! (Searisly).
Car is best, but gas….n UPKEEP….UGH!
Cant “car pool” easily. Most in our area ‘stock up” n make far less trips. We’ve not the rm. nore enough money to do so. Tho I call others to tell “Im headed to town. Need anything?”….none dos so with us. sigh.
These same people all will be asking US “how do u DO it?” b4 much more time.  Seems no one WANTS till its JUST TOO LATE…then, “Panic”. And wanting ME to do the work, as well!
I feel like Noah as he built his God Orderd boat! Musta MADE himself “hard hearted” to be able to hear the pleads and screems for HELP, as he floated away. Many from those he knew. FAMILYS. All pounding on his hull. ALL ; SCOFFERS and NON-HELPERS…..screaming as they cling to anything that would float.
People watching thier own children n loved ones slide away n slowly sink.
Now ALONE and clinging to servive themselves. For what?
No boat to rest in, no stocked clean water….not enough food…AND NO PLACE TO LAND.
(NA USED to “be ready”…till the “civilized” SAVAGES slowly made them dependednt on THEM).
Now again we ALL “Face the Seas”. At least you and a few others are gardening and stocking up. Naturely. NATURE(ly).
Still, u cant feed every “pleader”. U TOO witll have to become “hard Hearted” i guess. U will be NEEDED, “After”. THEN, u can HELP. (Same here). sigh.  (Least, if WE “make it”). Aho?
Yup, Im seeing THIS faimily cought between many deccissions. SIMPLE…or “As Is”.
It looks like only “Dad” will be able to show us (my family) it “AINT GONNA BE “YOUR’ ” WAY”. M and all here will be FORCED to the SIMPLE Domes…or parked, sleeping, in a car like so MANY r now needing to.
RIPED into a deccession.
At least Ive a “small boat”…n You ur own.
GBÂ Â re
Money Stretcher “Dirt Poor” TOYS
Guess I’m still like that. All my life I’ve never had an over abundance of money…And an OVER ABUNDANCE of WANTS.
With a tiny house , mom, dad and 5 kids, dad the “town drunk: and mom over-worked…their never was “fancy stuff” come Christmas. Lucky to have a place to sleep.
Well, CREATE your OWN entertainment!
A big box = a FORT / HOUSE / TRAIN
STICKS can become SMALL DOME HOMES when you get to MY age
A Pop Straw = a BLOW GUN…or SPIT BALL “shooter”
Draw or cut from Funny Page Strips “people”, a bent heavy paper “tab” glued at base helps them Stand
PAPER DOLLS = DRAW “Clothing” / cut with TABS to hold /fold to DRESS THEM
Nut Shell boats…with SAILS
Block of thin wood = RUBBER BAND Paddle Wheeler Boats
Hand Puppets Paper Maca’ Marreninetts
And On and ON
Paper / Sticks / String / Rubber Bands / Steak Knife serrated knife for saw /
Why BUY a toy THAT PLAYS WITH THEMSELVES!? When NATURE / Cheap ‘on hand’ “tools” / and a KID, can BRING TOYS TO LIFE…all on their OWN! ????