Fishers of Fun

Got a ‘comment’.  The sender telling a bit on his childhood days.  A fun read.  He mentioned KITE FLYING….now THERE’S something I know of!
I belong to the Kite Flyers Association.  Got ALOT of ‘em.  “Trains” (several on one line) / Controlled / Regular / Etc.

Sky and grandma like to go out in spring’s breeze and fly ‘em.  Seems there’s no age limit to the joy of “just dinging around in the breeze” with ‘em.

Some daring souls use ‘em to do some fantastic “shots” using a camera….HIGH UP shots of the “Below and All Around”.  See for yourself…visit KITE PHOTOGRAPHY on internet search.  Even tell how to rig up your camera.  COOL! (Some go ‘house-to-house’ and people pay ‘em for pics of their land / place “from Above”).

My VERY FAVORITE is KITE FISHING!  Gotta teach Sky this one yet.
I’ve used a tiny kite to “slide” my lure down the ‘wind shoot’ of the Yakima river…after trout along too bushy areas to fish from immediate shore.  VERY Effective!  Used this to go almost a 4th of a mile away shore on ponds nearby.  Flew to the other side, released my rigged hook, and slowly troll back.  No need for a boat.  EQUALLY Successful!
To get the kite past YOUR shoreline can be a hassle….so I use 2 poles.  One for kite (and leave That up)…#2 for fishing.  This way I don’t have to constantly try to launch the kite…just pull Kite Line in to rehook (enough string beyond that to keep the kite still up).

Another way of fishing is By FAR my most enjoyable way :  Face Mask / Snorkel / Fins / Innertube with bait line and Fish “Keep” line tied to me….and LAMINATED Fishing License….CARRIED WITH ME (This has saved me TWICE from ‘illegal’ fishing).
Swim out, look below for the fish AND SIZE you want….lower your OLD rod (and OLD Reel), baited, to the fish.  Tease ‘em / Anger ‘em…and WHAM…”FISH ON!”   Really LARGE(er) ones CAN GIVE YOU A “Nantookit” Sleigh Ride!
When I do this type fishing, I’ve YET to come back “skunked” and ALWAYS WITH MY FULL LIMIT! (Much to the anger of jealous others, fishing)
Don’t forget to put a DIVER’S Flag on your tube if in a lake with boats about.  Aho?

I’ve done unusual things in my life.  If its not dangerous and looks like fun and looks like I’m capable of trying things out…I GIVE IT A GO!

Hope this “whets” some appetites.  Boys / Girls / Moms / Dads or Grandparents : GO HAVE SOME FUN!

Life is Too SHORT to be just filled with “worries”.  Aho?     Re



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