Dome of Many Colors

Friends, the following HAS to be told….for ALL Med. People World Wide: we are NOT your “Servants”. This calling is our JOB, not for your PRIVILEGE.
ANY worker…yourself included, expects to get paid for their job Work. Do you not? Well, WE WOULD LIKE THAT TOO.
Note: not Every Med. Person CAN, or WILL, do ANY or ALL Healing(s). We DO have our limits. Our “SPECIALTIES”.
The proper way to approach ALL Med. People…Male And Female, is to 1st send Tobacco.
With this ASKING FOR HELP Offering, we go into Prayer…seeking the Creator’s WILL. “ARE we (I) to help?” “WHAT is YOUR Will, Sir?”
This takes time. Often DAYS in the wilderness, waiting for “HIS” Answer.
We have spent MANY YEARS learning our “trade”. Some, more then your local Physician.
Unlike those doctors, we do not PRACTICE healing. We must first KNOW what we tell / do WORKS…..before DOING!
We have found “He” gives ONE of FOUR (4) answers;  #1:  YES (do the work). #2: NO (don’t). #3: THIS ONE HAS SOMETHING TO LEARN FROM THIS PERSON’S Problem, and YOU are just to pray they LEARN QUICKLY.  Or (#4): SEND TO ANOTHER Healer.
We then do as told.
ALL THIS TAKES TIME. Time that could better “spent” with doing things needed around home.
All this…for TOBACCO!
Then, if “YES”, the Actual work begins.
Today Many Med. Healers set a Fee. $75.00 per hour…2 hours MINIMUM (so, $150.00 “Up Front” and IMMEDIATELY).
This seems to be the norm.
In the OLD DAYS what you pay $150.00 for Cost THEM perhaps a small HERD OF HORSES!
In my case, I leave it between the patient and the Creator.
Unfortunately, FEW ASK….and I end up with nothing but “THANKS, Red Elk”.
This does NOT Pay Bills, does NOT feed the family, or buy gas, or does ANYTHING. I / We Med. People need to LIVE too!
I, myself, have come VERY CLOSE to doing so, 3 times.
Other Med. People urged me not to.
I HAVE DONE THE SAME with others.
Now, it is told. Openly and Truthfully. Not just for Me, but for ALL OF “US”.
Another thing you need to understand: When coming to a Med. Person, and exchange energy….do NOT Expect that ONE “EXCHANGE” means you can come back and “add on” an “OH, ANOTHER THING, Can you do This / That” (healing / advising / etc.)†FOR THAT ONE PAY TIME!
Those who do (and there are ALOT), then they have become THIEVES, “TAKERS”, LEECHES!
This telling will not make me “well liked” by MANY  BUT THE MEDICINE PEOPLE I HAVE COME FORTH FOR. For ALL of THEM, I tell.
Aho?  re
The following is a Sound Track of a song written / composed and sang…
Called: “Through Red Elk’s Eyes”.
It takes a few moments before starting.
I lost the givers name (darn-it!). From New Jersey I think. When I played it on the pick-up’s disk player, I had to stop on side of freeway to CRY!
IT IS BEAUTIFUL (at least to me).
What an HONOR!
Feel free to copy and SHARE!
If anyone can provide us information regarding who wrote and composed and sent this song to Red Elk, please contact publicist Heather Dalberg
A letter From and To a listener of my last interview. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
We are to USE GOD’S WORD to “make it” WITHOUT FEAR. Please read on.  GB   re
Hi Red Elk!,
       I got your message about bending like a green reed, that we have knees to bend and should use them. Thanks for advice.
       This may be too long, but luckily I hardly ever email. LOL
       Trish told me I should email you over 3 yrs ago, asked several times if I had. Not sure when that was…but eventually I get around to it LOL.
      Anyway, just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your podcast. I first heard you on Zeph show yrs ago.
       I never thought you were crazy, was glad to hear someone else who has similar experiences.
       I didn’t know things seen were not considered “normal” until around 6 yrs old There are too many wild things to list. When a baby people either called me “haunted” or “born between the worlds”. No one wanted to babysit me.  Not sure exactly what being born between the world means but that’s ok.  I am guessing it means a person who feels half in this world and half in the spirit world. Not quite fitting in.
       And I have to be careful, sometimes spirits pretend to be something else and lie like the devil.
      I am such a ghostly white person you would need sunglasses to look at me in the summer to protect the eyes! LOL But even younger than preschool I would have strange dreams and visions. And always dreams and visions with wolves, sometimes Indians too. I was locked in a pretty prison, they would try to break me out.
       Christian friends tell me wolves are evil but I have a hard time believing that. The wolves seemed to protect and taught me, they called to me to come out and follow them when I was just a little girl. I was never scared again when being chased in nightmares. I felt like one of them, still dream of them,  They called me their sister.
  Bizarre thing, my dad was a HUGE racist.  I asked about a few ancestor photos I found, he said nope, they had dark skin because they were in the sun too long. Yrs later I found out he has some Indian heritage. And the place they came from in Mississippi ,,,get this, it is NESHOBA, means WOLF in Choctaw! Wolf dreams took on new meaning. I do not claim to be anything, just a human BEing. Most Americans are mutts anyway. lol
       Animals and I have always talked with each other. I felt bad for a police dog at Special Olympics once, he broke rank and ran to me. The cops fiance hated the dog, was mean to him over jealousy. try explaining that to a cop without them getting the nets and white coats out!!!. Poor dogs have to be retrained if they break rank.
       After hearing your new podcast I shared with trish for the first time that I believe trees and plants speak too.  I was afraid she would think I was a little la la before. hehehe
         Once when watering new flower beds at a house sitting job I watered a very tall old trees trunk for the heck of it. That old tree asked me to spray the hose as high as I could reach, to get to its branches! I question myself at times and thought it looked really silly, but did it. The tree thanked me!  There had been a dry spell, Texas summers are brutal and tree missed the rain, felt gritty, like it needed it.
       I have been spared before in wrecks too, had a diesal pass through car when I prayed. And then I found myself just a few blocks from my house. Yet seconds before I was 30 minutes away, that was VERY disorienting. I turned the news on later…….there was the same wreck, not everyone was lucky.
       Because of your interviews I was able to stop my handicapped ( partially brain damaged) child from disappearing. The only way I can describe it is that it was like a doorway or portal. I was worried he would get trapped there. I even had to get help once, we were all searching for him in neighborhood. He reappeared out of thin air in front of everyone, but they did not want to stick around or try to explain it. they freaked. He says he went to another place. When he sleeps he says he goes to places without moving his feet. Since about 3 he would wake up and draw things like the planets, stone henge, etc…..He told me about these things on Mars who were put deep inside the rocks for punishment,. And that they were waiting to be let out. Which was creepy, I have dreamed about that.
        At around five he was drawing ancient hieroglyphics. He said he draws what he sees there. He is barely 14 now and still draws these things and weird maps.
      Anyway, there are too many experiences to list. And email is getting long.
       BTW, I am the one who made Zeph the morph Lion face, not dog. HAHA!
       Here is mine, I wanted a panther but was working against type, lol
       Just thank you for all you do. If I were not broke now I would send a little something..
I’m broke but USE TO IT! My “life” like that. ALL MEDICINE PEOPLE are as that. Keep your $$. YOU need it.
Your WOLVES are your TOTEM ANIMAL. PROTECTORS. I have my MAIN ONE (won’t tell) whose ALLIES ARE WOLVES…so in a sense, “mine” too. I also have MUSKRAT. GREAT for INTERNAL DIGESTIVE SYSTEM WORK. A number healed by their abilities.
A TOTEM IS ACTUALLY A N.A. A N G E L ! GIVEN TO OUR ANCESTORS IN A WAY WE UNDERSTAND.  The general Earth populace know ONLY the “HEBREW” (whites’) ONES. So OURS are “EVIL.”   Culture against culture…”WE are RIGHT…YOU are WRONG” thing. Aho?
My Main One, in answer to my question “What IS a Totem, anyway?” Appeared. Stood up-right, took its great paw to the “chin” and pushed his head back. JUST AS YOU’D SWEEP BACK A HOOD ON A HOODED SWEATSHIRT. Head fell back AND THERE, INSIDE, Was THE HEAD OF A “WHITE MAN’S” ANGEL! He GRINNED at me, reached back, and put his “head” back on. Then walked off into the World Of Spirit.
Note: ALL!
KNOWING this, I COMMAND lUCIFER and “hIS” MADE DEMONS (under hIS control and I’M IN CONTROL OF hIM) to do as I ORDER!  hE HAS TOO!  Again, “hear” : H A S to.
Thus I am able to Cast Out Demons, “Clear” haunted houses and Evil Power Spots, etc.
lUCIFER FEARS ME! (I MEAN JUST THAT). For he KNOWS that I KNOW THE TRUTH….that he HAS to OBEY! A “rule” set down by hIS/Our GREAT MAKER.  Aho?
“Fear Not, for I AM WITH YOU”…………………………..  ( :
You are not crazy (aka insane), you, AND SON, in-Sane, WITHIN ! Aho?
In our Lord and Great Creator…. GB   re
Keep thinking about those who tell me “This (what-ever) is FROM GOD.” Donations, help, etc. Then down the road comes reminders of what THEY’ve given. Seems their gOD doesn’t GIVE….
I certainly don’t At ALL, mind “returning”…but at HIS will. He’s not a “whiteman giver.”  ( :
I NEVER “REMIND”…that’s NOT “GOD Giving.”
Find nearly all secretly want a “favor,” eventually. A few I simply refuse outright. Then all get MAD because I’m not “grateful.”
‘Til now there’s few I trust….Always wonder if they had/have an “agenda” in their giving.
I’m so Disappointed in mankind.
Praise The Lord tho there ARE 3 to 7 who have held “held true.” It is THOSE I don’t mind spending prayer time on. “Work time” on. FREELY.
It is THOSE I TRULY “CARE” About. DEEPLY care about. I DON’T FEEL “OBLIGATED” or PRESSURED with THEM.  It is those who are a “Pearl of great price.” Aho?
“Do NOT let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” A good thing to consider on. Aho?
GBÂ Â Â re
Things I’ve gotten FOR FREE and using on my Mini Dome building: Logs, Firewood, 2x4s (toss offs), Dirt (County ditch clean out), Rocks, Gravel (rd. side), Sand, Willow trees, Bark, Tarp, Wind Generator,  Containers, Wire, Fence Poles, Net, Colored Bottles (windows), Blankets, Sleeping bags, Pillows, Pots and Pans, 7-11 Knives, Forks, Spoons, Water container.
Bought Items:Â Â Cement / Mortar (Under $100.00)
Stove Pipe and Cap (- $100.00)
Paint ($20.00)
Fake Flowers ($12.00)
Metal Tower for generator ($10.00)
Bath Tub $10.00)Â Â (To be in #2 dome)
Rubber Gloves  (- $6.00)
String  ($3.49)
TOOLS Used:  2 hand shovels (short and long handles), Garden Trowel, Rake, Hammer, Hatchet, Knife, Lug Wrench, 7-11 Big Gulp Cups, Rubber Gloves, Flashlight, Hand Saw, Pliers.
The chimney could be handmade and save $$ on that.
The cement replaced with Mud/Clay/Weed mixture and save $$ on that.
Things needed to make: DETERMINATION, Occassional Help, KNOWLEDGE
Advice: Start with a general plan. Do NOT stick TO the general plan (be flexible).
Let the EARTH and Materials “Lead”.
USE YOUR IMAGINATION. (The “Childlike Mind.”)
Expect goofs and LEARN/UTILIZE.
Study American Indian SWEAT LODGE and ABODE building.
Think SMALL. START Small. Expand afterwards, only.
Know a “Gnome Home/Hobbit Hut” has NO MISTAKES in making. These just ADD TO IT’S NATURAL LOOKS.
Remember:Â you are NOT building a “White Man’s” house, you are building a PLACE TO LIVE and Keep Warm/etc.
Red Elk