Archive for October, 2010

Tho few of the readers here are Native Americans (“The First Nation Peoples”)…Many ARE, like myself….”breeds.”  Containing NA blood in their DNA.  Most but just a tiny amount.

I’ve found these are the main seekers of NA “ways.”

As told, I will not share anything “Medicine”.  Things only a Medicine Person needs to BE a Medicine Person.  Yet there ARE things many CAN be told (“safely”).  For instance, our (Inners) do do…as well as many NA of Spirituality,

I will share here:   MORNING PRAYER TIME.

We “Inners” recognize our Mother Earth has “over-seers”.  4.  The EAST / SOUTH / WEST / NORTH Spirits.  Those called by many: the “4 Direction Spirits”.  We “Inners” see (yes : SEE) these 4 as ANGELS.  Others in THEIR way.  Aho?

Early EVERY MORNING we make our way to the Pre-Sunrise (“Grandfather”) Pray Time….OUTSIDE.  Year Round.  Rarely is this time missed.

We begin our prayer time AS the TIP OF THE SUN   FIRST   appears on the horizon.

Prior to that, contemplating is done as we await.

As the sun rises we thank the 4 direction Spirits / Mother Earth AND the GREAT CREATOR (the “3 in one), for the new day.  Thanking all for their watching over us of earth.

This is NOT a “rote” prayer.  WE MEAN IT!  It’s a HEART prayer.  MEANT, and FROM, OUR “Heart.”  Aho?

You will understand as you begin this Day by Day greeting. DO SO YOUR WAY!

WHEN THE BOTTOM OF THE SUN TOUCHES THE HORIZON…the day begins….and your morning thanksgiving / greeting is over.

THIS PRAYERTIME IS REPEATED AT SUN DOWN.  When the BOTTOM touches the horizon ‘til the TIP disappears, we THANK ALL FOR THE DAY’S EVENTS.

This and more on these prayer times are told in my forthcoming book (out soon, I hope).  Why repeat myself.  Aho.

The results of these prayer times is that we are ALIGNING to our CONNECTION to “He” of ALL CREATION.  Starting our day IN THAT Atunement.  ENDING in ATUNEMENT.  Aho?

The book explains more.  WE START, AND END, OUR DAY, in “HIM”. Aho?

So, you who seek our “way”, this will get you started.  Meanwhile, understand, please, this is the INNER HEYOKA “way.”  Aho   re


There was a big fish.  Fishermen seeked him day and night. Using baits of all kinds.  Year after year.  He was hunted.

“I must CATCH THAT FISH!  When I have him, never again will I go hungry,” was their thoughts.

Ignoring the far smaller fish that the fish ate and got his size from.  Ignoring, too, that he had to eat daily

It was not an instant happening to get to his size.

Day after day the fishermen tried.  Day after day they went home hungry.

“I don’t WANT to nibble on LITTLE fish.  I WANT THAT…..ONE!”

The big fish was often “tried” by wonderful baits. Occasionally ALMOST being fooled.  But he tested before he’d swallow.  Thus grew bigger and bigger, Safely.

Still the fishermen came.  Still, they left, hungry.

IGNORING the foods the “great” fish ate.

He did not.  Growing bigger. Growing stronger.   Growing wiser.  Knowing his Safe food the fishermen passed by.

The “great” fish gave thanks, daily, for his many small tidbits….and still lives.

And the fishermen continue to go home, hungry.  re


Was JUST about to go to town.  A knock on door canceled THAT!  3 on the porch.  One a friend and “brother,” with 2 “unknowns.”  A FILM CREW!

“We’d like to do a Documentary on you / domes.  Would you allow it?”

2 1/2 hours later they ran out of film tape.  “We’ll try to get back tomorrow.”


Ran outta film at Skydome…want more on that.

Both are into ECOLOGY.  Both FULLY AWARE folks do NOT “save the world” by DENUDING IT! Want to show what “REAL ECOLOGY” IS!

“Less is BEST”…”NATURAL verses DESTROY.”  These 2 are REALLY INTO IT!  Do documentaries on USA Events.  Cancer marchers / etc. BIG “news” stuff. “People Helping PEOPLE” stuff. Aho?

They came, they saw…THEY WERE CONQUERED!

The sound man lives very close by.  Love the 1st two…but SKY’S was “THE WHOLE CAKE”!


Later the cameraman said his partner had a request……………”I want one re…want in my back yard.  Will you teach me how? I’m very serious about this”….???

Told him : If YOU do ALL THE Labor AND PAY FOR MY GAS…and Supply me with some ciggs…yeah, I’ll help.”

So, we’ll see.  Aho?

All 3 told me “We have a newspaper reporter (SEATTLE TIMES!) who would like to meet you.  Can she?   Would you mind?”

So, another “we’ll see.”  ????


Book on building?  IF THIS DOCUMENTARY Gets Out…AND a “HOW TO MAKE” one as well….no!  FREEBIE, as the ones in my blog.

Seems I’ve been given no choice.  LOOKS LIKE “DAD” WANTS AS MUCH “OUT” AS I CAN.  Why?  I SUSPECT “Time IS SHORT!”.  Aho?  re


For a number of months I have been considering putting out a LOT more “telling(s)”.   Knowing Full Well it would mean it’s “out there” to EVERYONE…for free.  NO INCOME from YEARS of learning.  Like a Lawyer or Mechanic telling you How to Do what THEY spent years learning…AND the experience of it.

Well, what is more important?…..ME (family) or ALL OTHERS?    ?????

Can NOT help the world on a “One-On-One” basis.  Can’t even via seminars.



As of last night….several HOURS of (UNEDITED) TEACHING is NOW ON MY BLOG!

This taped to one who was being taught during a 3 day telling.

ALL THERE (not EVERYTHING…..YET  .and CERTAINLY  N  O  T   NA Medicine Teaching)….

Enough to HELP LISTENERS UNDERSTAND “CREATOR AND YOU” Oneness.   LEAPING AHEAD in your understanding.

All FREE.  ALL ON LINE.  HOURS of listening / learning.

“Me” be damned.  PASS THIS INFO ON!!!

GB    re


YEARS of learning, told on a One-On-One to one who came to learn. Not ALL the learnings but like “YOU” were doing the visiting.

This gal donated.  I don’t think many listening will ever do so.  Basically “SPONGE Takers”.  Would be NICE to contribute …. but, well, that’s not expected.

Between the listener and “Him”.  Aho?

Guess “Dad” said “its TIME…GET THIS OUT TO THE PEOPLE!”.  Aho?    re

UNEDITED!  What You Hear is what was happening (dogs and all) as taped.

Parts 2 – 8 can be found here.

I’d like to tell my reason for ABHORING religions.

#1:  I’ve seen what these “PEACE” religions have done for our world.

PEACE?  NO!  “OUR WAY” or……………..

I wish ALL have left we NA alone.

We warred….but not over our ONENESS WITH THE CREATOR.

We ALL KNEW THE GREAT SPIRIT ONE WAS THERE…and honored “Him,” each in our own way.


It wasn’t ‘til the “Whiteman” came that the ‘troubles’ began…..the “OUR WAY…OR…………… ”

The Catholics turned us into Slaves…and STILL DO.

Not just to we NA, but to ALL in this religion today.

“Our Way…or   GO TO HELL!”

The Mormons, turned us into PETS!  Still do that, TOO!

I WISH ALL WOULD LEAVE US ALONE. Before they turn our skin “WHITE.”

They’re trying…ALL the “Religions.”

Now, the “we whites” and the Muslims are killing (AGAIN) for the “WE ARE RIGHT…YOU  are WRONG” “magic” of “WAYS” DOMINATION!

Started NOT as that, but turning INTO it.

“PEACE KILL PEACE KILL  PEACE KILL”.  Same ol’,  same ol’.


Creator is LOVE!

WHO fights for THAT?!

IF you do…then do so WITHOUT GUNS!  Do it by EXAMPLE.  By SHOWING.  Not by SWEARING or SHOOTING!



Seeing Angels

A brother asked:

How were you assured the angel were working? It this some thing you sensed or were you given a sign?

Just wondering. 🙂

No…neither…..I can SEE THEM!

Yes, “in Spirit” BUT not one I MAKE / MADE up!  SHOWN.

I don’t know if you can fully comprehend….yet….what WALKING  W  I  T  H  God  DOES…let alone what this walk is like.

You are too NEW at this.

In time, Bro.  In time.

GB   re

I know, I know, few think they do nothing but “protect”.  That is true, BUT…I’ve had the PRIVILEGE of SEEING THEM HELP FOLKS OUT.  Myself included.

Most are unaware there’s angels for ANY GODLY NEEDS YOU MAY HAVE.

JUST in from house….WITH my RUNNING TRUCK!   Could NOT get it started.    Only recourse…ASK DAD!  I asked for His MECHANIC ANGELS to come / help.

Waited ’til I was ASSURED THEY WERE OUT THERE WORKING ON IT.   Waited a few minutes, gave THANKS (to HIM and THEM)…went out and IT STARTED RIGHT UP.

I’ve no idea what the problem WAS…but…..its FIXED.  Aho?   re
Been doing a number of COMMENTS on Ghost32’s Hub   BUILD A SURVIVAL CABIN ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET (The link is under Information Links to the right. – WS).
You may find this hub VERY interesting.
FILLED with ADVICE that YOU may need.  Ghost’s AND mine.   re

After school yesterday, and again after TAKING Sky TO School….he / I have been getting river rocks / etc.  Will do more then I already have, today.

His fireplace and some flooring filled now.  These “new” ones will be going on the bathroom wall.  Get THAT part done.

My 2 “talks” have both been canceled, so time to get alot done out there. Maybe even tarp the top.  THEN can do the 5 windows and call his dome pretty much done.

Kinda fun “getting” as I simply drive about.  No gas wasted…going from A to Z anyway.

This “thinking outside the box” sure a Gift!

We ALL will be needing this CHANGE OF THINKING Very SOON!  MIGHT EVEN BY NEXT MONTH (for alot of things).  (I sorta am expecting a BAD USA $$ Economy SUPER CRASH!)  ???

“Domes” be “damned”….more IMPORTANT things you need to “Out Side The Box” on….like ALL THE FOOD YOU WASTE!  Potato PEELS…washed before peeling and “eyes” cut out, make GREAT “Potato Chips.”

Asparagus HARD ENDS snapped off and tossed away are GREAT boiled and made into Asparagus SOUP.

These are but TWO of your WASTES!  THINK ABOUT THIS, Folks!

Even green Toss Offs make GREAT “Fodder” to raise IN-HOME Worms!  And THOSE, ground into hamburger…well, only YOU would “know”, if you keep your mouth shut.

(Don’t think you could do this?  Well, when the wallet is empty and you’ve others to feed…you WILL change your mind).   “Do things” like this or start looking at your PETS, as Edible.

It WILL Come to this!

“Ugh”, right?  YES…UGH!!!  But YOU will have something in your stomach, when others become sunken skin! ALL AROUND YOU!

If You’ve followed my advise, you have started studying Ancient Ways.  Building to Eating.  Wild Plants to ……etc…

If you HAVEN’T spent some time checking these things out….START RIGHT NOW.  And I mean NOW!

If I’m WRONG?  KNOWLEGE is ALWAYS WORTHY.  So WHAT if I’m mistaken!…YOU’LL BE SMARTER, at least!

YOU will not be like most of All on your block…who know ONLY “go to work…Buy at the store(s),  and  LIVE!”

This is all up to you, friends.

Yes, Right or Wrong…YOU’LL BE SMARTER.        re
