Posts Tagged ‘tribal living’

Think I don’t work?  Dome work, then answered 2 snail mails and ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY SEVEN EMAILs AND 3 Needed runs to town.

(OOPS, one HEALING “Work” as well)

To top it all off…STILL  have a Few HOURS before GOING TO BED…..Other Emails DUE!

Oh, Don’t forget the PHONE CALLS!  Them too.

Any wonder I get a bit cranky and am almost always tired?   (  :   re

The other parts are here.


Red Elk, M and I just watched this YouTube video about a man who builds houses and teaches others…out of scraps, and other people’s throw aways. I got tears in my eyes and lump in my throat. It’s wonderful. You gotta see his “windows” made out of flat clear glass salad plates, and the broken mirrors, and broken tiles. YOU WILL LOVE THIS.
Titled “Recycled Houses” posted by Texas Country Reporter

You’re RIGHT ! Guy on the “right track”….in GIVING.
May not be my “style” but CERTAINLY in my CORNER!

Good to know Ghost and I are not alone. HO!

Adam and Canada John are here. Will have THEM watch as well….then put this on my Blog 4 others to see.

Well folks, still “going at it” at SkyDome.  GOT HIS BED “set” TODAY!  A BIG “need to”!   Some leveling yet to do there.  Hopefully tomorrow.

Getting MORE AND MORE “EYE POPPING” daily.  Help due tomorrow and Friday, Creator willing…MIGHT EVEN GET THE FINAL TARP OVER IT !


Am at NEARLY $350.00 on this so far (less gas).  Should NOT be over $400.00!  THAT’S CHEAP for a Place of your OWN!  (Remember tho…most is of “Scrounged” material).  I suspect perhaps 3 times…maybe 4, if I had to BUY everything.

Still, it gives you an idea of just what IS possible IF you think “outside the box” and with Eyes OPEN.  Aho?    re


To any wanting a place that doesn’t cost “an arm and a Leg”….go to SEARCH on internet.  Type in :  THATCH HUT BUILDING.

This leads to GOBS of OTHER Sites…NOT just THATCH.  An UNBELIEVABLE amount of Eco (and CHEAP / FAST) Building ways!


May be “just up your alley.”



I’m well aware I am sharing with all kinds of people.  Many beliefs.  Many “ways.”

I have no qualm stating I follow Christ.  But I also know many don’t.

We each have our “way”.  Aho?

I have seen, and am still seeing, what the Great Creator showed me in the 3 days ‘Great Vision’.

ALL are,  now.

So, with that in mind, I share ALL with ALL.  Building domes from salvage and natural but a part of this.  ‘Preparing’ means, yet another.

The readers who want to ‘glean’ in the ‘fields of knowledge’ that I share about can be used by one and all.

At least those reading this blog, know where I stand….

YOU ARE OF THE SAME MIND-WOMB that am I.  ONE Relation in that way.  Brothers and sisters to me / all.

I, as He who we 12 follow, love you ALL.

In this, I share.

Use what you deem useful.  BUT…PLEASE, PREPARE!  Our world is NOT getting better.

Things are ‘tough’ world wide.

In HIM, I share.

Good Luck to you ALL!



By observing nature, one can get some tremendous Survival Insights.

Knowing a bit about trees and their Roots can help one locate SURFACE WATER.  Willows of ALL species have SHALLOW roots.  If you see these, you are seeing WATER…VERY close to the surface.

Ants build OVER water flow “systems”.  The ants that have the LARGE (“dome”) homes….by CIRCLE WALKING and finding other similar “domes” and “mark them” (to mind or flagging….you’ll “SEE” the water “stream” below.  Then know the waters, “flow”. ALL Shallow water YOU can easily dig to, for YOU.

Squirrels build LEAF NESTS for winter.  “Follow”.  LEAF PILES KEEP YOU WARM.

Birds “Fluff” their feathers to INSULATE.  LAYER YOUR CLOTHING to keep warm.

Flies congregate at particular places on your CEILING.  HEAT RISES…right?  Thus INSULATION IN Landing Spots” THE ATTIC is WELL INSULATED at those Landing Spots.  TRAPPING HEAT from Escaping  KEEPS THE FLIES WARM.   “Look” to THEM to “see” your “weak” insulation areas.

Certain STONES are OLD RIVERBED stones.  Look for these and “follow” an ancient river.  STILL WATER below them, tho now DEEPER.  LOOK FOR A “HOLED” spot…where an ancient river / stream had “drilled” at the base of a WATERFALL.  Water still THERE…deep, but there.

Man is made of Earth…thus “attached” to her yet.  DOWSING WORKS!  Internet HOW TOs galore “out there”.  LEARN.

Look at the DEEP SNOW beasts and fowl.  WELL INSULATED FEET.  Add the DEAD GRASSES / LEAFS to INSULATE EVEN YOUR SOCKS…top AND bottom…as EMERGENCY “Moccasins”) foot wear.  EVEN STUFF YOUR CLOTHING “Ditto”. EVEN WET ONES will dry next to your body… DO get AND KEEP, Warm.

Look TOO at their FEET / Foot Prints….WIDE!  IE : SNOWSHOES!  Ditto the MOOSE…SWAMP AND “MUD / MUCK” SHOES. SPREAD YOUR FEET OUT…Make or Buy snowshoes (if you live in that “type” of area).

Look at the 2 POLES.  All the Ice and Snow.  We are AS the Earth…..KEEP YOUR HEAD COVERED so “ice” doesn’t “collect” and let heat leave your “poles”.  Head AND Feet…INSULATE!

Look at the countries of the EQUATOR.  Too HOT?  USELESS “Foliage” around your middle.

Look to “Mother” and the insects YOUR area has.  CERTAIN COLORS ATTRACT CERTAIN INSECTS.  Certain PLANTS REPEL CERTAIN INSECTS, simply by the ODOR of the Plant.

Dress FOR THE AREA…SMUDGE or CRUSH and Rub On with the plant’s Juices.

The “Sacred Plants” we NA still use to burn / smudge, was, ORIGINALLY….N.A. “BUG OFF”!

BY OBSERVING NATURE you can “get by” where others pay High Electric Bills…or Perish.   re


When planning for our future…always keep your children in mind.  Being (at any time now) our electricity bills will go ether sky high, or even non-existent.  At best, intermittent.

Consider kids “bore” so easily…prepare for this eventuality by buying  NON ELECTRONIC GAMES!

Like: Playing Cards / Board Games / Marbles / Etc., AND INSTRUMENTS.  NA type Drum / Harmonica / Simple Flute / Didgeridoo / Pick-Up Jacks / Jump Rope / Crayons / Puzzles / Etc.  AS WELL AS BOOKS!

Keep these simple, as well as easy to store.

To them, And for YOUR “sanity”….DON’T FORGET THEM!   Aho?   re


The Bathroom Doorway

SkyDome's Bathroom Doorway

The Side Window

SkyDome Side Window

SkyDome moving right along.  Nice enough to do the cementing needed today too.

Not alot of that needed. Just one little spot.

Then to level off his sleeping ledge better and cover the 2  4″ thick foam mattresses.

Gee it’s looking GREAT!

Adam (bless him Lord!) helped (as usual) this weekend.  Has electric tools I don’t and things go far faster…2 working and the drill, etc.

He lives in HIS dome when here.  HIS “cabin by the Freeway.”  ( :

I request that he takes pictures of this weekend’s “doings”.  He has and WS / H and perhaps Ghost will put ‘em on the 2 sites.  You’ll be able to see them there.  Probably by the end of this new week.

That bathroom “door” sure looks nice….with a “splash” of color hung on its outside center.  ORANGE!  (Don’t laugh…looks Darn GOOD!)

GB    re
