Posts Tagged ‘survival skills’

Well, now have the BIG “Bad” Tarp over all the rest.  Had Sky and buddy help….tho under full protest.  “Tomorrow”.  Told um I’ve “heard that again and again….GET YOUR SHOES ON AND TURN THOSE DANG GAMES OFF.  Let’s GO!”  Saw I’d had enough of their excuses….they ‘go-ed’!  ( :

Told ‘em “it’s not hard work”  (did NOT tell ‘em of the HUGE STONES needed lugging to hold the edges down).  WORKED ‘EM NEAR TO DEATH!  ( :  ( :

Once done, we tried the Cone Fireplace.  THINKING the tall chimney was NOT close enough to the tarps on top….well : MELT!

So I let the tin cool and took off the one LONG one…inserting only the shorty that was on the longer.  Tried again.  JUST RIGHT!

The melt created a large hole through ALL the tarps.  PERFECT “CHIMNEY”!  I’ll leave it JUST LIKE IT IS.  Snow / Rain wont be a problem….with fire going it turns to STEAM and exits as that.  Not big enough to cause a problem with no fire…and when leaving for long periods, will be putting a wide Tarp completely over the hole.  Stopping all snow / rain that would come in (doing DITTO on Adams as well). Aho?

So, LOOKING GOOD and NEARLY OUTSIDE READY!   The GOOD Tarp will go on next.  Then will Secure with Crisscross ropes all along.  Ground to Ground.  Just to make SURE no winds cause trouble.  Aho?

The edges will all be in the trench and then bermed.  THAT (fully covered) will then be done.  Next to the inside doing.  Can “do” secure from the weather.  Can take my time.  Do it up RIGHT.  Aho?

The boys sat inside…actually WIDE-EYED at the ROOM inside.  This thing is HUGE (when compared to the other 2).  A REAL Cabin HOME!

We can fit BOTH the others in this AND HAVE EXTRA ROOM TO SPARE!  (I’m NOT KIDDING!) !!!

Price hasn’t risen a bit.  Still mostly SALVAGED Materials.  Purty sure $200.00 will do…outside AND IN, comfortably.  YARD LOOKING ALOT CLEANER now.  ( :

I’m happy. Wife’s happy. NEIGHBORS Happy TOO!  (Suspect the County “cops” will b as well.  SURE HOPE SO!).

So, that’s the report for today.  Melt and All.   PTL!    Re


Pipe Heating

Winds lowered.  Sky and I were able to get a larger “scrap tarp” on.  About a 2 hour job.  Several holes in these but Bad COVERS Bad…and all helps pad the many willow “nobbies”.

The big GOOD tarp will hide those below….but INSIDE these will need WHITE SHEETS put on to hide all the various colors.  I’ll get those at the 2 Cheap Shops when I can.  I’ll use willows Crisscrossed to help hold ‘em tight.  Did this in my Tipis too…REALLY LOOKED GREAT! Did away with the Drape “Poofs” AND HELPED INSULATE as well!

Sky was goofing around with a long piece of white PVC pipe.  Had part stuck outside into the sun.  Put his ear to the inside (and RAISED) part, to listen.  Looked at me and said “THERE’S HOT AIR COMING THROUGH THIS, Grampa!”  Told him “Heat Rises.  The outside is in the sun.  You’re holding this inner part ABOVE the outside part.  The sun’s heating the outside and rising to you. If this pipe were BLACK, it would be ALOT HOTTER.”

Then it dawned on me…a BLACK pipe(s) run out like that….with a 45 or 90 Degree elbow WOULD HELP HEAT INSIDE OF ANY HOME!  Even in WINTER!  Snow wouldn’t stay on long using Black.  WOW!  A NATURAL Solar HEATER!  NON-ELECTRIC!    ???    re


INVESTING For Your Future

Tho our economy will rise….it will never be as it was.  Gas prices, closed manufacturing plants, Fuel delivery….and on and on….will be sharply curtailed.  ALL will cost almost more to buy to the point most can bear.

Transportation will be hardest on your pocketbook.

To those well out in the rural areas, they will be the hardest “hit” in this.  Just to get to work will be a $$ hassle.

ALL, rural or otherwise, will be thinking on the lines of LESS Fuel Means.  Motor Scooters to Bikes to simply walking or Public Transportation.

Bikes are ok…BUT are limited to Upkeep.  The greater the number of gear speeds, the more can go wrong.  A simple ONE Speed the BEST…”3 speeds” second best.  Less can go wrong.

But KNOW, they WILL go “wrong”.  Parts will SKYROCKET.  (No where NEAR as much as car parts, but they WILL begin RISING).

What would be a good INVESTMENT?  One YOU can use…AND SELL?


Even if the brakes go out you can STILL use your FOOT to STOP!  (Try THAT on a BIKE!).

We have 3 foot scooters.  Two are the tiny wheeled FOLDING type.  GREAT ON HARD/FIRM SURFACES….Useless on “rough”.

My favorite is a REGULAR-tired one.  Won’t fold….Heavier…but DEPENDABLE in ALL CONDITIONS!

I can hand push my scooters up hills…even CARRY ‘EM (yup, all 3).

A wide strap for #3.

I CAN ‘DISAPPEAR’ (go FOOT alone) into the wilderness.  NO TIRE TRACKS to “give away”.

A can of STOP LEAK handles flats. (Yet to use it tho).

My #3 has a handle bar bag.  My back a bigger one.

I’ve put on Lighting.


The cost well under $200.00 (with add-ons).

I intend to weld on a “U” bolt to hook a dog (team?) to…to let IT / THEM pull me.


If you’re looking for an INVESTMENT….get a few of these, NOW.  Then “specialize” and start taking one around town….showing (by example).


Might not make alot of money (COULD tho) but can help you / family AND OTHERS seeking CHEAP TRANSPORTATION, out.

A “ground floor” business.  Aho?

Think about it.    re


To any searching for a SAFE AND CONSISTENT Career (or career change)…I’d look into NURSING.

At the very least: First Aid / EMT / EMT 11.  (There’s another beyond that but I can’t recall its name).

I’ve ran into A WHOLE LOT of “University” students that are majoring in BUSINESS MANAGMENT.  Most of these working at 7-11.

WHAT a LOUSY MAJOR!  So RARE to get a High Paying job in that field.  Nearly IMPOSSIBLE!!!

In today’s economy MANY tiny to HUGE Companies are SCRAMBLING to stay afloat.  (I personally know a few Owners / CEOs who are in “those shoes”.  VERY HIGH STRESS work.

MOST of the students that DO get their Degree Work…do / will get ONLY “Business Management” work…MANAGING THE 7-11s / Burger Kings / Etc.!  MAKING EQUAL to LESS that the CASHIERS they “manage”.  WORKING nearly DOUBLE their HOURS.  (So, in the long run; LESS, cause the Management Jobs are on a SET FEE!).

I’ve warned 3 who were about to take a Management Position.  NONE LISTENED.  ALL 3 QUIT at a year’s time…and told me “You were RIGHT!”

So, reader, NURSING will ALWAYS BE A NEEDED POSITION.  Even in the “days ahead”.

Art major?  JUST filling a HOBBIE!

News major (media)?  A scramble…AND CONTROLLED on what you say.  (You work FOR THE GOVERNMENT in THEIR AGENDA!).

Teacher?  Jobs there are available…for now.  ARE YOU “For” the “New Math” Etc.?  YOU WILL BE LOCKED INTO A “GOVT.” (controlled) JOB There TOO!

Postal Service work is purty “safe”…IF you can get in it.

But, basically…if you want to support a college education (your own or family member)….NURSING Wins HANDS DOWN!     re


We Really Are All One

Today Red Elk received another generous donation for the work he has spent writing for you on his blog. I want to thank the readers for thinking of him because it is so important to support his work. He by no means is getting rich off of this. He has no advertisers and had received in the few months that is has been operational a total of $100.00. That may not seem like too much for all the work and effort, but every time someone sends a donation in he is able to buy food for his family or invest in something important to build a project or keep the lights on. So from the bottom of my heart – thank you for doing what you can – for this hard working Medicine Man.

I also want to thank the volunteers who keep this blog running. It would never be kept up to date if it wasn’t for Red Elk’s good friend Whale Sister who makes sure every time an e mail comes in that she corrects the spelling and posts it immediately to the blog. You are getting his messages hot off the press. As soon as Red Elk writes us an e mail she gets to work immediately and posts it fast. I can’t even believe it. If it wasn’t for her, I would be in a lot of trouble, because I simply don’t have the time left in the day.

I also want to thank Adam. Adam is capturing video and pictures and doing his own work with Red Elk which is so pure and genuine. Adam provided the notes for the pictures. So without further adue, here are some pictures that Adam sent me (a few days ago – see what I mean!) and I wanted to acknowledge every one from the reader to TKWeb for hosting the site, to Whale Sister (you may know her as WS), Red Elk’s family and friends. Really cool to be in this community together.


Sky Dome: The very beginning - I90 in the background

Sky Dome: In the process of being framed. More done since. Looks much better.

ZZ zip stove. An Awesome stove. I really love this stove. Note the battery case. One AA battery

Got a small donation today.  Not a lot BUT ENOUGH to get ANOTHER ROLL OF THE TAPE I PREFER!  10 ROLLS now!  (Had THOUGHT all I needed was THREE!).  Live and Learn.  ( :
Going to put “useless” (weather ripped / etc.) tarps on the dome today.  Will at least help SOME on covering “Pokey Through” Willow “nubbins”.
THEN MORE BLANKETS over them….THEN the heavy GOOD Hay Tarp.  Gotta wait on  the blankets (donations $$) before doing the big tarp though…so will be awhile.  Aho?
As of now, MANY DIFFERENT COLORS  are on.  Will get DECENT Cheap Shop (cheap) WHITE sheets and put these INSIDE…hiding all those various colors.  Aho?
Went “window shopping” and looked a various sized STACKABLE (and “lockable”) Plastic (see through) containers.  Ones that stack from Bottom BIG to progressively SMALL size.  These to be Sky’s Food Storage compartments “Kitchen” area.  RODENT PROOF.  Have a large Ice Cooler for perishables.  He’ll be all set when finished.
Looked at other things as well.  These are “add-ons” to the dome.  I don’t count them as Dome Building cost.  So, with tax…$60.00 will finish the “kitchen” area.
Got a number of free wood pieces yesterday.  All helpful in his dome And any others yet to be.  Always looking and always thinking ahead.  Just couldn’t over-look the FREE opportunity.  Aho?
Sure have a number of BUILD CHEAP li’l abodes in mind.  Show ALL the options THEY can do…on next to nothing.  Aho?
Saw a tall “bucket” too.  Not sure if it can accept the Porta Potty seat.  Would be wise to double up 2…stronger that way.  IF the seat fits right, I’ll get ’em.
So, THINKING ON THE INTERIOR now.  Might as well, need the blankets and sheets before the abode is ready to occupy on a consistent basis.  (CAN be used NOW, IF the boy(s) want to sleep on EARTH for a night).  Aho?
Ok, off to ‘DOING’.
GB      re

Gypsy Charcoal Lighter

Just for fun…AND SAVE MONEY:  Make a GYPSY Charcoal Lighter.   Take a tin can.  Punch Lots of holes in side / bottom.  2 at rim (opposites).  A “V” wire to those 2 a long “twirling” wire to tip of “V”.  Stuff with A (or more) Briquette (or twigs / dry weeds).  Mix in the fuel with the paper (best to semi-crush the briquette(s)).  Light and start twirling the can.

The rush of air catches the fuel QUICKLY.

A Great FAST Starter for your fire AND you won’t need expensive Pre-soaked briquettes OR “starter”.

Have fun!

(LOTS OF WAYS to “DO” n SAVE.  STUDY!)   Aho?    re


Time to Eat!

Our State (Washington) struggles with the need for money…our taxes go up and up.  From Property to Food to Drinks to Cigarettes…even Doctors soon to be forced to charge Taxes.   OK, we are all caught in this…while OUR income remains ‘stable’.  No raises to US, just more out FROM us.  Aho?

This means cutting costs to MEET costs.  Aho?

There ARE ways to “do well”, despite the taxes.

One of the Easiest is on FOOD.  “Grazing”.  IE: how to supplement your food needs by using Greens FOUND IN NATURE.

I’ve had a few visitors in the last few weeks…and introduced them to WILD CUCUMBERS.  This, the lower INSIDE of CAT-TAILS.  The HEART smells AND TASTES just like Cucumber!


Better know though, as the “tails” grow, the hearts become “woody”…no good.


To my wife and I, Cattails are the BEST PLANT for MANY things.  Food to Clothing Insulation, to Building, to Spear or Arrow…and perhaps a half dozen other things.

Many States have these…and MOST folks have No IDEA they are driving by God’s GARDEN, daily.

Dandelions…a weed to YOU maybe, but FOOD and Wine to US.

Carp and Suckers…”Trash fish”…here we can catch AS MANY AS WE CAN…and NO FISHING LICENSE NEEDED…Year ROUND!  “Trash?”

Not if you know how to fix ’em!  DANG, they’re delicious!

Most toss out Potato Peelings.  Why?  WASH and De-Eye before peeling and dip in oil and salt them…then into the oven to make a mass of Nutritious POTATO CHIPS!

Asparagus “hard end” cut offs: BOIL INTO A SOUP!

I’m telling you this to help you become aware of your lack of knowledge.  A lack that keeps you “cutting back”…and eventually DESPERATE.

Can sure wear a soul down.

You may say “GOD! WHY!!!”

And He quietly says  “Look out your window.  All there for you.  Why do you WEEP?”

“He” has provided…even books in Library AND on Internet SEARCH….AND given you your Brain to use.  WHY DON’T YOU START USING IT?



THIS in an Opportunity to LEARN!


My Brothers and Sisters,
You are not me.  In many ways we are alike, yet each has their OWN “way.”  I’d like to share my thoughts on my way:   FREEDOM!  At least as I FEEL its meaning.
Do you KNOW what it’s like to be “unburdened?”  To have Nothing?
Right now I have so MUCH “Things.”  I’m literally Overflowing with “THINGS”…and I’m POOR?!!    Shoot, I can barely MOVE ABOUT in this house!  Can you believe FIVE TVs?!  FIVE for gosh sake!  Only 4 living here…WHY do I/We need FIVE!!!  ???
Our closets so JAM-PACKED we need to store “everyday” clothing in BOXES and LAUNDRY SACKS!

I’m stuck.   With a Collector….and my wife is just that.  SO AM I !
I can’t  NOT blame MySELF!  (Bad grammar, but true)


I LONG for “the simple life”…..the days I was in a TiPi.  That was NOT a LONG TIME AGO!  10 years?

Gosh it was nice, but it was Lonely.  Meachelle wanted nothing to do with it.   sigh

So I bent to her Will  (it’s called marriage).  HAVE and HAD to.

Do you know what it’s like to go from an Uncluttered space AND ITS CLEANLINESS, to one of WALKING Room ONLY in a BIG Space?


Well, guess what?  I’M GUILTY.

Yup, me.

Disgusting , isn’t it…………………….

Now I want “OUT.”  Up past my brown eyes in STUPIDITY.  “STUFF!”     stuff  Stuff  STUFF!

What an idiot……………………………

Well, I can do something about it.  At least to MY “stuff.”

Methinks our Living Creator will “help” M on hers.  A FORCED lesson.  She’s not gonna like it………



A MUST “way.”

Look about you.  See the clutter.   IS it WORTH IT?

Well, no.  Nice to have, but NECESSARY?   Only you can decide.  Me?  I WANNA “HIBERNATE” IN MY MINI DOME!

Thing is, tho IT’S “clean,” ALL my “STUFF” will still be within easy reach, mere yards away. Convenient.  Aho?


(I’ve got ALOT to think about.)




Folks, Aussie Dave is an OBSERVER.  Here’s 2 he “found.”  I THINK I’LL GIVE #1 A TRY.  #2, I’ll WAIT!  ( :   re

Dave’s tale:
    wanted to tell u what these two animals showed me…first the rat….while moving a pile of firewood i found a rats house in it down the bottom in the middle…what really impressed me about this house was how it had first used water proof plastic for the first layer that touched the ground…then it used dry grass to form the nest…finially it used a thick layer of wool type padding out of my old bed….for the soft warm inner….that impressed me….very smart little critters…….the ladybugs taught me that if your life is threatened u can save yourself by making urself really repulsive….they can secrete a fowl smelling & tasting substance from their joints…other insects are turned off eating such a horrible thing…& the ladybug lives on….so my thought was that if your just about to me murdered…the best thing to do is poo yourself (which u might do anyway) & then wipe it all over yourself & throw it at your attacker….good chance they will lose interest in u & just want to get as far away from u as possible…(go clean themselves)….works for ladybug:)….GB
