Posts Tagged ‘Sky Dome’

While truck having the water tank filled, I went out to SkyDome.  Arranging the droopy thin limbs so no face hit or stove heat will cause a problem.  Only want to cut off a Tiny amount. Trying to keep this sleeping loft as “deep woods” in look / feeling as much as possible.  Like You finding a little clear / flat part deep in the woods, laying down your sleeping bag and “crashing”, safely hidden. Then laid on the mattress there on the ledge. GOT WHAT I’M AFTER.  Looking “cool”. Aho?

If 1 sprawls on the bed and 2 sit on the steps…with the 3 new camp chairs and the 4 already set in, then 10 can be within (visiting).  No “room” problem at all. A good “friend den”.  Just about PERFECT for any looking to live small, year round, in the boonies.  Nothing like this “out there” that I know of.  The Hobbit House in Wales far bigger and the closest I’ve seen that comes close to this. Wish I’d made this in our woods section on this property…but then that would defeat its purpose.  Aho?

Sure learning on these 3.  Getting easier and easier…And STRONGER.

Fun to get your imagination moving…into a seeable FACT.  Much like getting a toy YOU put together.   FUN!  Aho?     re


BACK to a GOOD DAY.  Yesterday was LOUSY, AFTER starting out so SUPER GOOD.  (PayPal SHOULD be called “Pain In The ‘A’. Pal”.    GERRRRRR ) .

Anyway, most of yesterday and ‘til near noon today, Adam and I were working on his dome. WOW! IS IT “NEAT”!  He painted his little stove white with black front / back and it’s flat “cook top”…we moved everything out, poured sand on the dirt floor, then cut a heavy tarp cover for over that.  Now its Dirt / Dust free inside.  Did some re-tying at the entranceway and straightened THAT up and in general, did a major re-do of interior “furnishing”. Moved the stove from the center and quite close to the wall (making ALOT of “move about” run inside). He bought a tri-pod camp chair…folds much smaller then the 2 “fold flat” full ones he had in there.  Easier to store and get out as needed. The others will be used for outside chairs.

He’ll be back in 2 weeks.  This time with a rug to put over the floor tarp.  Then buy screen to hold crushed lava stone.  This will protect the wall and willow behind it from the close stove’s heat.  THIS ABODE IS LOOKING

F  A  N  T  A  S  T  I  C !

As found, BUILDING a dome is CHEAP….”FANCYING” it is WHAT UPS the “Done” PRICE!     Now his 10 cent dome will be somewhere around $250 and the 10 cents!

Pictures were taken and will be “on line” in a week or so. ( :

Then we got to Sky’s Dome.  Placing 2 large / heavily branched Tree Branches across the front of his sleeping loft.  One going UP to help support the roof. Bending into an ARBOR shape over the stair way to the loft.

Did similar with the other branch (and offshoots)…only this Laying….NOT Upright as #1.  Creating an interior of INSIDE “WILDERNESS”.

Out of all’s way, but like walking into a little “glade” when you go inside. Combined this with all the willow framing and you get the idea of “GNOME!” immediately.  Aho?

The experimental “stuff” i tried on the loose stone….WORKS! NO discoloration of stones and WELL “glued” together. PTL!

So, Sky’s Dome coming right along too.  I’ll be adding the tarp floor today (I hope).  Like Adam’s, will keep dust and dirt at bay.  Rug atop.  Aho?

Now for break…laundry and water fetching…then back “to it”.         GB     re


Hello Red Elk

It was my pleasure to send you the donation, my only regret is that I could not currently afford to add an extra zero to the end of it!


There was a “sender”.  A dollar…sometimes 2.  “The WIDOW’S MITE”.  Worth more to US (Him / Me) then HUNDREDS!  THANK YOU AGAIN.  re

Hello Red Elk

I am really grateful that I found your blog, and consider it a true blessing.  I am really impressed with you mentioning the hobbit house in Wales, Simon dale and his family who created that has has now moved to an eco-village in Wales called Lammas.  There new place is similar to their hobbit house, just on a larger scale.  I am hoping to make something cheap and affordable when we move to an Eco-village in Portugal, but we are planning to  build a partially sub-merged earth bag (super adobe) dome, similar to what they build at cal earth.

May I ask you advise on whether it is ok to communicate with Father/God using such tools as I ching, Tarot etc?  I think that I have actually heard God’s voice about 13 years ago, sitting on a chair drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud male voice call my name, more of a shout really, but it was enough for me to jump out of my chair and run to the stairs expecting to see my dad waiting for me, but there was no one in the house!  I have always wondered if that was indeed the big man upstairs so to speak.

Blessings on your work, and I look forward to the book and further updates on the domes.  Talking about domes, how did you install the fires, and what did you do for a chimney?


P.S.  You are totally correct about the law of three, people don’t need more than three chances, in my experience, if you give people more than 3 chances then you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain!

Brother,  BEST TO YOU ON YOUR BUILDING!  Knew the Wales family were considering another spot.  Would like to keep up on their efforts…any idea of how to find out more?

I know nothing on I Ching…BUT ABSOLUTELY do NOTHING with TAROT!  NOT at ALL OF “DAD”!

Your ONLY “Safe” way is via the Bible.  NO RELIGION…and NOT as Messed With by man as it is.  That’s why I tell :  USE A CONCORDANCE when reading.  So MUCH “man” add-ons and Changing over the centuries…it, well….WHAT A MESS!  Still, with a CONCORDANCE, that “mess(ing)” can be TOTALLY OBLIVIATED.  Then, and ONLY then, will you find HIS PRECISE “Tellings”.  This what we 12 call PURE(ity). Aho?

I’d advise NO “shortcuts”.  Up to you tho…your “path”.  Aho?

WAS it “Dad” calling?  Doubtful.  IF IT HAPPENED 3 TIMES…an EXCELLENT chance it WAS / IS!  3 TIMES!  aho?

There are scriptures concerning just this!

You may be interested in looking up (on SEARCH)  Build a Survival Cabin on a Shoestring Budget.

This is a HUB Site put out by “Ghost”.  He has ALOT of Building with earth “bags”, as you are planning to do.   Things you will NOT find on other “How To” info.  His LEARNING and his MISTAKES as he does.  NO BS HERE!   Smart to check this out.  Save you some “hassles.”  Aho? (Its also in “Links” on the right of the blog – WS)

Hope this helps.  CreatorGod Bless….re

Also, you might find this interesting…

Will check as time permits.  Thanks.   Re

Hello Red Elk

I have just purchased the Strongs Concordance book, I am very very serious about learning.  I have also been reading the other book you suggested about the Masters in the far east.  You said on your website about talking to God, and that you should just ask and then shut up.  What I am really confused over is how does God communicate with us?  Is it verbal, via dreams or syncronistic events??

I have tried to find the answer in the bible, but I seem to be really really lost!

Do you still have those lessons that you were selling on your website a few years ago, I would be very interested in purchasing as much true information that will enable to learn the truth.

Thank you my friend.

ANY OF ALL 3!    Vision / Dream / TALK / “events”.   He ALWAYS ANSWERS!  ALWAYS!

Often NOT as you WANT.  At times NOT as FAST as you want!  Sometimes…”zilch”…meaning “YOU may Want It, but you say you “trust” me…and YOU DO NOT NEED THIS.  At least NOT at THIS time….Or even EVER.  NOW, DO you trust Me, or NOT!”?

Yes, I still sell 4 WRITTEN How-Tos.  Telepathy on demand.  Teleportation.  Levitation.  Health.  $22.00 per

Also “The Agenda”.  $33.00.

Missouri Teachings  … ALOT!

2 DVDs on my “Great Vision”.  $25.00 per  (postage rates went up 5 times since first out)….per.


Red Elk

Thanks for reminding me about ‘home work’, I am sitting here with my strongs concordance, didn’t realise just how big it would be!  I will be sending you another donation for all the help you have given me.  I really appreciate it!

Do you think that humans are capable of becoming immortal, if we follow God’s law to the letter?  I was reading about the 10 commandments, I have never heard you talk about them, should we follow them?  I follow a lot of them naturally, but some seem harder than ever to stick to in this modern age.

I am sorry to hear about your dog, at least he is happy in doggy heaven!  That has actually made me feel better, as we may have to put our dog to sleep, and the guilt over this may just about kills us all.

Thank you

God Bless!

The FULL Concordance IS Huge!  NOT so the TINY “Part” one some bibles contain.  NOT at ALL COMPLETE. Now you have the WHOLE ONE!  GOOD!

Yes on immortal.  BIBLE TELLS HOW.

10 Commandments:  “IF ANY DOES but ONE of these…THEY have Done ALL!”

ONLY CHRIST can set ANY free from ALL these 10 LAWS.  Do you SEE what He’s DONE FOR US!???


Miss all our pets…but KNOW THEY ALL ARE OK.  We’ll see each other again…and OFTEN.          GB   re

So if you have broken one of the commandments, you should ask God for forgiveness?

I am confused when you say that only in Christ can you be set free from?  We all should aspire to become a christ, but do we only become a Christ when we love God with all our heart and follow the ten commandments?

Serious head scratching here…

BOY do YOU NEED Learning!  ( :

YES…even if ANGRY (but don’t express it).  Remember…THOUGHTS are REAL!

Men see a “hot sweet thing” and imagine being in bed with them.  OH OH!   THOUGHTS ARE  REAL!


No one can   BE   CHRIST !  EVER!!!  We can, WITH HIS SUPPORT, be AS Him tho.  ChristLIKE.   Aho?


Better to understand what His death did…and what the Father did, by BRINGING HIM BACK TO LIFE.  Aho?    re


As readers all know…I’m “into” VERY Low-Cost SALVAGED-TO-BUILD domes.   I’ve learned alot.  Also that most “couldn’t” live in things so small.  In days ahead MANY will LEARN tho!

Mine are 10 cents to $350.00…(last quite “fancy”…thus the higher cost).

Sky’s FAR bigger and I expect it to go about $200.00…”FANCY”!

For any contemplating similar…AND HAVE MONEY…there are FASTER and STRONGER, EASY Ones that can be built.  Still very cheap.

I hope to put out a book on these (in time).

One thing I’d do differently (given the $$) would be to FIRST “fit out” the FURNITURE placement….THEN the Size needed to contain these.

Still wont be a Square Box “mansion”, but EXTREMELY AFFORDABLE.   Say about $5,000.00.

If you go to “Search” and type in HOBBIT HUT IN WALES  you will find EXACTLY what I’m talking about.  4 months and under $10,000.00 MOVE IN READY.  Self-Built.  CHECK IT OUT!   Mine are on that “line”.  Our one on other property about This size…and quite similar (we hope).  34 ft inside diameter by 18 ft tall.  Adding an extension to it as well.  That area as Kitchen / Toilet / Storage.  Built for our family of 6.  Only expect 3 tho.

Anyway, adding this to this post…in case any would like to get into “housing” without an “arm and a leg”.  THAT’S EXACTLY WHY I’M BUILDING THESE.  An EXAMPLE to give HOPE to the Homeless and families “doubling up” at relatives’ homes.  I’d like to see a “movement” of Like-Minded.  HELPERS HELPING OTHERS!  Aho?   re


My visiting friend saw the domes.  VERY IMPRESSED.  Adam’s dome’s SIMPLICITY the MOST!    “ALL anyone NEEDS. ALL!  And so SIMPLE!  I can see 2 – 3 together…tunneled one to another.  The old Eskimo Igloo way.  This is NICE!”  Blew him away to see #1…then Sky’s!  THIS is FANTASTIC!”  But Adam’s ease of making has his most attention.   ( :   re


Well, now have the BIG “Bad” Tarp over all the rest.  Had Sky and buddy help….tho under full protest.  “Tomorrow”.  Told um I’ve “heard that again and again….GET YOUR SHOES ON AND TURN THOSE DANG GAMES OFF.  Let’s GO!”  Saw I’d had enough of their excuses….they ‘go-ed’!  ( :

Told ‘em “it’s not hard work”  (did NOT tell ‘em of the HUGE STONES needed lugging to hold the edges down).  WORKED ‘EM NEAR TO DEATH!  ( :  ( :

Once done, we tried the Cone Fireplace.  THINKING the tall chimney was NOT close enough to the tarps on top….well : MELT!

So I let the tin cool and took off the one LONG one…inserting only the shorty that was on the longer.  Tried again.  JUST RIGHT!

The melt created a large hole through ALL the tarps.  PERFECT “CHIMNEY”!  I’ll leave it JUST LIKE IT IS.  Snow / Rain wont be a problem….with fire going it turns to STEAM and exits as that.  Not big enough to cause a problem with no fire…and when leaving for long periods, will be putting a wide Tarp completely over the hole.  Stopping all snow / rain that would come in (doing DITTO on Adams as well). Aho?

So, LOOKING GOOD and NEARLY OUTSIDE READY!   The GOOD Tarp will go on next.  Then will Secure with Crisscross ropes all along.  Ground to Ground.  Just to make SURE no winds cause trouble.  Aho?

The edges will all be in the trench and then bermed.  THAT (fully covered) will then be done.  Next to the inside doing.  Can “do” secure from the weather.  Can take my time.  Do it up RIGHT.  Aho?

The boys sat inside…actually WIDE-EYED at the ROOM inside.  This thing is HUGE (when compared to the other 2).  A REAL Cabin HOME!

We can fit BOTH the others in this AND HAVE EXTRA ROOM TO SPARE!  (I’m NOT KIDDING!) !!!

Price hasn’t risen a bit.  Still mostly SALVAGED Materials.  Purty sure $200.00 will do…outside AND IN, comfortably.  YARD LOOKING ALOT CLEANER now.  ( :

I’m happy. Wife’s happy. NEIGHBORS Happy TOO!  (Suspect the County “cops” will b as well.  SURE HOPE SO!).

So, that’s the report for today.  Melt and All.   PTL!    Re


Pipe Heating

Winds lowered.  Sky and I were able to get a larger “scrap tarp” on.  About a 2 hour job.  Several holes in these but Bad COVERS Bad…and all helps pad the many willow “nobbies”.

The big GOOD tarp will hide those below….but INSIDE these will need WHITE SHEETS put on to hide all the various colors.  I’ll get those at the 2 Cheap Shops when I can.  I’ll use willows Crisscrossed to help hold ‘em tight.  Did this in my Tipis too…REALLY LOOKED GREAT! Did away with the Drape “Poofs” AND HELPED INSULATE as well!

Sky was goofing around with a long piece of white PVC pipe.  Had part stuck outside into the sun.  Put his ear to the inside (and RAISED) part, to listen.  Looked at me and said “THERE’S HOT AIR COMING THROUGH THIS, Grampa!”  Told him “Heat Rises.  The outside is in the sun.  You’re holding this inner part ABOVE the outside part.  The sun’s heating the outside and rising to you. If this pipe were BLACK, it would be ALOT HOTTER.”

Then it dawned on me…a BLACK pipe(s) run out like that….with a 45 or 90 Degree elbow WOULD HELP HEAT INSIDE OF ANY HOME!  Even in WINTER!  Snow wouldn’t stay on long using Black.  WOW!  A NATURAL Solar HEATER!  NON-ELECTRIC!    ???    re


Got a small donation today.  Not a lot BUT ENOUGH to get ANOTHER ROLL OF THE TAPE I PREFER!  10 ROLLS now!  (Had THOUGHT all I needed was THREE!).  Live and Learn.  ( :
Going to put “useless” (weather ripped / etc.) tarps on the dome today.  Will at least help SOME on covering “Pokey Through” Willow “nubbins”.
THEN MORE BLANKETS over them….THEN the heavy GOOD Hay Tarp.  Gotta wait on  the blankets (donations $$) before doing the big tarp though…so will be awhile.  Aho?
As of now, MANY DIFFERENT COLORS  are on.  Will get DECENT Cheap Shop (cheap) WHITE sheets and put these INSIDE…hiding all those various colors.  Aho?
Went “window shopping” and looked a various sized STACKABLE (and “lockable”) Plastic (see through) containers.  Ones that stack from Bottom BIG to progressively SMALL size.  These to be Sky’s Food Storage compartments “Kitchen” area.  RODENT PROOF.  Have a large Ice Cooler for perishables.  He’ll be all set when finished.
Looked at other things as well.  These are “add-ons” to the dome.  I don’t count them as Dome Building cost.  So, with tax…$60.00 will finish the “kitchen” area.
Got a number of free wood pieces yesterday.  All helpful in his dome And any others yet to be.  Always looking and always thinking ahead.  Just couldn’t over-look the FREE opportunity.  Aho?
Sure have a number of BUILD CHEAP li’l abodes in mind.  Show ALL the options THEY can do…on next to nothing.  Aho?
Saw a tall “bucket” too.  Not sure if it can accept the Porta Potty seat.  Would be wise to double up 2…stronger that way.  IF the seat fits right, I’ll get ’em.
So, THINKING ON THE INTERIOR now.  Might as well, need the blankets and sheets before the abode is ready to occupy on a consistent basis.  (CAN be used NOW, IF the boy(s) want to sleep on EARTH for a night).  Aho?
Ok, off to ‘DOING’.
GB      re

If any are interested in building a “get away” cabin on similar lines to my domes, you can go to Google  SEARCH and type in:


This is a HUB….by GHOST32.

Scroll down (past his CABIN Picture).  SOME pictures of mine (#1) are there. Then begin reading the Comments.  MANY ADVICES ARE THERE.

“Ghost” and I have become good friends.  The interaction is very extensive.  He has nearly completed his own cabin MADE OF SAND BAGS.  FAR bigger then the 3 I’m doing.  Has taken him a full year…ALONE!        QUITE INTERESTING!   Building it where illegals cross his land.  Well within site of the Mexican Border in AZ.  It’s like a FORT!  AND extremely cool in their heat.

If you’d like to see more on mine, then go to:

RED ELK SPEAKS (The Tellings of a Medicine Man)

(aka previous posts on this blog.  Check tags ‘dome’, ‘dome home’, ‘tribal living’, ‘Skydome’ and categories ‘dome home’, ‘Hobbit Hut’, and ‘Gnome Home’. – WS)

This has a lot of pictures of #1 and #2.   #3 (SkyDome) pics may be up by the time you look.  Taken…just waiting to be put on by the taker. (past MY abilities!).   This is by far the largest.  More a “home” than a semi-to-temporary (as are #1 and #2). Still, a SMALL “cabin”.

#1 cost me $350.00 TO THE PENNY.  #2…TEN CENTS!  #3 will be UNDER $200.00.

These prices do not include “fancying up” inside (furnishing / etc.).

Each almost all from Found / Given / Collected material (the reason I could build so cheaply).

It’s just a matter of keeping your eyes open and thinking differently (“Out Side The Box”).

BUILDING MATERIALS are “Out There” for all, with these 2 things in mind.

I call these (others planned) because, as man progresses on the path they are on….YOU MAY BE LIVING IN ABODES LIKE THESE (Or your children).

I call this “The village of YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW”

YOU may never do as this, but YOU WILL KNOW IT CAN BE DONE.

Please take advantage of this knowledge.  SHARE IT.  PASS IT ON to friends / needy / homeless.

I “do” in the Old time-honored way of the ancient N.A. Elders ….. ALWAYS OTHERS FIRST

“Money have I none, but that that I DO have, I GIVE UNTO YOU”

I DO SO, FOR YOU!  Aho?    red elk


As I drive back and forth to the 2 towns we are in-between, my eyes are always looking…my mind always “rolling”.  LOOKING FOR FREE BUILDING MATERIAL.

I see differently then most.  See a field full of stone and “see” a Small Abode’s Foundation…or Landscaping…even the Abode, ITSELF.

I watch tree trimming being done…”useless” trees being cut….even big thick branches either being placed in a pile to burn or cut into firewood.


This is not Only at this…I see our State’s Fish and Game management poisoning BIG ponds…to kill “trash fish”.  EDIBLE “trash” fish…hauled off to rot.  FOOD FOR THE ELDERLY….or recycled into FERTILIZER for someone’s small garden.

Waste    Waste    WASTE!

Friends, THINK “Outside The BOX”!  Take ADVANTAGE of these things.

Prices are ALWAYS rising.  Just to EAT is expensive.  But KNOWLEDGE is FREE!  Learn to supplement your foods with what’s in your back yard…EDIBLE “useless” “weeds” / Etc.

Here our trailer house is not conducive to overnight guests….but now my DOMES EASILY handle them.  A DIME for ONE…$350.00 for another…and yet a 3RD now close to covering / use….for UNDER $200.00!

We no longer need to be apologetic over our home clutter…simply send visitors to experience a private dome.  THEY LOVE THE OPPORTUNITY!  (Primitive as this ‘way’ is).

YOU CAN’T BUILD AN EXTENDED House Room at even the COMBINED “3 dome” PRICE!  And MINE are ALL Code free…ALL no extra TAXES.  AND MOSTLY from FREE Materials!

I do this by keeping my eyes open and THINKING “OUTSIDE THE BOX”!  re
