Posts Tagged ‘Sky Dome’

Been passing a small pile of river and field rocks.  Gonna see the farmer and see if I can have ‘em.  MORE then enough to do all needed inside Skydome.  Any left will go on outside dirt mound (berm).  Will look kind of nice when everything is finished….grass  /  wild    flowers and these stones sticking out here and there.  Will be looking for more…for all 3 domes’ berming.

Not at all needed…but these have become a passion of Love for me.  Gonna be a shame to leave ‘em when we move.

Still, what I learn here will be applied on the new place’s abode….so not “useless” to me.

I’ve made mistakes on these along the line…LEARNING “mistakes.”

Having no “set” plans…just imagination becoming an actual FACT, MEANS mistakes will happen.  “Ghost” knows THIS “story.”

He and his wife are “quite the pair”.  GUTSY and UNAFRAID.  “DOers”…despite little to “do” WITH.  Aho?

He has “more”     than we do…and has been able to build a small HOME.  Mine?  Doing what I can with the little we have.  The results are still the same….A NEW “HOME”.  Ones almost ALL can afford (one of mine cost a Dime).

Friends, there no need to panic as we slide into “Zilch”.  It’s NOT “the end of the World”…simply a change of RETHINKING your REAL “needs”.

“DAD” IS SHOWING YOU THIS in “Ghost’s” and my many “conversations” on his Hub “Build a Survival Cabin on a Shoestring Budget”.

You’d be wise to check his out.  GB    re


Just returned from a “goody” hunt.  Had received a donation today….FILLED my gas tank!  ( :  Got a magazine on primitive “How To”ing, morning “coffee” (Diet Pepsi) and some screws needed (to put the Rug Runner window on Skydome), then headed to Habitat For Humanity to see what they had.  WOW!  They had JUST Unloaded 3 HUGE ROLLS OF LANDSCAPE BURLAP!

EXACTLY the thing I had “tossed up” to “Pop” that “I’d like to get”….then left that “sit” till He provided.  TRUSTING HE HEARD and WOULD Provide.

Took some 3 months…and here it was!

These are NEW rolls.  At $200.00 A ROLL!

BUT, Habitat KNOWS what I’m doing (domes to teach homeless and future mankind).  GOT ALL THREE (3!) for $20.00 plus tax!  PTL!

Still have $$ in pocket…$7.45 !  Thus, still RICH!  PTL!

What do I want these rolls for?  To put on the domes…they’re made to lay on slops…dirt over, grass seed atop that.  As the grasses grow, these rot into the dirt / grass roots.  Left with a pretty ground “hill” …. a “pad” of GREENESS!  Aho?

And will seed the grass with WILD FLOWERS as well!  SHOULD LOOK NICE!

Now  to  get DIRT!   ( :

See what EXPECTING Prayer DOES???

No need to keep “tossing up”…HE HEARS YOU THE FIRST TIME!

Simply Thank Him, EXPECT…and “let it lie”.  He WILL Answer.  Aho?   CreatorGod Bless.   re


Been doing a number of COMMENTS on Ghost32’s Hub   BUILD A SURVIVAL CABIN ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET (The link is under Information Links to the right. – WS).
You may find this hub VERY interesting.
FILLED with ADVICE that YOU may need.  Ghost’s AND mine.   re

After school yesterday, and again after TAKING Sky TO School….he / I have been getting river rocks / etc.  Will do more then I already have, today.

His fireplace and some flooring filled now.  These “new” ones will be going on the bathroom wall.  Get THAT part done.

My 2 “talks” have both been canceled, so time to get alot done out there. Maybe even tarp the top.  THEN can do the 5 windows and call his dome pretty much done.

Kinda fun “getting” as I simply drive about.  No gas wasted…going from A to Z anyway.

This “thinking outside the box” sure a Gift!

We ALL will be needing this CHANGE OF THINKING Very SOON!  MIGHT EVEN BY NEXT MONTH (for alot of things).  (I sorta am expecting a BAD USA $$ Economy SUPER CRASH!)  ???

“Domes” be “damned”….more IMPORTANT things you need to “Out Side The Box” on….like ALL THE FOOD YOU WASTE!  Potato PEELS…washed before peeling and “eyes” cut out, make GREAT “Potato Chips.”

Asparagus HARD ENDS snapped off and tossed away are GREAT boiled and made into Asparagus SOUP.

These are but TWO of your WASTES!  THINK ABOUT THIS, Folks!

Even green Toss Offs make GREAT “Fodder” to raise IN-HOME Worms!  And THOSE, ground into hamburger…well, only YOU would “know”, if you keep your mouth shut.

(Don’t think you could do this?  Well, when the wallet is empty and you’ve others to feed…you WILL change your mind).   “Do things” like this or start looking at your PETS, as Edible.

It WILL Come to this!

“Ugh”, right?  YES…UGH!!!  But YOU will have something in your stomach, when others become sunken skin! ALL AROUND YOU!

If You’ve followed my advise, you have started studying Ancient Ways.  Building to Eating.  Wild Plants to ……etc…

If you HAVEN’T spent some time checking these things out….START RIGHT NOW.  And I mean NOW!

If I’m WRONG?  KNOWLEGE is ALWAYS WORTHY.  So WHAT if I’m mistaken!…YOU’LL BE SMARTER, at least!

YOU will not be like most of All on your block…who know ONLY “go to work…Buy at the store(s),  and  LIVE!”

This is all up to you, friends.

Yes, Right or Wrong…YOU’LL BE SMARTER.        re


Adam just left.  He and I spent yesterday and today in fixing up the inside of Sky’s Dome.

Yesterday was SUPER!   But TODAY…BEYOND “SUPER”  —-  UNBELIEVABLE !!!   WOW!   WOW!    WOW!!!!

For those who have recently visited….tho just DAYS AGO…NOW would be STUNNED!

The Sleeping Ledge (dirt held back by Vertical cut poles) NOW LOOKS LIKE YOU’VE WALKED TO AN OLD ANCIENT ENGLISH COTTAGE!  A PICTURE painting!

“Wall” now a ‘FENCE’….MANY flowers….MANY (new) HORIZONTALS holding the ‘fence’ together.  MORE moss added.  I mean THIS is BEAUTIFUL!

Bed Side, “Ol’ English.”  Opposite, MODERN “rustic.”

Simply change your seating position and be in “Another” “WORLD”!!!

Again, Pics (yesterday) and TODAY taken.  Looked GREAT Yesterday…but NOW?  SUPER!!!!

An AMAZING DIFFERENCE from BEFORE Yesterday (“Plain”) to Yesterday (REALLY Nice!) to TODAY :  WOW SUPER!!

THIS IS A MAGAZINE-on-CABINS / COTTAGES-places Building now.  Maybe even COVER PAGE!  And STILL Far from DONE!

WATCH FOR THE PICS IN MY BLOG.  SHOULD be up in a week or so.

GB   re


Got some major work done inside Sky’s Dome  :  Cut smoke Exit hole above fireplace…..screwed on Horizontal Wall retainer pieces…did some “fancying” at that wall.  FLOWERS (fake).  That and too a bit o’ Moss across that wall.  Giving it a more appealing “look” for gals.  Otherwise a “man cave”.

The hole atop sure helps.   Only a chimny would eliminate all tho and I don’t feel “safe” with that so close to 3 covers / willow / pvc pipe.  Too much work to just watch the place burn down!  Aho?

Thus this WILL be a “Cold Abode”.  A different stove and chimney would stop that tho.  I won’t.  The idea is to SHOW the POSSIBILITIES one can do.

Meanwhile, sure looking nice inside.
Adam has taken pictures of this work of today.  Will try to get ’em on the blog ASAP.   re

This brother wrote about his time with Red Elk last week, learning, doing, and sleeping in the domes.

The Day Before



Almost ALL this day devoted to finishing Adam’s dome and working on Sky’s.
ADAMS IS NOW FINISHED Too!  2 outta 3.
TREMENDOUS Headway inside Sky’s as well!
Adam just left.  Will return next Friday, Leave Sunday.
Help me more inside Sky’s.

Getting ready to wrap that up, inside.  Then to cover with good tarp and do the windows / doors.  Then…DONE!

Quite a day…in the COLD, too!    re

A Doer wrote:

Hi Red Elk,

Thanks for the pictures, I tried mailing you at <address> but for some reason it was returned.  So I am delighted that you posted it at your blog.

I have a dome structure but haven’t figured out how to keep the wind from blowing the tarp cover off.  We tucked it at the bottom, and have PVC clips, but these haven’t held.

What are you using to afix your tarp?  It looks like you used PVC pipe and tree branches to build your dome.


On SkyDome that’s EXACTLY what I used.  We too have winds.  Rare to NOT here.  What we do is Oversize the tarp, trench, tarp overlap to IN trench, the gravel the trench….then EARTH BERM up the sides a bit.  Overlap a GOOD 2 feet on ground.  Often 3 feet.

If yours is to be an Up and Down one (taken apart….We’ve overlapped by about 5 ft. and weighed with SAND BAGS…end to end.  These types have stood up to an 82 mph wind.  If REALLY worried…sand bag (wind side) with 2 …NXT to (not on top of) the first “set”.

I’ve used small BOULDERS and find these are not CLOSE ENOUGH together.  Winds get UNDER tarp “here and there”…then “Blow OUT” the OTHER end!  NO PROBLEM with sand bags.  Think these are 40 lb. bags.

I find a LOW “Cockroach” dome is an EXCELLENT dome shape…LOW and LONG.  Winds FLOW OVER this shape…”Regular” domes CATCH TOO MUCH WIND. (Go study a stream…SEE WHAT PEBBLES / STONES are GENTLY rolled over versus the more UPRIGHT cause “Eddies”….WATER is a GOOD “seeing” …WIND IS LIKE WATER)!

Yes, LOTS of “wasted” space towards the inside edges.  BUT WE UTILIZE THIS with STORAGE there. NO wasted space then.  We use PLASTIC CONTAINERS there.  BEDs are next to those.  LOW beds.  Aho?

Our 30 footer now has a GIANT tarp.  60×100 ft.  Will overlap the main dome / bathroom connection AND the Kitchen extension…ALL IN ONE PIECE…WITH overlap!  Paid $479.00 for it and its FAR better a tarp then those most buy at stores.  All WHITE.  Now waiting (saving) for COMMERCIAL GRADE 7 in. WHITE-SIDED Insulation.  $1400 (shipped).  This to be our HOME.  This structure to be lived in like any home.  ALL YEAR USE.  Snows there are 12 to 14 ft per winter.  5 ft in “bad” years.

The 3 mini domes here have had no problems in 4 1/2 snows.  SNOW IS GREAT INSULATION!

I hope this info helps.  CreatorGod bless.   re


After some more DOING on Sky Dome I think my next DO project will be WATER CATCHMENT.  Rain and Snow….melted and run into domes.  Will be using big umbrellas  set on 5 gal. buckets and big stock tanks.  On the bigger, 2 – 3 SUN umbrellas.

All will be turned Upside down and set on the “tanks”.  A small hole (screwed)  at base of umbrellas to drain into the “keepers”.  We can take the 5 gal. buckets and use where wanted….the bigger will drain via hose(s) directly into the domes.  On / Off  “spigots” in dome(s).  The biggies will be GRAVITY fed.

Every thing needed are on hand.  Just waiting to be used.  MOST Given (Free).   re