In response to a sister:
Well I’ll be darned…… outta be a PSYCHOLOGIST!  ( :
Sure makes a person THINK. Hummmmm YOU’RE GOOD!
Many Medicine NAs have quit…..(“Put down their Feathers”)……because they couldn’t SURVIVE on those who receive their services but give nothing in exchange.
The 13th Original Inner Heyoka did… a sense. Turned “Judas”…..gave up to THE Way for A Way…and started TRADITION.  Leaving only 12 from then-on-in. I being one of these long gone original 12….and WE are dying. None other WILL take our place as WE go. We are the LAST OF THIS SOCIETY.
Thus we frantically “cast our net”. “Catching” as many “fish” as we can, before it’s our “turn”.
I find that URGENCY so Strongly, I find myself TOSSING LIT STICKS OF DYNAMITE to “get” then NET TOSSING.
I don’t like what (how) I’m going about this.
The TIME is SO SHORT! FAR shorter then people realize.
It has turned me into a MONSTER, in MY eyes. I DON’T LIKE IT!
YEARS (even more than the soon-to-be 11) BEFORE the first Coast-to-Coast program. MANY MANY YEARS, “sweetly sharing”….to about 0 results. So….DYNAMITE!
WHO am I to “stir the waters” with DYNAMITE!
I KNOW I’m NOT “HIM”…but find I am “taking on” HIS “persona”. I DONT LIKE IT! thus I don’t care much for ME anymore.
And GUESS WHAT!?  I don’t like THAT! EITHER!
So FEW responding to the “call”….all RISING to the SHOCK, but most dazzling off…others, belly up to drift away. FEW SURVIVE!
I’ve told of the proper way to approach a NA Med. Person (and did so at THEIR request). “ALWAYS COME WITH TOBACCO.”
It is only LOGICAL to PAY FOR SERVICES. WAS that way….long ago. Even the NA have forgotten this.
I’ve helped a few (3+hundred I suppose). Pay? Well, got a HOT DOG to return one’s sight from total blindness. $1200.00 to “come”…on a trip that cost ME over $3000.00 MORE (our FULL Income Tax return). FAMILY $$ !!!
Tho it happens, it is SO RARE to receive.
It is NOT the Inner Heyoka’s WAY to SET AN AMOUNT.  THAT was started (“pay”) by the 13th. We are STILL relying on CREATORGOD.  Yet FEW SEEM TO KNOW HIM ANYMORE!
Know OF “Him”….but it ends there mostly.
“What do you charge, re?”   ASK “DAD” and give accordingly. Guess He tells ‘em “Give a smile and Thank You, Re Elk”….or ???????
OF WE LAST 12, I AND 2 OTHERS ARE STILL ACTIVE! The others? “SHUT DOWN”. Gone ONLY “Local”. No longer casting their nets….letting an occasional “fish” get caught in the shallow hollow of a pool RIGHT BEFORE THEIR FEET. So, out of we 12…only we 3 are “out there”, and one now near death. VERY near.
TWO…for the WORLD!
I can NOT set a CHARGE! It is NOT OUR WAY!
We not only are “DINOSAURIC, but LIVING EXAMPLES of what USE TO BE.
“Walking MUSEUMS”! Dinosaurs of a long ago past……AND a THORN in the FEET OF MAN.  And treated as such. Aho?
Big Brother, OUR LEADER AND EXAMPLE, didn’t ether…tho He DID have BACKERS (Judas took care of the donation purse).  I tho, have little that support. Only 3 on a Consistant basis. 3 I CAN COUNT ON.  It means a LOT, tho NOT alot of money. It’s those 3, and the occasional Senders, my SS $$$ AND M’s WORKING (for weekly pay check) AND CREATOR, that keeps this work On Going. my own SS $…and HIM…For the WORLD!
And I am burning out. So TIRED I now cast DYNAMITE. TO TIRED TO CAST a NET! And, well, turning into something I DON’T like.
I no longer am a BURNING LOG. Not even a SMOLDERING Piece of it. Now NEARLY A DEAD PIECE OF CHARCOAL!  Still LIGHTABLE, Still a FIRE HAZARD….but, basically, BURNED OUT. I’ve LOST MY FIRE!
Warm…but “handleable”…by BARE HANDS!
All I need is a STRONG BREATH to RE-KINDLE. Once again able to PROPERLY START FIRES!
‘Til that comes, I lay rather dormant.
Turned HEADY in my death throws. Helping no one by THAT Example! Aho?
I DON’T LIKE IT! Give me KINDLING …. and BLOW!!!  Let me LIGHT GREAT FIRES, the CORRECT WAY! The way a Burning LOG is MEANT too.
I would rather turn to Charcoal DUST then PLAY GOD! It is NOT WHAT I AM, NOR WHAT I LIKE!  Aho?  re