Posts Tagged ‘Mastery’

I’d like to share with you the JOY one can derive from doing for others.  As you scroll down and get into the SKYDOME pictures, KNOW the PLEASURE I’M FEELING doing this (and the other 2).  Built to SHOW.  Built to be SEEN.  Built to (hopefully) INSPIRE….and ALL built VERY CHEAPLY.

ALL because our Creator has set me on the path to HELP OTHERS.

These 3 (more yet to be added…I THINK) are “The Village Of YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW”.  Sky(s)Dome is made on the lines of a European “Gypsy BENDER”.  VERY BIG.  Seats 7…+ !  Sleeps 3 if needed.  One Piece…including Bathroom and “Attic”.  Very little here that I had to buy (thank you donators – I set aside a small amount of each donation to help pay for things needed on these).  Almost ALL of WILLOWS (on all 3).  FREE “Weed Trees” from local farmers wanting more pasture room.  The Giant HAY TARPS are seconds and throwaways.  ALL, FREE.  Various things…FREE things…”blow offs” found on roadsides, Etc..  I bought little.

My “Hobbit Hut / Gnome Home” (my first), built by digging into a FREE county dump truck of Ditch clean-out.  THAT LOAD MADE A PLACE FOR 4! (2 adults, a baby and one small child). Built on an OJIBWA design.

#2…Adam’s Dome is of an APACHE Wickiup design.  Sleeps 3 (in emergency).

I get GREAT PLEASURE at seeing my IMAGINATION turn to INVISIONING and from THAT, into REALITY.  ALL because I’ve learned to FOLLOW Big Brother, Jesus, the Christ.

Now these tiny structures can be duplicated because they ARE…not something one just READS ABOUT.  VISUAL FACTS.

These are made to show what our ANCESTORS used….Long Ago…and what will be used, AGAIN, in our not to distant future.  Made from what can be SCROUNGED.

A teaching lesson for all.

Yes, it IS Good…to be a part of HIM.  Aho?    re


Wanted to work on #1 but TOO COLD to do cementing.  So went to Sky’s.   Cut off about 6-8 in. of bed ledge wall (more room on main floor)…Backed that dirt with heavy white tarp (vertical logs will be put in front of that)…leveled the bathroom floor and placed the toilet in its permanent place…rugged it (temp), set rug on main (temp), added the attic, did some general clean up.  THIS DOME’S INTERIOR IS REALLY LOOKING GOOD!
“Weeds” did nearly all the work…I suprivised.  THIS GUY’S NOT AFRAID TO WORK!  Trade…teachings for labor.
He’s sleeping in Adam’s dome as “here” home.
HOPEFULLY we will get a load of gravel and be able to finish all flooring tomorrow.  Rock company was closed today! sigh  (wasted trip)
Anyway, a BUSY DAY indeed…and a GOOD ONE!    re
A brother seeker sent this email:
I’m home now from vancouver island. Would love to come for a visit but i understand that you are very busy. An ideal situation would be that i could help in some way. Maybe a carpool somewhere or if you needed some help with building, ect… Probably would be able to make time for that until i have to leave for the island again towards the end of the month. Otherwise we’ll leave my visit for a time when things have settled down for you. (Would be selfish otherwise)
I have to thank you for opening my eyes to the adventure that life is at any given moment. I’ve been testing making a connection with animals with great results. The concept of love as a tangible force WORKS! It makes a strong connection and then it also washes negativity from us.(Like predatory instinct.) A raven flew by as i was walking in the country. I loved every aspect and detail of the bird. Saw the feathers and the detail within them. The way the wind moved them. I could almost see/imagine through the birds eyes. When I called to it to my surprise it spun around and flew straight for me. It was flying purposefully to the south so it was wierd that it would all of a sudden fly for me. In my surprise I thought what if it lands on me. Of course with that thought the connection was interupted and the bird flew straight above my head and turned as I looked up. It then flew purposefully the original direction it was going in. Incredible (Funny, as if a large raven would land on me. If i could of kept the connection maybe it would of landed in front of me or on a tree close by.) Since meeting with you I’ve gotten within feet of a badger, a crow, family of sparrows, and a mink. As well as seeing of in the distance a variety of wildlife big and small with open eyes. It seems animals are a lot like people with there thoughts. Sometimes they don’t want to come, they have things to do. Sometimes they just don’t care, ect.. But some of them are curious and want to be friends.
Thank you for this universal way of being and the power in LOVE, it’s working for everything.

At the end of the Great Vision, I asked the Creator why He showed me these things.  “His” reply (audibly) was :

The people are NOT READY for the Up-Coming times.  To BE ready, they MUST do THESE 3 THINGS:     Read my Word (bible)…………………. DAILY

BELIEVE ALL they read IN IT…………DAILY   (Using the Concordance.  re)

PRAY, ON their KNEES…………………DAILY

Tell ALL what you have seen.  ALL you have heard.  THEN, they WILL BE READY!



( Remember, folks, the Great Vision was given several years ago now.  I have shared WORLD WIDE since.  INCLUDING this Last. “He” has made ALL this possible. From the first Coast-to-Coast show in Dec. 1999 to now.  Radio ,  TV,  PC and Personal letters and Talks.  HE arranged ALL…NOT I !  Interviews / All, CAME to ME.)


For those of you who have ‘followed’ my tellings and Know them, you have been witnesses that the Vision (3 days) have held true.  To Date : 100 %!!!

He warned, I told….and He has backed His telling.


“Stand By” folks, not ALL has yet occurred !   THERE IS “MORE TO COME”.

Believe (me) or not…IT IS NOT STOPPED!

And the way we are going, it WILL NOT!

It WILL end, as told.


Good morning Red Elk
Had another great experience with a tree. In OUR front yard of the home here in Spokane, there are two giant maple trees that are over100 years old. They provide wonderful shade from the hot southern mid day sun, covering the entire house. The tree to the east is in need of trimming as the lower branches are almost touching the ground. My intentions this last spring was to climb up the tree & remove the Y witch included all the lower branches & one large trunk size branch but never got around to it. Well, last night while enjoying my tobacco, I decided to ask the tree how it wanted to be trimmed this fall. It told me, “see how I am leaning to the southeast, if  you take the large branch off my northwest side it will cause a shift of weight & make my journey here shorter & more difficult”. It also told me that if I were to trim the large branch on the southeast side of tree, it would help reduce stress on it & the tree would replace the large
hole it would create in time. Now my these are my new intentions.
I wanted you to know teacher that I would not have come to the awearness that WE could talk to trees without your wisdom. I now see with child like eyes & mind. I also see that our people have placed their faith in technology & not in Dad. Sure we walk around w/a” WWJD” attitude but don’t have the faith of even a mustered seed. So I say to our people, read Mark 4:21-32 with  the eyes of a child, & ask yourself, “where do I place my faith, where is my LIGhT?”. Do you trust in Dad w/the faith of a mustered seed?
You see teacher, I also see myself as a mustered seed to our people now, may my branches continue to grow thick & strong. & I pray that others see the faith I have in our Creator & it inspires faith of Dad in others. I also pray that others come to this awareness & that their branches too grow strong, Aho? ONE LOVE  ONE CREATOR! TG

Kinda Cool, isnt it!  ( :   The CA gal just left, but she TOO went out and experienced ON HER OWN.  Then I took her to the grass…had her walk barefoot to / on it, then lay down.  ABSORBING “Mom’s” ENERGY…AND The CHILD-LIKE MIND.  Being a KID again.  While down, I introduced her to the several tiny grass bugs.  Following their busy walkabouts.  Leading their daily lives.  Showing even so TINY ones as these think THEY are “People”.  DO as WE DO…look for food , a mate, a place to sleep, etc..  Then told her to dig BELOW the grass roots…see what lives THERE…and DEEPER.  Telling that All need EACH that we 2 Legged can eat / survive. Again, saying WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER.  Introduced her to A grass leaf.  Had her PET it!  SHE SENSED ITS PLEASURE.  Suddenly OTHERS BENT TO HER HAND (no wind) to get PETTED TOO!
ALL this NEW to her.
She SAID:  “Its like visiting DISNEYLAND in a 2 foot AREA!”
Man has forgotten the wonders of Childhood.  Too busy to pay attention.  SHE IS LEARNING!  Ho   re

See you tomorrow.  GB   re

One visitor today did a SUCCESSFUL “Tree Trip”…then went out and Spoke WITH a Rose Bush AND a TREE!   “Blew her away”.   re
And then a brother wrote:

Hellow Red Elk
I just had the fig tree (apricauht) speak to me. It told me the why it did not bare fruit this year was cuz I was not thankful for the fruit. You see teacher, I cursed the tree last  year as it was dropping  un-picked fruit on the patio & grass making a mess & damaging the grass. I even went as far as cutting off a branch that over hung the patio. & this branch was as big as the main trunk. I also told it that it was lucky I needed the shade or I would cut the entire tree down. So, the tree told me this is why it did not bare fruit, not cuz tithe frost we experienced last spring. I asked the tree to forgive me & to bare fruit next year & I will harvest.

I now relate this message to my walk. I see that I too am upset @ the loved ones who take, take, take with no regards to how I feel. & so i let my LIGHT go dime & turned a cold heart to them. But Dad has taken this coldness & turned it in to a burning to tell them that the fruit I bare is LOVE. The LOVE of the Creator & He is calling. Step away from this faults reality & walk in the LIGHT. We are in the 11th hour & Dad is CALLING.



An email from another seeker:

Wow teacher! A few words of encouragement. Your words this wknd, did not fall on deaf ears.
I returned to my readings of the Bible & have covered the first 20 versus of Matthew. All these years spinning  my wheel searching for the truth & it is right there the entire time. I would  never have comprehended it w/my old eyes. I read now with open eyes & would. I receive confirmation from you what i know to be true, now i am receiving confirmation on teachings that my eyes were closed to b4. Have patients w/me as our Lord is moving in me. I want to confess to man, you, that i have asked Dad to possess me & have  put my Spirit in control. I have faith that once I get rid of the only thing I have to make money. & binding me to this society by way of donation to a needy family so they can profit from it, then Dad will provide for our children. No doubt in my mind, He has given me peace over it, Aho?
There is an awearness  amongest our poples on the horizon Grandfather. Can you hear the whells taking grip? Matthew 16:1-4, as seen by my eyes, tells me that the Profit Jonah has given the sign. & I received as I am of a wicked & aduterous generation. I also see it as a comformation of my dream or vision. Please pray on these words & give any guidance that you’re wisdom can bring.
I also found confirmation that Dad gave us a Spirit, just as you said. I am taking steps to move beyond this faults reality & looking forward to bearing my own cross. No way can it be harder then this path of destruction. So, I will share my new found insight with my family as Dad told to start with them. Please keep us in your prays that Dad will continue to humble my heart and guid me through our journey with His message, Aho.
One Love, One Creator

Aho. Still will TRIPLE CHECK you tho…before opening up more with / to you. Then…to One-on-One Telepathy “doing”…IF you “pass”.  Aho?
I will ask “WS” to add this Email to my blog…name and E address will NOT be on it.
Others are now “opening” too.  I’ve seen a RUSHING WIND of this in LESS THEN 3 1/2 WEEKS! Like a “CALLING” to UNITE with “Him”….an URGENCY to it.
Scripture says “HE KNOWS WHO HE HAS CALLED”…..tho ALL are, FEW are!  Aho?

Hope to see you again, soon (Creator willing).  KEEP MOVING ON…and thus “UP-WARD”.  Aho?   re


Gonna get myself in trouble here. Speaking out on excessive GOVERNMENT “Rules and Regulations”.

Due to the heavy population of our Earth Mother….our Governments NEED to make “rules”.  “LAWS”.

Sewage is one that has its good points….to a POINT.  The Chinese USE it.  We try to RID ourselves of it.

With today’s CHEMICALS in just about everything….maybe “our way” safest / best.


Go “green!”       Now Chemical food growing versus NATURAL Growth.     We’d be FAR BETTER OFF     withOUT the chemicals          Our Governments are FORCING US TO DO.      In the last few years         Making RULES to control this “way”.  In return, we are given Seeds that WILL NOT SEED-OUT after planting.  FORCING us to BUY  BUY  BUY  EVERY YEAR.  Buy and KEEP “THEIR” coffers filled!

IE: Make RULES that FEED OUR (Controllers) $$ rolling in”.  Aho?

See what I mean?

This is but ONE of the MANY “rulers” doings.

Odd that  THESE HIGH RULERS have made a LAW…that THEY are EXEMPT from SUEING!

THEIR “LAWS” do NOT affect “THEM”.


The Hebrew race screwed up BIG TIME when they INSISTED they wanted a MAN “Ruler”…INSTEAD OF GOD!   Been paying the “price” ever since.


Like I told…the HEBREWS were raised to EXAMPLE to the World GOVERMENTS World Wide.  (Christ as the EXAMPLE to the INDIVIDUAL person).

Now, are you SURE you DONT WANT ARMAGEDDON?   Start OVER.  Scrambling to SURVIVE …… and “Doing” WithOUT Man RULENESS?

You can BET our various Governments are HIDING their military…IN GROUND…to “come forth” to MAINTAIN “SANITY” (WILL be needed, too) and AT THE SAME TIME : CONTROL!

Is it no wonder Scripture says   Christ will rule WITH A ROD OF IRON”!?  Gonna HAVE TO, to STOP the “Controllers” from RE-INSTATING  T  H  E I  R   CONTROL!

You see, readers, GOD WILL BATTLE THE “Man Kings” AFTER Armageddon.  WRESTLING BACK the GODLY “KINGHOOD” that MAN has had since the Hebrews INSISTED THEY WANTED.

The MAN “Kings” WILL come out of their HOLES, WITH their military ELITE GUARDS to BATTLE FOR THEIR L  o  n  g   held “Kingness”.

Mankind’s Re-Population time WILL TAKE TIME!  Time AFTER Armageddon.  BUT, when COMPLETED…..The WHOLE EARTH will be, TO THE “OTHER” RACES, the EXAMPLE to ALL of THESE “Others”…JUST AS THE JEWS WERE to This ONE PLANET!


In time, ALL Worlds UNDER GOD!

You / I / ALL HERE NOW are part of His BIG PLAN.  THE plan  to CLEAN   ALL    CREATION !                           re


The “body of Christ.”  Ever give that DEEP thought?

It’s taught (correctly) that this means “The Believers.”  But give it DEEEEP thought.

What is a BODY?

Well, arms / legs / eyes / blood / intestines / bones…and on and on. Right?

Ok, if WE Believers are A Body….then it ALSO means THE SAME AS THE ABOVE.  Aho?

Once a Mayan Godly Medicine Man and I were teaching together.  He had his PART “down pat”.  He considered himself “The Brain”.  Not heady about it…I THOUGHT.

Then as we were driving down to Navaho Land, he made a statement that shocked me:


Oh Oh !

Well, I too am a “part”…..and KNOW MY PART, as well.

“Tascara,  I AM THE LARGE INTESTINE.  The COLON.   I am, literally, The ASS HOLE!  (Don’t be shocked, readers…it was worded to TAKE EFFECT).


You’d be SO FULL OF —- YOU Couldn’t FUNCTION!!”


We NEED each other, Folks, to FUNCTION TOTALLY…..and in GOOD HEALTH!




What we need is a GOOD Healing….OR, ……..CUT OUT!!

Which shall it be?  THE SURGEON IS WAITING!



Down to an Ember

In response to a sister:

Well I’ll be darned…… outta be a PSYCHOLOGIST!   ( :
Sure makes a person THINK.  Hummmmm  YOU’RE GOOD!

Many Medicine NAs have quit…..(“Put down their Feathers”)……because they couldn’t SURVIVE on those who receive their services but give nothing in exchange.
The 13th Original Inner Heyoka did… a sense.  Turned “Judas”…..gave up to THE Way for A Way…and started TRADITION.   Leaving only 12 from then-on-in.  I being one of these long gone original 12….and WE are dying.  None other WILL take our place as WE go.  We are the LAST OF THIS SOCIETY.
Thus we frantically “cast our net”.  “Catching” as many “fish” as we can, before it’s our “turn”.
I find that URGENCY so Strongly, I find myself TOSSING LIT STICKS OF DYNAMITE to “get” then NET TOSSING.

I don’t like what (how) I’m going about this.
The TIME is SO SHORT!  FAR shorter then people realize.

It has turned me into a MONSTER, in MY eyes.  I DON’T LIKE IT!

YEARS (even more than the soon-to-be 11) BEFORE the first Coast-to-Coast program. MANY MANY YEARS, “sweetly sharing”….to about 0 results.  So….DYNAMITE!

WHO am I to “stir the waters” with DYNAMITE!

I KNOW I’m NOT “HIM”…but find I am “taking on” HIS “persona”.  I DONT LIKE IT!  thus I don’t care much for ME anymore.

And GUESS WHAT!?   I don’t like THAT! EITHER!

So FEW responding to the “call”….all RISING to the SHOCK, but most dazzling off…others, belly up to drift away.  FEW SURVIVE!

I’ve told of the proper way to approach a NA Med. Person (and did so at THEIR request).  “ALWAYS COME WITH TOBACCO.”
It is only LOGICAL to PAY FOR SERVICES.  WAS that way….long ago.  Even the NA have forgotten this.
I’ve helped a few (3+hundred I suppose).  Pay?  Well, got a HOT DOG to return one’s sight from total blindness. $1200.00 to “come”…on a trip that cost ME over $3000.00 MORE (our FULL Income Tax return). FAMILY $$ !!!

Tho it happens, it is SO RARE to receive.

It is NOT the Inner Heyoka’s WAY to SET AN AMOUNT.   THAT was started (“pay”) by the 13th.  We are STILL relying on CREATORGOD.   Yet FEW SEEM TO KNOW HIM ANYMORE!
Know OF “Him”….but it ends there mostly.

“What do you charge, re?”    ASK “DAD” and give accordingly.  Guess He tells ‘em “Give a smile and Thank You, Re Elk”….or ???????

OF WE LAST 12, I AND 2 OTHERS ARE STILL ACTIVE! The others? “SHUT DOWN”. Gone ONLY “Local”.  No longer casting their nets….letting an occasional “fish” get caught in the shallow hollow of a pool RIGHT BEFORE THEIR FEET.  So, out of we 12…only we 3 are “out there”, and one now near death. VERY near.

TWO…for the WORLD!

I can NOT set a CHARGE!  It is NOT OUR WAY!

We not only are “DINOSAURIC, but LIVING EXAMPLES of what USE TO BE.

“Walking MUSEUMS”!  Dinosaurs of a long ago past……AND a THORN in the FEET OF MAN.   And treated as such.  Aho?


Big Brother, OUR LEADER AND EXAMPLE, didn’t ether…tho He DID have BACKERS (Judas took care of the donation purse).   I tho, have little that support. Only 3 on a Consistant basis.  3 I CAN COUNT ON.   It means a LOT, tho NOT alot of money.  It’s those 3, and the occasional Senders, my SS $$$ AND M’s WORKING (for weekly pay check) AND CREATOR, that keeps this work On Going. my own SS $…and HIM…For the WORLD!

And I am burning out.  So TIRED I now cast DYNAMITE.  TO TIRED TO CAST a NET!  And, well, turning into something I DON’T like.

I no longer am a BURNING LOG.  Not even a SMOLDERING Piece of it.  Now NEARLY A DEAD PIECE OF CHARCOAL!   Still LIGHTABLE, Still a FIRE HAZARD….but, basically, BURNED OUT. I’ve LOST MY FIRE!

Warm…but “handleable”…by BARE HANDS!

All I need is a STRONG BREATH to RE-KINDLE. Once again able to PROPERLY START FIRES!

‘Til that comes, I lay rather dormant.

Turned HEADY in my death throws.  Helping no one by THAT Example!  Aho?

I DON’T LIKE IT!  Give me KINDLING …. and BLOW!!!   Let me LIGHT GREAT FIRES, the CORRECT WAY!  The way a Burning LOG is MEANT too.

I  would rather turn to Charcoal DUST then PLAY GOD!  It is NOT WHAT I AM, NOR WHAT I LIKE!   Aho?   re
