Posts Tagged ‘love’

Listen to the event that Red Elk speaks of: The One Event

Get involved!

Look at the SU(o)N

Friends, I’ve “met” The Creator in Sweat Lodges….as I go about my Day….while Dome “Doing”….Driving.  You name it.  “HE’S ALWAYS WITH ME.  Gotten to know “Him” pretty well.  Talk to “Him” nearly constantly.

Tho at times I get into “self” the contact is ALWAYS there.  I “Leave” “HIM”… but “He” NEVER leaves ME!

In contemplation today, it occurred to me “He” asks me for NOTHING.  No “Do THIS / Do THAT” “things”.

When I tell “We 12 Inner Heyoka follow “His” ORDERS…..well, they aren’t Exactly “ORDERS”.  They are more SUGGESTIONS.

Leaving Us to Do, OR…..NOT!

In short, It’s BECAUSE we have learned “He” is REAL….and “His” LOVE so INEXHAUSTIVE….we Hear….and we WANT to “obey”.

Well, today I got to thinking on that.  REALIZED “He” ASKED for NOTHING!   NOTHING!!!

Then it dawned on me….”HE” DESERVES RECOGNITION!


How many in our masses even THINK about this?

Why not think on this…Atheists as well.

“HE” CREATED YOU!  Darned if I know why (Creating Me)…but THAT Deserves SOME gratitude. No matter your present situation.

Life in Prison?  Abused?  Out of Work?  Hungry? Disgusted with life? “Hard”?

The Australian Aborigines have a saying: “Look into the SU(o)N and you will not see the SHADOWS”

Even YOU!

Give this writing thought.  GB    re


Ever think on how MANY times you fall so short of HONORING “His” LOVE for you?



Is That a Basket On Your Head?

I have a question. HOW do Any expect the people of our planet to change…to GROW…to become “one” in LOVE BROTHERHOOD, if we resist TELLING?

Did Big Brother keep quiet?

Has our Creator just “Built” us and tossed us out?

Didn’t The First Born EXAMPLE? And our Maker leave a Book?

Isn’t it told: “FEAR NOT”?….”Make a FOOL of Yourself FOR HIS SAKE”?

Think, ‘oh ye who Know’, on the basket. “Do N O T Hide Your candle”.

Why do you HIDE?

Ashamed? Afraid?

LOVE FOLLOWING should NOT be a “Secret Society”!

TAKE OFF THE BASKET, “all ye that KNOW!! re


“Grandfather” Speaks

OK, folks….by now you see I’m a “Let’s STOP this NONSENSE” guy.  Frankly, “hard hitting” at times. 

Wish someone had been as blunt with ME a number of years ago.  Maybe would have helped.  Sure has taken me long enough to start “seeing”.
I had no father (to speak of) to take me “to the woodshed” when I was growing up.
Many here DO, but these fathers are more “whippers” then otherwise.
Frankly, I’m going about speaking out, WRONGLY.  The PROPER way is “Dad’s” way:  “Go to the person (privately) and tell what he / she is outta line on…IF they WON’T LISTEN…take ANOTHER with you….if THAT doesn’t work…TAKE THEM BEFORE THE BODY OF BELIEVERS…and if THAT doesn’t work; CAST THEM OUT FROM YOUR MIDST!  THIS then MAY help and they WILL “get right”….
See, that’s what HE tells to do.  I DONT KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!  CAN’T just stroll over to talk to you privately.  So, this is the Best I CAN do.
I apologize.  I apologize for CARING ABOUT ALL EQUALLY.  “Christian” / Muslim / Buddhist / Atheists or WHATEVER!
I CARE!  Care enough to DO a way I’m Not SUPPOSED TO!
But doing what I feel needs to be done…and in the only way I find it possible.
Please, FORGIVE ME my “brashness”.  Can’t blame ANY if they get upset.  JUST TRYING TO GET YOU BACK ON THE RIGHT TRACK!
We ARE “ALL ONE RELATION”…we ALL are of the Same “Mind Womb” of the One and ONLY…AND VERY ALIVE Creator.
He sees no Skin Difference.  He sees no “WAY” difference.  “He” sees ONLY ONE OF HIS OWN CREATED KIDS!
“He” IS REAL.  DOES Exist.  Cares…and LOVES.
So do I.
Can’t help it, He’s my “Pops”…the Holy Spirit is my “Mom”…and Jesus IS my BIG “BROTHER”.
If any can “see”…I’m not making you a “Medicine Man”…but EVEN MORE SO,  a MIRACLE MAN!  Above and BEYOND a “Medicine Man”.
Doesn’t matter WHO you are…what RACE you are …OR what you THINK of The Creator.
NO Religion is 100% CORRECT…but ALL “ways” have VALUE in it.
Pick that “value” out and learn to DISCARD the rest.
LETS   A L L   LIVE IN PEACE again.  Was, Long ago.  AGES ago.
Doesn’t matter where we went wrong….matters only that we CAN return, as ONE PEOPLE, under LOVE!  Aho? 
Please, forgive me…this old “DOPE SWATTER”….”Grandfather” Red Elk.
And please….will you…CAN you; at least TRY, to get along?  Let’s let LOVE have a go for a change.
                                                      I LOVE YOU 

A P.S. to the Great Vision

Something I’ve rarely mentioned regarding the “Great Vision”. Though that happened over a 3 day period, it seemed to have something like a “PS” to it too. Off and on I was shown other things….but these all “geared” as only a “Strong Possible”. NOT a “Likely”…but a Great POSSIBILITY.

Well, been watching THIS one for a number of years now….and it’s SURE BECOMING “STRONGER”!

Our Mexican problem.

Now a dumb Border Guard has killed a teenager ACROSS THE BORDER! ACROSS, mind you. OH OH!

What I was shown YEARS AGO was STREET WAR(s) between US and Mexicans … IN the USA!

People shooting people. Didn’t seem to matter if any were Citizens or not. “WHITES” shooting at ANY “Color” NOT “WHITE”! And VICE VERSA!

Worse yet, THIS ESCALATED into a VAST “Street Killing(s)” of Blacks to Whites…Blacks to Mexicans … And Native American to ANY not Native American (in some areas). THE WHOLE USA ERUPTED IN

ALL races WERE NOT SAFE! Dangerous to Drive or Walk to the store / etc.. NO WAY TO GET “needs” WITHOUT RISKING A “BODY BAG” TRIP! Just sheer MADNESS!!!!!

The Government will need to pull IN NATO Troops to Help to quell this “rioting”….WHY the UN? Cause our Police / Military, etc. were “TAKING SIDES”….if one didn’t care for another’s race…RAISE YOUR WEAPON and SHOOT! THIS WENT ON INTO THE RANKS AS WELL. Soldier to SOLDIER!


Well folks…IF WE KEEP ON AS WE ARE NOW DOING….This ONCE “distant” PossiBILITY (spelled this way deliberately)…well, like I said: LOOKS LIKE IT’S GETTING STRONGER and STRONGER! A fairly good chance the PossibilitieS will “whittle down” to BECOME a GREAT “LIKELINESS”!

Not happy news, is it?



YES! Yes it CAN! “SHINE YOUR’ LIGHT!! and “Walk the WALK” as you do. Show. Be a LIVING EXAMPLE!

DON’T “hide your candle under the basket”! And I’m not talking to “Christians” alone. ANY who have found PEACE Within…SHOW YOUR LOVE! STABILIZE those who are about to “go AMOK”….just by EXAMPLING.



(edited by WS)

Time To Wake Up

Told you:  TIME TO WAKE UP.


Well, “believer(s)…IF YOU CAN’T LET GO OF YOUR “Hates” and “Holdings”….YOU DON’T LOVE YOURSELF at ALL!
It means YOU ARE  N O T  “Happy”, at ALL!….WITH GOD!
You are “saying” “SCREW YOU, GOD!”  “I WANNA Hold this”.
You are NOT happy!  Not with “HIM”.  Not with YOU!
Our BIG BROTHER, the ONE YOU Claim to “Follow” has “failed you”…AND YOUR’ NOT ABOUT TO GIVE INTO “HIM”!
Y O U  Are CHOOSING to be YOUR  O  W  N  “GOD”!

HE Died for YOU … JUST AS YOU WERE!  He KNEW …and KNOWS…you are a “work in progress”.  a DIAMOND in the rough.  TRUST HIM.  TRUST THAT!  And LEARN to REALLY FORGIVE!
THEN, you are Forgiving YOURSELF!  THEN you are REALLY STARTING To RETURN!  Aho?  re

Another Time, Another Place

July 5, 2003

Hi Red Elk,

I hope you and your family is doing well. I wanted to let you know that you told me my boyfriend “isn’t the one and that’s fine, but we have been working on a project together, and I told him about my UFO experience. He wants to go out there and look for them with me. I told him that scared me, but hell, I do have a daughter out there, why not. Do you have any advice on where to go? To look for UFO’s? I know about Trout Lake near Mt. Adams.

Talk to you soon,


Red Elk responds:

That’s the only “Local” area that will get you the best “shot”.  I can get you as close as 50 yards…in distant Mexico.


Tenzing and I never saw each other again….until 7 years later.

May 20, 2010

Red Elk,
Last night I was going through the beginning e-mails between us and I found this one! This is amazing because the last time I saw my boyfriend was on July 4, 2003. Now in this e mail I refer to a statement you must have made to me that “your boyfriend wasn’t the one”.
I think this is an interesting concept. The way I read this is – THEN – Nope it wasn’t in Gods plan, but of course as you can see – he is the One to me for sure, and visa versa ….
What are your thoughts, maybe there is a blog post here about parallel times, or something….?
Red Elk Responds:
Quite possible (for NOW (then) ).  I DID know NOT at this TIME when I said it.  Didn’t want you “jumping the gun” and screwing up.  Wouldn’t be ready for it…EITHER ONE of you.  Not at THAT particular time in your (both) lives.  Aho?

Parallel Time is a funny thing….know One guy who DIED in a plane crash…but was before me talking.  He DID Die…in THAT Parallel Time.  Even had newspapers of it…He’s a Purovia Medicine man.  “How can I Be DEAD and STILL ALIVE, Red Elk!???” Told him “ever hear of Parallel Time?”
“TIME JUMP!  That’s all.”

There are LESS then 5, AROUND THE WORLD, who know how to enter Parallel Times “On Demand”.  Or so I’m told by a Brother Medicine Man (Elk Chief).  He should know…one of North and South America(s) top 10 in the Medicine Field.
He asked me to teach this to him.  I turned him down.  “Sorry Bro. If you’re to learn, then the Creator will teach you.  You know better then to ask”.
He apologized…(“Had to ASK, tho”).
To teach this is to open a 2 way door.  One you can go into…and OTHERS can get to US through!
So MANY Parallel Times….Trillions of TRILLIONS OF BILLIONS!  Maybe beyond mans’ ability to count.
Earths Governments are WAR-LIKE.  Conquerors.  They’d try to INVADE.  Even more so….:Others” TOO would try to invade US!
If I were to open a door…and our Governments were taught this…well, if I were to do so to “help” ours….AND I WAS KILLED OR CAPTURED….that door would FOREVER be open.
See what I mean?
No, nothing to play with.  Aho?
As told to my Other Me, “There’s FAR MORE TO LIFE THEN YOU REALIZE!”!

A month ago I witnessed a terrible accident…small car caught/dragged between to Big Rig Double Trailer hauler…I could see the driver (little car) being crushed…head included.  Witnessed the whole thing from mere feet away….then: NOTHING!  Just the BIG TRUCK going on its way.  NO Accident!  Not HERE…but WAS, THERE.
I can watch Parallel Time at will during a certain time of night….ANY night…less then 1/2 mile from our house.  Seeing OTHER TIME traffic on the freeway….but in THAT Parallel Time…not THIS one.
I’ve “crossed over” a number of times…have had a BALL with THOSE TIMES!  Even went to the OTHER ME there and shocked HIM into speechlessness.  I knew all abut “him/ME”…and explained what was going on.  Advised this respected businessman in town Counsel member that “there is FAR MORE then what he  knew, about LIFE.  Told him “you go to church, not because you “Believe”  but because it “keeps on your ‘prestige’ as a ‘decent guy’. Your “Image”.  Your “way” of “proving” to all you’re a ‘fine guy’ and ‘worthy’. Your happy ‘as is’….You THINK!…but deep inside, its all a facade, AND YOU KNOW IT!  LOOSEN UP GUY!  Be REALLY Happy….there IS a REAL GOD….MEET ‘HIM’….Fulfill your PROPER destiny!  In this, you will NOT be FALSE and you’ll KNOW your Life’s JOY and the FREEDOM OF IT!”   Finished up with “you will know about this being a parallel time, as I walk to my truck.  Watch, and I’ll disappear…back to Mine.”  And walked into the Unseen “Fog”.
All this time he just stood, STARING.  Never a WORD from him!
Yup, he’d met just ONE of his/mine MANY “Selves”….THIS ONE.   Aho?
The times I’ve had traveling into “my” many Parallel Times!

My first Trip was a Creator Given one….most would call it a Fluke.  I was just starting on my Medicine Learning.  Age 10.
I can’t recall Why I was doing what I did….but, on hands and knees…started to crawl behind my grandparents big flowery couch  (Hide and Seek game with my sister, I think).  Anyway, started squeezing in….into a Suddenly BLACKNESS!  Shocked me so much I back straight out.
This blackness wasn’t what man calls Black….this was SO BLACK it ABSORBED COLOR…INCLUDING our Black!
It was more a “O” Black.
In this, there were LIVING THINGS….EYES!  Eyes I could see Only via my Peripheral (side of eye) vision.
When they’d see me SEEING THEM, it was like they closed their eyelids and thus totally disappear.
I tell you True…it was down-right WEIRD!
I backed out like an Atlantic’s ROCKET (Slow on Take off, then gaining speed).  STRAIGHT Back  (had no choice, no room to turn OR go to a side…even a bit).
I had my orders…”tell NO ONE you are a Medicine Man Apprentice”…so told no one.
Once I WAS a “graduate”, I was then  Ordered TO tell (go public). (This goes against Tradition…”word of mouth” OF OTHERS).
It wasn’t till then that I shared this event.
Well, that Trip was a For-Runner.  An Introduction to that Parallel Time.  HAVE SEEN IT A FEW TIMES SINCE.
NEVER a welcome sight….UNLESS it’s to go and see/understand its PURPOSE.
ALL THE OTHER TIMES are like a ROVING “Spider” Trap.  CAN OCCUR ANYWHERE at ANY TIME!!!   (I call this Parallel place “the place of the Spiders…as those eyes remind(ed) me of HUGE Spiders).  DAMN SCARY Time!
Once, in Seattle (Navy) I and three friends emerged out of a movie house. There were five other about four ‘daters’ ahead of us.  They and we going the same way on the sidewalk.  THEY WALKED INTO ONE OF THOSE ROVING TRAPS!  DISAPPEARED RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES!
ALL of us stopped DEAD STILL!
“WHAT was  T  H  A  T!” one said to me…eyes Huge.
“Never mind” I told them….”Follow me!”
I turned around with them and went around 2 – 3 city blocks before going  back to our originally planed route.  Making sure we had by-passed the trap (I HOPED).  Did.
What happened to those other kids I don’t know.  May still be roving around in there yet, trying to find their way out. IF somehow they are still alive.  Then too, they may have turned and managed to find “the door”.  Sure Hope so!
These “doors” are not very large…but big enough to “swallow” a car.  Saw THAT happen once TOO!  GOD HELP THE OCCUPANTS.
On THAT…TWO or THREE times, I got off the side of the road (Freeway)! And sat for several minutes, till I was SURE it had “caught its pray” and moved on.  Watched one “swallow” three cars! One after another, before THAT “door” moved on.
CAN you get out?  YES!  I learned THAT on my first Trip.  The trick is: BACK UP QUICKLY, but BACK UP in the SAME IDENTICAL LINE YOU WENT IN…even a FOOT off, and you’ll NOT FIND THE DOOR!
I suspect these Roaming Traps will become more and more, as our Earths’ Inner Vibrations (of the coming “flip”) increases.
Think it’s time now to share all this…so other folks will read, and KNOW…and Know HOW to get out.
IF you go STRAIGHT FORWARD IN…then go STRAIGHT FORWARD BACK.  Don’t even TURN to go back!  STOP! and REVERSE!
If you are in a car, do DITTO (and hope you don’t get rammed by a car that was/is behind you).
BETTER to get RAMMED then be in THERE Till you die!
The Parallel Time place would be EXCELLENT to take “errant” ones into….with food / water and Flashlights…and have them “outta or hair”.  Go in on a schedule to re-supply.  BUT KNOW THIS:  That “Blackness” ABSORBS LIGHT! “SUCKS” it.  You’ll see MAYBE 3 – 4 FEET…and  only the first few INCHES are “strong”.
It’s no place to be into…accident OR sent.
Would sure cure any “errant” Ones in a hurry!  Would NOT want to “act up” EVER AGAIN if they knew they’d be sent in there PERMANENTLY!
I THINK there are a number of PERMANENT Traps around our planet.
Like any spiders, they each have their own ways of Trap Making.  Thus Permanent and Roamers.  Aho?
The ones I’ve experienced are/were all like roaming TRAP DOOR SPIDERS ones.  Aho?
The Permanent I suspect are similar, but DON’T roam.  Aho?
It’s possible Missing People have been trapped.  One to Three areas… (in the Yukon) known for this.  Hear of others in South America,  One (at least) in the Russian Steps…Tibet…and Africa.
I don’t know if other Med. People are aware of these…of TRADITION.   Two others (at least) in our Inner Heyoka’ (12) are though..

PS: On SPIDER TRAP(s) Parallel Time;
I’ve never heard of the beings of this Parallel Time to kill.  THINK they wait till the “victim(s) die naturally…THEN “Partake”.
As for those reading who claim they want to be a “Medicine” Person….better think Twice!  It’s a CALLING…not a “I Wanna Be” EGO feeder.
Most of you COULDN’T ‘TAKE IT’!   My ONLY Apprentice COULDN’T….and He WAS Called!  3 days of training and he LEFT!   Has fought the calling every since.   re

An e mail to Red Elk:

“C” got me to drive her car into Bendigo today to pick “B” up…got cheap Aldi food & had a good time with “B”…at her school, all the kids were sitting around in groups on the ground….it was wonderful to ‘see’…& be shown insight into why….its for the future ‘aftertime’…all will be tribal again as before…Father preparing them for future…just reconnecting physically to Mother Earth in this way is a healing healthy thing to do…the kids don’t even realize what’s happening to them….soon as $ is removed from the scene, the only way to survive will be in small tribal groups…I was shown the future return to Tribal living bro…just by watching these kids……..this new generation are so Tribal & they don’t even realize it….I know tribal people when I see them…how they move & sit…seen it in New Guinea…these young kids (early teens) will be right at home in the return to Tribal Future….it made my day to ‘SEE’ (be shown) this….then Father kept giving me all the things i needed to get ON SPECIAL…(His subtle way) …some where the only or last left on shelf….unreal…best part is He did it in front of “B”…& I told her what was happening…also about future return to Tribal Living…GB

Red Elk Responds:

Like and echo….you repeat. Must have been VERY special to you indeed…as you contemplated and re-contemplated the Loving Memory of it. Wonderful indeed. Ho

Ive just returned from a (now) rare ride into town. Contemplating as I drove. Was “shown” ME as ‘GOD’…and Christ as Me. How are relationship is as “Dads” relationship with Me. So MANY disappointments…days after days, weeks after weeks….and THEN, out of the ‘blue’, a Ray of SUNSHINE. A Good Deed…a Gift of GIVING without reward. The sign of HOPE…of LOVE, and of a deep respect.
“C” occasionally, is the sunshine in the sad darkness of our being together. Occasionally, giving…without the need, or want, of recompense. It is rare, but when it occurs…OH the WONDER and LOVE of IT!
MAKES you want to continue LOVING that one. Aho?

Yes, just as I am like “C” to Me, I AM LIKE THAT to GOD. Aho? re


It has been my observation of many years standing, that my Christian “clan” has a big fault.
Tho they claim “I believe the Word of God”….they prove otherwise.

Allow me to explain please:  say one gets bit by a rattlesnake for instance.  Almost to a person, that one would do all possible to get to a doctor (You?).  Yet He says “the viper’s poison will not effect you” (paraphrased). See?  They “believe” ’til He PUTS YOUR “SAYING” to the TEST!

“Red Elk, easy to say but you’ve never experienced, so how CAN you say YOU WOULDN’T!”

Wrong, my friends.  HAVE.  And His Word held true.  Just made me itch.

“Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child”….today, that, to most, is a “telling” to not spank….Love ’em to Death, instead.

Is it?   OR its it a telling that WITHOUT a NEEDED spanking, the child will grow into a Spoiled ADULT?

Think carefully when you read His Word.  I’ve found nearly EVERYTHING within His Book has at LEAST TWO (2) “views.”  At LEAST!

One has MAN’S WAY and One has HIS WAY.  Aho?



Man’s “rule” keeps you “safe”…but IN Man’s idea(s).

HIS “rule”, on the other-hand, will ALWAYS go “against THEIR grain.”

We are to be a LIGHT….but most of we Christians’ “lit candles” are UNDER A BASKET!

“I’d rather ye be Hot or Cold, then LUKEWARM.”


Just a thought.

GB     re
