Posts Tagged ‘dome’

Well folks, still “going at it” at SkyDome.  GOT HIS BED “set” TODAY!  A BIG “need to”!   Some leveling yet to do there.  Hopefully tomorrow.

Getting MORE AND MORE “EYE POPPING” daily.  Help due tomorrow and Friday, Creator willing…MIGHT EVEN GET THE FINAL TARP OVER IT !


Am at NEARLY $350.00 on this so far (less gas).  Should NOT be over $400.00!  THAT’S CHEAP for a Place of your OWN!  (Remember tho…most is of “Scrounged” material).  I suspect perhaps 3 times…maybe 4, if I had to BUY everything.

Still, it gives you an idea of just what IS possible IF you think “outside the box” and with Eyes OPEN.  Aho?    re


To any wanting a place that doesn’t cost “an arm and a Leg”….go to SEARCH on internet.  Type in :  THATCH HUT BUILDING.

This leads to GOBS of OTHER Sites…NOT just THATCH.  An UNBELIEVABLE amount of Eco (and CHEAP / FAST) Building ways!


May be “just up your alley.”



The Bathroom Doorway

SkyDome's Bathroom Doorway

The Side Window

SkyDome Side Window

SkyDome moving right along.  Nice enough to do the cementing needed today too.

Not alot of that needed. Just one little spot.

Then to level off his sleeping ledge better and cover the 2  4″ thick foam mattresses.

Gee it’s looking GREAT!

Adam (bless him Lord!) helped (as usual) this weekend.  Has electric tools I don’t and things go far faster…2 working and the drill, etc.

He lives in HIS dome when here.  HIS “cabin by the Freeway.”  ( :

I request that he takes pictures of this weekend’s “doings”.  He has and WS / H and perhaps Ghost will put ‘em on the 2 sites.  You’ll be able to see them there.  Probably by the end of this new week.

That bathroom “door” sure looks nice….with a “splash” of color hung on its outside center.  ORANGE!  (Don’t laugh…looks Darn GOOD!)

GB    re


Been passing a small pile of river and field rocks.  Gonna see the farmer and see if I can have ‘em.  MORE then enough to do all needed inside Skydome.  Any left will go on outside dirt mound (berm).  Will look kind of nice when everything is finished….grass  /  wild    flowers and these stones sticking out here and there.  Will be looking for more…for all 3 domes’ berming.

Not at all needed…but these have become a passion of Love for me.  Gonna be a shame to leave ‘em when we move.

Still, what I learn here will be applied on the new place’s abode….so not “useless” to me.

I’ve made mistakes on these along the line…LEARNING “mistakes.”

Having no “set” plans…just imagination becoming an actual FACT, MEANS mistakes will happen.  “Ghost” knows THIS “story.”

He and his wife are “quite the pair”.  GUTSY and UNAFRAID.  “DOers”…despite little to “do” WITH.  Aho?

He has “more”     than we do…and has been able to build a small HOME.  Mine?  Doing what I can with the little we have.  The results are still the same….A NEW “HOME”.  Ones almost ALL can afford (one of mine cost a Dime).

Friends, there no need to panic as we slide into “Zilch”.  It’s NOT “the end of the World”…simply a change of RETHINKING your REAL “needs”.

“DAD” IS SHOWING YOU THIS in “Ghost’s” and my many “conversations” on his Hub “Build a Survival Cabin on a Shoestring Budget”.

You’d be wise to check his out.  GB    re


Just returned from a “goody” hunt.  Had received a donation today….FILLED my gas tank!  ( :  Got a magazine on primitive “How To”ing, morning “coffee” (Diet Pepsi) and some screws needed (to put the Rug Runner window on Skydome), then headed to Habitat For Humanity to see what they had.  WOW!  They had JUST Unloaded 3 HUGE ROLLS OF LANDSCAPE BURLAP!

EXACTLY the thing I had “tossed up” to “Pop” that “I’d like to get”….then left that “sit” till He provided.  TRUSTING HE HEARD and WOULD Provide.

Took some 3 months…and here it was!

These are NEW rolls.  At $200.00 A ROLL!

BUT, Habitat KNOWS what I’m doing (domes to teach homeless and future mankind).  GOT ALL THREE (3!) for $20.00 plus tax!  PTL!

Still have $$ in pocket…$7.45 !  Thus, still RICH!  PTL!

What do I want these rolls for?  To put on the domes…they’re made to lay on slops…dirt over, grass seed atop that.  As the grasses grow, these rot into the dirt / grass roots.  Left with a pretty ground “hill” …. a “pad” of GREENESS!  Aho?

And will seed the grass with WILD FLOWERS as well!  SHOULD LOOK NICE!

Now  to  get DIRT!   ( :

See what EXPECTING Prayer DOES???

No need to keep “tossing up”…HE HEARS YOU THE FIRST TIME!

Simply Thank Him, EXPECT…and “let it lie”.  He WILL Answer.  Aho?   CreatorGod Bless.   re


Know what?  It’s FUN helping others!

My domes are just part of that.

As much time, effort, tiredness, etc. it takes, it’s ‘worth it’.  To see the PLEASURE of others is my HEART “PAY”.  Just wish I could do more.  Domes are but one that gives me pleasure.

Even the small things….makes me feel Good.
I’m a bit unsteady on my feet anymore.  Slower, but still able to help others (within my physical / time abilities).  Cut weeds…a bit of painting, etc. for ones that need it…well…You outta give it a try.  You’ll feel good too!  GB   re    ( :

Was JUST about to go to town.  A knock on door canceled THAT!  3 on the porch.  One a friend and “brother,” with 2 “unknowns.”  A FILM CREW!

“We’d like to do a Documentary on you / domes.  Would you allow it?”

2 1/2 hours later they ran out of film tape.  “We’ll try to get back tomorrow.”


Ran outta film at Skydome…want more on that.

Both are into ECOLOGY.  Both FULLY AWARE folks do NOT “save the world” by DENUDING IT! Want to show what “REAL ECOLOGY” IS!

“Less is BEST”…”NATURAL verses DESTROY.”  These 2 are REALLY INTO IT!  Do documentaries on USA Events.  Cancer marchers / etc. BIG “news” stuff. “People Helping PEOPLE” stuff. Aho?

They came, they saw…THEY WERE CONQUERED!

The sound man lives very close by.  Love the 1st two…but SKY’S was “THE WHOLE CAKE”!


Later the cameraman said his partner had a request……………”I want one re…want in my back yard.  Will you teach me how? I’m very serious about this”….???

Told him : If YOU do ALL THE Labor AND PAY FOR MY GAS…and Supply me with some ciggs…yeah, I’ll help.”

So, we’ll see.  Aho?

All 3 told me “We have a newspaper reporter (SEATTLE TIMES!) who would like to meet you.  Can she?   Would you mind?”

So, another “we’ll see.”  ????


Book on building?  IF THIS DOCUMENTARY Gets Out…AND a “HOW TO MAKE” one as well….no!  FREEBIE, as the ones in my blog.

Seems I’ve been given no choice.  LOOKS LIKE “DAD” WANTS AS MUCH “OUT” AS I CAN.  Why?  I SUSPECT “Time IS SHORT!”.  Aho?  re


Been doing a number of COMMENTS on Ghost32’s Hub   BUILD A SURVIVAL CABIN ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET (The link is under Information Links to the right. – WS).
You may find this hub VERY interesting.
FILLED with ADVICE that YOU may need.  Ghost’s AND mine.   re

After school yesterday, and again after TAKING Sky TO School….he / I have been getting river rocks / etc.  Will do more then I already have, today.

His fireplace and some flooring filled now.  These “new” ones will be going on the bathroom wall.  Get THAT part done.

My 2 “talks” have both been canceled, so time to get alot done out there. Maybe even tarp the top.  THEN can do the 5 windows and call his dome pretty much done.

Kinda fun “getting” as I simply drive about.  No gas wasted…going from A to Z anyway.

This “thinking outside the box” sure a Gift!

We ALL will be needing this CHANGE OF THINKING Very SOON!  MIGHT EVEN BY NEXT MONTH (for alot of things).  (I sorta am expecting a BAD USA $$ Economy SUPER CRASH!)  ???

“Domes” be “damned”….more IMPORTANT things you need to “Out Side The Box” on….like ALL THE FOOD YOU WASTE!  Potato PEELS…washed before peeling and “eyes” cut out, make GREAT “Potato Chips.”

Asparagus HARD ENDS snapped off and tossed away are GREAT boiled and made into Asparagus SOUP.

These are but TWO of your WASTES!  THINK ABOUT THIS, Folks!

Even green Toss Offs make GREAT “Fodder” to raise IN-HOME Worms!  And THOSE, ground into hamburger…well, only YOU would “know”, if you keep your mouth shut.

(Don’t think you could do this?  Well, when the wallet is empty and you’ve others to feed…you WILL change your mind).   “Do things” like this or start looking at your PETS, as Edible.

It WILL Come to this!

“Ugh”, right?  YES…UGH!!!  But YOU will have something in your stomach, when others become sunken skin! ALL AROUND YOU!

If You’ve followed my advise, you have started studying Ancient Ways.  Building to Eating.  Wild Plants to ……etc…

If you HAVEN’T spent some time checking these things out….START RIGHT NOW.  And I mean NOW!

If I’m WRONG?  KNOWLEGE is ALWAYS WORTHY.  So WHAT if I’m mistaken!…YOU’LL BE SMARTER, at least!

YOU will not be like most of All on your block…who know ONLY “go to work…Buy at the store(s),  and  LIVE!”

This is all up to you, friends.

Yes, Right or Wrong…YOU’LL BE SMARTER.        re
