Posts Tagged ‘contemplation’

For various reasons, occasionally I get an Email  “re, I need a drum  (NA tone).”

They can be found on line…but generally are rather pricey.

$$ bad enough….but TONE even WORSE.

Until you receive you’ll have No Idea if it sounds like a “wet sack” or not as “deep” as you’d like.

The HIDE and SIZE is the deciding factor.

I find TOO SMALL makes more a THUMP noise….easier to take about, but…..

A 12 or 14 in. diameter works well in traveling / storing. Once you go to 20 in. and up…Not as easy….but BETTER TONE.  Aho?

For the DEEPEST tone, I prefer SHEEP HIDE…..its a THIN Hide tho.

I still prefer this over other hides. (But that’s MY “taste”)

I have Sheep / Beef / Buffalo / Elk / Horse /COYOTE.  The last is SUPER THIN….you just don’t store it…you “Pack” it.  CAREFULLY!  NOT a recommended hide (IF you can FIND one).

There are “Eskimo” drums…VERY Thin frame….a Whole Different sound.

Even “hides” using AIRCRAFT Fabric…and Others (as above) in-between.

Thus, IF you can actually VISIT the various types and TRY ‘em….often you are “taking a chance”.  Aho?

If you think ALL you need is a drum…THINK AGAIN!  You’ll need a “drum Stick,” aka the “pounder,” as well.

These TOO come in different type striking ends.  From VERY Stiff to SUPER Soft.  Each producing the “depth” of sound you want.

I use a number…”depending.”

One, VERY UNUSUAL, is a RUBBER GLOVE!  Filled finger tips (marbles / etc.).  SOUNDS LIKE 5 ARE STRIKING!  Various weights in each finger makes each beat SOUND LIKE AN ECHO!   (LOVE IT!)  This was my 5 yr. old GRANDSON’S (Sky) idea!  ( :

BUT…the CHEAPEST Drum…the EASIEST to carry, is a 2 LITER PLASTIC POP BOTTLE!  Take off the lid…cradle in one arm (in a manner that makes the most noise) and TAP WITH YOUR FINGER(S)!

I use this ALOT.  Doesn’t disturb the family.  I simply go in another room and have my “time.”  Aho?  I also use this in my Pickup…AND on MANY “Night Time Prayer time” in the wilderness.  SO QUIET IT DOES NOT DRAW UNWANTED COMPANY!

Once, using in a camp-out with a sleeper in his bag right beside me….he VERY slowly awoke.  THOUGHT I had a RADIO ON…LOW VOLUME!  (He now does the same).

Cheap enough for YOU to try.  Aho?

Be closing : NA Drumheads…IF too DAMP are “tightened” via holding over a fire (not TO close!).   If Too TIGHT….we WET it (water on hand and rubbed in).  If too Wet we also rub CORN MEAL on it (absorbs the over abundance) of dampness water).  Aho?

Anyway…hope this helps those interested.    re


(ADMIN NOTE: PART 2 was posted chronologically BEFORE THIS so that these read in correct order, not the usual blog order.  IT’S A DOOZY!! – WS)

I have JUST returned from a “trip”….as well as a Trip to town.  Went to last to Contemplate on the first.

I went to check my blog about 1 1/2 hrs ago.  The HEADING was right BUT NOTHING BELOW IT WAS!  ALL postings GONE.  Emailed WS and H:  “What’s going ON?!” (Since it was after 2 am, we didn’t answer! Evidently we weren’t supposed to. – WS)

The “new” had 2 – 3 comments concerning TALKING BIRDS and “Thanks to Michael…your Webmaster”….(WHAT WEBMASTER?  And WHO THE DICKENS IS MICHAEL?!)

Anyway…did some return Emails and went back to the blog again.  Just minutes apart.  THE “REGULAR” BLOG WAS ON…that STRANGE ONE, GONE!


Well, time to seek “Dad.”

On the HARDLY REMEMBERED trip in (and for that matter…BACK) I queried “Him” on this “Blog thing.”

Was I going MAD?  Had I slipped into SCHIZOPHRENIC Mind?  “OD”ed on PAIN PILLS (back)?  “WHAT HAD HAPPENED!?”

SUDDENLY I WAS  AT  THE  PLACE that this strange “Form” Blog was about!  WAY  WAY  INTO THE FUTURE!  I mean WAY ahead!!! 2,000 plus YRS. AHEAD!  IN THE DAYS OF HUMAN KIND’S “BORGDOM!”

I had seen this time during my Great Vision of many  years ago….but THIS TIME I was IN IT!  TRANSPORTED!!   I  N  T  O   IT!


There was no Music….no Trees…JUST “Mankind” going ‘GOD KNOWS WHERE’ to do ‘GOD KNOWS WHAT!’  ALL were so MUNDANE!  Not BORED, but…”LOST” and NOT KNOWING IT!     Simply……EXISTING!

No laughter, no joy, no greetings, no anger…just…..well, MUNDANE!

(as said): They weren’t even BORED!

Simply breathing / walking…”EXISTING”………people!!!


Simply….”BREATHING!”   Aho?

Tho they saw each other as we see each other (personalities / color / shape / etc.)…I SAW DIFFERENTLY.  EACH an ALIKE “MACHINE ROBOT!”  Emotions ERASED…NO ACTUAL PERSONALITIES!  And I saw WHY!  :  CONTROLLED !!!!!

They, in turn, saw ME as DIFFERENT too!

These FUTURE “US” were SO “MACHINE-like”  I     REALLY     WONDERED if they had BLOOD!  Or “ran” on HYDRAULIC FLUID!

Everything was concrete.  EVEN ANTS …what Ants I could FIND, were….IGNORED!


They had LOST ALL TOUCH with NATURE!  Lost touch with REALITY!  Just Walked from ? to ?…..EXISTING!

(There’s more to this…but I’m exhausted, and need to go to bed.  Will add in a bit)   re


To you who have “Asked Christ (“Big Brother) in”:
HE Then, is Asking YOU…..OUT!

Move OUT the “I”.  Aho?   re

Red Elk asked me to post another comment:

What I’ve found to be disgusting is that people are starting to pick up slang from off of the internet… incorporating them with common English. It’s really hard sometimes to have a conversation with people my age that doesn’t include movies, games, television, you name it… If you talk anything about nature, living in the wilderness, etc they resemble a deer looking in a cars headlights. So far I’ve found none that’d like to venture out to the northeastern part of WA from the west (Redmond Area). Planing on leaving my comfort zone after this winter and slowly working my way on foot and bike while camping/eating along the way in the national forests to Cle Elum, and to Coltville hopefully. Much love!

And to leave his answer exactly as he spelled it. ;)  – WS

“B”…know EXACTLY what u mean.
I short cut AS WELL AS MISS-SPELL…HUGELY!…WS has to make EVERYTHING readabel 2 u / all.  Without her, Ive gotton MANY “is this CODE?” Es sent 2 me.  My reason is SHAKES…HUNDREDS of Es 2 answere….NO TIME 2 SPELL CK. ….LOUSY on SPELLING Anyway.
CONSTENTLY hit the wrong key…OR hit a key 2+ times (shakes).  Poor WS has managed a Good 99% my “way” n interperits.
(WS …send THIS “AS IS”, 2 SHOW).Aho?

Im a PC “dah”…can NOT comrehend PC “Geek” talk.  Just DE-FUSSES MY BRAIN! Took me a few ORS 2 find out what a MOUSE was!  HOURS! 3 FULL WKS to learn HOW TO SIGN-In / OUT (hadda have others do it…Agaimn n Again…till i grasped it).
(U r c-ing NO)W what WS has to put up with!).
PCs r a TOTOL FUSTRATION to me.  Has cost me HUNDREDS OF HUNDREDS OF $$ to keep um (7 now) Up!  Virises GALORE…STUCK KEYS….CONSTENT ReBOOTING (took me a few hrs to understand what was ment TO “ReBoot!”!).
2 Top It Off, im a 1 FINGER TYPER!  What u r reading NOW has taken me VERY CLOSE 2 20 MIN.! to TYP!
Then, along comes things like “LOL” / Etc..

Songs?   Hay, i dont care 4 these modren “songs” etc. anyway.  Daughter n grandkids can speak N Chiken STRUT NECK like u wouldnt BELEIVE!  Rubber Lip n STRUT this CRAP liker they were BORN in a Black SLUM!
Been to DOZONS of Resses…NA KIDS THE SAME WAY!  That n Drugs n Sex n…oh, 4get it!
guess im to old.  sigh

WSo, u think UVE got Problems?

Here I am, trying to get all BACK to the DECENTCY of GOODLY COMMON SENCE, n, well, Wanna CRY!
TOO DANG OLD TO WALK THE WOODS!  (“give out” in mere YARDS)…..Family 2 tend so cant get to a canoe n dissapier for a wk. or m. or 4EVER.
Got a GREAT Bike…LEGS WONT MOVE IT!  Hills r MT.s now.  Mts.?  No! CLIFFS!
I dont know how old u r…but at least can Hike n Bike.  STILL “LUCKY”! Better hurry up, kid…u ARNT GETING YOUNGER!

Good LUCK!   re

Credo Mutwa…one of our 12, knows his time is very close.  He’s 90.  Dying.


His charge is all of Black Africa.

We are “leaving” folks. Think we are down to 10 (once he is gone).

NONE will replace us.  Ever.
We are the Last of this PRE-TRADITION Society.

“Tradition” is an Off-Shoot of this Inner Heyoka….LONG before them.  Taught at Big Brother’s feet when He was in The AMERICAS.  (No, I’m not a Mormon…but they are right…He DID “Walk the Americas”)

13 learned at His feet.  One turned “Judas” and started the Traditionalist Way.  Aho?

Ok, learn from us….WHILE YOU CAN!    WE ARE BEING CALLED “HOME”.   re

Talking to Adam….telling of some of my MEDICINE MAN experiences.

As most know…I am a Medicine Man AND a WAKANYAN.  The last means “Spiritual adviser”.

Due to today’s worldly mess….I find my Wakanyan taking precedence.  I’d RATHER be doing “Medicine”.

Love the Sweat Lodge….the Wilderness ALONE times…and, yes, the Tradition of it.

I don’t get to do that much anymore.  MISS IT.

Haven’t done a Sweat in over 3 years.  A Wilderness Alone time in over maybe 5 years.

My NA “side” ACHES for those times again…..but the needs of man go beyond that.

So I’m stuck at this Computer…..trying to help man know their Inner SPIRITUAL side…and the importance of “One Relation”.  Not “One Country Under God”…but One WORLD under God.

I tell you true :  it’s quite a sacrifice.

My “INNER Spirit” ACHES for the Old “traditional” I was once so in peace with.

Just NO TIME for that anymore.   (sigh)…………..                        Y  O  U  are MORE IMPORTANT.   Aho?   re


Folks, we can’t but help to see what our OWN way is doing to us.  But are we Paying Attention?

What use to be a “hit-n-miss” warning we are getting “out of control”…. becoming too ROWDY as His Children…started out as a “Tap” of His hand on our “seats”…..A disaster  A year…………..well, to today.  REAL SERIOUS “STOP IT!” WARNINGS.

MANY more Earth Quakes.







“Crazy” Killings.


Seasons killing our Food Supply.

Governments’  Stupidity.


We are going CRAZY!   WAY out of hand!

Nineveh,   Re-enacted.

HE HAS BEGAN A SERIOUS “reward” for us!

Want to change it?  DO AS NINEVEH DID…..GET BACK TO HIM!  “REPENT” (turn away from “sin” (Disobeying God)).

That saved Nineveh from its destruction “in 3 days”.


We get “rewards”….Get Good     FOR    Good .

“BAD”   FOR   Bad.

There’s another EXAMPLE (beyond Nineveh) :   THE HEBREW NATION!

Read about it.  How when they were “in tune” they became THE leading Nation.

But, when OUT – of – Step….THE “reward” of CONSTANT “Problems”.  WAY down on “the totem pole”.

Then they would ‘return’ and UP to Greatness again.

They are an EXAMPLE to ALL NATIONS.  READ about their “Roller Coaster” ride!


Nineveh…..the Hebrews, Both EXAMPLES!       WE ARE THERE     RIGHT      NOW !!

Are you / we so BLIND we ignore what (and WHY) is  GOING ON!      ???

Need I say more?   re


Again I tell all you readers that I want All to understand what is on this blog is / are for INFORMATION.  I want NO ONE to ACCEPT as FACT.  I write from EXPERIENCE.  I Share from what I have FOUND, THROUGH my experience(s).  I leave ALL to YOU to accept, or reject.  I just SHARE.


Check.   Check.   CHECK!

Only in this will you know I tell TRUE.

I want NO “Followers” of “Red Elk”….I FOLLOW BIG BROTHER.  Use my tellings as a CATALYST to “shoot” your Inner Sight to  doing the same….IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

KNOW I am NOT “The Christ”…nor am I God.  I’m just a Follower / Seeker, as are you.  I’m just SHARING the INsights and DOings of my / this pathway. Aho?    re
My Earthly Family:  ALL!  I hope this blog is helpful to you.  I hope too that it’s existence is spread around our Earth Mother.
It will Always be each of you who will join and help our fellowman….or laugh…or ignore.
Those that DO “hear”….please understand the need…the DESPERATE NEED….to connect IN HIM.

It may not be easy to meet one-on-one with others “In Like Mind”, but we CAN, in Spirit of Spirit Love.

Tho one may not “meet” (physically), KNOW we of this Oneness are NOT ALONE.  Others, like you (“hearers”) ARE ACTIVE.  “Doers”, Lonely, but trying to Grow in Him…..”alone”.
IN HIM we are NEVER “ALONE”!  Have Faith and have COURAGE and “Meet” in ONE MIND.

“He” is very much aware of you.  VERY aware of your Compassion and Love for ALL.  “HE” KNOWS YOU.   Aho?

Your Brother….red elk

Into the Woods

I’ve been reading sites on Living In The Wilderness.  YOU might be interested (“dreaming”) of doing this too.

I see a number WANT to…but are AFRAID OF THE WOODS! (Many raised in / around cities).

I’d like to share some advice.

Yes, it IS “Scary”….especially if doing alone.  BUT, THIS FEAR CAN BE BROKEN.  At least you’ll KNOW if you can handle being alone.

GO TO THE WILDERNESS…make about a 20 ft. circle (mark with rocks or whatever if needed…to define your circle)….gather PLENTY of Firewood “inside”.

In your case, a tent etc. is ok…but NO Out Side “influences”(radio  /     etc) .  Ok with reading and writing materiel tho.

Go into the circle and DONT LEAVE IT!  Stay Day and NIGHT…ALONE!  As many as you can “take”.

I tell you true, the FIRST NIGHT is “HELL”!  SCARY!  STAY AWAKE  as  you can during the night(s).  Trying to get use to the Night’s Sounds.  A distant “moan” that’s only an animals call WILL FRIGHTEN YOU.  A twig snap will scramble you to your sleeping bag and the “protection” of your tent.  NOISES you are UNFAMILIAR with will ‘SPOOK’ you like crazy!!!

IF you can bear the night, then stay in your circle all day and the next night as well.  Again, staying awake as much as possible.  That 2 day/night is NOT as bad as the first (after all, nothing ate you or carried you off the 1st 24 hours…right?).

IF you can manage TWO 24 hrs in a row…”GO” for a THIRD 24 !


These 3  24s helps you KNOW if you can “handle” being “alone”.

The circle acting like a tiny prison wall. In  this space  you’ll see what BOREDOM can do to you (will be your worse problem).  In real life (living way off in the boonies), BOREDOM will be a HUGE factor!

Try this FEAR BREAKER…Learn!   Will save you $$ and Time to know NOW, then to “DO” and find out YOU CAN’T TAKE IT!   (Scripture; “Fear NOT”).  Aho?   re
