Posts Tagged ‘Christ’

To you who have “Asked Christ (“Big Brother) in”:
HE Then, is Asking YOU…..OUT!

Move OUT the “I”.  Aho?   re

This was an answer to a gentleman who had ordered SEVERAL Lessons / Etc.  LOST IN THE MAIL!  Never received.  (Happens TOO often).  The guy was NOT IRATE!  (I would have been!)

“Sweet and GODLY disposition.” UNBELIEVABLE!

He and his brother bought a trampoline to learn to Levitate.  THAT SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING.

Anyway…sent a “gifting” via 2 boxes.  BOTH (empty boxes) TOSSED OUT AT THE DUMP by Sky!  NO RETURN ADDRESS!

I hope he reads this.  (“bummer”)

I’d like to keep in touch with him…somehow.  Aho?

SHOULD help ALL…IF they’ll pay attention.   re

Tip on “Childlike Mind”

First…OBSERVE 1-3 year olds.  SEE how they IMAGINE / PLAY.  So INNOCENT in their “curve” of learning.  Nearly nothing phases ‘em.  IMAGINATION GALORE!  Remember when YOU were a kid?  How a BOX becomes a Fort?  A HOUSE?  A HIDEY HOLE?  A SLED?

Or your blankets were turned into TENTS?  Stretched between Chairs?


That was YOU when a child.  Remember?

Remember the dark room STORY Tellings?  “Ghosts” became REAL…SCARY!!!

DO YOU REMEMBER?  (Think about this)  THAT was YOU…WAYBACK THEN!

I don’t know if you’ve children…or their age.  Grandkids?  Niece or Nephew ‘small ones’   ????

If so, DON’T complain that they’re “making a mess” (clothes and toy “pick up and put away” is okay).

I’ve taken my daughter and now MY grandkids on “IMAGINATION” “Trips.”  Taught ‘em sheets and blankets In-House “tents.” Etc.  I PLAYED WITH ‘EM!


You can so EASILY return to that.  Take off your shoes and socks and WALK ON THE GRASS out in the sun.  Go jump IN a rain puddle!  Puddle to puddle.

Squish your toes in Wet MUD.  FEEL THE EARTH Mother!

Teach your li’l GAL one how to make dirty / wet  / slimy MUD PIES!  A small BOX to “cook ‘em in.”  PRETEND TO EAT ‘EM!  (Smack Smack….”Ohhh this is GOOD” commenting)

Don’t just OBSERVE…JOIN!

Moms can have “Tea Parties” with their girl(s).  BEING A KID WITH THEM!

We adults are now TOO RUSHED!  DROPPING the CHILD to Buy Buy Buy…”Have Have Have”…and PAY!  PAY!  PAY!  40 hours (+) a week.  WEEK AFTER WEEK!  Buy a TV to “entertain” the kids with MESMERIZED (“Leave Me ALONE!”) mind DULLNESS!  We buy ‘em Toys that PLAY BY THEMSELVES!  Turn on and WATCH ‘em “run.”

Or get ‘em Video Games and expensive game players…to SIT ON THEIR REARS and “Get ‘em OUTTA YOUR hair”…WE ARE KILLING THE ACTIVE Childlike MIND!

They grow FAT “arsed” “Playing.”

Was a day when they RAN OFF the fat!  Bikes, pull wagons, foot scooters (we have 4), STILTS (remember THOSE?), Swimsuit running in the RAIN, Etc.



We adults often spend MORE TIME with playing with our DOGS than we do playing WITH OUR KIDS!

We let TECHNOLOGY do OUR Work now!

In this WE    LOSE!


MACHINES take over what WE used to do / have: the IMAGINATION!

And we wonder where we “went wrong”………………………

THEN get on your Trampoline………………….


OK, REMEMBER NOT TO PRETEND you are “flying”…instead, ENJOY “flying!”


It will only be FOR A MOMENT!  (The “shock” of staying up will drop you)  BUT YOU, and any WATCHING, will KNOW YOU DID!


#2 is FAR HARDER!  ‘Cause Now YOU are trying.  ADULT takes over!

The old “I” gets in the way.


Frustration Now “sets in.”

GO “BACK” and have FUN!  “Screw” the “I”!  RETURN TO THE “BALL”…OF PLAY!  Aho?  re

(Thank you So MUCH for the cigs.  Had only 5 LEFT…and no $$ for more)

GB!  re


Credo Mutwa…one of our 12, knows his time is very close.  He’s 90.  Dying.


His charge is all of Black Africa.

We are “leaving” folks. Think we are down to 10 (once he is gone).

NONE will replace us.  Ever.
We are the Last of this PRE-TRADITION Society.

“Tradition” is an Off-Shoot of this Inner Heyoka….LONG before them.  Taught at Big Brother’s feet when He was in The AMERICAS.  (No, I’m not a Mormon…but they are right…He DID “Walk the Americas”)

13 learned at His feet.  One turned “Judas” and started the Traditionalist Way.  Aho?

Ok, learn from us….WHILE YOU CAN!    WE ARE BEING CALLED “HOME”.   re

Folks, we can’t but help to see what our OWN way is doing to us.  But are we Paying Attention?

What use to be a “hit-n-miss” warning we are getting “out of control”…. becoming too ROWDY as His Children…started out as a “Tap” of His hand on our “seats”…..A disaster  A year…………..well, to today.  REAL SERIOUS “STOP IT!” WARNINGS.

MANY more Earth Quakes.







“Crazy” Killings.


Seasons killing our Food Supply.

Governments’  Stupidity.


We are going CRAZY!   WAY out of hand!

Nineveh,   Re-enacted.

HE HAS BEGAN A SERIOUS “reward” for us!

Want to change it?  DO AS NINEVEH DID…..GET BACK TO HIM!  “REPENT” (turn away from “sin” (Disobeying God)).

That saved Nineveh from its destruction “in 3 days”.


We get “rewards”….Get Good     FOR    Good .

“BAD”   FOR   Bad.

There’s another EXAMPLE (beyond Nineveh) :   THE HEBREW NATION!

Read about it.  How when they were “in tune” they became THE leading Nation.

But, when OUT – of – Step….THE “reward” of CONSTANT “Problems”.  WAY down on “the totem pole”.

Then they would ‘return’ and UP to Greatness again.

They are an EXAMPLE to ALL NATIONS.  READ about their “Roller Coaster” ride!


Nineveh…..the Hebrews, Both EXAMPLES!       WE ARE THERE     RIGHT      NOW !!

Are you / we so BLIND we ignore what (and WHY) is  GOING ON!      ???

Need I say more?   re


I occasionally get a donation.  People supporting this ‘work’.  I call the Silent Christians.

Some send $$…some send PRAYERS.  BOTH worth “millions” to me.

People who remain Hidden, but to HIM.  Aho?

What $$ I get helps me Eat,  Fuel Up the truck,   Take the garbage to the dump…    a MULTITUDE of things.  Things that help keep this ongoing.

To THEM, All owe them thanks.  Not just me.  YOU benefit…at least get the opportunity to decide if this “way” is, or is NOT, your “Bag”.  Aho?  re


Been SLOWLY buying ZIP TIES.  A bag ,to 3, at a time.  This to use in building yet another li’l dome here.  Faster and can be adjusted as the willows shrink.  Been using strong string.  Sky’s dome has HUNDREDS of String Ties…..all now becoming loose (due to willow shrinkage).  Most should now be redone…but won’t.

My next (or NEXT AFTER next) will be a bit more expensive…using almost All framing and horizontals of PVC piping. Been buying THOSE at HABITAT FOR HUMANITY store.  Alot cheaper and supports the homeless / etc. at the same time.  Won’t need many as this one will be more a 2-Sleeper ONLY.  No cooking / heat / etc., just a fast permanent “tent” shelter….made to experiment and “catch” the Overflow of the other domes.  Small as it will be, it won’t surprise me to spend upwards of $200.00 to make this way.

Seems you are sending what I Email you to a small group of others you keep in contact with (the person he’s sending this email to is, that is. – WS).  One sent me a $40.00 donation today.  (I won’t tell who…so God gets the credit for using her.  A “Silent Christian”.  ALOT out there that ARE.  Some occasionally share with money…and ALL with what they CAN give : PRAYER Back Up.  Aho?

Well, this provided needed gas (now a half tank) and I got 3 more bags of those LOCK (“zip”) ties…adding to the few others I have.  EVEN BOUGHT A HOT DOG and PEPSI!

(I eat “on the run”…HOME is just a place to catch up on sleep…little time to even make a sandwich.  Either sleep (ALWAYS NEEDED)…or answering Emails or working on the Domes.  Run in to do dishes to help the wife, as I can.  Email “silent ones” help this keep going.  By “this” I mean ME…old “Loud Mouth”. The one unafraid to publically “Call In The Wilderness”.  Aho?  (How will people learn TRUTH if most stay silent?)  Aho?  Well, “Dad” saw one unafraid, and uses me to Tell AND SHOW.  Now OTHER “mouths” are “coming out”…PTL!



To learn to UNLEARN  TO learn, isn’t always easy.  It’s like you, a full grown adult, Taught all your life the “CANT’S” of life…then being shoved back in the womb and emerging again….but as a New Born ADULT…and with all your OLD SELF’S Former Life within you….then learning to overcome THAT!  NO, NOT Easy!!!  It takes time, so don’t rush it.  Aho?

KNOW this can be done tho.  We have one who had to learn that too.  The one who came as a HUman and left as a GODman…our OWN Brother : BIG BROTHER….Jesus.

Like all great Big Brothers, he wants to help his siblings to grow Safe and Good.  To have a GOOD life.  But he can’t do it for you.  He can only advise and example.  When you SEEK help, he’s there for you, instantly.  That’s a GOOD brother.  Now HE is LIKE THAT.  YOUR BROTHER…your BEST “Good” Brother.

When you belong to The FAMILY of God…you need to understand THIS is a REGULAR FAMILY …. and with THAT in mind, you are more and more able to COMPREHEND what you’ve got yourself into.  YOU NOW HAVE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT FAMILY!  TOTALLY “GOOD”.  (Quit a realization, isn’t it!?!)

Anyway, understand WHO you NOW ARE.  An ADOPTED one….with ALL the LEGALITY OF THAT!

You’ve a BRAND NEW FAMILY.  “Divorced” from your old HUMAN one.  A PRINCE / PRINCESS of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN.  With a LIVING DAD.  A LIVING MOM.  A LIVING First Born Big BROTHER.  A TOTAL Family.

Get THAT train of thought in your mind / head, and this will help you grow.  Grow in this family’s “rules and regulations”…that of AGAPE LOVE.

There is ONLY ONE “law” in this new-to-you family : LOVE.

That means WANTING TO LOVE so MUCH, you WANT to “fit in”….and you strive to do just that.  Why do you WANT to “be good”?  BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM…and because HE loves YOU!

No HUMAN (old) “Rules” now.  A WHOLE NEW   ONE “rule”….PURE  L O V E !

Totally different from what you had been raised in, “before.”

When you fully grasp what you have “gotten yourself into”, and ACCEPT THAT….your life begins to change.  You begin to do GOOD, simply for GOOD sake! NOT “work your way to heaven”….but to SHOW what being ONE WITH THIS GOD FAMILY is LIKE!

You become a “Light in the Darkness” of the Earth Minded brothers.  The ones YOU were once part of.  An EXAMPLE of G(O)ODLYNESS.  A “light” that SHAKES THE DARKNESS mankind is in here.

Some see you as a THREAT, other “moths” will welcome the Light…………….COME TO IT.

We of “The New” can NOT “push” our joy…(NEVER EVER “PUSH”!)…..just……..BE.           Aho?  re


The last 2 days teaching I shared a number of VERY SIMPLE Healing Ways.  I’ll add ‘em here for all:

Many “pains” are an easy fix….simply by being AWARE…IE : OBSERVANT!

Once had a Cree in VERY bad lower back pain.  An ongoing thing.  He came to me looking VERY “down”.  “Can’t stop it, re.”

I laughed…told him to give me his wallet.  With difficulty he removed it and handed it over.  As SHOWN (Instant “telling” by our Creator)…it was ALMOST AS THICK AS A RED BUILDING BRICK!

I held it up…not saying a word.  HE UNDERSTOOD!  Taking it back he said “I’ve gotta clean this Damn thing out!”

As he walked away (wallet in HAND this time) The Cree Medicine Man and I just set and ROARED in LAUGHTER!

Wouldn’t YOU have a “Bad Back” if YOU were “sitting on a BRICK” day after day?  Constantly on a  “TILT” when you SET?  Even BENDING OVER pressing “the brick” against your butt cheek…pressed in by tight pants?   HEAL YOURSELF and save Chiropractor and Doctor calls / bills!

Another:  (My own wife this time) :  “My back is KILLING ME!  Hurts CONSTANTLY honey.”

Told her : “Start putting your purse strap on the OTHER SHOULDER”.

Her purse, weighing a “ton”, was CONSTANTLY pulling one side Down.  The shoulders are BONES.  GodCreator made man PERFECTLY….WE MISUSE IT!  Literally ABUSE it!  The poor bones (muscles attached…which in turn are connected to the BACKBONE’S Spine….have to TRY to REALIGN the VERTICAL Stand man was DESIGNED to be / walk in.  Doing what it can to KEEP YOU STRAIGHT and UPRIGHT.

She did so…in about 5 days was fine.

Knowing my wife…AND that “old habits” are DEEPLY INGRAINED in the mind…well, she’d “forget” and revert to her favorite side…RE-doing the problem.

I BOUGHT HER A “Hip Purse”.  “Wear it in FRONT of you AND GET RID OF ALL THAT EXTRA WEIGHT you carry”.  This “purse”, much smaller then the “piece of ‘LUGGAGE’” she HAD been wearing, HAD to be “toned down” to be able to carry the NEEDED things (and a FEW of the “junk” things gals lug about).  A “shock” to her “habits” but she now does so (MOST of the time).

Occasionally she starts to “hurt” and “complains”.  Tell her “don’t come complain to ME, idiot…YOU KNOW HOW TO STOP IT.  Your PATH tho.”  (She goes back and gets well again).

People are SO “Stupid.”

Big Brother told a number of Healed Ones:  “Go, and SIN NO MORE!”

Abusing the NATURAL Is a “Sin” (“Disobedience to God”).


THE WAY YOU WALK causes Problems.  LOOK AT THE BASE (soles) of your SHOES.  Are they (or one) worn down UNEVENLY? Off to one side / Etc.?

Are you “Bowlegged”?  “Knock Kneed”?

Your shoes WILL TELL YOU!


By paying attention to EACH step, you then become “Conscious” of Walking RIGHTLY!

This will take 3 DAYS to “break” your sloppy old walking habits.   YOU “become” “RIGHT in GOD” (“repented”).

But man, being man…in time, will ONCE AGAIN start going back to “the old (sinful) ways…SO CHECK EVER FEW MONTHS and do accordingly to “return”.  Otherwise you WILL be AGAIN hurting” / “sick”.

But as I’ve told my wife…”Its your Path…do as you please” (Just don’t come complaining to me….YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!”).

This WALKING “Way” also heals OTHER problems…..not just Bowlegs…OR Knock Kneed / etc..  YOU Figure it out!  Aho?



IE, change your OUTER looks!

This, in turn, STARTS ONE to thinking BETTER OF THEMSELVES!

A beginning to complete “REPENTENCE” and HEALING!

What are they “holding” that’s a “sin”?  CALLING THE CREATOR A LIAR!  His Written WORD a LIAR.   They are “saying”  “I’m not GOOD ENOUGH to have Him LOVE ME!”

Jesus (“Big Brother”) died for ALL!   Got that?   A  L  L !   DONT MAKE THAT SACRIFICE A WORTHLESS THING!    He didn’t “pick and choose”…ALL!  Aho?

Depression is NOT a NORMAL Brain Function…its YOU that has made the decision.  Now, IF you WANT to stop it…YOU can do so.  YOU’VE put yourself INTO it…now, “Repent” (get right with God) and GET YOUR REAR OUTTA IT!

Your path tho.  Do as you please.  Just don’t come crying to Me.  Aho?

KNOW THIS:  there Are SOME who “walk in depression” DELIBERATELY!  A VERY FEW because of “black” Possession (rare tho).  These rest tho, doing TO SEEK ATTENTION!

These “poor me-s” LOVE THE “POOR YOU” Attention!  DOTE IN IT!

How does THAT get healed?…TOUGH LOVE!  ReFUSE to give them the “pleasure”.

To constantly GIVE only “FEEDS” THEM!

Maybe they will get disgusted and STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD!

Continue PRAYING for them…BUT “MOVE AWAY” FROM THEM!   AHO????

Up to you tho…your path.

KnowTHIS TOO:  Some “GIVE” and don’t WANT to have work a cure for the depressed one.  WHY?  “WORKING their way to HEAVEN”!

These are AS “sick” and in need as MUCH as the DEPRESSED “Leech” one(s)!

We Can NOT “work our way to Heaven.”  Those thinking so have lost SIGHT of the FREELY GIVEN (Christ Sacrifice) GIFT!   Literally “saying” “it is NOT done. I must WORK!”  TOTAL BUFFALO CRAP!  It was FREE!  It IS Free!   Just ACCEPT THAT and “GET INTO HIS LAP”!

Ok, enough.  I’m given pay for these “healings”.  USE      THIS FREELY GIVEN KNOWLEDGE and GROW!  Re


A brother asked:

Greetings Red Elk

I hope that you and your family are well.

I have been doing much bible reading, and I have been talking to God both morning and night, hoping to strengthen that connection.

I was thinking about what you said about doing “miracles” and how it’s not really the knowing how to do it, but knowing that you can/are doing it.  Previously I had spent much time looking to find new techniques on how to do these things, but I have since understood, that it doesn’t really matter as long as you know and trust that it has been done.

I hope my thinking is on the right tracks?

I have a couple of questions to ask about fasting and baptism.  Does fasting improve our spiritual power and connection with God?  And should all people be baptised, just as Jesus was?


You’re on the right track on “talking to God”…BUT:  WHY just in morning and night?  WHY not ALL DURING YOUR DAY?   THOUGHT “talk.”

When I go to town I have a number of routes to take.  I get to the first “T” and say, “Which way, Pop?”  Then obey the “leadings”.  Often puts me seeing new things, doing new doings.  Saved a young gal from possible rape once. Parked truck on fire once.  “New” wind blew off building / etc.  Many times.  A toddler in middle of highway, wandering about once, loose cattle and rider trying to get ‘em (took the car and blocked ‘em) twice.  Often “signs” of coming events, rocks needed rolled from hill (needed to build) a number of times, Lost in fog…great horned owl led the way out once, 2 – 3 times an injured person “saved”, an old lady fallen unable to rise once (Been on distant farm yard “for hours”), Flat tire help a number of times….etc.  etc..  Just by asking “which way, Pop?”

Try it and see what He CAN lead you into.  Aho?

As for baptism (the word means SUBMERGED, NOT “Sprinkled”) it is a PERSONAL DECISION.  Means NOTHING otherwise.   re


Hello Red Elk

It was my pleasure to send you the donation, my only regret is that I could not currently afford to add an extra zero to the end of it!


There was a “sender”.  A dollar…sometimes 2.  “The WIDOW’S MITE”.  Worth more to US (Him / Me) then HUNDREDS!  THANK YOU AGAIN.  re

Hello Red Elk

I am really grateful that I found your blog, and consider it a true blessing.  I am really impressed with you mentioning the hobbit house in Wales, Simon dale and his family who created that has has now moved to an eco-village in Wales called Lammas.  There new place is similar to their hobbit house, just on a larger scale.  I am hoping to make something cheap and affordable when we move to an Eco-village in Portugal, but we are planning to  build a partially sub-merged earth bag (super adobe) dome, similar to what they build at cal earth.

May I ask you advise on whether it is ok to communicate with Father/God using such tools as I ching, Tarot etc?  I think that I have actually heard God’s voice about 13 years ago, sitting on a chair drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud male voice call my name, more of a shout really, but it was enough for me to jump out of my chair and run to the stairs expecting to see my dad waiting for me, but there was no one in the house!  I have always wondered if that was indeed the big man upstairs so to speak.

Blessings on your work, and I look forward to the book and further updates on the domes.  Talking about domes, how did you install the fires, and what did you do for a chimney?


P.S.  You are totally correct about the law of three, people don’t need more than three chances, in my experience, if you give people more than 3 chances then you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain!

Brother,  BEST TO YOU ON YOUR BUILDING!  Knew the Wales family were considering another spot.  Would like to keep up on their efforts…any idea of how to find out more?

I know nothing on I Ching…BUT ABSOLUTELY do NOTHING with TAROT!  NOT at ALL OF “DAD”!

Your ONLY “Safe” way is via the Bible.  NO RELIGION…and NOT as Messed With by man as it is.  That’s why I tell :  USE A CONCORDANCE when reading.  So MUCH “man” add-ons and Changing over the centuries…it, well….WHAT A MESS!  Still, with a CONCORDANCE, that “mess(ing)” can be TOTALLY OBLIVIATED.  Then, and ONLY then, will you find HIS PRECISE “Tellings”.  This what we 12 call PURE(ity). Aho?

I’d advise NO “shortcuts”.  Up to you tho…your “path”.  Aho?

WAS it “Dad” calling?  Doubtful.  IF IT HAPPENED 3 TIMES…an EXCELLENT chance it WAS / IS!  3 TIMES!  aho?

There are scriptures concerning just this!

You may be interested in looking up (on SEARCH)  Build a Survival Cabin on a Shoestring Budget.

This is a HUB Site put out by “Ghost”.  He has ALOT of Building with earth “bags”, as you are planning to do.   Things you will NOT find on other “How To” info.  His LEARNING and his MISTAKES as he does.  NO BS HERE!   Smart to check this out.  Save you some “hassles.”  Aho? (Its also in “Links” on the right of the blog – WS)

Hope this helps.  CreatorGod Bless….re

Also, you might find this interesting…

Will check as time permits.  Thanks.   Re

Hello Red Elk

I have just purchased the Strongs Concordance book, I am very very serious about learning.  I have also been reading the other book you suggested about the Masters in the far east.  You said on your website about talking to God, and that you should just ask and then shut up.  What I am really confused over is how does God communicate with us?  Is it verbal, via dreams or syncronistic events??

I have tried to find the answer in the bible, but I seem to be really really lost!

Do you still have those lessons that you were selling on your website a few years ago, I would be very interested in purchasing as much true information that will enable to learn the truth.

Thank you my friend.

ANY OF ALL 3!    Vision / Dream / TALK / “events”.   He ALWAYS ANSWERS!  ALWAYS!

Often NOT as you WANT.  At times NOT as FAST as you want!  Sometimes…”zilch”…meaning “YOU may Want It, but you say you “trust” me…and YOU DO NOT NEED THIS.  At least NOT at THIS time….Or even EVER.  NOW, DO you trust Me, or NOT!”?

Yes, I still sell 4 WRITTEN How-Tos.  Telepathy on demand.  Teleportation.  Levitation.  Health.  $22.00 per

Also “The Agenda”.  $33.00.

Missouri Teachings  … ALOT!

2 DVDs on my “Great Vision”.  $25.00 per  (postage rates went up 5 times since first out)….per.


Red Elk

Thanks for reminding me about ‘home work’, I am sitting here with my strongs concordance, didn’t realise just how big it would be!  I will be sending you another donation for all the help you have given me.  I really appreciate it!

Do you think that humans are capable of becoming immortal, if we follow God’s law to the letter?  I was reading about the 10 commandments, I have never heard you talk about them, should we follow them?  I follow a lot of them naturally, but some seem harder than ever to stick to in this modern age.

I am sorry to hear about your dog, at least he is happy in doggy heaven!  That has actually made me feel better, as we may have to put our dog to sleep, and the guilt over this may just about kills us all.

Thank you

God Bless!

The FULL Concordance IS Huge!  NOT so the TINY “Part” one some bibles contain.  NOT at ALL COMPLETE. Now you have the WHOLE ONE!  GOOD!

Yes on immortal.  BIBLE TELLS HOW.

10 Commandments:  “IF ANY DOES but ONE of these…THEY have Done ALL!”

ONLY CHRIST can set ANY free from ALL these 10 LAWS.  Do you SEE what He’s DONE FOR US!???


Miss all our pets…but KNOW THEY ALL ARE OK.  We’ll see each other again…and OFTEN.          GB   re

So if you have broken one of the commandments, you should ask God for forgiveness?

I am confused when you say that only in Christ can you be set free from?  We all should aspire to become a christ, but do we only become a Christ when we love God with all our heart and follow the ten commandments?

Serious head scratching here…

BOY do YOU NEED Learning!  ( :

YES…even if ANGRY (but don’t express it).  Remember…THOUGHTS are REAL!

Men see a “hot sweet thing” and imagine being in bed with them.  OH OH!   THOUGHTS ARE  REAL!


No one can   BE   CHRIST !  EVER!!!  We can, WITH HIS SUPPORT, be AS Him tho.  ChristLIKE.   Aho?


Better to understand what His death did…and what the Father did, by BRINGING HIM BACK TO LIFE.  Aho?    re
