Category : Tellings

Listen to the event that Red Elk speaks of: The One Event

Get involved!

I received this email from a “sister”.  A GROWER. Deserved an answer…and a Fair One.  This is #1 of 2.  HARD DECISIONS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE.

Will NOT be easy., as each must “DO” as THEY SEEM FIT.     Aho?    re

Quiet day here. Honey napping and me pondering, doing some Bible Study.  Thinking about life.  Wanted your input on something…
When you think of living on your property up here, do you see yourself having lots of people come (good and bad?) and how you’re going to handle it?

As you know we’ve had a lot of people in and outta here over the years, mainly past five, and at first we thought we only had lessons to learn like being more loving, or more patient, or more whatever. And, we did, that’s great.  But now wondering…

So many times our desire to “help”, or “bless”, or have a mutually beneficial working relationship with some of these has been just us giving until it hurt.  Tools and other property was either lost, left out in weather, “borrowed” (never returned), stolen, or damaged.  House never cared for with love and gratitude, trash thrown about.  Disrespect, don’t want to work, or, maybe desire to just help us for free, because of how we’ve given (example).

Now wondering about these lessons.  What will you do when people like that come to your property and are “users”, “takers”, “borrower/thieves”???

Have we missed it????  Have we missed the point???

We just finished a 1920’s story book about a group of Buccaneers/sorta pirates and in the beginning, first captain runs a tight ship.  Discipline strong, but not torture.  Making them obey and keep a clean ship.  Forbidding drunkeness except on “day off”.  One day a week they could rest and get drunk if they wanted, do whatever.  That captain dies, and puts four in his place who take turns.  After a time, discipline gets loose, men rebel, they stay drunk, ship in disrepair and dirty….leads to their capture and imprisonment.  Many are killed.  Both of us felt a “message” to us from the book, and now thinking and praying “what do we do?”

Praying and getting so far…Not an “open door” – “open hand” policy with all, as in the past.  But wisdom and discernment and letting privileges be earned is what we’re getting.  Getting to be captain of the “ship” in our care.

Hope we don’t sound “un-Christian” to you, RE; but we have to CHANGE WHAT WE’RE DOING — DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!!

Having to currently buy more tools and horsetack lost and wishing we had this part of life lesson understood better.  Praying and listening.

What would you say to all this?  What would you advise?  Please speak to us.  Tired of this merry-go-round.

We love you Red Elk

Of COURSE I have.  Several years, actually.  MY solution is ONLY a 2 1/2 day Stay.  In that time I will tell Basic Survival / some Stealth…and OUR Lord.  Then, children with them or not: “BYE BYE”.

I’ve warned, Advised , Shared world wide for several yrs now.  Know a goodly # will be knocking at our door.  I CAN’T nor WILL “Baby Sit”…men, GALS or those with kids.  2 1/2 days and THAT’S THAT.

A good shower, a bit to eat, a decent bed…the Tellings and “SORRY…OTHERS COMING…its now up to you.  G(O)od luck”.  Aho?

With luck that’s about all I can do.   There WILL be Alot of “Strays” passing our way.  Give ALL and equal chance and HOPE Ability.

I also expect some (?) to try to “take over”.  It IS possible I may HAVE to defend my family and possessions  (food / Water / etc.).  THIS MEANS I MAY NEED TO TAKE A LIFE!

ALL have had and equal opportunity to BE PREPARED.  MOST will NOT BE.  That 2 1/2 day Limit will be their final ‘help’ from us.  I suspect JEALOUSY more then NEED WILL cause a (more?) Raid.   THANK GOD THERE IS NO DEATH!  Sooooo they WILL live “after”.

Could I kill?  Won’t know ‘til actually faced with it….but MIGHT HAVE TO.   Aho?    re

PS:  I have a number of options I’d “go for” FIRST!




That that was just Emailed (Note – this is a second email, hence the ‘PS’, added to the end of the previous. WS) was more a “MAN” answer.  (Most don’t know BUT that).

Then….#4 : MY KNOWLEGE OF “DAD’S” WORD!  The PURE knowing…NOT the one you are still quite “into”.   “Thou Shalt Not KILL”….is a MAN (“lUCIFER”) TRICK.  It is “Thou Shalt Not MURDER”.


Do a WORD STUDY in your concordance and trace ‘KILL’ (in that verse) to its CORE ROOT!  YOU’ll see what I mean.

So, I’m ALLOWED to kill IF NOTHING ELSE WORKS (my OWN “rule” view).  Aho ?     re

#1 doing #2 thanking for everyday and some practice  #3  in spirit doing but have not experienced physical transport yet
#4 agree with you totally and study all the time with concordance.  yes, knew about word “kill” versus “murder”.  Never have trusted the danged translators.

Got the message, Grandfather.  It is clear and doing.



The future decision regarding your question would be So MUCH SIMPLER to answer IF I WHERE ALONE.

I do not expect to be tho.  I HOPE at least Some of my family will be with me.

For THEM, my decision would be biased.

If me, ALONE, it would be “another ball game”.

As I’ve shared with you in the past:  I’ve 2 “spots” to “watch over”.  “Spots” that open “other places”.

At a given time, I am to ‘open’ these 2 places for the ones the Creator wants to go in….I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE.  Then, at a given time, I am to ‘shut the 2 doors’ and that can only be done from “HERE”.  If one shows up EVEN A MOMENT PAST THAT “SHUT” TIME, they will NOT be allowed in.  They, as I, MUST STAY AND “FACE THE MUSIC”.

I have no idea who will be sent during this ‘doors opening time’…OR how many.

It would be nice to see my own loved ones enter, but that would be up to “Him”.

One “door” opens to the Inner Land(s) below us….the other, to a different dimension. EITHER PLACE A PLACE OF SAFE REFUGE from what THIS “reality” holds.

All I KNOW is “Go, now, and open the doors.  Shut at My command, and walk away to the “reality” you are in when the work is completed”.

I ASSUME there are such doors, and “door keepers” (as myself), around our planet.

Sure would be nice to see my family go through one.  Preferably, the Dimension one.

“LIFE’S a “BEACH” “.     ( :    GB    re

A friend asks:

RE hi, I have a question. On this path of Hologram knowledge a lot comes up, I will give you an example. Politics, the concept seems so futile now if life is a projection then thinking an external person can help me is ridiculous BUT I do get so Angry at the lies, the power grabbing the destruction of freedom ect. I see. MY question is how do I make the change IN ME to acknowledge this anger which probably comes from FEAR, fear that these external people control me, and letting it go or do I give it to Jesus. I am not sure of the Cleansing/Changing process. I want it gone and I know I have a Born Again SPIRIT but my heart, soul emotions are so very human and not changing!

I hope my question is clear enough, I certainly would love to get this crap out of me and be PURE of heart! So I can SEE GOD.   GOD bless and thanks ahead of time!

Red Elk replies:

Governments / Armed Forces / Police / Etc. as you now know, are projections of your inner self.  WHY these as projections:  YOUR PERSONAL DESIRE to have PEACE.

Born INTO sin, you’ve accepted this is the way OF Peace.

Now you are seeing beyond this ACCEPTED Man-Made (lUCIFER) way.  Causing your Anger … anger is often a sign of CONFUSION.

Indeed, in your life-time of going “man-way” then suddenly finding this is a FALSEHOOD that you have grasped since childhood (sin)….well, your frustrations are now bringing in this “How do  I  control” change WANT.

Brother, you need to UNLEARN to be able TO learn ANEW.

Time alone, in the wilderness, can help calm your inner spirit …. “self”.  It’s a CLEANING METHOD that even our Lord used (“He went to the wilderness OFTEN”).

People seem to see only “40 days / nights”….neglecting the verse that says “Often”.

THIS “AWAY” TIME is one that CALMS!

I’d suggest you do an ALONE Camp-Out if at all possible.  It needn’t be long.  A week-end?


Do so as comfortably as you’d like: Tent / Radio / Reading material / Etc., or simply a blanket and matches.

The thing is, is to be ALONE.

LET OUR EARTH MOTHER, Our GRANDFATHER Sun, Grandmother Moon, Grasses, Wood smoke and HIM set you on your path to inner peace.   REJUVENATE!  “UnWIND”!

A little simple PERSONAL Vacation will do MUCH for your inner being.  Your SANITY!

This will be a TEMPORARY relief  (why do you think Big Brother did so, “OFTEN”?).   ???

In time, you will be able to “stand yourself” farther and farther….but it WILL take TIME.  (Remember your age…took you ALL THOSE YEARS to realize you Truly DO Want PEACE!)……a LONG TIME of life to REDO!  Aho?

Your answer lays THERE.   GB    re

Friends, the following HAS to be told….for ALL Med. People World Wide:  we are NOT your “Servants”.  This calling is our JOB, not for your PRIVILEGE.

ANY worker…yourself included, expects to get paid for their job Work.  Do you not?  Well, WE WOULD LIKE THAT TOO.

Note: not Every Med. Person CAN, or WILL, do ANY or ALL Healing(s).  We DO have our limits.  Our “SPECIALTIES”.

The proper way to approach ALL Med. People…Male And Female, is to 1st send Tobacco.

With this ASKING FOR HELP Offering, we go into Prayer…seeking the Creator’s WILL.  “ARE we (I) to help?”  “WHAT is YOUR Will, Sir?”

This takes time.  Often DAYS in the wilderness, waiting for “HIS” Answer.


We have spent MANY YEARS learning our “trade”.  Some, more then your local Physician.

Unlike those doctors, we do not PRACTICE healing.  We must first KNOW what we tell / do WORKS…..before DOING!

We have found “He” gives ONE of FOUR (4) answers;  #1:  YES (do the work).  #2: NO (don’t).  #3: THIS ONE HAS SOMETHING TO LEARN FROM THIS PERSON’S Problem, and YOU are just to pray they LEARN QUICKLY.   Or (#4):  SEND TO ANOTHER Healer.

We then do as told.

ALL THIS TAKES TIME.  Time that could better “spent” with doing things needed around home.

All this…for TOBACCO!

Then, if “YES”, the Actual work begins.


Today Many Med. Healers set a Fee.  $75.00 per hour…2 hours MINIMUM (so, $150.00 “Up Front” and IMMEDIATELY).

This seems to be the norm.

In the OLD DAYS what you pay $150.00 for Cost THEM perhaps a small HERD OF HORSES!

In my case, I leave it between the patient and the Creator.

Unfortunately, FEW ASK….and I end up with nothing but “THANKS, Red Elk”.

This does NOT Pay Bills, does NOT feed the family, or buy gas, or does ANYTHING.  I / We Med. People need to LIVE too!


I, myself, have come VERY CLOSE to doing so, 3 times.

Other Med. People urged me not to.

I HAVE DONE THE SAME with others.


Now, it is told.  Openly and Truthfully.  Not just for Me, but for ALL OF “US”.


Another thing you need to understand:  When coming to a Med. Person, and exchange energy….do NOT Expect that ONE “EXCHANGE” means you can come back and “add on” an “OH, ANOTHER THING, Can you do This / That” (healing / advising / etc.)” FOR THAT ONE PAY TIME!

Those who do (and there are ALOT), then they have become THIEVES, “TAKERS”, LEECHES!


This telling will not make me “well liked” by MANY  BUT THE MEDICINE PEOPLE I HAVE COME FORTH FOR.  For ALL of THEM, I tell.

Aho?   re


Do any here see the Great similarities between N. Indian and Bible yet?

So Many want me to teach them NA Spirituality….something most NA have lost to the invaders forcing us to Their ways.  ‘Til now, nearly all are just Memories…not DOING Works.

The invaders’ ways lost this hundreds and hundreds of years ago to Religions.

ALL had it a LONG time ago.  EVERY SINGLE ONE had this unity with our Creator.

Still, SOME…”whites” AND NA, still DO have this touch.  Very few, but it’s not dead completely.

I’m hoping I can help Both Sides to return to it.  “Bridging” the secular world and NA world BACK to the ONE World.  The one only that can help All, world wide.  A Unity of Cultures under One ‘GOD’.

No more wars.  No more raping our Mother Earth.  No more “I WILL BE THE LEADER” mentality that has become the worlds “norm”.

Sounds odd that a Medicine Man teaches this….but, then, I’m not your standard Medicine man.  None of we 12 Inner Heyoka are.

I Hope you and others start to understand and begin to “lay down our arms”…and raise our LOVE.   Aho?    Re


“God is in all things”.  Ever give thought to THAT?

I’d consider doing so…and pay Particular Attention to the one word: “ALL”.

There are No exceptions in “ALL”!

Every day events.  Meetings.  Quarrels.  Anger.  Joy.  Weather.  Your car breaking down, and On and On.  ALL!

Scripture tells us to “Give PRAISE in ALL things”.    Do YOU?

If so….do you do so….’TIL YOU MEAN IT!?!

“Try” me.  TEST this.  TEST   TEST    TEST !

I tell you true, IT FREES YOU UP!   Suddenly, even the WORSE happenings ARE ACTUALLY GIVEN OVER (UP!) TO “DAD”.  You walk away with a SMILE…not tears and hurts.  Not even Anger.

It has become a “FORGIVE” freedom.

YOUR VERY HEALTH IMPROVES!  (These “holdings” form your’ personALITY).   To the point you may get Ulcers, to Prison Time…or cancer, Etc.

Given UP, you walk IN ‘HIM’….and to be IN ‘Him’ IS to be in JOYFREEDOM! (one word).

This has MANY   AMAZING    results in more ways then the above.

One being TALKING   W  I  T  H  ANIMALS…or a simple flower…or, well, you NAME IT!   ALL means ALL!  Even a CAT! has God Awareness.  So too a Mountain, or a Cloud or a Cougar.  Again, YOU NAME IT!

As I set here, one of our Chihuahuas was on my lap CONVERSING WITH….WITH!….ME.  Mind to Mind.  Not “body language” but TELEPATHY Language.  I can do this with ANYTHING…cause ‘He’ is THERE…IN them!

To the vast majority, I and other Medicine People are either “nuts” or “of SATAN”.


Like I have told you….I can’t make you a Medicine Man / Woman….but ‘HE’ can! (in many ways).  Actually, already HAS….but you forgot.  You set it aside, to follow Mans’ Way.

So, you see folks, If you’re one who thinks that we of “unusual” (and thus “UNGodly”) abilities ARE “BAD”…..well, I’M not “Of Satan” / OR “Nuts”….YOU ARE!

he he he     ( :       re


We’ve “busted” our old piping under our kitchen sink.  $$ lack = IMPROVISing is needed ‘til………….

I have an oval shaped plastic tool carrier.  2 compartments. One per side….carrying handle between.

Washed it, filled one side with dish soap water…the other side used to rinse.  WORKS LIKE A CHARM!  Even pots and pans and frying pans.

Bio-degradable soap and NATURAL Soap Weed isn’t in our area.


Was intending to use this in the domes.  Thought it would “do”.  Now have Proof of it!  PTL!

I “trash” the water in the septic Leech Field.  Can’t afford Bio-Degradable soap and NATURAL ‘Soap Weed’ isn’t available in our area.

Didn’t know such was even ‘THERE’?   LOTS we don’t know (myself included).  My own “Indian Awareness” is forefront in my life, so I STUDY….and LOTS of study, at that.  Wanna learn?  Can you READ?  Well, START READING, then Get OUT THERE and TEST!

You’ll both save $$ and Enjoy being OUTDOORS at the same time! Helps make LIFE less Stressful.  THERAPEUTIC to your Inner Being.

While looking into NA “dish washing” ways of the Ancestors…look about our POT SCRUBBERS, too.  HORSE TAIL “weeds”!

READ  HUNT  TEST.  “Dad” has ALWAYS provided.  WHY DO YOU RELY ON EXPENSIVE Man-Done things?!!  GB    re


Friends,  we all make mistakes.  All goof…be it at home or ??….mistakes HAPPEN.  Even Anger is a mistake.  Even a LITTLE anger.  Not hard to think on ‘yelling’ etc. when an irritant arises…and we “blow”.  It happens.  Aho?

Thing is, do you LEARN from it?  Or just let it “fluff” by?

A LESSON…allowed by “Pop”, ’cause #1: you  have Free Will…and #2: IF “HIS”, to Apologize to the offended and “Him”…and, HOPEFULLY, TRY TO BE A BETTER God Child from.  Aho?     re
You can sharpen your “Mind Doings” by practicing ‘Cloud Control’. This prepares you to Do the “impossibles” I tell you of.
You need to ‘child think’ for just about Any ‘Doings’.  This is the simplest way to start.  CONVINCE YOURSELF!    re