Category : Red Elk Speaks

A Parable?

I’ve been called a Lot of things (as you can imagine) but that’s a new on me!  ( :
Here I am, TRYING to UN-parable the Bible…TRYING to Explain the SIMPLICITY of it, and find I’m “as ‘bad’ as it.
Back to the drawing board……………….   sigh
67 huh?   gee, I’m In LOVE!   ( :
I’m so  THANKFUL for being Born as I have: a Half Breed.  Knowing the understanding of both White and Native American “religions”.  Without THAT, “I” couldnt help ANY to grow.  Aho?
Our ‘Big Brother” traveled for YEARS learning AROUND  the WORLD learning what the “keepers” (of sacred knowledge)        people still retained.  Then applied it into His “Doings”.   Over All;  BRINGING BACK the ‘Days’ of Adam and Eve.
Going back (in time) I’ve been privy to watch some of these travels (Taught Sky and he’s quite good at it….”Its FUN!”).  Useing this same method I and once Sky and I together) have traced / seen Murders / Lost animals /  and yes : hidden Treasures.  Gone back and watched how to DO  ancient ceremonies and teach the indians how to DUPLACATE to reactivate for them today. 
All kinds of ‘stuff’.  Aho?
Much more as well.  Praise The Lord!
Was and IS:  the FIRST BORN!
I’ve come to the Same conclusion(s) He did:
There IS a REAL ‘GOD’
A CREATOR….a “FATHER” (Creator) of Absolutely EVERYTHING  (but the GREAT VOID…His “Mother n Father of HIS “starting point”.
The ALL MAnkiND..on THIS Earth AND All OTHERS…even the Plants / etc. are of HIS Creation and are HIS “DREAMING”
That He LOVES to “IMAGINE/CREATE” and “Fine Tune” to PERFECT  (often destroying and starting over to Better the original idea…like our up coming Armageddon and Earth Flip)
He sees NO “death” in these things because its all a “To Real” making
That there IS no Death…just IMPROVEMENT !
He’s like a KID in many ways….Having a BALL…”Building”.  Aho?  !!!
All this and THOUSANDS of other things I learned what HE Learned…and EXAMPLED.  Saying, “YOU TOO CAN DO AS I,,,FOLLOW me (His learning).
He (Big Brother)  ABSOLUTE (speed the way i Want IT!) ALSO learned…was the FIRST to UNDERSTAND   WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT!  And SHOWED it!  (“Follow Me).  That THAT KNOWLEDGE SAVES!    No “him” (per say) but The KNOWLEDGE!   Saves you from CONTROL….FROM DOMINATION…From  SLAVERY!  He InDEED (the way I WANT to spell it!)  THE FIRST BORN”!
He Also learned ;  WE PEOPLE ARE OUR WORSE ENEMY.    WE “block” all the “MIRACLES”.  With this ONE WORD (and ALL RELATED To it ) ;    
God is DEAD’
Etc, Etc. are GETTING YOU  UNDER THEIR “Dumbness / FEAR.  THEIR Fear there IS’ , but AFRAID To FACE IT.! Afraid THEY will “go to hell”.
                                                                    AND MANY ACCEPT THEIR “TEACHING LIES”!
What they ARE saying (“For ALL K N O W) There IS BUT ONE GOD”): “I’m AFRAID.  I don’t WANT to “Go To HELL”…I WILL BE LONELY THERE…so JOIN  ME!  believe as “Me.  “MY” ” ‘Hi Tech”> has allowed ALL to FLY (airplanes) / Etc. Etc..  LETS “GO” TOGETHER! 
                                                                                          Because I’m AFRAID
OK, I’m a “nut”. a “Joke”.  A Liar.
I’m a TRUE Follower of He who FOUND the Full TRUTH.
At least FOR ME I’ve found it. 
What I’ve found…I share.  At least I TRY to share.  AS DID JESUS.
HE said :  “If you’ve seen ME, you’ve SEEN the FATHER” (CreatorGod )  (whose name is LOVE.  PURE love).
I ask all to think as they want.  Believe as YOU want.  I don’t seek “followers” of ME.  I’M NOT HIM!  I too am just an APPRENTICE.
Do as YOU choose.  I’m just Sharing.
                                                                      ITS ALL!…….    UP TO :      
                                                                                    YOU !                       

Emails between Red Elk and a Friend

Red Elk Writes:

Yesterday the wife and I heard THE most ASTONISHING Thing we’ve EVER heard a amongst us.
3 family trying to live like pioneer farmers…2 family with young kids. One without.
At the end of there 3 season building / staying….a girl about 14 (when asked what she liked the most), said…with a BIG SMILE, “I learned to use my IMAGINATION!”
 Tech Games / etc. are ROBBING OUR Children folks.
So are the schools Red Elk!!
They take away play time, and music & art!!! They think that cramming more math worksheets down their throats –is gonna be better than letting them sit on the floor and count beans– or knit & learn to count “rows” —
I read all of this stuff that says that “whoever is in charge” of determining the curriculum in the US –has deliberately (?) shifted all our kids schoolwork into Left-brain learning, which is all LOGIC — It’s all “cram this stuff into your left brain then regurgitate it out for us on your tests” —
Logic is GREAT– but God gave us the right (artistic/imaginative) side too!! It’s like we need the male & the female — we need the logical and the artistic!!
We do not operate well as a society without developing BOTH !
Anyways, that’s my rant!!
Red Elk Responds:
We home schooled C.  She passed her g.e.d. ABOVE  the USA highest standards…at 16.  I’ve wanted to do ditto (still do) too but M and C said no.  He’s 17 now, can quit anytime he wants but in 1 1/2 years can graduate. AND GETS $41,000 Native American money UPON GRADUATING.. So I encourage him to finish regular school.
All his teachers and the Principal know my ANTI-PUBLIC SCHOOL “stand.”
“It STINKS and is Worthless in general!”.  They know TOO I pity them as the GOVERNMENT, lays down thier “rules”.   
GB   re
Friend Responds:
I understand–
That makes sense…
Stay and graduate, but at least he’s old enough to know that it’s important that he “daydreams” a lot in class!!
Red Elk Responds:
Yeah, barely squeezes by, but passing.   OK by me!
I’m SO PEEVED OFF at the CRAP burdened by GOVERNMENT!  
Friend Responds:
They try to burden us on every side Red Elk! Just step to the side– you know what the Proverbs say:
If you dig a pit, you will fall into it!
If you roll up a boulder, it will roll back on you!!
I try not to waste my energy being peeved at them & just step to the side
KNOWING they will bury themselves with the burdens they try to place on others.
Much love Red Elk,
Red Elk Responds

Good advice!  Seems too MANY “step aside”….at His cross.    Hitlers reign and on and on?  ARE we to just “Stand By”? 


Red Elk’s Friend Responds

No no–
I agree, good point…
That’s true– the gov is literally starving people to death–and we stand on the side ….
I’ll have to think more on this!!
Red Elk Responds:
Sis, it seems possibly a HANDFUL on this planet knows The Bible we use today, are FULL of “TRICK” ‘Twists and Turns” DESIGNED to STOP us from FULL Pure Knowledge within it.  You’d be AMAZED at , AS YOU GROW,  What you’ll find…after finding “EVERYTHING”.  It will ‘Blow you Away’.
I’ve found this via TESTED FACT and IN this I KNOW I’m MISSING LOTS more!   It HAS to be as I’ve as yet seen no End to the Words continuation in over 60 years now.  Aho?
Red Elk’s friend Responds:
Why would it (our bible) be designed to stop us from purity?!
I don’t doubt what you say, because I have had some of my own experiences already… But they just “get their hands” on everything!?!
I try to focus on Christ, and who He was and what he showed us by his deep Love that he continued to LIVE within!!
Red Elk Responds:
Correct…HE KNOWS WHO HE HAS CHOSEN IN  this “DESIGN.”                    
SO many THAT we THINK AS good / godly  inside  ARE not!
Surely you’ve seen VERY respected pastors / etc. giving quick “glances ” etc to person?  You see “dirt”!  Or a quick HATE look in ones eyes?  
But IF they are TRULY SERIOUS….TRYING to overcome their ‘weaknesses’, they WILL (and DO) change.
Time after Time I (n M) have seen SEX / EGO / “Prestige / Etc.  CAMOUFLAGING the TRUE SELF.
Liked…but MAKE.
Is IN Time, one TRULY wanting to BE “Christlike”,  WILL CHANGE.

It is THESE who TRULY LOVE GOD so MUCH who are the ELITE.  # 5-6 -   (7?)  will LEAP AHEAD here in THIS life.   Maybe not leap as much as they WANT to (seems all…but its the TRUE EFFORT that HE Sees!
Some (most?) are Slow…but SERIOUS.  Thus get into One of the 7 Heavens.  He KNOWS.
WE are not to judge.   
HE KNOWS their HEARTS.  BUT…we ARE to be “Leary”!
I have been fooled so MANY times.   TEST THE SPIRIT OF  ALL   ( things).  EVEN PEOPLE.  ALL!
PRAY for those who are ‘flawed’.  HELP TURN THEM AROUND!
and DON’T think YOU are “better”.  THAT puts YOU…with THEM !   be CAREFUL lil one.
I can (and DO) look at ME.  i KNOW me and I’m not at all Pleased with myself.

Not “working my way to Heaven…but WANTING “DAD” to be “tickled” I’m WANTING.
Look at all the Denominations.  All the different RELIGIONS.
 trying to please God.  TRYING but NOT CHECKING….so go on (and on) TRYING to PLEASE HIM, and WITHOUT CHECKing, go on (and one) KEEPING THEM SEPARATED from all we are to be in LOVE UNITY with.
lUCIFER has “set” us apart WELL !
Man is made to understand COMPASSION…AGAPE LOVE.  Not Sex / Self “pleasures” / EGO keeping/  WE ARE HERE to GROW in TRUE LOVE.  “on EARTH as it IS in HEAVEN” !
Can you IMAGINE what THAT would be like.  PEACE.  
PEACE.  at Last.  And WITHOUT “waiting for heaven to GET IT!     It’s WELL as THERE!  Aho?
So, yes ; Designed indeed.  Aho?
                                                             GB   re

The History of Waco North

This is what many True Followers can expect here as we FOLLOW CHRIST in Fullness.  Its from “ARK TWO”.  A Man and Wife in Canada.who FOLLOW OUR “BIG BROTHER” (Christ THE Lord):  Please read it.   
GB    re
I often refer to Ark Two as Waco North because of the number of times that we have been raided. We have been raided many, many times, but there have been four major raids. What I call a major raid is when eleven emergency vehicles and over 40 personnel show up simultaneously and unannounced. They then post police tape and won’t let us enter our own property.

On the other hand if we are already in there – they come in and find us and boot us out while they go through the inside. Since these guys come with what I call AK-47s (I am told they are not that), grenade launchers, body armor, K-9, Command Posts, (and all that), I have always said that if I ever get a knock on the door saying, “This is police – open up”, I am going to say, “One minute,” then I will strip off all my clothes (I am not all that worried about modesty), throw up my hands as I open the door, and say “No concealed weapons”, I am worried about getting shot, and I don’t want someone to say – “We thought he was about to draw a weapon.” Actually, the Canadian raids have been of a kinder gentler kind. I didn’t resist and so far no one has shot me.

Yep, I am not your usual type of survivalist. I have told not only the police, but the whole world, over and over again, that we have no weapons and the police have certainly searched our property enough times to know that is true. They used to make a big thing about my kids target bows and arrows, but I can’t even use those now, since I am now blind in my aiming eye. I am not about to bite anyone. Can’t say that I am toothless, because while I do still have one tooth it would be kind of awkward to try to stab someone with that!

Nope, people really don’t have anything to worry about from old ‘peace and love Bruce’. Anyway, what brings all this about is that there is a rumor that the local Council is again going to try lock/seal/destroy/attack in some way Ark Two. It is not inconceivable that they may come to take me away. I am not privy to their plans and God Willing, it is only a rumor.

The friends have asked me what I am going to do? Well, as always, rely upon God. Many times the local Council has attacked me in the past, and always I have tried to comply with their wishes. The American survivalist concept of resistance is not the Canadian way. I have read the current popular survivalist essay:

“Never Surrender”

“”Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense”
(Winston Churchill, Oct 29, 1941)

The essay states: “Surrender is not an option” and names three phases:

The first phase of surrender is failing to be armed, trained and committed to fight. We are prepared to surrender when we are unprepared to resist.

The second phase of surrender is failing to be alert. You must see trouble coming in order to have time to respond. The warning may be less than one second but it will be there and it must be recognized and acted upon immediately.

The third phase in the essay is a lengthy paean in defense of the Second Amendment and the importance of never surrendering one’s arms.

But now, I ask you, how did that work out for David Koresh? The Waco Massacre began just twenty years ago this coming month. Seventy-six men, women and children were killed. The parallels and the contrasts are interesting. The parallel is that the children had sheltered in a buried school bus that was built as a refuge. Anyone, who has watched the National Geographic segment on Ark Two will see the parallel.

The contrast is that the men in Waco were heavily armed and committed to forceful resistance whereas at Ark Two we have no weapons and are committed to peace, love, and non-violence. The old question of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?). The answer is “Turn the other cheek”, “Love thy enemies”, “Bless those who persecute you.” The concept of non-violent resistance of Leo Tolstoy, Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others.

People ask what that is going to get them in this world, and the answer is “Success” (God willing), and if not in this world then no matter because we all depart from here sooner or later and eternity is much longer. The important thing is to have set the example in this life that Jesus wants us to.

For over thirty years Ark Two has been attacked by the local Council. They usually do this by finding some other agency to complain to and by having that agency attack us. We have had to appear in Court dozens of times, and have lost many times, eventually to win on appeal.

We conformed to every “Stop Work Order” that we received. We implemented all the suggestions of the Fire Marshal’s Office and welded shut the shelter in accordance with the decree and conditions imposed by the Fire Commission, until we had met their requirements before the Building Commission as they had ordered. We completely fulfilled the directives of the Building Commission and the latest directive of the Fire Marshal – so that in all things we are in total compliance.

The Council however, has stepped over the line at least five times in its effort to prove the old adage that, “You can’t fight City Hall”. Their strategy has always been to get someone else to fight their battles for them so that they didn’t have any legal expenses. The lawyers have loved it and it has caused us to have to mortgage our home to resist. Unfortunately, one can never say they have won the trophy because the attackers just come back on a new front.

Many have asked what their purpose/motive is? I don’t know. They have just finished taking on a corporate Goliath that wanted to put in the largest open quarry in North America. Since they won on that they may feel themselves the ‘Super Goliath”, and are now wanting to take on David.

The present members of the Council probably have no idea as to what the motive was of those on the Council over thirty years ago, but the activity has become ingrained. They put it in high sounding terms of their desire to ‘protect the public’.

When I challenged this concept at a Fire Commission Hearing saying that there were no other shelters to protect the children in case of a nuclear disaster such as I envision – the high minded response was: “Yes, but it is our responsibility to provide the best protection possible and to make sure the shelter meets the highest possible standards.”

Repeatedly, I hear that they consider the shelter to be a hazard, and for this reason I was required to put a fence around the locked shelter. It sits on top of a 150 foot cliff where trespassing motor bikes repeatedly in sport race right up to the edge! Dozens of such examples could be given – and while I don’t see any danger in the shelter it is not my place to question their motives.

The motive of Ark Two is well known. We have over a dozen YouTube videos that invariably state that the purpose of Ark Two is not survival but rather to serve humanity and to help reconstruct society. This undoubtedly seems extremely eccentric to most observers. The Impossible Dream Yes, I do identify with Don Quixote, and yes most think that I tilt at windmills.

But still, what harm is there in this? What is it about this old man that upsets the Council? They have heritage day and speak of the past. Jean and I are a part of that heritage. By virtue of her age, the oldest residents in the village. She was born in the next house south from where we live and her mother here also two centuries ago. In the 1800’s her grandfather operated the mill on the Reserve for Mill where Ark Two is now located.

The old man wishes them no ill, and I think causes no ill. He doesn’t drink and cause disturbances. He doesn’t fight with or confront anyone. He has been respectful of his neighbor’s property. What reason not to leave him alone? He doesn’t hear voices – but he does seek guidance in prayer, and this is the service that he feels led to do.

But, perhaps the Council too seeks guidance in prayer and the Holy Spirit is telling them what they should do. I am sure that the High Priests that sentenced Jesus and His followers, also felt they were being guided by God. So we know not what is for good or ill.

There are presently three video groups filming about Ark Two and myself. I am sure that further confrontation will, from their perspective, add to the drama. They will undoubtedly wish to meet with the Council and show also the Council’s perspective. As time has progressed, Ark Two has become somewhat famous. Perchance not quite yet to the level of Waco – but because of the National Geographic, millions have seen it and know about it. The series is the most popular that National Geographic has ever done and the episode about Ark Two the most popular episode.

For all I know, this could be the Will of God, that a newsworthy event about the attempts to close Ark Two could spring it much more greatly onto public attention. This may be the very means that we can spread our message to the masses. So despair not. Trust in the Lord. I am going to include here a prayer that is very meaningful to me:

So we fight for the The Impossible Dream . Never give up, never surrender, except to the Will of God, for we know not what His purpose is in any of this. As Jean approaches 90 I hope this does not become an unbearable burden for her, but if it continues on for me as far into the future as long as it has been in the past, I shall be 110.

Others have counselled me to take a different tack. They feel that attack is the best option and because there is strong evidence that we have been substantially wronged, they have suggested that we sue the Council. Not my style. But then too, I must let others do as they wish to do. One member wishes to start a Friends of Ark Two. His goal is to have ten others join him. To participate in this you should have net assets of at least one million dollars. Each of the Friends of Ark Two will initially put up one thousand dollars and give a retainer of ten thousand dollars to a top name/qualified attorney. They must stand ready to provide additional draws if necessary, which is the reason for the net assets requirement.

I won’t go into detail about the strategy or aspirations – of the Friends of Ark Two, but suffice it to say that the organizer sees potential large enough to be rewarding and that he feels that there has been a significant evidential violation of civil rights that can be pursued against the Council and individual members therein. So, if you wish to participate in the Friends of Ark Two, contact me and I will put you in contact with the organizer and you can consult among yourselves.

None of this may be necessary – because, after all, it may all just be a rumor.

Peace and love,


SAFE Ark Two Newsletter
January 27th, 2013

Life is an Adventure!

Life is Such an ADVENTURE. So many think it’s Hard, “Bad”.  Kids to adults.  Failing to realize its Outcome, that we CAN have…simply by THINKING.

“An ADVENTURE.  WHAT can I…LEARN!”   And Realizing there IS a reason for it. 
PRAISE, and See what comes about.  WAIT!  YOU WHILE …..K N O W.
I’ve learned this.  

Hello all,

Red Elk lives a bit off the grid, and he has always had to use an aircard to send me or WS emails for us to post on this site to share with you. There have been some developments lately.

1. Red Elk has needed to rest for health reasons.

2. His aircard somehow gets used by others in the home and the bills surprise him with over $300 monthly charges. It is just too much for him to continue right now, and unless a company will restrict the useage so he can just stay on his emails, his correspondence via email and the blog will be ending (for now unless a new alternative is found).

I have in the past ran some Kickstarter campaigns, where I helped raise money for projects for people. Instead of using Kickstarter, Red Elk has agreed to let me directly talk to you the reader about this project idea.

I have a number of Red Elk’s work backed up, and I need the resources to get this work completed and out to the world. In no way, do I want to take from Red Elk’s donations by people who are generous and giving when they feel called to support.

Here’s how the projects are scheduled out to go.

#1  The Egg book (This is a coloring book with a beautiful story that Red Elk wrote and illustrated himself years ago before he had the shakes). I need to hire a friend who will give me a low rate to restore the images back to their original design). This will be two different types of books. One will be a coloring book, with the same story in the back, in black and white where a child/or you can color in the story yourself. It’s a very inspired story and beautiful to be book. I will also create an inexpensive black and white coloring book with the story.This is the first project.

#2  The server that this website was on crashed and although we pay the server company to have backups there were none. There is however some back up files given to me from WS and others who have kept some of the work, and I need to rebuild this blog. We are missing 2/3 of it and all the information that was available to the public. While I rebuild the blog, I want to turn it into Red Elk Speaks Blog books so people can have the information on hand, as or if ever needed.

#3 There is an old book of Red Elk’s out called “The Agenda” – I would like to get that out.


Currently, Red Elk and I are doing an audio interview of his book Short Stories. He is able to call in on an 800# and I am recording it while I ask him questions about the “tellings” in his book Short Stories. This is a good alternative to keep producing work for the world until we can do more.

If you feel called to donate you can use the donate button with a note, that it is for a project. Red Elk receives the monies from the sales of the work created and to be clear, should something happen to him, his wife is the beneficiary, then family and etc.

If you have any questions feel free to email me

We will end this Red Elk “kickstarter” experiment on Valentines Day!

Thank you!



Red Elk’s book Short Stories

Red Elk’s Short Stories

Red Elk’s Short Stories is available on Create Space. If you want a .pdf copy, you can email

Nothing Happened?

Readers….”Dooms-Day” has passed.  NOTHING HAPPENED?
I tell you True:  YES IT HAS!
What took place is / was,WAS A SPIRITUAL SHIFT…and EYE OPENING of “SPIRITUAL EYES”.  
NOW Slow (or NO) of those CALLED  will be JARED to “MOVE” onto LEARNING …GOD is REAL!
ALL Religions will SPLIT..  ALL. Christian / Muslim / Etc. will, in time, split into  FIFE (5) different “groups”….those that remain in “tradition” ways to various FREER ways.  Of this 5 way Split…only ONE group WILL LEARN SOUL “PURITY”.  IE….TOTAL SPIRITUAL   F R E E D O M! 
THE  “ELITE” of those ALL.
To these elite, it will matter NOT AT ALL what Cultural religion., what COLOR, what COUNTRY each if from….ALL THOSE WILL BE ONE!
THIS is what happened on the “doomsday”!
Yes, it HAS BEGUN.   HO!
Now, to all:  I LOVE YOU ALL!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!  GodCreator Bless us… ALL!   re


Folks, “I”, still “with you”. 
Being “still’ to allow you to give a go and Grow on at YOUR pace and “Alone”. 
You are NEVER “Alone”  Believe me!
I’m aware I’m “missed” Can FEEL it….still, you need to be “weaned”.  I hinder that.  So…
My news: 
3 strokes, possibly another small one, in 5 (6?)  days late last month. Then, in heavy coughing, I ran out of air….fell.  Now have a slightly cracked upper leg bone (Left side) that ends at my pelvis bone.  Also a couple injured ribs. Doing OK though…so not to be concerned.  “Dad” is healing….and my  knowledge.
Ribs much better.  Leg…better.  Aho?  HO!
I’m using a Walker and getting about the house OK.  Family helping a LOT!
Often putting aside their own needs for mine.
I’m ENJOYING being “OLD”.
Started age regression…TWICE.  Each time…STOPPED!
Asked “Dad”  “WHY”?
HE ANSWERED!  “You are a teacher.  To teach AGING, you Must KNOW “AGING” “.
OK by me, makes sense.  Aho?
Many realize I no longer do reply’s on the Comments section.  Why?   TOO  MANY TO LAZY TO READ THE BLOG FULLY.  Asking things long ago answered.  Both tiring and disgusting.
Its ‘Sink or Swim’ time, friends.
OK,  I’m still “with you”…WATCHING (and Praying), and I’m not the ONLY One doing so!
Have a Go(o)d Christmas.  Pray for each other,  FEAR NOT…and GROW! 

Sandy Lessons

In the last few months, “L” has started a new maneuver with ANY he deems a danger to  his Overthrow God attempt (on its way).
YOU may have fallen for it or know others doing so.
He is “whittling” at the God Core within us.
Loss of finances the most evident.  Creating fear.  “Well  lose r HOUSE / CAR /  Etc.  Etc..
“Sandy yet another.  NO ELECTRICITY.  NO GAS.    again, fear.
I’ve Es n calls…from a few contemplating Suicide.  Singles and couples.  Just “too much”.
Am witnessing too MENTAL INSTABILITY.  “They” have taken……(loved ones / etc.).  This caused more in New Age thinkers then any others.
My own blog very much under attack.
“TO DANGEROUS TO ALLOW TO CONTINUE”.  Even my marriage attacked.
$$?  HA!  yes.   ANYTHING TO KEEP ME ON LOOKING down, not UP!
“If i cant BEAT UM…then I’ll SLOW THEM”.
ie: Whittling.
How many can STAND,,,,when all is “lost”?
How are YOU “doing”, RIGHT NOW?!!”
Hundreds E-ing “I stand”….till the crap hits them TODAY.  Then like Yo Yos.
Well, I tell you true:  “Down” is a TEST!
Those who CAN look Up WILL BE THE FUTURE.
Those who collapse, the KILLERS, or the DEAD (as you
understand “death”).
or ignore.


As I sit in the midst of death…..I hear not the moans
I hear the TEARS
“I’m sorry”
“I’m sorry”
Born with love
Shadowed with will
taking all down with it
Is there NO One else
 that HEARS???
“I DO”   “I DO”   a voice comes
then yet another….from far far off
as an echo they come
So few
So far apart
but they call
out of the destruction
they call
There IS Hope!