Category : Family

As you might guess, I and M like boats.  We’ve BOTH wanted a small Schooner.  Just ONE and ONLY One:  The TANCOOK WHALER SCHOONER.  She’s STILL a dream to BOTH of us.
The Tancook called Son-Of-A-Gun about our Perfect dream.
Just to have you drool, look up Tancook Whaler Schooner.   Wooden Boat Magazine has HER!  And BEAUTIFUL Shots of her.

She’s a BEAUTY and the Smallest Size we’d want.  50 – 55 ft the biggest.  Both sizes takes 2 to 3 to sail. (the 40 just 2).

Please, satisfy an old man’s love and take a look.  Would ya?   GB    re


The Man-Separation (continents, etc.) was brought on BY MAN.  Their UNITED Arrogance to “Build a GREAT TOWER”…The “Tower of Babel,”  to simply walk up to “Talk with God.”  Never understanding this Tower WAS ALREADY MADE!  It was, and Still IS, the “heart.”
Now our arrogance will, will be humbled…and man Will return to that ONE LOVE BEING.
In fear and trembling, we will be as ONE once again.  The ARMAGEDDON “ROLL” will make it so.
“After”, there will be so FEW of us (mankind) we will SEEK ONE ANOTHER for SURVIVAL of our Species…and ONE LANGUAGE will become.  In that, WE WILL UNITE ONCE AGAIN!

Sadly to say…even THAT unity will pass away.  Over 2,000 years after Armageddon.  THEN the FINAL “Destruction” will be….and the Earth and the Heavens will change.  Our known earth, THEN, will “be destroyed” (disappear) from this galaxy’s Universe AND GO TO ANOTHER!  A DIFFERENT Dimension.   HEAVEN.

It is in THAT TIME that will be “The DAY OF JUDGMENT.”

This I was shown in “The Great Vision.”     re


Back from Prayer Time.  Sleepy and soon back to bed.  A Good Prayer Time.  Looking at my pathway.  So Unusual…Medicine man to more a teacher of our Creator, now.  Couldn’t have the last without the first. The “mixing” that NA and Bible have.  The anger of my NA Brethren towards the outside world…and the why of it.  The arrogance of the non-NA towards our (NA) “way”….and, too, the why of THAT.
The two so in One-Common “way” and yet so distantly apart.  “Seeing” with carnal eyes only. Thus, “blind.”  Each to the other.  No difference.  NA or White…Chinese or Arab, etc.  Long, Long centuries of cultural upbringing preventing all.  Cultures MUST be side-stepped, if we are ALL to have peace.
It was, once….long ago.  Then the earth flip that caused the great land separation.  The one told of that we know as “The Tower Of Babel.”  It was there our languages become different one from another…and man fled man.  Separating to “Like-Speakers” and the earth trembled and rolled and was torn from one continent to a number.  Taking “Like-Speakers” apart from their common One Continent place of unity. In time, taking, too, our Me-Talk-We-o-Oshin.  WAS WE-talk-WE-LISTEN.  One united language to “One Relation.”  NO Difference in One-RELATION…IF people would understand it.
Instead they Hear different tongues. See different colors…and forget.   sigh
But it doesn’t change the fact that we all ARE from a land of long ago, when we were TRULY One.

Will it once again be as it once was?  Yes, but I’m “afraid” only ANOTHER Great CATASTROPHE will be needed to do so:  Another WORLD “Mover”…and THAT day will be during or very VERY shortly after what we refer to as ARMAGEDDON. 5th “roll.”

Sigh?  No, it is good.  Aho?    re


Over time I have had many Emails from folks who inform me of “dangers” our/other Governments “put out.”  I KNOW some ARE true…but suspect many are Not.  Is this “Fear Giving” from the dark one?

I tell only what I KNOW.  In this I’ve tried my best to share with you to be wise…”Prepare.”  I see what our future holds, and Death is always at the fore.

I have shared that what WE do, to see it as Doing for our Future Generations.  Not for You, so much as for THEM.

ARE we to “spread fear?”  No.  WE are to spread PEACE.  Compassion. CARING.

One can not walk through this Darkness CRINGING.  But with our heads held HIGH….and our Fears abated due to our Relationship with “He” who has always existed.  Our FATHER.

DO you have that FULL BELIEF?  Emails from many seem to show otherwise, mostly.

Consider what I’m writing.  Think HARD on it.

Can you accept “death” WHILE STILL ALIVE?  Are you THAT WILLING?

OUR Big Brother wasn’t so happy that he’d “skip down the road” to the hill called Golgotha.  He knew the horror of the “way” of “passing” and would have preferred another “way.”  Yet, with His blood seeping through every pore…He went on, WILLINGLY, with these words on His lips:  “Never the less Father, YOUR Will be done.”
Now we, Too, must consider OUR “passing.”  Will it be sudden and unexpected?  Or one we’ve been FED Fear of?

To those who TRULY “Believe”…this, tho difficult…SHOWS, TO THOSE AROUND US and THOSE OF OUR FUTURE.

It may be OUR turn now to “Face The Lions,” as did our TRUE BELIEVER Brethren of the Original and TRUE Church.


Think…and do your best TO do so.  Aho?

“Fear NOT, for I am WITH YOU.”

Aho?  re



I want you to have a deep insight into giving.  Hopefully one that will help any reading to know what it does to YOU!

No, I am not seeking Giving to ME…but to share what it does to YOU.

Tithes and Love Gifts were “given” by our Creator to get YOU into the HEALING “Art” of GOOD HABIT.  Now perhaps you will understand Fully “Why.”  Aho?

When one gives, you are giving not to OTHERS, but to YOURSELF.  The HOLOGRAMS that ARE YOU.  So, you are simply giving to YOURSELF actually.

SEE IT AS THAT and it becomes Easier “TO part.”

This GIVING isn’t $$ (only).  Perhaps you HAVE no money….So GIVE of your TIME…or KNOWLEDGE…or PRAYER…or WHATEVER you DO have.  Money is just ONE thing.  Aho?

Even if it’s YOU who are in a hospital…when Visitors come…nurses or friends…you can give a SMILE at least.  UPLIFTING THEM!

This in turn UPLIFTS   Y  O  U !

Can’t “get about?”  Got a phone?  A PC?  CALL or Email someone and GIVE LOVE!  “CHEER.”

This is SO Uplifting to the OTHER “You” that YOU begin feeling good!!  AND these “Others,” who themSELVES are “The Only ONE,” LEARNS TO DO LIKEWISE.



Jesus did,  AND LIVES now.   Aho?

GB     re


I am concerned with many on my list.  Know a FEW are more ready for tough times but don’t know about many as well.  CAN YOU DO WITHOUT A JOB?  CAN YOU DO WITHOUT ELECTRICITY?  CAN YOU DO WITHOUT MEDICINES?  WILL YOU BE WARM ENOUGH?  KNOW how to stay COOL?  Stretch your WATER? Even to DRINK LESS? Can you live “bug free”?


Yes, I am concerned.

YOU have been “with me” a Long Time.  MANY warnings, many advices….Above and BEYOND “getting close to God.”

How READY ARE YOU!   ???

Only you can answer this…and only YOU can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

What we are NOW in is NOT BAD at ALL!   What looks like it WILL BE, IS!

I Love you and am worried about each of you.   Aho?    re


A brother pointed out:

To be truthful, it there is a complete breakdown of the government and they start rounding people up, I am not prepared at all. I have survival stuff for some disasters, but do not have the ability to go to a place that is truly safe. I have friends with land but it is not very high in elevation and they do not have any preparations for any kind of disaster. Lots of my friends are living on land, but most of it is exposed and they have not heeded any warnings to build shelters underground. They view that as giving in to negativity. I think the whole metaphysical world is expecting to ascend in a few seconds.
So I am left taking care of an elderly friend, who does not have anyone else to turn to and I am in a small city by the water. The right thing seems to keep helping my friend, but part of me knows I should have a safe haven built.
I would imagine a number of people you are talking to are in similar circumstances. They are worried about thier children and parents, etc.
Just being honest.


Grandfather Red Elk Replied:

And you are Correct.  Still, THE Safety is IN TRUSTING GOD.  No land needed in this, brother.  YOU are where you are SUPPOSED to be AND DOING AS YOU ARE MEANT TO.  In truth, I can “get it” too….UNABLE to get TO our “safe land”.  MY TRUST starts and ends in the Ultimate: HIM.
It was HE who told me where to look.  I did so since the late ’60s.  Finding a number of places…ALL OF WHICH WERE ‘NIXED’.  Still, He told and I obeyed.  Seems a waste of time and money.  That’s a LONG time to obey orders and see no results.  Still, He said………….then lo, THERE WAS THE SPOT.  10 acres!  And GIVEN TO US!  FREE!
Now I have a shell up only.   No water (but 2 rivers in walkable/driveable distance)….money spent on cutting into the slope and doing the shell (30 ft dome ).  So BROKE I can’t get to it but once or twice a year…..let alone Finish.  ALL IN HIS TIME!  HE is My DAD and I am His CHILD…soo  wait.  I have huge tarps that CAN cover the frame’s wire inner skin if needed.  IE, a GIANT TENT.  Won’t stop forest fires, big winds, etc. but FLOOD and EARTHQUAKE Free.  Even just THAT will be better then a “secure” house here.  I bought EXCELLENT sleeping bags for all…Below-0 ones.  Have basic HAND tools…even a SHOULDER YOKE to lug water from the closest river (“ha”!)…tho we have 4 or 5 electric generators I KNOW THEY WILL BE ABSOLUTELY USELESS as prices rise (gas, parts, etc.).  Even a small Wind Generator.  Batteries (’til THEY give out).  For the wife and family’s “weaning” only.  They aren’t ready to be TRULY “Primitive”.  Must WEAN them into it.
Shoot, bro, I may not “make it” BUT all this will BE THERE for SOMEONE WHO WILL!

I’ve been told 3 times I will live into my early 150 yrs.  Don’t WANT to!  HOPE this ISN’T true, but….time will tell.  If so, a reason for it.

Yes, most expecting to “be taken up”….odd, 3 beliefs:  Before.  During.  At the End.    Ive seen #3.  WE ARE WELL INTO #1 AND NO ONE’S “LEFT” YET.  So leaves only 2 now.  Scriptures points to #3…FULLY.
So, let ’em play their “I’m Safe” game.

Right or wrong at least I’m FAIRLY ready for #3.

Could die as I type this, or moments after sending.  NO GUARANTEE ON LENGTH OF LIFE.  Aho?

“Live for TODAY.” (basic scriptures)

I BUILD for the 7th GENERATION Ahead.  That dome & safe land more for someone else than for myself & Family.

Still, people have the opportunity to prepare at this time.  “Fatalistic” by “accepting to die” is NOT perhaps wise.  After all, He’s giving the opportunity and might well use it while you can.  He’s also given A LOT of WARNINGS.  NOT just from me, but by many.  Seems He’s TRYING to get Some “interested.”  ONLY THOSE WHO CAN, WILL.  Hopefully not in FEAR but, well, because it SEEMS “RIGHT.”

My own brother…quite well off, doesn’t intend to prepare:  “Hell brother, who would WANT to stick around if all your friends and family die?”

Not seeing he has the means to perhaps HELP them survive.

Survival to him means LUXURY Survival.  Electricity, Heat, Food, Car, etc.  In short: “If THESE Things “go” then I don’t WANT to Live.”

Doesn’t either FEEL the need or doesn’t WANT to FACE the possible need.   His path.

I love him DEARLY.  But whenEVER he “passes” we’ll still see each other Up There.  Aho?  “Death” is only a temporary parting. Aho?

So, each their own.  For those “called” to prepare, FINE….but need to be aware this might NOT be “for them”…but for some(one) NEEDING your/the “labors” you’ve put out for our human race so we CAN repopulate the Earth.

Least that’s the way I look at it.  Aho?

Nah, don’t worry.  If you are to move HE will make SURE you’ll KNOW When and Where.  Did for baby Jesus’ parents didn’t He?  ( :   GB   re


Gettin’ the Chill Out

Report:    Water Pressure Release Valve replaced.  Despite 17°F, no FREEZE!  We have water again.  PRAISE THE LORD!  Found & Fixed another leak as well.   MinI Dome: took out inner pipe spark arrester and put on outside on top of exit hole.  2 now there.  Built a BIG fire, as usual; some smoke at first but have cut an exit hole (very small) at apex of main room.  Didn’t take long and smoke cleared (wasn’t much), and ‘draw’ took effect.  WORKING FINE now.  Still….???  That top hole will be about an 8 inch circle when fully done…”coning” to about 4 inches on top.  Using a tomato stand (aka cage – WS)enclosed in vinyl tarp…fastened to the net.  Sure hope all this will do the job, finally.  Been a hassle.
BIG uncovered rear “window” hole in back that yet has to be finished….so fire only able to raise enough heat to take off the inside chill ’til then.

Think that’s all I’ll do on the dome 2day….gotta prepare under the house (insulate pipes, etc.) during the next few days.  Far more important than the dome at this time.  Aho?

ALOT better today then 2-3 days ago.  A REAL “downer” then.  EVERYTHING went wrong.  U  G  H !!!        PTL    GB   re
