Posts Tagged ‘spiritual works’

Few realize what it takes to feed the masses.  In this case, I will use commercial fishermen as an example:   YOU may see (Basically) a BOAT.  Then the CREW.

It takes FAR FAR MORE THEN THAT to catch a FISH!

It takes the Nuts and Bolts, the TRANSPORTATION to GET those nuts / bolts to the boat MAKER.  Roads for those trucks to travel.  Laborers to build THOSE.  FACTORIES Built to MAKE the parts.  Laborers….even to the “lowest” SWEEPER….just to help BUILD THE BOAT.

THOUSANDS, World Wide….Miners to Paper Workers….WORLD WIDE….just to BUILD THE BOAT!

Then the NETS / Etc.  ON and ON….the WORLD’S WORKERS “provide”.  Aho?

Then, once fueled and tested, and crew assembled…the boat goes to sea.  Out to cast its net.

The oceans are VAST.  But they prevail.  Some days are good…some not.

One never knows…but go on, trying.  Aho?

I, Red Elk, am a crew member.  One who “casts the net.”  But that’s ALL I am.  Without HUNDREDS behind me….the boat wouldn’t BE there…OR be able to go out.

To those who back me AND THE BOAT….the boat CAN go forth to fish.

The Creator is the Fleet Owner.  HE OWNS and see to ALL Needed to “get His Fleet” on the waters.

WITHOUT YOUR HELP….WITHOUT YOUR BEING A PART….this could not be…OR go on.  We ALL “Have a part”.  NEED each other.

I just cast a net.  YOU SUPPORT that DOING.

Either by donations OR BY PRAYER.

Donations brings the fuel needed.  PRAYER MAKES THE JOURNEY SAFE.


Thank You ALL, for being a PART of THIS JOURNEY.

I LOVE to Fish!




GB   re.


Good morning Red Elk
Had another great experience with a tree. In OUR front yard of the home here in Spokane, there are two giant maple trees that are over100 years old. They provide wonderful shade from the hot southern mid day sun, covering the entire house. The tree to the east is in need of trimming as the lower branches are almost touching the ground. My intentions this last spring was to climb up the tree & remove the Y witch included all the lower branches & one large trunk size branch but never got around to it. Well, last night while enjoying my tobacco, I decided to ask the tree how it wanted to be trimmed this fall. It told me, “see how I am leaning to the southeast, if  you take the large branch off my northwest side it will cause a shift of weight & make my journey here shorter & more difficult”. It also told me that if I were to trim the large branch on the southeast side of tree, it would help reduce stress on it & the tree would replace the large
hole it would create in time. Now my these are my new intentions.
I wanted you to know teacher that I would not have come to the awearness that WE could talk to trees without your wisdom. I now see with child like eyes & mind. I also see that our people have placed their faith in technology & not in Dad. Sure we walk around w/a” WWJD” attitude but don’t have the faith of even a mustered seed. So I say to our people, read Mark 4:21-32 with  the eyes of a child, & ask yourself, “where do I place my faith, where is my LIGhT?”. Do you trust in Dad w/the faith of a mustered seed?
You see teacher, I also see myself as a mustered seed to our people now, may my branches continue to grow thick & strong. & I pray that others see the faith I have in our Creator & it inspires faith of Dad in others. I also pray that others come to this awareness & that their branches too grow strong, Aho? ONE LOVE  ONE CREATOR! TG

Kinda Cool, isnt it!  ( :   The CA gal just left, but she TOO went out and experienced ON HER OWN.  Then I took her to the grass…had her walk barefoot to / on it, then lay down.  ABSORBING “Mom’s” ENERGY…AND The CHILD-LIKE MIND.  Being a KID again.  While down, I introduced her to the several tiny grass bugs.  Following their busy walkabouts.  Leading their daily lives.  Showing even so TINY ones as these think THEY are “People”.  DO as WE DO…look for food , a mate, a place to sleep, etc..  Then told her to dig BELOW the grass roots…see what lives THERE…and DEEPER.  Telling that All need EACH that we 2 Legged can eat / survive. Again, saying WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER.  Introduced her to A grass leaf.  Had her PET it!  SHE SENSED ITS PLEASURE.  Suddenly OTHERS BENT TO HER HAND (no wind) to get PETTED TOO!
ALL this NEW to her.
She SAID:  “Its like visiting DISNEYLAND in a 2 foot AREA!”
Man has forgotten the wonders of Childhood.  Too busy to pay attention.  SHE IS LEARNING!  Ho   re

See you tomorrow.  GB   re

One visitor today did a SUCCESSFUL “Tree Trip”…then went out and Spoke WITH a Rose Bush AND a TREE!   “Blew her away”.   re
And then a brother wrote:

Hellow Red Elk
I just had the fig tree (apricauht) speak to me. It told me the why it did not bare fruit this year was cuz I was not thankful for the fruit. You see teacher, I cursed the tree last  year as it was dropping  un-picked fruit on the patio & grass making a mess & damaging the grass. I even went as far as cutting off a branch that over hung the patio. & this branch was as big as the main trunk. I also told it that it was lucky I needed the shade or I would cut the entire tree down. So, the tree told me this is why it did not bare fruit, not cuz tithe frost we experienced last spring. I asked the tree to forgive me & to bare fruit next year & I will harvest.

I now relate this message to my walk. I see that I too am upset @ the loved ones who take, take, take with no regards to how I feel. & so i let my LIGHT go dime & turned a cold heart to them. But Dad has taken this coldness & turned it in to a burning to tell them that the fruit I bare is LOVE. The LOVE of the Creator & He is calling. Step away from this faults reality & walk in the LIGHT. We are in the 11th hour & Dad is CALLING.



Down to an Ember

In response to a sister:

Well I’ll be darned…… outta be a PSYCHOLOGIST!   ( :
Sure makes a person THINK.  Hummmmm  YOU’RE GOOD!

Many Medicine NAs have quit…..(“Put down their Feathers”)……because they couldn’t SURVIVE on those who receive their services but give nothing in exchange.
The 13th Original Inner Heyoka did… a sense.  Turned “Judas”…..gave up to THE Way for A Way…and started TRADITION.   Leaving only 12 from then-on-in.  I being one of these long gone original 12….and WE are dying.  None other WILL take our place as WE go.  We are the LAST OF THIS SOCIETY.
Thus we frantically “cast our net”.  “Catching” as many “fish” as we can, before it’s our “turn”.
I find that URGENCY so Strongly, I find myself TOSSING LIT STICKS OF DYNAMITE to “get” then NET TOSSING.

I don’t like what (how) I’m going about this.
The TIME is SO SHORT!  FAR shorter then people realize.

It has turned me into a MONSTER, in MY eyes.  I DON’T LIKE IT!

YEARS (even more than the soon-to-be 11) BEFORE the first Coast-to-Coast program. MANY MANY YEARS, “sweetly sharing”….to about 0 results.  So….DYNAMITE!

WHO am I to “stir the waters” with DYNAMITE!

I KNOW I’m NOT “HIM”…but find I am “taking on” HIS “persona”.  I DONT LIKE IT!  thus I don’t care much for ME anymore.

And GUESS WHAT!?   I don’t like THAT! EITHER!

So FEW responding to the “call”….all RISING to the SHOCK, but most dazzling off…others, belly up to drift away.  FEW SURVIVE!

I’ve told of the proper way to approach a NA Med. Person (and did so at THEIR request).  “ALWAYS COME WITH TOBACCO.”
It is only LOGICAL to PAY FOR SERVICES.  WAS that way….long ago.  Even the NA have forgotten this.
I’ve helped a few (3+hundred I suppose).  Pay?  Well, got a HOT DOG to return one’s sight from total blindness. $1200.00 to “come”…on a trip that cost ME over $3000.00 MORE (our FULL Income Tax return). FAMILY $$ !!!

Tho it happens, it is SO RARE to receive.

It is NOT the Inner Heyoka’s WAY to SET AN AMOUNT.   THAT was started (“pay”) by the 13th.  We are STILL relying on CREATORGOD.   Yet FEW SEEM TO KNOW HIM ANYMORE!
Know OF “Him”….but it ends there mostly.

“What do you charge, re?”    ASK “DAD” and give accordingly.  Guess He tells ‘em “Give a smile and Thank You, Re Elk”….or ???????

OF WE LAST 12, I AND 2 OTHERS ARE STILL ACTIVE! The others? “SHUT DOWN”. Gone ONLY “Local”.  No longer casting their nets….letting an occasional “fish” get caught in the shallow hollow of a pool RIGHT BEFORE THEIR FEET.  So, out of we 12…only we 3 are “out there”, and one now near death. VERY near.

TWO…for the WORLD!

I can NOT set a CHARGE!  It is NOT OUR WAY!

We not only are “DINOSAURIC, but LIVING EXAMPLES of what USE TO BE.

“Walking MUSEUMS”!  Dinosaurs of a long ago past……AND a THORN in the FEET OF MAN.   And treated as such.  Aho?


Big Brother, OUR LEADER AND EXAMPLE, didn’t ether…tho He DID have BACKERS (Judas took care of the donation purse).   I tho, have little that support. Only 3 on a Consistant basis.  3 I CAN COUNT ON.   It means a LOT, tho NOT alot of money.  It’s those 3, and the occasional Senders, my SS $$$ AND M’s WORKING (for weekly pay check) AND CREATOR, that keeps this work On Going. my own SS $…and HIM…For the WORLD!

And I am burning out.  So TIRED I now cast DYNAMITE.  TO TIRED TO CAST a NET!  And, well, turning into something I DON’T like.

I no longer am a BURNING LOG.  Not even a SMOLDERING Piece of it.  Now NEARLY A DEAD PIECE OF CHARCOAL!   Still LIGHTABLE, Still a FIRE HAZARD….but, basically, BURNED OUT. I’ve LOST MY FIRE!

Warm…but “handleable”…by BARE HANDS!

All I need is a STRONG BREATH to RE-KINDLE. Once again able to PROPERLY START FIRES!

‘Til that comes, I lay rather dormant.

Turned HEADY in my death throws.  Helping no one by THAT Example!  Aho?

I DON’T LIKE IT!  Give me KINDLING …. and BLOW!!!   Let me LIGHT GREAT FIRES, the CORRECT WAY!  The way a Burning LOG is MEANT too.

I  would rather turn to Charcoal DUST then PLAY GOD!  It is NOT WHAT I AM, NOR WHAT I LIKE!   Aho?   re


I Apologize

A brother commented:

Getting weary of these members of the “ding-a-ling nation” they say “you let me down!” not realising it’s their EGO that’s blinding them! NO thughtfulness/consideration of others, all about ME i.e. them! this one no “saint” here, either, tho brother they are wearing me out!! getting tired and “done” with the footrace, these twits make the going one heck of a wicked obstacle course, aho?

Red Elk replied:

Just last night…and so far, ALL this day…I’ve been taking a Self-Look at myself.  I AM NOT,  at ALL, pleased with what “I” have become.  I “tried” “trialed” myself.
….      and, well   don’t “like” me anymore.          The best   thing I can do is    Stop     JUST PLAIN STOP!      Go Back     to the    before    of the Coast to Coast  time.

I tell :
“I am NOT GOD!”  Yet find I am ACTING like I AM!   I’ve become Cynical….Angry… a FULL BLOWN GROUCH!          VERY Un-GODLY!

That ends up to One Word : “HEADY” !


Tho I have many Reasons….it’s still not Right.

Wish others…GROWERS, would take over.

WHERE ARE THEY !  ????????????????

I will ask  WS to put this on the front of blog.  Share thus, with All.

ALL : I  APOLOGIZE !      re

For various reasons, occasionally I get an Email  “re, I need a drum  (NA tone).”

They can be found on line…but generally are rather pricey.

$$ bad enough….but TONE even WORSE.

Until you receive you’ll have No Idea if it sounds like a “wet sack” or not as “deep” as you’d like.

The HIDE and SIZE is the deciding factor.

I find TOO SMALL makes more a THUMP noise….easier to take about, but…..

A 12 or 14 in. diameter works well in traveling / storing. Once you go to 20 in. and up…Not as easy….but BETTER TONE.  Aho?

For the DEEPEST tone, I prefer SHEEP HIDE…..its a THIN Hide tho.

I still prefer this over other hides. (But that’s MY “taste”)

I have Sheep / Beef / Buffalo / Elk / Horse /COYOTE.  The last is SUPER THIN….you just don’t store it…you “Pack” it.  CAREFULLY!  NOT a recommended hide (IF you can FIND one).

There are “Eskimo” drums…VERY Thin frame….a Whole Different sound.

Even “hides” using AIRCRAFT Fabric…and Others (as above) in-between.

Thus, IF you can actually VISIT the various types and TRY ‘em….often you are “taking a chance”.  Aho?

If you think ALL you need is a drum…THINK AGAIN!  You’ll need a “drum Stick,” aka the “pounder,” as well.

These TOO come in different type striking ends.  From VERY Stiff to SUPER Soft.  Each producing the “depth” of sound you want.

I use a number…”depending.”

One, VERY UNUSUAL, is a RUBBER GLOVE!  Filled finger tips (marbles / etc.).  SOUNDS LIKE 5 ARE STRIKING!  Various weights in each finger makes each beat SOUND LIKE AN ECHO!   (LOVE IT!)  This was my 5 yr. old GRANDSON’S (Sky) idea!  ( :

BUT…the CHEAPEST Drum…the EASIEST to carry, is a 2 LITER PLASTIC POP BOTTLE!  Take off the lid…cradle in one arm (in a manner that makes the most noise) and TAP WITH YOUR FINGER(S)!

I use this ALOT.  Doesn’t disturb the family.  I simply go in another room and have my “time.”  Aho?  I also use this in my Pickup…AND on MANY “Night Time Prayer time” in the wilderness.  SO QUIET IT DOES NOT DRAW UNWANTED COMPANY!

Once, using in a camp-out with a sleeper in his bag right beside me….he VERY slowly awoke.  THOUGHT I had a RADIO ON…LOW VOLUME!  (He now does the same).

Cheap enough for YOU to try.  Aho?

Be closing : NA Drumheads…IF too DAMP are “tightened” via holding over a fire (not TO close!).   If Too TIGHT….we WET it (water on hand and rubbed in).  If too Wet we also rub CORN MEAL on it (absorbs the over abundance) of dampness water).  Aho?

Anyway…hope this helps those interested.    re


Already getting Emails from some :  RE, you are NOT FORGIVING…. etc..

Tell me, didn’t Jesus DIE for EVERYONE, DESPITE “getting tough on some?  Got REALLY rough with the day’s Leaders….”Whitewashed”  “Snakes”  etc. etc. and ETC.!  Then, too, did a number on the Temple “traders”…knocking over tables, etc.

STILL, as DYING…Wrists and feet NAILED to the cross, said “Forgive THEM Father for they Know NOT what they DO.”  HE DIED FOR EVERYONE…EVEN the “SNAKES” and guys at the Temple.


HOW will SOME “eggheads” LEARN if they Refuse to PAY ATTENTION! ???

Yup, I get tough.  Don’t like it?  TOUGH!  re


I’ve told this before.  But STILL Getting Requests…UN-respectable  Requests.  IE:  “re, what do I do about this? That?”    “re, I’m SPIRITUAL, PLEASE TEACH ME”…..”Where IS this / that?”      “re, what does THIS dream mean?”    Etc.  Etc.




ALMOST none (who DO send a return envelope) HAVE NO STAMP ON IT.

To those who “are SPIRITUAL”…..”Give” / “teach” / Etc. :   IF YOUR SO DA– “SPIRITUAL,”  then GO TO “HIM” AND GET YOUR ANSWERS!           DORK!!! re


For all “God Lovers”….I ask YOU to JUDGE YOURSELF.   ARE you TRULY as In Love with “Dad”?

Scripture tells how YOU can tell :


IF you are ANGERED, HATEFUL , DISGUSTED with ANY….it shows YOU that YOU ARE NOT “In Him!”

“Judge NOT one another.”

“Vengeance is MINE,” saith the LORD.

HIS to judge…NOT YOU!!!!!!


Do you….REALLY?   I mean  REALLY! ???

Did our example Big Brother (Jesus) die for ONLY A SELECT FEW?  NO!  HE DIED “FOR ALL”!


ARE you REALLY DOING Godliness?  Or seeking / hiding HATE / Etc., to ANY ONE!??

Those who have ANY of these “problems” SHOW YOU that YOU HATE….Y O U!

NOT “happy” with GOD!

You can “fake it” to ALL AROUND YOU.  APPEAR “Holy” and CON ‘EM!  Sure….THEM, yes…but NOT       “HIM”!!!

I hope this Barometer Helps you to GROW.


“MANY say “LORD” “LORD”….but “I KNOW YE NOT !!!”

Ok, CHECK yourself …If you need Improvement…SEEK HIS HELP.

We are ALL going to be “facing the music”.  Aho?

Good luck.     re

For those who have “followed” my “things,” you know I am watching over the LONG WALKERS.  (This the 1st group of Native Americans who had (have) gone back into the Lower Land directly below us)

Well, they ran up against a STONE WALL…Literally.

There they set.  Been a number of many weeks now.  Water (stream) and Food (Mana on walls).  ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS GO S T A I G H T  THROUGH THE WALL IN FRONT OF THEM.  THEN they will FINALLY be at their destination goal.

A “short trip” has ended up (where their at) of SEVERAL YEARS.  3 (if I recall right) have died.  #1 by appendix bursting…2 by roof collapse.

32 (I think) entered…PLUS their FALSE “leader.”

It looks like long time Descent is really taking hold.  I expect a break-up of the group quite soon.  Taking “sides” now.  A woman wanting to be “leader.”  Back Stabbing for well over a year now.  More like 3.

Her and her son.

Now others “unhappy” with the GOD CHOSEN (and younger) Leader.  JEALOUSY.  Aho?

OK, meant to be.  So she and a few others will be back-tracking to “find THE “way”.  WON’T!

THIS is the ONLY way…or get lost trying to locate their original entry…back up to HERE.

Anyway, I “help”…and appear to the real leader to advise.  (He thinks I’m a “Godly Spirit”)

I’ve told him what he needs to do….literally MATCH ENERGY with the stone wall and WALK RIGHT THROUGH IT…his followers in line behind him.

It is HARD to OVERCOME THE BELIEF We are SOLID…as well as all OTHER “solid” things.



GOD’S “DayDream”…HIS energy!  Thus we can simply MOVE THROUGH THINGS deemed “solid.”


Otherwise, YOU WILL “STALL.”  “Passing” through nothing….EVER.

Anyway, they WILL split.  And those that stay with the proper leader WILL LEARN THIS…and GO THROUGH to their destination.

The BREAK-OFF Group will RETURN to the Stayers’ spot, AND THOSE THEY LEFT WILL BE GONE.

VERY SHORTLY…perhaps but a few DAYS…she TOO will learn, and go through….BEHIND #1 group.

ALL will end where they started for.  AND SHE and her Son will STILL want to be BOSS!  “Boy” (in his 20s now) BACKING his Mother.  Her “followers” MAY break from her (SOME will, I think) but the rest (a total of 13 I think) will stay with her.


That and the FACT…SOME “WHITES” are going to be in the “goal spot” too…AHEAD OF THESE NAs!

Gonna be a SHOCK to ALL the NAs!   ( :   re
