Posts Tagged ‘money’

I have, a number of times, had “New Agers” and others who have “Guides”… times, too, those who are visited by “passed on” ones.

These are (“passed on”) NOT ALWAYS WHAT THEY APPEAR!

DITTO on “Guides”!



We are ALL born with 2 “Watchers”.  One we are born WITH…that dwells IN OUR BODY.  (“ALL are BORN WITH the INborn knowledge there is but ONE GOD”).

This one is called a NAGUAL.  An ANGEL OF GOD.

The other is what is called a “FAMILIAR Spirit”.  A DEMON that is NOT in you but IS there AT YOUR BIRTH.



The DEMON ONE is therefore able to TRICK YOU into believing you saw “grandma “/ “friend” / etc. that have “passed”.

“He / She” told me things ONLY WE TWO COULD KNOW…….(see what I mean)?

Heck YES, it knows….WAS THERE   !

Suddenly you become one WHO WILL TRUST !  And EVENTUALLY become RELIANT ON!  NOT GOD.  IT!!!

Then you start TELLING…helping IT to get OTHERS   O  F  F   THEIR GOD PATH.

Who knows…might even write a BOOK on it and go on Coast To Coast as an “authority” and become FAMOUS!   FEEDING YOU EGO (self) AND LEADING OTHERS ASTRAY!


This holds true to “ALIEN” “Visitors” as well. “Helpful” “friendly” ones.   “GUIDES” / Etc.


“hE comes as a roaring lion”……Well friends, “L” DOS the ROARING…FROM A DISTANCE!  The HUNTER PACK  DOES   N  O  T   ROAR!  THAT GIVES AWAY THEIR POSITION!


The “king” roars…DISTANTLY…to DISTRACT, while the PREY is   quietly  STALKED!


“Alien” “Friends” are OFTEN Deceiver DEMONS.  Just another “stalking” way.  AND PEOPLE FALL FOR THIS!


Are ALL demons?  NO!  But MOST ARE!


Ask “is YOUR” GOD the God of ISSAC / ABRAHAM and JACOB?”    THREE TIMES, ask.


Better know your bible, folks.  ITS YOUR guideLI N  E !!!



What have You been doing to face this Time?  HAVE you studied?  HAVE you bought a bike or foot scooter?  Toenail / Fingernail clippers?  Have YOU spent a weekend without using ONE BIT of Electricity?


Beer?  New car?  “Things”? Stocks and Bonds? IRAs?  A BIBLE?  A CONCORDENCE?

Ok, “sometimes” / “will”.


Your Path, friends.  Have “at it”. But understand, THE NEXT FEW YEARS WILL BE A “H” OF A “TRIAL”.   Re




I’m TOTALLY disgusted with ANY Cell Phone Company.  But after dealing with AT&T….IT IS THE VERY WORST OF ALL!

Next Month our contract is up.  I’M GOING TO VERIZON!

#1: “V” now has HUGE Coverage…just makes AT&T look ANEMIC!

ALL the people in Kettle Falls (our “move to area) have switched…..BUSINESSES now with “V”.  MORE TOWERS, COVERAGE!  USA AND CANADA!


#2: nearly 1 2/3ed yrs ago my AT&T Cell was broken.  (We have 2…or, HAD).  THEY REFUSED TO SEND TO OUR HOME ADDRESS (replacement).  We have ONLY a P.O. Box.  “WE DO NOT SEND TO Post Office Boxes” ONLY to your STREET Mail Box”.  WE DON’T HAVE ONE IN OUR RURAL AREA!

So, I said “Ok, send it to my friend…(giving their Mail Street address).

“SORRY…must be YOUR OWN!”

Asked “what can I do then?”


Oh, SURE…at nearly $200.00!

So, been PAYING FOR SERVICE ON 2 PHONES SINCE!  With only ONE to use!

EXTRA CHARGES FOR TWO…and they will NOT “renew” our contract!

Well, friends, I had the option of BUYING OUT of that….but would cost us ALMOST $200.00 TO GET RID OF ‘EM!

Well, in November our contract is UP!

Now “SCREW ‘EM!”  They’ve lost US as “faithful customers”!


I’d sure LOVE to get that “extra service” paid back.  Don’t think THAT WILL BE!  EVER!

Well, AT&T…..YOU CAN GET LOST!!!!!



If any would…….PLEASE PASS THIS SENDING ON!   (Pray about it first tho).  Thanks.  Red Elk and Meachelle


A Doer wrote:

Hi Red Elk,

Thanks for the pictures, I tried mailing you at <address> but for some reason it was returned.  So I am delighted that you posted it at your blog.

I have a dome structure but haven’t figured out how to keep the wind from blowing the tarp cover off.  We tucked it at the bottom, and have PVC clips, but these haven’t held.

What are you using to afix your tarp?  It looks like you used PVC pipe and tree branches to build your dome.


On SkyDome that’s EXACTLY what I used.  We too have winds.  Rare to NOT here.  What we do is Oversize the tarp, trench, tarp overlap to IN trench, the gravel the trench….then EARTH BERM up the sides a bit.  Overlap a GOOD 2 feet on ground.  Often 3 feet.

If yours is to be an Up and Down one (taken apart….We’ve overlapped by about 5 ft. and weighed with SAND BAGS…end to end.  These types have stood up to an 82 mph wind.  If REALLY worried…sand bag (wind side) with 2 …NXT to (not on top of) the first “set”.

I’ve used small BOULDERS and find these are not CLOSE ENOUGH together.  Winds get UNDER tarp “here and there”…then “Blow OUT” the OTHER end!  NO PROBLEM with sand bags.  Think these are 40 lb. bags.

I find a LOW “Cockroach” dome is an EXCELLENT dome shape…LOW and LONG.  Winds FLOW OVER this shape…”Regular” domes CATCH TOO MUCH WIND. (Go study a stream…SEE WHAT PEBBLES / STONES are GENTLY rolled over versus the more UPRIGHT cause “Eddies”….WATER is a GOOD “seeing” …WIND IS LIKE WATER)!

Yes, LOTS of “wasted” space towards the inside edges.  BUT WE UTILIZE THIS with STORAGE there. NO wasted space then.  We use PLASTIC CONTAINERS there.  BEDs are next to those.  LOW beds.  Aho?

Our 30 footer now has a GIANT tarp.  60×100 ft.  Will overlap the main dome / bathroom connection AND the Kitchen extension…ALL IN ONE PIECE…WITH overlap!  Paid $479.00 for it and its FAR better a tarp then those most buy at stores.  All WHITE.  Now waiting (saving) for COMMERCIAL GRADE 7 in. WHITE-SIDED Insulation.  $1400 (shipped).  This to be our HOME.  This structure to be lived in like any home.  ALL YEAR USE.  Snows there are 12 to 14 ft per winter.  5 ft in “bad” years.

The 3 mini domes here have had no problems in 4 1/2 snows.  SNOW IS GREAT INSULATION!

I hope this info helps.  CreatorGod bless.   re


A seeker sent this:

Here’s an article you might want to forward on to those on the mailing list who will listen. I remember a while back you wrote about how food/energy prices are going to go up we’ll here’s proof that food prices are going up and will only keep doing so. I can’t think of a better time to stock up on food so when you don’t have the money to buy food at least you have a months worth in reserve to hold you and your family over.

This is Starting to Get Very Real: Agricultural Commodity Prices Have Exploded and Now the Price of Food is Beginning to Rise Substantially in the United States and All Over the World

By Michael Snyder – BLN Contributing Writer

Do you believe that you will always be able to run out to Wal-Mart or to the local supermarket and buy massive amounts of inexpensive food?  If so, you might want to think again.  During 2010, agricultural commodity prices have absolutely exploded.  Nearly every single important agricultural commodity has seen a double digit percentage price increase.  In fact, the S&P GSCI Agriculture Index recently surged to a fresh two year high.  Now food producers and retailers are starting to pass those commodity price increases on to consumers.  Today when I went to the supermarket I was absolutely startled by some of the price increases that I witnessed.  On some of the items that I most commonly purchase, prices were up 20 or 30 percent.  So just what in the world is going on here?  Well, it turns out that there was a lot of bad weather around the world this year, so many harvests were worse than projected.  In addition, the growing population of the world has an increasingly voracious appetite for food.  When supply gets tighter as demand continues to go up that means that prices are going to increase.    On a recent article on our sister site entitled “Rampant Inflation In 2011? The Monetary Base Is Exploding, Commodity Prices Are Skyrocketing And The Fed Wants To Print Lots More Money” a reader named Erica left a comment describing the food prices that she is seeing in her area….
Food inflation is real, and it is here. Just yesterday I compared my receipt from a grocery run to prices I have from the same exact store from September 15, 2009. Bacon? Up 52% to $13.69 from $8.99 for 4 lbs. Butter? Up 73% to $9.99 from $5.79 for 4 lbs. Pure vanilla extract up 14% to $6.79 from $5.95. Chopped dried onions up a mere 2% but minced garlic (wet) was up 32%.
These price increases are not a coincidence.  This is happening all over the United States.
Food inflation is here and it is not going away any time soon.
In fact, food inflation is hitting consumers hard all over the globe this fall….
*According to the United Nations, international wheat prices have soared 60 to 80 percent since July.
*Since the beginning of 2010, the price of bread has gone up 17 percent and the price of meat has gone up 15 percent in European Union countries.
*The inflation rate in Russia rose to 7 percent in September primarily because of rising food costs.
*Turkey’s inflation rate accelerated to 9.2 percent in September, and authorities there are primarily blaming rising food prices for the increase.
*Food riots have already erupted in the poverty-stricken country of Mozambique and the government there is desperately trying to maintain order.
*Food prices have doubled in Afghanistan and authorities are warning that there could be an outbreak of famine unless the nation quickly receives more humanitarian aid.
So is there hope that things are going to get better in the years ahead?
No, not really.
In fact, global demand for food is only going to increase in the years to come.
Global demand for meat and poultry is forecasted to increase 25 percent by 2015.
Overall, it is being projected that global demand for food will more than double over the next 50 years.
So where in the world will all of that extra food come from?
That is a very good question.
Meanwhile, rising food prices threaten to send a new wave of inflation sweeping across the globe.
Mark O’Byrne, the executive director of GoldCore in Dublin, was recently quoted in Bloomberg as saying that the Federal Reserve “continues to be worried about low inflation, but the rising prices seen in agricultural commodities such as wheat would suggest that they may be looking in the rear-view mirror and should be more concerned about inflation, especially in the medium and long term.”
As mentioned earlier, wheat prices have soared 60 to 80 percent this year, but wheat is not the only agricultural commodity that is going up big time.
In a recent article entitled “An Inflationary Cocktail In The Making“, Richard Benson listed many of the other agricultural commodities that have spiked in price in 2010….
*Coffee: 45%
*Barley: 32%
*Oranges: 35%
*Beef: 23%
*Pork: 68%
*Salmon: 30%
*Sugar: 24%
So are American families seeing large increases in pay to keep up with all of this food inflation?
No, actually incomes are going down.
Median household income in the United States fell from $51,726 in 2008 to $50,221 in 2009.
In fact, of the 52 largest metro areas in the nation, only the city of San Antonio did not see a decline in median household income in 2009.
American families are being squeezed like never before, and the last thing that they need is for the price of food to start moving up substantially.
But it isn’t just the price of food that is going up.
Health insurance companies across the United States are announcing that health insurance premiums are going to go up substantially this year because of the new health care law.
American consumers can only be stretched so far.
Eventually something has got to give.
In fact, we are already seeing more Americans beginning to fall into poverty than ever before.  Today, one out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one anti-poverty program run by the federal government.
Unfortunately, there is every indication that the Federal Reserve wants to make inflation every worse.
It seems like almost every single day now a different official from the Federal Reserve makes public comments about how another round of quantitative easing is going to be necessary in order to stimulate the U.S. economy.
But if the Federal Reserve pumps even more paper money into the financial system isn’t that going to put inflationary pressure on the economy?
Of course.
It is time to wake up.
Your dollars are never going to stretch farther than they do today.
The price of food is going to continue to go up.

Down to an Ember

In response to a sister:

Well I’ll be darned…… outta be a PSYCHOLOGIST!   ( :
Sure makes a person THINK.  Hummmmm  YOU’RE GOOD!

Many Medicine NAs have quit…..(“Put down their Feathers”)……because they couldn’t SURVIVE on those who receive their services but give nothing in exchange.
The 13th Original Inner Heyoka did… a sense.  Turned “Judas”…..gave up to THE Way for A Way…and started TRADITION.   Leaving only 12 from then-on-in.  I being one of these long gone original 12….and WE are dying.  None other WILL take our place as WE go.  We are the LAST OF THIS SOCIETY.
Thus we frantically “cast our net”.  “Catching” as many “fish” as we can, before it’s our “turn”.
I find that URGENCY so Strongly, I find myself TOSSING LIT STICKS OF DYNAMITE to “get” then NET TOSSING.

I don’t like what (how) I’m going about this.
The TIME is SO SHORT!  FAR shorter then people realize.

It has turned me into a MONSTER, in MY eyes.  I DON’T LIKE IT!

YEARS (even more than the soon-to-be 11) BEFORE the first Coast-to-Coast program. MANY MANY YEARS, “sweetly sharing”….to about 0 results.  So….DYNAMITE!

WHO am I to “stir the waters” with DYNAMITE!

I KNOW I’m NOT “HIM”…but find I am “taking on” HIS “persona”.  I DONT LIKE IT!  thus I don’t care much for ME anymore.

And GUESS WHAT!?   I don’t like THAT! EITHER!

So FEW responding to the “call”….all RISING to the SHOCK, but most dazzling off…others, belly up to drift away.  FEW SURVIVE!

I’ve told of the proper way to approach a NA Med. Person (and did so at THEIR request).  “ALWAYS COME WITH TOBACCO.”
It is only LOGICAL to PAY FOR SERVICES.  WAS that way….long ago.  Even the NA have forgotten this.
I’ve helped a few (3+hundred I suppose).  Pay?  Well, got a HOT DOG to return one’s sight from total blindness. $1200.00 to “come”…on a trip that cost ME over $3000.00 MORE (our FULL Income Tax return). FAMILY $$ !!!

Tho it happens, it is SO RARE to receive.

It is NOT the Inner Heyoka’s WAY to SET AN AMOUNT.   THAT was started (“pay”) by the 13th.  We are STILL relying on CREATORGOD.   Yet FEW SEEM TO KNOW HIM ANYMORE!
Know OF “Him”….but it ends there mostly.

“What do you charge, re?”    ASK “DAD” and give accordingly.  Guess He tells ‘em “Give a smile and Thank You, Re Elk”….or ???????

OF WE LAST 12, I AND 2 OTHERS ARE STILL ACTIVE! The others? “SHUT DOWN”. Gone ONLY “Local”.  No longer casting their nets….letting an occasional “fish” get caught in the shallow hollow of a pool RIGHT BEFORE THEIR FEET.  So, out of we 12…only we 3 are “out there”, and one now near death. VERY near.

TWO…for the WORLD!

I can NOT set a CHARGE!  It is NOT OUR WAY!

We not only are “DINOSAURIC, but LIVING EXAMPLES of what USE TO BE.

“Walking MUSEUMS”!  Dinosaurs of a long ago past……AND a THORN in the FEET OF MAN.   And treated as such.  Aho?


Big Brother, OUR LEADER AND EXAMPLE, didn’t ether…tho He DID have BACKERS (Judas took care of the donation purse).   I tho, have little that support. Only 3 on a Consistant basis.  3 I CAN COUNT ON.   It means a LOT, tho NOT alot of money.  It’s those 3, and the occasional Senders, my SS $$$ AND M’s WORKING (for weekly pay check) AND CREATOR, that keeps this work On Going. my own SS $…and HIM…For the WORLD!

And I am burning out.  So TIRED I now cast DYNAMITE.  TO TIRED TO CAST a NET!  And, well, turning into something I DON’T like.

I no longer am a BURNING LOG.  Not even a SMOLDERING Piece of it.  Now NEARLY A DEAD PIECE OF CHARCOAL!   Still LIGHTABLE, Still a FIRE HAZARD….but, basically, BURNED OUT. I’ve LOST MY FIRE!

Warm…but “handleable”…by BARE HANDS!

All I need is a STRONG BREATH to RE-KINDLE. Once again able to PROPERLY START FIRES!

‘Til that comes, I lay rather dormant.

Turned HEADY in my death throws.  Helping no one by THAT Example!  Aho?

I DON’T LIKE IT!  Give me KINDLING …. and BLOW!!!   Let me LIGHT GREAT FIRES, the CORRECT WAY!  The way a Burning LOG is MEANT too.

I  would rather turn to Charcoal DUST then PLAY GOD!  It is NOT WHAT I AM, NOR WHAT I LIKE!   Aho?   re


I’ve told this before.  But STILL Getting Requests…UN-respectable  Requests.  IE:  “re, what do I do about this? That?”    “re, I’m SPIRITUAL, PLEASE TEACH ME”…..”Where IS this / that?”      “re, what does THIS dream mean?”    Etc.  Etc.




ALMOST none (who DO send a return envelope) HAVE NO STAMP ON IT.

To those who “are SPIRITUAL”…..”Give” / “teach” / Etc. :   IF YOUR SO DA– “SPIRITUAL,”  then GO TO “HIM” AND GET YOUR ANSWERS!           DORK!!! re


My daughter asked me to take her debit card and get a few things for her.
I am unfamiliar with these cards.
Taking the items to the checkout stand, I inserted.  Evidently not the correct way.
Tried again…Ditto

The line behind me growing…as too was my frustration.

The checkout clerk (a nice looking gal in her late 30s (I’d guess))…saw what I was doing wrong.

She said  “Strip DOWN, Facing Me.”

oh oh!

I looked into her (nice!) eyes and said :

“You first.”

( :    re

The Old man was at a conference.  One filled with men and women of Science and High Government and High Business people.

Speaker after Speaker taking turns.  Lauding their Accomplishments.  Telling how, if it wasn’t for THEM, we wouldn’t have what we have today.  Planes / Moon Travel / Space exploration / Cars / Roads / TV / PCs…. and on and on and on.  All patting their own back and the backs of the others. All with the “LOOK what WE have Done!!!  What accomplishments we of Science and Companies and Government help and backing…have done For THE WHOLE WORLD!”

Towards the end, the old one requested to speak.  “YES, by ALL MEANS!”

He went to the podium, filled with mikes.

“I see what you have done. (He said)….INDEED…LOOK WHAT MANKIND HAS DONE!  Now we can travel in HOURS across our Earth….in what may have taken Days…or even Weeks!

Thanks to you of Science, the “world” is at our fingertips!  We can, THANKS TO YOU, now simply pick up a phone or go to our Personal Computer!



This brought a roll of applause.


(Again, applause and big smiles).

The old one continued:   “With this technology, We now have POLLUTION / DYING FORESTS / DEAD and Dying Seas /  Less Food grown / MASSES DYING from Starvation and Weather Exposure and lack of Clean Air and on and on.

YOU have done WELL!

Each “doing” needing our Earths natural Resources to MAKE these ‘WONDERFUL’ things.

At the rate ‘Technology’ is going…40 TREES in a “togetherness Group” will be called a “Forest”.  In time, even THOSE fenced off and be called a MUSEUM !  LIVING PROOF of what earth USED to have…OVER ITS WHOLE Width and Breadth!

YES!  LOOK what “we” (motioning to the auditorium filled with “Praise Givers”) have DONE!

I tell you true we are HERE, not because what you have done that makes us so “GOOD”…but because of  what you have done to Make us     So          BAD!”



I am so MUCH wanting to move up to our (shared) other land.

Will TRY to get up there the end of this month to work more on the dome there.  LOUSY time to go….but NEED TO.  Aho?

If I had a SPARE $4,000.00 I would by a particular 4-season tent and “start” there.

I    would, but would my WIFE (‘M’ – WS)?  Or even would C (daughter) “release” Sky to me / or “change” so HE could move too?  VERY doubtful!

I want him OUT of the School System.  GED via Home Schooling (as we did with C)…or, frankly,  JUST PLAIN STOP ANY SCHOOLING.  That’s what I’D like, anyway. (I feel school is useless AFTER learning the BASICS).  WILDCRAFTING needed to be learned NOW.  Public School = JOB(s)….but SOON even THOSE will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE….ADULTS will be LUCKY to have a Job…let alone “newbies” entering into a “WORK” job.

M puts too Much into HEALTH Insurance.  NOT “GOD TRUST Insurance”.

Anyway, keeps her tied down to the “system” due to this way of thinking.  In that, it means $$$$$ to STAY right here to “Have Insurance.”   sigh

Daughter would NOT move….don’t WANT HER there UNTIL SHE “GROWS” anyway….tho that means Sky will be MADE to stay here.  sigh

Wife wouldn’t move considering C and Sky as well (I suppose).


I’m in a dilemma…and DON’T LIKE IT!

M is a HOARDER.  SAVES ALMOST EVERYTHING.  WANTS it ALL UP THERE WITH US!  NO concept of REAL “stripped down” living.

I, on the other hand, “hoard” what I NEED to continue my “work.”  HAVE ALOT…mostly tho : just “THINGS.”

Shoot, don’t even want a COMPUTER….OR even a PHONE!   Can (and WILL) simply GIVE AWAY….Sell or Toss Out OR WALK AWAY.  (Been that way for a Long Time).

I’ve done so…simply WALKED AWAY.  So KNOW I can (and WILL) do so once again.

Went from a HOUSE to a TiPi…Went from a CONDEMNED House in the woods to a CAR.  CAN AGAIN.  But CAN’T with family obligations here.  DANG!

MANY will (and some are NOW)  (be) facing the same “change”.

NOT EASY, is it Folks!?

I TRUST THE CREATOR….Wife SAYS she does.  Doesn’t SHOW it tho.   TOO “Clingy.”      sigh

May HAVE to “break away”….to get the other place Ready.  In time, ALL “mine” WILL at least have a “place” to go to.  EVEN IF A TENT.

Wish I had MUCH MORE LAND up there…to HELP Others “park” for a bit.  Don’t, so…..

As it is, we are spending a “fortune” JUST TO STAY RIGHT HERE! (And BARELY ABLE TO PAY OUR BILLS, TO do so).

“Slaves” to the “system”.

Well, my “woes” are MINE.  Others have NO land to go to.  NO place to “park”.  At least in that, I’m “lucky.”

I’ve been telling…for OVER 10 FULL YEARS to “prepare”.  NOW getting PANIC Emails.


Now you are STUCK in your “worries”.  I’ve done what I could AND YOU DID AS YOU PLEASED.  Now, “Pay the Piper!”

Sound harsh?  Well, I TRIED.  SHOULDA PAID ATTENTION!  Aho?

In MY future, I CAN get by on my SS $$.  And If THAT peters out, I CAN LIVE “on the LAND”.  When THAT gives out, I can DIE


Are YOU?    re
