Posts Tagged ‘Mastery’

YEARS of learning, told on a One-On-One to one who came to learn. Not ALL the learnings but like “YOU” were doing the visiting.

This gal donated.  I don’t think many listening will ever do so.  Basically “SPONGE Takers”.  Would be NICE to contribute …. but, well, that’s not expected.

Between the listener and “Him”.  Aho?

Guess “Dad” said “its TIME…GET THIS OUT TO THE PEOPLE!”.  Aho?    re

UNEDITED!  What You Hear is what was happening (dogs and all) as taped.

Parts 2 – 8 can be found here.

Seeing Angels

A brother asked:

How were you assured the angel were working? It this some thing you sensed or were you given a sign?

Just wondering. 🙂

No…neither…..I can SEE THEM!

Yes, “in Spirit” BUT not one I MAKE / MADE up!  SHOWN.

I don’t know if you can fully comprehend….yet….what WALKING  W  I  T  H  God  DOES…let alone what this walk is like.

You are too NEW at this.

In time, Bro.  In time.

GB   re

Been doing a number of COMMENTS on Ghost32’s Hub   BUILD A SURVIVAL CABIN ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET (The link is under Information Links to the right. – WS).
You may find this hub VERY interesting.
FILLED with ADVICE that YOU may need.  Ghost’s AND mine.   re

After school yesterday, and again after TAKING Sky TO School….he / I have been getting river rocks / etc.  Will do more then I already have, today.

His fireplace and some flooring filled now.  These “new” ones will be going on the bathroom wall.  Get THAT part done.

My 2 “talks” have both been canceled, so time to get alot done out there. Maybe even tarp the top.  THEN can do the 5 windows and call his dome pretty much done.

Kinda fun “getting” as I simply drive about.  No gas wasted…going from A to Z anyway.

This “thinking outside the box” sure a Gift!

We ALL will be needing this CHANGE OF THINKING Very SOON!  MIGHT EVEN BY NEXT MONTH (for alot of things).  (I sorta am expecting a BAD USA $$ Economy SUPER CRASH!)  ???

“Domes” be “damned”….more IMPORTANT things you need to “Out Side The Box” on….like ALL THE FOOD YOU WASTE!  Potato PEELS…washed before peeling and “eyes” cut out, make GREAT “Potato Chips.”

Asparagus HARD ENDS snapped off and tossed away are GREAT boiled and made into Asparagus SOUP.

These are but TWO of your WASTES!  THINK ABOUT THIS, Folks!

Even green Toss Offs make GREAT “Fodder” to raise IN-HOME Worms!  And THOSE, ground into hamburger…well, only YOU would “know”, if you keep your mouth shut.

(Don’t think you could do this?  Well, when the wallet is empty and you’ve others to feed…you WILL change your mind).   “Do things” like this or start looking at your PETS, as Edible.

It WILL Come to this!

“Ugh”, right?  YES…UGH!!!  But YOU will have something in your stomach, when others become sunken skin! ALL AROUND YOU!

If You’ve followed my advise, you have started studying Ancient Ways.  Building to Eating.  Wild Plants to ……etc…

If you HAVEN’T spent some time checking these things out….START RIGHT NOW.  And I mean NOW!

If I’m WRONG?  KNOWLEGE is ALWAYS WORTHY.  So WHAT if I’m mistaken!…YOU’LL BE SMARTER, at least!

YOU will not be like most of All on your block…who know ONLY “go to work…Buy at the store(s),  and  LIVE!”

This is all up to you, friends.

Yes, Right or Wrong…YOU’LL BE SMARTER.        re


This brother wrote about his time with Red Elk last week, learning, doing, and sleeping in the domes.

The Day Before



Readers, we (world) are sure in a mess (said THIS before).  Prices rising right and left….harder and harder to just “get through ‘life’).  A TRUE ‘Adventure’ of learning…or IF learned…to “hang in there” in LOVE and FAITH.


What we are now in…is JUST a PINPRICK of what lays ahead!

Better PRAISE HIM (in it)  NOW..or/and LEARN TO!  We are gonna NEED IT!!!!   (Note all the ESCALATION  MARKS!  I MEAN IT!…Aho?)

Again, THIS is JUST an “Apprenticeship  Time” teaching…preparing us for the REAL “hell” we are ABOUT TO get into!

“Boot Camp.”  Aho?

“666” will be showing up Not FAR AWAY.

“Take” THIS “time” as a “PIECE O’ CAKE”…’cause it IS!


We have NO REASON to FEAR…we DO have REASON to PREPARE tho…by the looks of it.   Aho?


Or, wilt on the vine.

Your path.

Good Luck.  GB    re


Readers….there is SO MUCH “activity” that goes on ALL AROUND US you are unaware of.  So much, it’s MORE then what our every day life IS!

You see ONLY through a sort of TUNNEL VISION “way”.

“Dad” is FAR busier then WE (yes, Me included) are aware of.

We see only in a “Flat Vision” way…..NOT tho in a 3 to 5 (+) DIMENSIONAL way THAT EXISTS    ALL   Around.  WAYS YOU CAN ACTUALLY VISIT!

Dimensions ,  Parallel “Times”.  “Lil’ People”, Inner Lands, etc..  All HERE and ALL “Reachable” when In Tune / “Line”, with our Creator.

‘Shoot’, NO Need to spend $$ on “going to the movies”!   YOU CAN GO INTO PLACES NO CAMERA HAS EVER BEEN!  And BE there…(Not SEE ‘there’)!

If I…or ANY Medicine Person, told ALL they’ve experienced…..well, frankly, you’d think we ARE All “nuts”!

We are an AMAZING people. ALL Soul Bearers are.

You’ve Traded these abilities off, for technology.  Slowly going from “HE IS GOD” to  “WE ARE GOD”.

What a shame.



A Seeker emailed:

Hello Heather (is that really him Cc’d on this message?),

I’ve been following Red Elk’s teachings since 2007, after I had ordered his material from the old website.  He gave me new incite (and answers) into a lot of things I had pondered and questioned for most of my life.

I don’t want to bore you; but back in 1998 (when I was about 19yrs old), I was struggling with what I had been taught via traditional Christianity.  I virtually grew up in the church and always wanted to be a good boy because “that’s what God wanted”.  I always tried my best and talked to him the best ways I knew how at those times.  I grew-up very quiet but very observant.  I always wanted to know how things worked.  So in observing people, overtime I realized that the majority (in my country at least), claimed the “National Religion” but did not truly believe in it. It was just something to put on applications they were filing-out, or a group to join for the “Sunday social event”.  I still believed at the time that there was something greater, but I was not sure if it was my “Christian God” anymore or if I was reading a broken translations or edited version of what used to be the truth.  It got to a point where my questions were getting way past the basics; and the answers I was getting (if any at all) just didn’t feel right.  But getting back to 1998.  One night I got pulled into another argument with my oldest sister (9 years my senior) over something really silly.  I was trying so hard at the time to be good in ignoring her along with a few other things had been wearing away at me.  All I could think of at the time was, “Why I am I even trying…why am I going through this…I’m trying so hard and I’m just getting stepped-on by life”.  So I went outside in the driveway to clear my head.  As much as I wanted to say there wasn’t a God and that it was a waste of time, I could not.  Like I said, I knew there was something greater based on past experiences, but didn’t know who I should be talking to…a God, gods, aliens, etc.  I didn’t know what I should be believing anymore.  So I looked at the sky and said “who ever you are, whatever you are, just let me know the truth.”

It wasn’t long after this night (I think literally a day or two later), I started to get bombarded with information.  Things were happening and coming at me from left and right.  So what happened for many years since, is that I’ve studied other beliefs, as well as some sciences that put many different pieces of the puzzle together for me.  I gradually found that there was soooo much more to what was happening around me than I thought.  And the more I learned the more questions I had.

This is where my big brother Red Elk came in!

The year 2006, was the toughest year I’ve had since I’d been on this earth.  I didn’t curse God or anything…I just waited and kept asking, “how much longer” or “help me to learn what I need to from this a quick as possible”.  Then I started to think that “God does nothing wrong…so what am I doing wrong to be getting all of this?”  So I got depressed at one point trying to figure this out…but it didn’t last too long.

I kept studying different things, but some of them had me at bay.  I don’t know if it was because of the remaining bits of my traditional teachings still hanging on…but I was afraid of being lied to and tricked by Lucifer into something that wasn’t of God.  But at the same time I knew that man was capable of so much more.  I really believed what Christ said in the Bible, but just didn’t know how he did these things that are recorded in it.  I didn’t want to learn the things that Christ did just because…I wanted to learn almost as an assurance that I was doing something right, or…that I was really on the right path to finding undeniable truth and connecting to the God of all gods in a real REAL way.  (I know now that both good and bad people have these same abilities).

I can’t remember how I first heard of Red Elk…it may have been a re-run of coast 2 coast back in 2007…(I’ve been searching for his material and interviews since then so everything’s a blur now!)  :)  But ever since he sent me my package and I first started to learn from him, I’ve approached my search for truth with a new perspective that wasn’t conflicting with my conscience.  I still have difficult decisions to make at times with new teachings I’ve come across…but back then, let’s just say I was at the edge of another level of truth, and big brother Red Elk gave me the BIG push I needed! 🙂

For me, it seems as if a type of fear is placed in areas of uncertainty, until a certainty can fill it.  My fear is not the traditional FEAR…but one of doing the wrong thing and REALLY displeasing The Creator, or allowing myself to be open to something that I should have no dealings with.  My dilemma sometimes is that I know that I’m still learning…so what I’m not so sure of at the moment, may be the exact step I need to take in order to grow more.  I dunno!

I could go on about the amount of info I got and how much it help me (I had so many questions answers).  I studied to the MO Teachings for months!  Even the books that were recommended on the site at the time, I had purchased and still have a few more to read.  My quest for truth has gone to a whole new level because of his obedience to Prime Creator.

I say all of this to say…I’ve been following Red Elk as much as I could for the past few years.  We have a saying here in The Bahamas, “my spirit took to him”, meaning there was a comfort, familiarity or resonance (or “good gut” feeling) with Red Elk.  The words, “don’t believe a word I say, but test” made me even more excited.  I heard him in some of his up and down times (e.g. interviews with Mary Sutherland).  Most of the time I would hear old shows, so I wouldn’t know what his current condition would be or which state he lived-in, but I’d wish I could help him in some way for what he’s helped me with…so the only thing I could do at those times (and others) is send a love and thank you prayer his way.  I still have his package to this day (envelope and all).  I know he had tons of mail to go through and when I see the effort he made to hand-write and mail my package to me…I can’t help but hold it in such high regard!  He didn’t have to send me anything…but he did.  It means more to me than he probably realized; or maybe he did…I don’t know! 🙂

So to answer your question directly Heather, I came across some information and didn’t know how to process it…so something well…Creator told me to do some searches for Red Elk again to see if anything else is out there.  I came across a youtube video, which led me to a talk radio show website, in which I searched Red Elk and found some new shows which you guys had done just a few weeks ago.  I was so excited that he was fine and still doing interviews!  When you guys mentioned I went straight there to check it out.  After seeing the donation option on the right side I got to clickin! 🙂

I guess I wrote this “novel” because, if this is the only time I get an opportunity to let him know how his path has helped me to get to a higher level on mine, and how much I appreciate him and thank Creator for him, I wanted to take advantage of it!  I know Red Elk is human like the rest of us and therefore has tests in life.  If possible I want him to be encouraged in that there are different types of teachers placed here for different students.  You go through you experiences to be you in your own way.  Red Elk, if you weren’t exactly the way you are, I probably would not have connected with you in the way I did.  And who knows where I would be spiritually!  Creator would have found a way, but the point is you allowed him to use you and he used you well.  Fifty-Dollars is the very least I can do.  I wish I could send tobacco through Paypal too. 🙂

Heather, I know he is in very high demand and has a ton of people asking for his assistance…so Red Elk if you read this, you do not have to reply if you do not want to.  I just want you to know that I love you big bro and I thank you for all you do!  May Prime Creator continually bless you for your obedience in all you do, seen and unseen, known and unknown.  Whenever I have, I will give.
Creator Bless you both!

Red Elk responded:

‘Lil Brother….Its 1:31 AM….Heather / Tenzing and 4 others are now bedded down in the 3 mini domes for the night.  Will be here till Thursday morning.  I’m on this PC to get the OTHER side of this Mother Earth’s awake people (their Day) Emails caught up.  Yours in this as well.  Gotta “crash” real soon…and get up at 3:00 AM 4 my Talk Time with “Pops” (God, to you).  I’ll try to get some ZZZZs later today…IF I can.

This is the way my life is.  Aho?


Tho $$ are always needed (THANK YOU)…MORE so is HONEST PRAYER!  Thank You For THAT! PTL!

So “kid”, don’t “fret” the Small Stuff.  ALL is MEANT to be.  Even your past.

It’s what got you to where you are Now!  PRAISE “HIM” FOR EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT!  Aho?

OK, 18 others to answer.  Again,…THANK YOU…and KEEP LOOKING UP!   re


A Lesson In How “L” Works

The brother I’ve had to “stop” Emailed again.  I read it.

He’s accusing me of thinking ONLY on MONEY.  Quoted “MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.”

LOOK AT THIS “QUOTE” Friends!  It is the WAY “L” WORKS!  Again, for you who read the Bible…look WELL at THIS QUOTE!

IS it BIBLICAL?  Is it an ACCURATE Quote?

Think on this before reading on.

NO, it is NOT!

WHY would I SAY THIS!??

BECAUSE he (“L”) LEFT OUT THE FULL QUOTE….by ONE WORD :  the LOVE of money is the root of all evil!   NOW do you see the difference?

I have NO LOVE for money.  DO have the NEED of it tho!

A HUGE Difference!

Otherwise : FREE…via WELFARE!

That’s just ANOTHER “way” of GETTING MONEY.

Often by those TOO LAZY to go out and WORK for it.

I know, not ALL do so in that way…so said “MOST”.  Aho?

Ok, you’re getting an idea of how DEVIOUS “L” IS.

I’d suggest you LEARN GOD’S WORD, WELL….or feel “UnGodly”.

I know I don’t feel that way.  I KNOW “L”S TRICKERY!  SO Did JESUS when “L” Tempted Him…by using SCRIPTURES!  And OUR Lord USED SCRIPTURES to DEFEAT HIM!

Better check on what you are being TOLD…or end up as THIS guy has gone.  Consider it, anyway.



A brother sent this email:

Hi Red Elk

I don’t understand how or why Divine Intervention is possible.  I know its happens your proof of that but I just don’t get it.  The Creator allows all things to happen.  All the choices we make happen somewhere and those choices create parallel universes or time lines.   I think you have talked about meeting one of your doubles in a other time line that was not a medicine man at a gas station. So If all these infinite time lines and parallel universes are in the mind of God and God allows all things to happen somewhere there would be no need for intervention because all occurs somewhere.  I just don’t get it.  You are called the bridge please help me understand.

When HE made ANY Parallel  time,  He  made a “Stage” to go with each.  You call this : EARTH and STARS and NATURE / etc.  ALL “Parallel” Times have these.

Now, IF WE / YOU want to CHANGE the SCENE(ery) on the STAGE we are in / on…KNOW THIS:  HE has given us a STARTING Place…the “Settings,” on this (His) stage.  He ALSO gave YOU / US the RIGHT AND THE ABILITY to CHANGE ANYTHING ON / IN IT!

WE are the WRITER.  WE are the one who brings in the BIT ACTORS.  WE are the ones who CAN CHANGE the GENERAL Script to ANY WAY WE CHOOSE!


ALL you see HERE is JUST A GENERAL “PLAY” script.  Don’t like the way its going?  YOU CAN CHANGE IT!

Most are unaware of this…OR their abilities.

I have PERSONALLY met a Mayan Medicine Man who DIED in his OTHER “Script”…yet was HERE, Alive, in THIS one.  He KNEW his plane had crashed.  KNEW he was killed.  And “HERE I AM, re.  WHAT HAPPENED!???”

Reminded him of HIS Medicine Student Days learning….About PARALLEL TIMES.

“You had SWITCHED, Brother…at the VERY LAST SECOND!


He then recalled.  “NOW I understand!  Yes, I DID!  THANKS re!”

What he did, so TOO can YOU…or, in “like mind”…US!

A Mass EXODUS from HERE to a BETTER one.


IS there a NEW Parallel Time that you / I / WE can go too?  IF YOU UNDERSTAND…if NOT, it Will be INSTANTLY MADE!  A BRAND NEW “Parallel” TIME!  Made by WANTING and CHANGING to OUR WILL!  “HE” has THAT ABILITY.  To INSTANTLY Switch you / us TO OUR WILL…and again: INSTANTLY!  (FASTER THEN YOU can BLINK!).

As “far fetched” as this seems, I’ve PROVEN to a number of others EACH HAS CONTROL OF THE “DIRECTION” OF OUR / THEIR LIFE!

I tell you true:  you GET what you EXPECT!

HEAR ME on this last line.

You / We are GETTING what we EXPECT.  Our WILL!

Don’t like it?  CHANGE IT!

Hope this helps.  re
