Posts Tagged ‘leaders’

A Seeker emailed:

Hello Heather (is that really him Cc’d on this message?),

I’ve been following Red Elk’s teachings since 2007, after I had ordered his material from the old website.  He gave me new incite (and answers) into a lot of things I had pondered and questioned for most of my life.

I don’t want to bore you; but back in 1998 (when I was about 19yrs old), I was struggling with what I had been taught via traditional Christianity.  I virtually grew up in the church and always wanted to be a good boy because “that’s what God wanted”.  I always tried my best and talked to him the best ways I knew how at those times.  I grew-up very quiet but very observant.  I always wanted to know how things worked.  So in observing people, overtime I realized that the majority (in my country at least), claimed the “National Religion” but did not truly believe in it. It was just something to put on applications they were filing-out, or a group to join for the “Sunday social event”.  I still believed at the time that there was something greater, but I was not sure if it was my “Christian God” anymore or if I was reading a broken translations or edited version of what used to be the truth.  It got to a point where my questions were getting way past the basics; and the answers I was getting (if any at all) just didn’t feel right.  But getting back to 1998.  One night I got pulled into another argument with my oldest sister (9 years my senior) over something really silly.  I was trying so hard at the time to be good in ignoring her along with a few other things had been wearing away at me.  All I could think of at the time was, “Why I am I even trying…why am I going through this…I’m trying so hard and I’m just getting stepped-on by life”.  So I went outside in the driveway to clear my head.  As much as I wanted to say there wasn’t a God and that it was a waste of time, I could not.  Like I said, I knew there was something greater based on past experiences, but didn’t know who I should be talking to…a God, gods, aliens, etc.  I didn’t know what I should be believing anymore.  So I looked at the sky and said “who ever you are, whatever you are, just let me know the truth.”

It wasn’t long after this night (I think literally a day or two later), I started to get bombarded with information.  Things were happening and coming at me from left and right.  So what happened for many years since, is that I’ve studied other beliefs, as well as some sciences that put many different pieces of the puzzle together for me.  I gradually found that there was soooo much more to what was happening around me than I thought.  And the more I learned the more questions I had.

This is where my big brother Red Elk came in!

The year 2006, was the toughest year I’ve had since I’d been on this earth.  I didn’t curse God or anything…I just waited and kept asking, “how much longer” or “help me to learn what I need to from this a quick as possible”.  Then I started to think that “God does nothing wrong…so what am I doing wrong to be getting all of this?”  So I got depressed at one point trying to figure this out…but it didn’t last too long.

I kept studying different things, but some of them had me at bay.  I don’t know if it was because of the remaining bits of my traditional teachings still hanging on…but I was afraid of being lied to and tricked by Lucifer into something that wasn’t of God.  But at the same time I knew that man was capable of so much more.  I really believed what Christ said in the Bible, but just didn’t know how he did these things that are recorded in it.  I didn’t want to learn the things that Christ did just because…I wanted to learn almost as an assurance that I was doing something right, or…that I was really on the right path to finding undeniable truth and connecting to the God of all gods in a real REAL way.  (I know now that both good and bad people have these same abilities).

I can’t remember how I first heard of Red Elk…it may have been a re-run of coast 2 coast back in 2007…(I’ve been searching for his material and interviews since then so everything’s a blur now!)  :)  But ever since he sent me my package and I first started to learn from him, I’ve approached my search for truth with a new perspective that wasn’t conflicting with my conscience.  I still have difficult decisions to make at times with new teachings I’ve come across…but back then, let’s just say I was at the edge of another level of truth, and big brother Red Elk gave me the BIG push I needed! 🙂

For me, it seems as if a type of fear is placed in areas of uncertainty, until a certainty can fill it.  My fear is not the traditional FEAR…but one of doing the wrong thing and REALLY displeasing The Creator, or allowing myself to be open to something that I should have no dealings with.  My dilemma sometimes is that I know that I’m still learning…so what I’m not so sure of at the moment, may be the exact step I need to take in order to grow more.  I dunno!

I could go on about the amount of info I got and how much it help me (I had so many questions answers).  I studied to the MO Teachings for months!  Even the books that were recommended on the site at the time, I had purchased and still have a few more to read.  My quest for truth has gone to a whole new level because of his obedience to Prime Creator.

I say all of this to say…I’ve been following Red Elk as much as I could for the past few years.  We have a saying here in The Bahamas, “my spirit took to him”, meaning there was a comfort, familiarity or resonance (or “good gut” feeling) with Red Elk.  The words, “don’t believe a word I say, but test” made me even more excited.  I heard him in some of his up and down times (e.g. interviews with Mary Sutherland).  Most of the time I would hear old shows, so I wouldn’t know what his current condition would be or which state he lived-in, but I’d wish I could help him in some way for what he’s helped me with…so the only thing I could do at those times (and others) is send a love and thank you prayer his way.  I still have his package to this day (envelope and all).  I know he had tons of mail to go through and when I see the effort he made to hand-write and mail my package to me…I can’t help but hold it in such high regard!  He didn’t have to send me anything…but he did.  It means more to me than he probably realized; or maybe he did…I don’t know! 🙂

So to answer your question directly Heather, I came across some information and didn’t know how to process it…so something well…Creator told me to do some searches for Red Elk again to see if anything else is out there.  I came across a youtube video, which led me to a talk radio show website, in which I searched Red Elk and found some new shows which you guys had done just a few weeks ago.  I was so excited that he was fine and still doing interviews!  When you guys mentioned I went straight there to check it out.  After seeing the donation option on the right side I got to clickin! 🙂

I guess I wrote this “novel” because, if this is the only time I get an opportunity to let him know how his path has helped me to get to a higher level on mine, and how much I appreciate him and thank Creator for him, I wanted to take advantage of it!  I know Red Elk is human like the rest of us and therefore has tests in life.  If possible I want him to be encouraged in that there are different types of teachers placed here for different students.  You go through you experiences to be you in your own way.  Red Elk, if you weren’t exactly the way you are, I probably would not have connected with you in the way I did.  And who knows where I would be spiritually!  Creator would have found a way, but the point is you allowed him to use you and he used you well.  Fifty-Dollars is the very least I can do.  I wish I could send tobacco through Paypal too. 🙂

Heather, I know he is in very high demand and has a ton of people asking for his assistance…so Red Elk if you read this, you do not have to reply if you do not want to.  I just want you to know that I love you big bro and I thank you for all you do!  May Prime Creator continually bless you for your obedience in all you do, seen and unseen, known and unknown.  Whenever I have, I will give.
Creator Bless you both!

Red Elk responded:

‘Lil Brother….Its 1:31 AM….Heather / Tenzing and 4 others are now bedded down in the 3 mini domes for the night.  Will be here till Thursday morning.  I’m on this PC to get the OTHER side of this Mother Earth’s awake people (their Day) Emails caught up.  Yours in this as well.  Gotta “crash” real soon…and get up at 3:00 AM 4 my Talk Time with “Pops” (God, to you).  I’ll try to get some ZZZZs later today…IF I can.

This is the way my life is.  Aho?


Tho $$ are always needed (THANK YOU)…MORE so is HONEST PRAYER!  Thank You For THAT! PTL!

So “kid”, don’t “fret” the Small Stuff.  ALL is MEANT to be.  Even your past.

It’s what got you to where you are Now!  PRAISE “HIM” FOR EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT!  Aho?

OK, 18 others to answer.  Again,…THANK YOU…and KEEP LOOKING UP!   re


I’d like to share with you the JOY one can derive from doing for others.  As you scroll down and get into the SKYDOME pictures, KNOW the PLEASURE I’M FEELING doing this (and the other 2).  Built to SHOW.  Built to be SEEN.  Built to (hopefully) INSPIRE….and ALL built VERY CHEAPLY.

ALL because our Creator has set me on the path to HELP OTHERS.

These 3 (more yet to be added…I THINK) are “The Village Of YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW”.  Sky(s)Dome is made on the lines of a European “Gypsy BENDER”.  VERY BIG.  Seats 7…+ !  Sleeps 3 if needed.  One Piece…including Bathroom and “Attic”.  Very little here that I had to buy (thank you donators – I set aside a small amount of each donation to help pay for things needed on these).  Almost ALL of WILLOWS (on all 3).  FREE “Weed Trees” from local farmers wanting more pasture room.  The Giant HAY TARPS are seconds and throwaways.  ALL, FREE.  Various things…FREE things…”blow offs” found on roadsides, Etc..  I bought little.

My “Hobbit Hut / Gnome Home” (my first), built by digging into a FREE county dump truck of Ditch clean-out.  THAT LOAD MADE A PLACE FOR 4! (2 adults, a baby and one small child). Built on an OJIBWA design.

#2…Adam’s Dome is of an APACHE Wickiup design.  Sleeps 3 (in emergency).

I get GREAT PLEASURE at seeing my IMAGINATION turn to INVISIONING and from THAT, into REALITY.  ALL because I’ve learned to FOLLOW Big Brother, Jesus, the Christ.

Now these tiny structures can be duplicated because they ARE…not something one just READS ABOUT.  VISUAL FACTS.

These are made to show what our ANCESTORS used….Long Ago…and what will be used, AGAIN, in our not to distant future.  Made from what can be SCROUNGED.

A teaching lesson for all.

Yes, it IS Good…to be a part of HIM.  Aho?    re


I ‘deal’ with a LOT of people.  A large number who call themselves Christians.  Doesn’t seem to matter WHAT “Way” each holds…they ALL have a tendency to COMPLAIN ABOUT THEIR GOVERNMENT!

I ‘speak’ to the CHRISTIAN “community” here:



I see no LOVE here.  I see no OBEDIENCE here.  I SEE NO TRUE CHRISTIANS here.


Put UP! And SHUT up!    re

The student sat across the Picnic table from me.  A “Hungry One”…and (PTL) one who TESTS.

During her days with me she kept returning to this same phrase:  “I WISH I COULD LEARN THE SACRED SILENCE.”

MANY times.


Finally, here she was, doing so once again.


I looked at her and said : ” SHUT UP!”

(Are YOU like this?  Well, then:  SHUT UP!)   ( :    re


Gonna get myself in trouble here. Speaking out on excessive GOVERNMENT “Rules and Regulations”.

Due to the heavy population of our Earth Mother….our Governments NEED to make “rules”.  “LAWS”.

Sewage is one that has its good points….to a POINT.  The Chinese USE it.  We try to RID ourselves of it.

With today’s CHEMICALS in just about everything….maybe “our way” safest / best.


Go “green!”       Now Chemical food growing versus NATURAL Growth.     We’d be FAR BETTER OFF     withOUT the chemicals          Our Governments are FORCING US TO DO.      In the last few years         Making RULES to control this “way”.  In return, we are given Seeds that WILL NOT SEED-OUT after planting.  FORCING us to BUY  BUY  BUY  EVERY YEAR.  Buy and KEEP “THEIR” coffers filled!

IE: Make RULES that FEED OUR (Controllers) $$ rolling in”.  Aho?

See what I mean?

This is but ONE of the MANY “rulers” doings.

Odd that  THESE HIGH RULERS have made a LAW…that THEY are EXEMPT from SUEING!

THEIR “LAWS” do NOT affect “THEM”.


The Hebrew race screwed up BIG TIME when they INSISTED they wanted a MAN “Ruler”…INSTEAD OF GOD!   Been paying the “price” ever since.


Like I told…the HEBREWS were raised to EXAMPLE to the World GOVERMENTS World Wide.  (Christ as the EXAMPLE to the INDIVIDUAL person).

Now, are you SURE you DONT WANT ARMAGEDDON?   Start OVER.  Scrambling to SURVIVE …… and “Doing” WithOUT Man RULENESS?

You can BET our various Governments are HIDING their military…IN GROUND…to “come forth” to MAINTAIN “SANITY” (WILL be needed, too) and AT THE SAME TIME : CONTROL!

Is it no wonder Scripture says   Christ will rule WITH A ROD OF IRON”!?  Gonna HAVE TO, to STOP the “Controllers” from RE-INSTATING  T  H  E I  R   CONTROL!

You see, readers, GOD WILL BATTLE THE “Man Kings” AFTER Armageddon.  WRESTLING BACK the GODLY “KINGHOOD” that MAN has had since the Hebrews INSISTED THEY WANTED.

The MAN “Kings” WILL come out of their HOLES, WITH their military ELITE GUARDS to BATTLE FOR THEIR L  o  n  g   held “Kingness”.

Mankind’s Re-Population time WILL TAKE TIME!  Time AFTER Armageddon.  BUT, when COMPLETED…..The WHOLE EARTH will be, TO THE “OTHER” RACES, the EXAMPLE to ALL of THESE “Others”…JUST AS THE JEWS WERE to This ONE PLANET!


In time, ALL Worlds UNDER GOD!

You / I / ALL HERE NOW are part of His BIG PLAN.  THE plan  to CLEAN   ALL    CREATION !                           re


The “body of Christ.”  Ever give that DEEP thought?

It’s taught (correctly) that this means “The Believers.”  But give it DEEEEP thought.

What is a BODY?

Well, arms / legs / eyes / blood / intestines / bones…and on and on. Right?

Ok, if WE Believers are A Body….then it ALSO means THE SAME AS THE ABOVE.  Aho?

Once a Mayan Godly Medicine Man and I were teaching together.  He had his PART “down pat”.  He considered himself “The Brain”.  Not heady about it…I THOUGHT.

Then as we were driving down to Navaho Land, he made a statement that shocked me:


Oh Oh !

Well, I too am a “part”…..and KNOW MY PART, as well.

“Tascara,  I AM THE LARGE INTESTINE.  The COLON.   I am, literally, The ASS HOLE!  (Don’t be shocked, readers…it was worded to TAKE EFFECT).


You’d be SO FULL OF —- YOU Couldn’t FUNCTION!!”


We NEED each other, Folks, to FUNCTION TOTALLY…..and in GOOD HEALTH!




What we need is a GOOD Healing….OR, ……..CUT OUT!!

Which shall it be?  THE SURGEON IS WAITING!



Down to an Ember

In response to a sister:

Well I’ll be darned…… outta be a PSYCHOLOGIST!   ( :
Sure makes a person THINK.  Hummmmm  YOU’RE GOOD!

Many Medicine NAs have quit…..(“Put down their Feathers”)……because they couldn’t SURVIVE on those who receive their services but give nothing in exchange.
The 13th Original Inner Heyoka did… a sense.  Turned “Judas”…..gave up to THE Way for A Way…and started TRADITION.   Leaving only 12 from then-on-in.  I being one of these long gone original 12….and WE are dying.  None other WILL take our place as WE go.  We are the LAST OF THIS SOCIETY.
Thus we frantically “cast our net”.  “Catching” as many “fish” as we can, before it’s our “turn”.
I find that URGENCY so Strongly, I find myself TOSSING LIT STICKS OF DYNAMITE to “get” then NET TOSSING.

I don’t like what (how) I’m going about this.
The TIME is SO SHORT!  FAR shorter then people realize.

It has turned me into a MONSTER, in MY eyes.  I DON’T LIKE IT!

YEARS (even more than the soon-to-be 11) BEFORE the first Coast-to-Coast program. MANY MANY YEARS, “sweetly sharing”….to about 0 results.  So….DYNAMITE!

WHO am I to “stir the waters” with DYNAMITE!

I KNOW I’m NOT “HIM”…but find I am “taking on” HIS “persona”.  I DONT LIKE IT!  thus I don’t care much for ME anymore.

And GUESS WHAT!?   I don’t like THAT! EITHER!

So FEW responding to the “call”….all RISING to the SHOCK, but most dazzling off…others, belly up to drift away.  FEW SURVIVE!

I’ve told of the proper way to approach a NA Med. Person (and did so at THEIR request).  “ALWAYS COME WITH TOBACCO.”
It is only LOGICAL to PAY FOR SERVICES.  WAS that way….long ago.  Even the NA have forgotten this.
I’ve helped a few (3+hundred I suppose).  Pay?  Well, got a HOT DOG to return one’s sight from total blindness. $1200.00 to “come”…on a trip that cost ME over $3000.00 MORE (our FULL Income Tax return). FAMILY $$ !!!

Tho it happens, it is SO RARE to receive.

It is NOT the Inner Heyoka’s WAY to SET AN AMOUNT.   THAT was started (“pay”) by the 13th.  We are STILL relying on CREATORGOD.   Yet FEW SEEM TO KNOW HIM ANYMORE!
Know OF “Him”….but it ends there mostly.

“What do you charge, re?”    ASK “DAD” and give accordingly.  Guess He tells ‘em “Give a smile and Thank You, Re Elk”….or ???????

OF WE LAST 12, I AND 2 OTHERS ARE STILL ACTIVE! The others? “SHUT DOWN”. Gone ONLY “Local”.  No longer casting their nets….letting an occasional “fish” get caught in the shallow hollow of a pool RIGHT BEFORE THEIR FEET.  So, out of we 12…only we 3 are “out there”, and one now near death. VERY near.

TWO…for the WORLD!

I can NOT set a CHARGE!  It is NOT OUR WAY!

We not only are “DINOSAURIC, but LIVING EXAMPLES of what USE TO BE.

“Walking MUSEUMS”!  Dinosaurs of a long ago past……AND a THORN in the FEET OF MAN.   And treated as such.  Aho?


Big Brother, OUR LEADER AND EXAMPLE, didn’t ether…tho He DID have BACKERS (Judas took care of the donation purse).   I tho, have little that support. Only 3 on a Consistant basis.  3 I CAN COUNT ON.   It means a LOT, tho NOT alot of money.  It’s those 3, and the occasional Senders, my SS $$$ AND M’s WORKING (for weekly pay check) AND CREATOR, that keeps this work On Going. my own SS $…and HIM…For the WORLD!

And I am burning out.  So TIRED I now cast DYNAMITE.  TO TIRED TO CAST a NET!  And, well, turning into something I DON’T like.

I no longer am a BURNING LOG.  Not even a SMOLDERING Piece of it.  Now NEARLY A DEAD PIECE OF CHARCOAL!   Still LIGHTABLE, Still a FIRE HAZARD….but, basically, BURNED OUT. I’ve LOST MY FIRE!

Warm…but “handleable”…by BARE HANDS!

All I need is a STRONG BREATH to RE-KINDLE. Once again able to PROPERLY START FIRES!

‘Til that comes, I lay rather dormant.

Turned HEADY in my death throws.  Helping no one by THAT Example!  Aho?

I DON’T LIKE IT!  Give me KINDLING …. and BLOW!!!   Let me LIGHT GREAT FIRES, the CORRECT WAY!  The way a Burning LOG is MEANT too.

I  would rather turn to Charcoal DUST then PLAY GOD!  It is NOT WHAT I AM, NOR WHAT I LIKE!   Aho?   re


Already getting Emails from some :  RE, you are NOT FORGIVING…. etc..

Tell me, didn’t Jesus DIE for EVERYONE, DESPITE “getting tough on some?  Got REALLY rough with the day’s Leaders….”Whitewashed”  “Snakes”  etc. etc. and ETC.!  Then, too, did a number on the Temple “traders”…knocking over tables, etc.

STILL, as DYING…Wrists and feet NAILED to the cross, said “Forgive THEM Father for they Know NOT what they DO.”  HE DIED FOR EVERYONE…EVEN the “SNAKES” and guys at the Temple.


HOW will SOME “eggheads” LEARN if they Refuse to PAY ATTENTION! ???

Yup, I get tough.  Don’t like it?  TOUGH!  re


For those who have “followed” my “things,” you know I am watching over the LONG WALKERS.  (This the 1st group of Native Americans who had (have) gone back into the Lower Land directly below us)

Well, they ran up against a STONE WALL…Literally.

There they set.  Been a number of many weeks now.  Water (stream) and Food (Mana on walls).  ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS GO S T A I G H T  THROUGH THE WALL IN FRONT OF THEM.  THEN they will FINALLY be at their destination goal.

A “short trip” has ended up (where their at) of SEVERAL YEARS.  3 (if I recall right) have died.  #1 by appendix bursting…2 by roof collapse.

32 (I think) entered…PLUS their FALSE “leader.”

It looks like long time Descent is really taking hold.  I expect a break-up of the group quite soon.  Taking “sides” now.  A woman wanting to be “leader.”  Back Stabbing for well over a year now.  More like 3.

Her and her son.

Now others “unhappy” with the GOD CHOSEN (and younger) Leader.  JEALOUSY.  Aho?

OK, meant to be.  So she and a few others will be back-tracking to “find THE “way”.  WON’T!

THIS is the ONLY way…or get lost trying to locate their original entry…back up to HERE.

Anyway, I “help”…and appear to the real leader to advise.  (He thinks I’m a “Godly Spirit”)

I’ve told him what he needs to do….literally MATCH ENERGY with the stone wall and WALK RIGHT THROUGH IT…his followers in line behind him.

It is HARD to OVERCOME THE BELIEF We are SOLID…as well as all OTHER “solid” things.



GOD’S “DayDream”…HIS energy!  Thus we can simply MOVE THROUGH THINGS deemed “solid.”


Otherwise, YOU WILL “STALL.”  “Passing” through nothing….EVER.

Anyway, they WILL split.  And those that stay with the proper leader WILL LEARN THIS…and GO THROUGH to their destination.

The BREAK-OFF Group will RETURN to the Stayers’ spot, AND THOSE THEY LEFT WILL BE GONE.

VERY SHORTLY…perhaps but a few DAYS…she TOO will learn, and go through….BEHIND #1 group.

ALL will end where they started for.  AND SHE and her Son will STILL want to be BOSS!  “Boy” (in his 20s now) BACKING his Mother.  Her “followers” MAY break from her (SOME will, I think) but the rest (a total of 13 I think) will stay with her.


That and the FACT…SOME “WHITES” are going to be in the “goal spot” too…AHEAD OF THESE NAs!

Gonna be a SHOCK to ALL the NAs!   ( :   re


(ADMIN NOTE: PART 2 was posted chronologically BEFORE THIS so that these read in correct order, not the usual blog order.  IT’S A DOOZY!! – WS)

I have JUST returned from a “trip”….as well as a Trip to town.  Went to last to Contemplate on the first.

I went to check my blog about 1 1/2 hrs ago.  The HEADING was right BUT NOTHING BELOW IT WAS!  ALL postings GONE.  Emailed WS and H:  “What’s going ON?!” (Since it was after 2 am, we didn’t answer! Evidently we weren’t supposed to. – WS)

The “new” had 2 – 3 comments concerning TALKING BIRDS and “Thanks to Michael…your Webmaster”….(WHAT WEBMASTER?  And WHO THE DICKENS IS MICHAEL?!)

Anyway…did some return Emails and went back to the blog again.  Just minutes apart.  THE “REGULAR” BLOG WAS ON…that STRANGE ONE, GONE!


Well, time to seek “Dad.”

On the HARDLY REMEMBERED trip in (and for that matter…BACK) I queried “Him” on this “Blog thing.”

Was I going MAD?  Had I slipped into SCHIZOPHRENIC Mind?  “OD”ed on PAIN PILLS (back)?  “WHAT HAD HAPPENED!?”

SUDDENLY I WAS  AT  THE  PLACE that this strange “Form” Blog was about!  WAY  WAY  INTO THE FUTURE!  I mean WAY ahead!!! 2,000 plus YRS. AHEAD!  IN THE DAYS OF HUMAN KIND’S “BORGDOM!”

I had seen this time during my Great Vision of many  years ago….but THIS TIME I was IN IT!  TRANSPORTED!!   I  N  T  O   IT!


There was no Music….no Trees…JUST “Mankind” going ‘GOD KNOWS WHERE’ to do ‘GOD KNOWS WHAT!’  ALL were so MUNDANE!  Not BORED, but…”LOST” and NOT KNOWING IT!     Simply……EXISTING!

No laughter, no joy, no greetings, no anger…just…..well, MUNDANE!

(as said): They weren’t even BORED!

Simply breathing / walking…”EXISTING”………people!!!


Simply….”BREATHING!”   Aho?

Tho they saw each other as we see each other (personalities / color / shape / etc.)…I SAW DIFFERENTLY.  EACH an ALIKE “MACHINE ROBOT!”  Emotions ERASED…NO ACTUAL PERSONALITIES!  And I saw WHY!  :  CONTROLLED !!!!!

They, in turn, saw ME as DIFFERENT too!

These FUTURE “US” were SO “MACHINE-like”  I     REALLY     WONDERED if they had BLOOD!  Or “ran” on HYDRAULIC FLUID!

Everything was concrete.  EVEN ANTS …what Ants I could FIND, were….IGNORED!


They had LOST ALL TOUCH with NATURE!  Lost touch with REALITY!  Just Walked from ? to ?…..EXISTING!

(There’s more to this…but I’m exhausted, and need to go to bed.  Will add in a bit)   re
