Posts Tagged ‘healing’

I Apologize

A brother commented:

Getting weary of these members of the “ding-a-ling nation” they say “you let me down!” not realising it’s their EGO that’s blinding them! NO thughtfulness/consideration of others, all about ME i.e. them! this one no “saint” here, either, tho brother they are wearing me out!! getting tired and “done” with the footrace, these twits make the going one heck of a wicked obstacle course, aho?

Red Elk replied:

Just last night…and so far, ALL this day…I’ve been taking a Self-Look at myself.  I AM NOT,  at ALL, pleased with what “I” have become.  I “tried” “trialed” myself.
….      and, well   don’t “like” me anymore.          The best   thing I can do is    Stop     JUST PLAIN STOP!      Go Back     to the    before    of the Coast to Coast  time.

I tell :
“I am NOT GOD!”  Yet find I am ACTING like I AM!   I’ve become Cynical….Angry… a FULL BLOWN GROUCH!          VERY Un-GODLY!

That ends up to One Word : “HEADY” !


Tho I have many Reasons….it’s still not Right.

Wish others…GROWERS, would take over.

WHERE ARE THEY !  ????????????????

I will ask  WS to put this on the front of blog.  Share thus, with All.

ALL : I  APOLOGIZE !      re

Got a call from one of my cousins.  Another, (her sister) had passed away “in her sleep.”

Naturally, Milly (the cousin caller) was devastated.

I hadn’t been notified till after the funeral.

(Couldn’t have gone (Cal.) anyway).  THE SAME WITH MILLY….making HER feel “guilty”.

Only Bud (brother) was able to attend.  Another (Emmy) in Florida..  RICH…….but wouldn’t go.

A sad time for most of the family.  Aho?


“Milly, there IS No DEATH.  NONE!  Susy is FINE!  NO MORE ILLNESS…her Body is in PERFECT AGE N PHYSICAL FORM.  NO MORE PAIN…EVER!  And there to meet US when OUR TIMES comes.  Look at this as her being away on vacation.  To a spot there are no phones or PC to connect.

Would you worry if THIS was the case?  (No).  Well, she IS  in THAT SITUATION!    SEE IT as JUST That!  She’s fine hon.”


Again, I have SEEN THIS!  Aho?

Then: “As for your guilt feeling….THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS!  Susy’s time was up.  Not a THING you COULD have done.  Even a PHONE CALL “chat” “missed” WAS NO ACCIDENT.  PLANNED to be.  TRUST HIM, HIS WISDOM and get over it.  It just will Drag YOU Down.  That “DRAG DOWN” TOO is no accident!  lUCIFER AT WORK!  Doing what he can to STALL YOUR PRAISE !  DOING, to STOP YOU, or Slow you DOWN!  FIGHT hIM!  FIGHT BACK!  PRAISE GOD DESPITE NOT Calling.  HE wants THAT, sis.  THAT is BELIEF!  That is TRUST!  That is ACCEPTING HIS WILL!

Only YOU can do this, hon.  Aho?”

Are others “out here” in the same plight?   If so, I hope this helps.  GB    re


The Old man was at a conference.  One filled with men and women of Science and High Government and High Business people.

Speaker after Speaker taking turns.  Lauding their Accomplishments.  Telling how, if it wasn’t for THEM, we wouldn’t have what we have today.  Planes / Moon Travel / Space exploration / Cars / Roads / TV / PCs…. and on and on and on.  All patting their own back and the backs of the others. All with the “LOOK what WE have Done!!!  What accomplishments we of Science and Companies and Government help and backing…have done For THE WHOLE WORLD!”

Towards the end, the old one requested to speak.  “YES, by ALL MEANS!”

He went to the podium, filled with mikes.

“I see what you have done. (He said)….INDEED…LOOK WHAT MANKIND HAS DONE!  Now we can travel in HOURS across our Earth….in what may have taken Days…or even Weeks!

Thanks to you of Science, the “world” is at our fingertips!  We can, THANKS TO YOU, now simply pick up a phone or go to our Personal Computer!



This brought a roll of applause.


(Again, applause and big smiles).

The old one continued:   “With this technology, We now have POLLUTION / DYING FORESTS / DEAD and Dying Seas /  Less Food grown / MASSES DYING from Starvation and Weather Exposure and lack of Clean Air and on and on.

YOU have done WELL!

Each “doing” needing our Earths natural Resources to MAKE these ‘WONDERFUL’ things.

At the rate ‘Technology’ is going…40 TREES in a “togetherness Group” will be called a “Forest”.  In time, even THOSE fenced off and be called a MUSEUM !  LIVING PROOF of what earth USED to have…OVER ITS WHOLE Width and Breadth!

YES!  LOOK what “we” (motioning to the auditorium filled with “Praise Givers”) have DONE!

I tell you true we are HERE, not because what you have done that makes us so “GOOD”…but because of  what you have done to Make us     So          BAD!”



Our grandson, SKY, is PHOBIC on his fear of mice.  Just goes BALLISTIC when he sees one!  Well, he went to our Can Goods cupboard to get a can of soup…THERE SAT A PACK RAT…STARING AT HIM!   My GOSH, the COMMOTION!!    SCREAMING AND YELLING “OH MY GOD!” “OH MY GOD!” as he tore down our hall to lock himself in the bathroom…Hyperventilating / shaking like a leaf in a tornado.  2:00 AM!

Anyway, caught it yesterday…on its ANKLE.  (Rat Trap).   I couldn’t kill the pretty thing.  Went to release it in distant woods.  IT TWISTED OUT…ran BACK to under out house!

Anyway, at least TEMPORARILY outta of the house.

Close to a pound and perhaps 13 – 14 in. long.

Showed our daughter…”Gee, it looks like a SQUIRREL!  Except not as much fur on its tail..  IT’S KINDA CUTE!”.

‘Til she saw, she too had “fear”.  Now a different “seeing”.

Sky wasn’t home.  Not sure if he’d look anyway.

Told him “You’ve GOT to  overcome this, Sky…’cause you’ll be seeing ALOT of mice AND Pack Rats WHEN WE MOVE TO THE PROPERTY.  You’ll NEVER make it, otherwise.”

Hope he can.

IN THE NEAR FUTURE, mankind will NEED to overcome MANY FEARS! Ones FAR GREATER then THIS…. or YOU….will NOT…..’MAKE IT’!    Aho?

“Fear NOT! For    I     AM WITH YOU!”  re


The last 2 days teaching I shared a number of VERY SIMPLE Healing Ways.  I’ll add ‘em here for all:

Many “pains” are an easy fix….simply by being AWARE…IE : OBSERVANT!

Once had a Cree in VERY bad lower back pain.  An ongoing thing.  He came to me looking VERY “down”.  “Can’t stop it, re.”

I laughed…told him to give me his wallet.  With difficulty he removed it and handed it over.  As SHOWN (Instant “telling” by our Creator)…it was ALMOST AS THICK AS A RED BUILDING BRICK!

I held it up…not saying a word.  HE UNDERSTOOD!  Taking it back he said “I’ve gotta clean this Damn thing out!”

As he walked away (wallet in HAND this time) The Cree Medicine Man and I just set and ROARED in LAUGHTER!

Wouldn’t YOU have a “Bad Back” if YOU were “sitting on a BRICK” day after day?  Constantly on a  “TILT” when you SET?  Even BENDING OVER pressing “the brick” against your butt cheek…pressed in by tight pants?   HEAL YOURSELF and save Chiropractor and Doctor calls / bills!

Another:  (My own wife this time) :  “My back is KILLING ME!  Hurts CONSTANTLY honey.”

Told her : “Start putting your purse strap on the OTHER SHOULDER”.

Her purse, weighing a “ton”, was CONSTANTLY pulling one side Down.  The shoulders are BONES.  GodCreator made man PERFECTLY….WE MISUSE IT!  Literally ABUSE it!  The poor bones (muscles attached…which in turn are connected to the BACKBONE’S Spine….have to TRY to REALIGN the VERTICAL Stand man was DESIGNED to be / walk in.  Doing what it can to KEEP YOU STRAIGHT and UPRIGHT.

She did so…in about 5 days was fine.

Knowing my wife…AND that “old habits” are DEEPLY INGRAINED in the mind…well, she’d “forget” and revert to her favorite side…RE-doing the problem.

I BOUGHT HER A “Hip Purse”.  “Wear it in FRONT of you AND GET RID OF ALL THAT EXTRA WEIGHT you carry”.  This “purse”, much smaller then the “piece of ‘LUGGAGE’” she HAD been wearing, HAD to be “toned down” to be able to carry the NEEDED things (and a FEW of the “junk” things gals lug about).  A “shock” to her “habits” but she now does so (MOST of the time).

Occasionally she starts to “hurt” and “complains”.  Tell her “don’t come complain to ME, idiot…YOU KNOW HOW TO STOP IT.  Your PATH tho.”  (She goes back and gets well again).

People are SO “Stupid.”

Big Brother told a number of Healed Ones:  “Go, and SIN NO MORE!”

Abusing the NATURAL Is a “Sin” (“Disobedience to God”).


THE WAY YOU WALK causes Problems.  LOOK AT THE BASE (soles) of your SHOES.  Are they (or one) worn down UNEVENLY? Off to one side / Etc.?

Are you “Bowlegged”?  “Knock Kneed”?

Your shoes WILL TELL YOU!


By paying attention to EACH step, you then become “Conscious” of Walking RIGHTLY!

This will take 3 DAYS to “break” your sloppy old walking habits.   YOU “become” “RIGHT in GOD” (“repented”).

But man, being man…in time, will ONCE AGAIN start going back to “the old (sinful) ways…SO CHECK EVER FEW MONTHS and do accordingly to “return”.  Otherwise you WILL be AGAIN hurting” / “sick”.

But as I’ve told my wife…”Its your Path…do as you please” (Just don’t come complaining to me….YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!”).

This WALKING “Way” also heals OTHER problems…..not just Bowlegs…OR Knock Kneed / etc..  YOU Figure it out!  Aho?



IE, change your OUTER looks!

This, in turn, STARTS ONE to thinking BETTER OF THEMSELVES!

A beginning to complete “REPENTENCE” and HEALING!

What are they “holding” that’s a “sin”?  CALLING THE CREATOR A LIAR!  His Written WORD a LIAR.   They are “saying”  “I’m not GOOD ENOUGH to have Him LOVE ME!”

Jesus (“Big Brother”) died for ALL!   Got that?   A  L  L !   DONT MAKE THAT SACRIFICE A WORTHLESS THING!    He didn’t “pick and choose”…ALL!  Aho?

Depression is NOT a NORMAL Brain Function…its YOU that has made the decision.  Now, IF you WANT to stop it…YOU can do so.  YOU’VE put yourself INTO it…now, “Repent” (get right with God) and GET YOUR REAR OUTTA IT!

Your path tho.  Do as you please.  Just don’t come crying to Me.  Aho?

KNOW THIS:  there Are SOME who “walk in depression” DELIBERATELY!  A VERY FEW because of “black” Possession (rare tho).  These rest tho, doing TO SEEK ATTENTION!

These “poor me-s” LOVE THE “POOR YOU” Attention!  DOTE IN IT!

How does THAT get healed?…TOUGH LOVE!  ReFUSE to give them the “pleasure”.

To constantly GIVE only “FEEDS” THEM!

Maybe they will get disgusted and STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD!

Continue PRAYING for them…BUT “MOVE AWAY” FROM THEM!   AHO????

Up to you tho…your path.

KnowTHIS TOO:  Some “GIVE” and don’t WANT to have work a cure for the depressed one.  WHY?  “WORKING their way to HEAVEN”!

These are AS “sick” and in need as MUCH as the DEPRESSED “Leech” one(s)!

We Can NOT “work our way to Heaven.”  Those thinking so have lost SIGHT of the FREELY GIVEN (Christ Sacrifice) GIFT!   Literally “saying” “it is NOT done. I must WORK!”  TOTAL BUFFALO CRAP!  It was FREE!  It IS Free!   Just ACCEPT THAT and “GET INTO HIS LAP”!

Ok, enough.  I’m given pay for these “healings”.  USE      THIS FREELY GIVEN KNOWLEDGE and GROW!  Re


A brother asked:

Greetings Red Elk

I hope that you and your family are well.

I have been doing much bible reading, and I have been talking to God both morning and night, hoping to strengthen that connection.

I was thinking about what you said about doing “miracles” and how it’s not really the knowing how to do it, but knowing that you can/are doing it.  Previously I had spent much time looking to find new techniques on how to do these things, but I have since understood, that it doesn’t really matter as long as you know and trust that it has been done.

I hope my thinking is on the right tracks?

I have a couple of questions to ask about fasting and baptism.  Does fasting improve our spiritual power and connection with God?  And should all people be baptised, just as Jesus was?


You’re on the right track on “talking to God”…BUT:  WHY just in morning and night?  WHY not ALL DURING YOUR DAY?   THOUGHT “talk.”

When I go to town I have a number of routes to take.  I get to the first “T” and say, “Which way, Pop?”  Then obey the “leadings”.  Often puts me seeing new things, doing new doings.  Saved a young gal from possible rape once. Parked truck on fire once.  “New” wind blew off building / etc.  Many times.  A toddler in middle of highway, wandering about once, loose cattle and rider trying to get ‘em (took the car and blocked ‘em) twice.  Often “signs” of coming events, rocks needed rolled from hill (needed to build) a number of times, Lost in fog…great horned owl led the way out once, 2 – 3 times an injured person “saved”, an old lady fallen unable to rise once (Been on distant farm yard “for hours”), Flat tire help a number of times….etc.  etc..  Just by asking “which way, Pop?”

Try it and see what He CAN lead you into.  Aho?

As for baptism (the word means SUBMERGED, NOT “Sprinkled”) it is a PERSONAL DECISION.  Means NOTHING otherwise.   re


This one (Red Elk), has aligned with JOHN of

He and this one on very similar lines of thought:  ONE TOGETHER…the RETURN of ONE In / With “HIM”.  Aho?

John called me yesterday…seeking to know if this one (“I”) would be willing to “come to New Zealand on 10 / 10 /10”.  To speak / share to ???

I have my Passport…AND (at this time anyway) CAN do so.  The question being: AM I TO?

John’s backers willing to pay for the trip / etc.

“I” just don’t know if it has any real need.  “I” AM SEEKING PRAYER!

Don’t wanna be Out of “HIS” will.  Aho?

“I” am not into “going” to “See The World”.  Figure “I” am doing so via all on Internet….no “BIG DEAL” (on being “seen”).  Money can go to BETTER MEANS, as far as “I” can see.  Aho?

I’m not seeking Opinions nor Advice.  SEEKING PRAYER on “YEA or NAY”.  “HE” will let me know.  Aho?

Need YOU (who feel LED) to please join me on this knowledge.  Aho?  Thank You.    re


“Red Elk….if enemies of countries learn this  (Phantom Pain “How To “) YOU’LL BE HELPING THEM!”
To this, I say / said:   “WHAT “ENEMIES?!”
“If YOU do NOT help a FELLOW BROTHER / SISTER…then YOU are an “ENEMY” to ALL “Big Brother” STOOD… AND STANDS …FOR!” re




Leg off ?   DO the missing leg AT THE SAME LENGTH of the STILL ON one. (Etc.)

Toe off?….DITTO.  If missing “toenail “needs cutting”…take clippers and “clip it”….AS IF IT WAS STILL THERE.

Treat WHATEVER PART is off, AS IF IT WAS   N O T    OFF!

The “Phantom” then GOES AWAY!


(compliments of The NA Inner Heyoka Society)

It is TIME!

Red Elk….member


Thought I’d share with you what it’s like to be a Medicine Man….especially an Inner Heyoka one.
Though my being a “breed” has “I don’t believe it” by many NAs as well as those of other “skins”…it has, to me at least, been a WONDERFUL experience.
Medicine People walk a fine line between what most would call Insane and INsane….as in: Sane WITHIN.
This jars many Medicine Apprentices and Does scare some so much, they cease their training.
Others see the “advantages” that their new knowledge gives and turn to the Sorcery side.  Ego – Pride – “POWER” has stepped in.
These are the ones with less training.  “Grabbing the ball and running”…withOUT seeing the End Posts.  Like running in a very heavy fog.
No “goal(s)” and so “Power-Heady” (“I’VE GOT THE BALL!  I’VE GOT THE BALL!….Ha HA!”) they learn JUST ENOUGH to “Do” SOME, and off they go.

A lot like new Teens, aren’t they?

Then there are those trained in “The Traditional.”

These have been “rote taught.”  Ancestor Passed Down to Today Knowledge.  Aho?
In this training they are told, at times Shown, then go test the learning. “Cementing” what they have been given.

High on Herbal, as well as Spiritual, training.

The Sorcery ones do as said, the Traditional ones are in a far longer training time.

Sorcery around 4 years,  and as high as 5.

The Traditional: 7, to as high as 17.

Then there are the Inner Heyoka.   Our training well beyond the others.  In my case, 41-42 years.  Most about the same.

We 12 left…(and one may be “gone,” leaving 11) are the last of this “Society.”

I replace one who ‘passed’….but as we still left ‘go’, the Society will totally cease to exist.

We “Inners” are trained to ‘align’ with the Creator and let “Him” be our “Herbs,”Etc.

In this connection, we have found NO plants are necessary.  NO chants are necessary.  Etc., etc..

We 12 (?), as All the others, are TRAINED.

What’s it like to be a Medicine Person?  A walk between what man calls “normal” and ALL of ALL in Medicine call “Sane, WITHIN.”

The Sorcerers are ‘stuck’ in the “world”…the Traditionalists have “reached out” PAST the world (and are the best respected)…the Inners  WALK BETWEEN THE STARS (and are therefor about USELESS in WORLD Ways).   The LEAST understood.  Aho?

Nevertheless, to be in Medicine is, indeed, WONDERFUL!    Ho
Red Elk
