Posts Tagged ‘Future’

Folks, we can’t but help to see what our OWN way is doing to us.  But are we Paying Attention?

What use to be a “hit-n-miss” warning we are getting “out of control”…. becoming too ROWDY as His Children…started out as a “Tap” of His hand on our “seats”…..A disaster  A year…………..well, to today.  REAL SERIOUS “STOP IT!” WARNINGS.

MANY more Earth Quakes.







“Crazy” Killings.


Seasons killing our Food Supply.

Governments’  Stupidity.


We are going CRAZY!   WAY out of hand!

Nineveh,   Re-enacted.

HE HAS BEGAN A SERIOUS “reward” for us!

Want to change it?  DO AS NINEVEH DID…..GET BACK TO HIM!  “REPENT” (turn away from “sin” (Disobeying God)).

That saved Nineveh from its destruction “in 3 days”.


We get “rewards”….Get Good     FOR    Good .

“BAD”   FOR   Bad.

There’s another EXAMPLE (beyond Nineveh) :   THE HEBREW NATION!

Read about it.  How when they were “in tune” they became THE leading Nation.

But, when OUT – of – Step….THE “reward” of CONSTANT “Problems”.  WAY down on “the totem pole”.

Then they would ‘return’ and UP to Greatness again.

They are an EXAMPLE to ALL NATIONS.  READ about their “Roller Coaster” ride!


Nineveh…..the Hebrews, Both EXAMPLES!       WE ARE THERE     RIGHT      NOW !!

Are you / we so BLIND we ignore what (and WHY) is  GOING ON!      ???

Need I say more?   re


I occasionally get a donation.  People supporting this ‘work’.  I call the Silent Christians.

Some send $$…some send PRAYERS.  BOTH worth “millions” to me.

People who remain Hidden, but to HIM.  Aho?

What $$ I get helps me Eat,  Fuel Up the truck,   Take the garbage to the dump…    a MULTITUDE of things.  Things that help keep this ongoing.

To THEM, All owe them thanks.  Not just me.  YOU benefit…at least get the opportunity to decide if this “way” is, or is NOT, your “Bag”.  Aho?  re


My #1 dome in use often.  Adam’s nearly every weekend (#2 dome).

What’s it like?   Well, in MY mind : NICE!

In both there is electricity (run from the house via heavy cords).  Tho these can “have” via Electric Generator…OR Solar if one wants.

We bring in a food cooler, with iced DRINKS to keep foods chilled.  Enough variety of daily meals…milk / meats / vegetables / etc. for a full week.  Toilet paper on hand…Wash rags and towels…using Solar Bags heated in the sun.  On stove in winter.

Firewood stored from main “room” area (in #2 dome) and in a wood mini shed on #1.  Right outside the door.  We BOTH use our ZZIP stove to cut down on wood use and too much heat in the stove(s).

Each has space to hang / store extra clothing…again : out of the way of main floor.

Reading materiel always on hand…on shelves tied on the willows that make up these framings.

These don’t “drape” but are held tight against the sloping inner walls…Bungie Cords doing the holding.  This for coats etc. that one needs “unwrinkled” in a storage “duffel” “suitcase.  They also add to insulation.

To bring in MORE foods AND keep the inside uncluttered, I / We will add Straw Bales…Floor and Sides…with a well insulated top.  BEARS / Etc. CAN be a problem doing this way….so one CAN Hang these supplies high in a tree (Alaskan Way).

Our wood supply all from dead wood found….neither of use cut living trees.  Least not yet.  Those that WILL be cut we will cut in a forest THING way…taken only the VERY OLD or VERY YOUNG.  (Sun / Rain wanting that interferes with a GOOD growth of the rest). Literally : “Gardening” our area.  This the way of the Old Ones of NA.

Every THING benefits the “all”.  Aho?

Both of us…AND Sky…use alot of dead WEEDS and Tiny STICKS.  Keeping our immediate “home” area clear and fire resistant.  “Logs” only if cold weather.

We DRESS for mere CHILLY days…saving fuel.

LOOK AT NATURE…how the BIRDS “fluff up” their feathers to insulate.  How SQUIRRELS use a nest filled with LEAVES.   Dress in like manner…LAYERED.  Aho?

When one becomes “cabin locked” (“cabin fever”) it’s a simple walk-about going into HIS Living Room…THE OUTDOORS!  There to observe and learn from the animals about…Studying the ice caked creek….Etc.  LISTENING!  HEARING the Winter / Etc.

Tho it’s a pleasure to have another with you…know YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.

Bring a dog or cat if you’d like.  Helps (but adds to what you need to ‘get by’).  Aho?

In short, one can begin to ENJOY your li’l “cabin in the woods”.

It’s a Mind Set to live Small AND at near “0”  “needs”.  Needs you WON’T be able to have in so small a space.

A “Weekend” “away from it all” place…for a beginner.  Then perhaps a Week of “ditto”.

Hopefully, in time : your HOME!  Dumping the rent / house payment…the cost of heating / cooling that no longer needed space…and returning to the FREE Natural way.  You save so MUCH on trying to “keep up on the Joneses”…YOU become RICH!  Money in pocket…YOUR Pocket…Not going out to a Commercial COMPANY.

“How do I get to WORK?”  Well, WHY work?  SELL your house.  You have a BETTER ONE now…and ALL PAYED FOR.Land payments / taxes the only REAL need (if you can’t buy outright).  A car?  Or Trail Bike …roadable…a decent way to get to your “city” job.  The $$ saved can help make the yearly Tax…cause you’ll need so LITTLE that you can “go to work” on less hours…I.E. LESS INCOME = TAX BACK…not IN!  Use THAT to pay your year’s tax.  (That’s what we’ve done for YEARS now).

There’s alot to “say” about Small Living.  It HAS its benefits.  Just takes GUMPTION to  take the 1st step.  Aho?


What’s it like to live “small”?….A shock to your old ways…and not ALWAYS easy….but it grows on you.  You become ONE…with ALL!  IT FEELS GOOD!   re


Been SLOWLY buying ZIP TIES.  A bag ,to 3, at a time.  This to use in building yet another li’l dome here.  Faster and can be adjusted as the willows shrink.  Been using strong string.  Sky’s dome has HUNDREDS of String Ties…..all now becoming loose (due to willow shrinkage).  Most should now be redone…but won’t.

My next (or NEXT AFTER next) will be a bit more expensive…using almost All framing and horizontals of PVC piping. Been buying THOSE at HABITAT FOR HUMANITY store.  Alot cheaper and supports the homeless / etc. at the same time.  Won’t need many as this one will be more a 2-Sleeper ONLY.  No cooking / heat / etc., just a fast permanent “tent” shelter….made to experiment and “catch” the Overflow of the other domes.  Small as it will be, it won’t surprise me to spend upwards of $200.00 to make this way.

Seems you are sending what I Email you to a small group of others you keep in contact with (the person he’s sending this email to is, that is. – WS).  One sent me a $40.00 donation today.  (I won’t tell who…so God gets the credit for using her.  A “Silent Christian”.  ALOT out there that ARE.  Some occasionally share with money…and ALL with what they CAN give : PRAYER Back Up.  Aho?

Well, this provided needed gas (now a half tank) and I got 3 more bags of those LOCK (“zip”) ties…adding to the few others I have.  EVEN BOUGHT A HOT DOG and PEPSI!

(I eat “on the run”…HOME is just a place to catch up on sleep…little time to even make a sandwich.  Either sleep (ALWAYS NEEDED)…or answering Emails or working on the Domes.  Run in to do dishes to help the wife, as I can.  Email “silent ones” help this keep going.  By “this” I mean ME…old “Loud Mouth”. The one unafraid to publically “Call In The Wilderness”.  Aho?  (How will people learn TRUTH if most stay silent?)  Aho?  Well, “Dad” saw one unafraid, and uses me to Tell AND SHOW.  Now OTHER “mouths” are “coming out”…PTL!



Our grandson, SKY, is PHOBIC on his fear of mice.  Just goes BALLISTIC when he sees one!  Well, he went to our Can Goods cupboard to get a can of soup…THERE SAT A PACK RAT…STARING AT HIM!   My GOSH, the COMMOTION!!    SCREAMING AND YELLING “OH MY GOD!” “OH MY GOD!” as he tore down our hall to lock himself in the bathroom…Hyperventilating / shaking like a leaf in a tornado.  2:00 AM!

Anyway, caught it yesterday…on its ANKLE.  (Rat Trap).   I couldn’t kill the pretty thing.  Went to release it in distant woods.  IT TWISTED OUT…ran BACK to under out house!

Anyway, at least TEMPORARILY outta of the house.

Close to a pound and perhaps 13 – 14 in. long.

Showed our daughter…”Gee, it looks like a SQUIRREL!  Except not as much fur on its tail..  IT’S KINDA CUTE!”.

‘Til she saw, she too had “fear”.  Now a different “seeing”.

Sky wasn’t home.  Not sure if he’d look anyway.

Told him “You’ve GOT to  overcome this, Sky…’cause you’ll be seeing ALOT of mice AND Pack Rats WHEN WE MOVE TO THE PROPERTY.  You’ll NEVER make it, otherwise.”

Hope he can.

IN THE NEAR FUTURE, mankind will NEED to overcome MANY FEARS! Ones FAR GREATER then THIS…. or YOU….will NOT…..’MAKE IT’!    Aho?

“Fear NOT! For    I     AM WITH YOU!”  re


Again I tell all you readers that I want All to understand what is on this blog is / are for INFORMATION.  I want NO ONE to ACCEPT as FACT.  I write from EXPERIENCE.  I Share from what I have FOUND, THROUGH my experience(s).  I leave ALL to YOU to accept, or reject.  I just SHARE.


Check.   Check.   CHECK!

Only in this will you know I tell TRUE.

I want NO “Followers” of “Red Elk”….I FOLLOW BIG BROTHER.  Use my tellings as a CATALYST to “shoot” your Inner Sight to  doing the same….IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

KNOW I am NOT “The Christ”…nor am I God.  I’m just a Follower / Seeker, as are you.  I’m just SHARING the INsights and DOings of my / this pathway. Aho?    re

In my MOUSE / Pack Rat telling…I’d like to note “THEY WON’T LISTEN”…..DID, ‘til just over 1 1/2 yrs. ago.  Now, NOTHING.  Even the HOUSEFLIES won’t hear!

That “Telling” brought a response…another “in touch” having the same problem…”THEY AREN’T LISTENING TO ME, EITHER!”

Odd, ALL the 100% FULLY RELIABLE ‘Signs’ I’ve used, NO LONGER ARE!  I mean Not at ALL!  Furthermore, NO NEW ONES ARE REPLACING THEM!


Why?   Well, IN Scriptures it tells :  “In those days, the BAD will become Good and the GOOD will become BAD”.   WE ARE NOW IN “THOSE TIMES”!

This is just PART of the GREAT CHANGE(ing)!

LOOK at our LAWS that now PROTECT and “EXCUSE” the WRONGDOERS!  A “Spank” instead of a good THRASHING.  “Whistle Blowers” now “The CULPRITS” / Etc.


Yes, we ARE “In Those TIMES”.

THAT’S “WHY”!    re


Adam and a Canadian learner here.  Getting ALOT of yard things done.  Canadian with weed eater, Adam. with big Dr. Field Cutter. Teaming up and getting ALL our outside of house / domes back in GREAT looking shape.  We also got 2 Big loads of white sand…poured on Adam’s Dome floor and re-covered.  Re-arranging the interior as well.  LOTS AND LOTS of inner space.  Everything in its place…PERFECTLY..  Tieing his sleeping bag (rolled) to the wall…etc.  We now call it “The Apache Taj Mahal”.  ( :
Adam leveled the floor…the dirt put against dome outside (higher berming).  Now that (3 domes) area being “trimed” of weeds / etc.  WHOLE AREA WILL look GOOD in an hour or so.
LOTS of TEACHING, TOO.   Taught both Mental Telepathy and both successul the 1st time doing. Both Receiving and Sending to each.
The Canadian started and darn if he didn’t get side-tracked…Sending to ME.  CHEWED HIM OUT!  He hadn’t thought he WAS…..’TIL HE THOUGHT ABOUT IT!  ( :

Quite a time so far.
I’m on This while THEY are ‘DOING’.  Gotta go give ’em a hand….not fair.  Aho?   GB    re
I’ve a “sister” in Holland.  Quite a gal.  DOing much in “the OLD WAY”.  Just sent pictures of some of the tools the “BEFORE” Hi Tech” took over.  One, a SCYTHE.
I’ve used these often over the years.  AFTER learning the PROPER way…these are a JOY to use.  Actually rather RELAXING.  You get into a natural “rhythm” as you go…SLICING the bases of wheat to High weeds.  Really FUN!  AND: No GAS.  No SMELL.  No NOISE…and NO running back to fill up with gas/oil mix (“weed eaters”).
I’ve the last as well….DO like ’em for “close to fence / etc.” work”.  But in an overgrown Lot, to a Field, the Scythe just CAN’T be beat ($$ wise).  I’ve gone through 4 “weed Eaters” but YET to ruin the Scythe.

There are ALOT of “Old Timey” tools you can get…NEW…simply by knowing it’s name and looking Online.  Tools that Make SENSE!  Tools that LAST!  And often NOT AS EXPENSIVE as a “Modern” type.

I’ve been “burned” too often with High Tech things…so look for a BETTER Way….and darn if that “way” has an “antique” ‘stigma’.  Some are tools in our VERY ANCIENT past.

Ever lug two 5 gal.buckets, full?  ME TOO!  Banged legs / slopped out contents…and ROUGH ON THE ARMS / HANDS / BACK.  Well, I found and bought a SHOULDER YOKE!  WOW!  What a CARRYING Difference!  I LOVE IT! (
Readers, we WILL be NEEDING TO KNOW OF THESE THINGS!  It is THOSE “ancient” ways / tools WE ARE HEADED FOR!!
“Hear” me.  We are NOT “Changing”…our future IS RIGHT AROUND THE “CORNER”.   Prepare NOW…by at least KNOWING of these ways.    re
My Earthly Family:  ALL!  I hope this blog is helpful to you.  I hope too that it’s existence is spread around our Earth Mother.
It will Always be each of you who will join and help our fellowman….or laugh…or ignore.
Those that DO “hear”….please understand the need…the DESPERATE NEED….to connect IN HIM.

It may not be easy to meet one-on-one with others “In Like Mind”, but we CAN, in Spirit of Spirit Love.

Tho one may not “meet” (physically), KNOW we of this Oneness are NOT ALONE.  Others, like you (“hearers”) ARE ACTIVE.  “Doers”, Lonely, but trying to Grow in Him…..”alone”.
IN HIM we are NEVER “ALONE”!  Have Faith and have COURAGE and “Meet” in ONE MIND.

“He” is very much aware of you.  VERY aware of your Compassion and Love for ALL.  “HE” KNOWS YOU.   Aho?

Your Brother….red elk