Posts Tagged ‘children’

2 TOP NA Medicine Men are telling their people:  PREPARE FOR 2 YEARS OF FAMINE  !
Weather caused FOOD SHORTAGES.
I Concur!    re

I’ve observed many years..  Watching our children AND PARENTS….SLIPPING more and more into Technology.

There’s a use for tech (I’m not THAT ‘archaic’)….still, in this people are FORGETTING what “Life” is all about.

They are Quickly losing their TOUCH with the ALL.

It’s one thing to sit and play Movies and Games…to sit and sit, INSIDE.   Quite another to simply walk out and enjoy the weather.


We adults are responsible not only to Ourselves…but our CHILDREN, as well.



Our children are becoming BREATHING “Clones” of TV Shows…”Crash and Burn” / MAYHEM Games….etc.


YOU / I / US!  Are the EXAMPLES!



“Common Sense” should NEVER be an UN-Common “THING”!

I ask: What will YOU do, as the UN-Common Sense OF TODAY (which WAS Compassion / Agape LOVE / Helping one another) TAKES OVER WE HUMAN BEINGS!  ???

At the moment…Today’s IS taking over….AND LOOK AT WHAT IT IS DOING TO OUR EARTH…AND…the RACE called HUMAN BEINGS!


This is EXACTLY what the “others” (Aliens” to you) have done.

It is THOSE “others” that OUR “Man” has been LEARNING   A  L  O  T   FROM!  and “giving” YOU!

Now, you NEED to “TURN BACK TO HIM”!

Your PATH can LEAD to ALL MANS’ Death…OR a G(O)OD LIFE!

We ARE “on our way” to destruction (as we now ‘stand’).  YOU must HELP CHANGE IT!  By FIRST…Changing YOURSELF!

What’s it gonna be Dude? Dudette?    Re


$$ for Kids

Today’s kids often have no way to “get a job”.  No longer can find/turn in Pop and Beer bottles in most states like when I was a boy.  SOME States still do (Oregon for one).

But there are still OTHER ways….Lawn Cutting….Weeding….General yard Cleaning….Etc.

If you’re on a Shipping (ships) area….and the kid(s) like to fish,  Well, here, boys go catch CARP / Etc., then take um to the Big Ship Docks and look for Asian Freighters.  Selling their catch “on the spot” to the cook(s).  Do alright too!

Any can do this. Adults as well.  Just keep ’em on ice.  Aho?

Carp / Suckers / +, NEED NO LICENSE TO CATCH  (CHECK tho first) and you can catch NO LIMIT….YEAR ROUND.

I made decent $$ selling WORMS on “to the lake” Roads.  Up to 6 years ago I sold these as bait.  Just spent a few hours with a “part Dead” flashlight and got Dozens of Nightcrawlers.  Kept ’em in WET NEWSPAPER in my “worm box”.  Had a good thing going til the County added Chlorine to their water.  KILLED ‘EM ALL!

My favorite tho was (and STILL IS)  Shallow Water SALVAGE.  Tie a steel rake to a strong line…”dredge” the dock (Etc.) Bottom…snag and bring up the “catch” and owners paid / pays VERY WELL.  Rare for me to Skin Dive for things.

The biggest “catch” was a BRAND NEW FIBERGLASS DINGY!  Owner never DID tell me how he managed to sink it.  In under an hour I had $300.00.

Taught this to Matt (oldest grandson).  This early summer he “contracted” to salvage a 16 ft. Fiberglass canoe.  In under an hour…$100.00!

I’ve even made $$ live trapping loose PETS.  The old BOX and STICK (with string to me, in hiding).  EASY MONEY!   ($20.00 for a Hamster…$15 for cats / Etc.).

Make $$s Dowsing broken pipes to run-away pets too….but that takes some time learning.  Sky (youngest grandson) does this now too (I taught him).  He’s learning “Map Dowsing” now as well. CHECK IT OUT (internet) and PRACTICE.

There IS $$ for kids, if given a little thought.  Boys and Girls alike.  Aho?  re


Ive reuest WS  and H to post this WITHOUT CORRECTIONS…..(gonna b ruff, folks):
I quit school at age 15.  9th grade.  Faild it.  Not because I was dumb, but because I had more importent things to study….”Medicin”.
I knew enough to do the reading n math to make my way through life.  Had no intentions of being a Rockit Scintist…Engineer…Etc..  i KNEW my calling..  HS wouldnt help in this one bit.
I had faild because of this.  The MUCH FEARD Truint Officer never cought me….everyone ELES, but never myself.
Who would exspect a ‘truint’ to b in the city librays, STUDYING?  “Anchent Ways”….Hypnoses…History of others on our countinit, Ect.?
When not in tese (Detroit has some GREAT Librarys), Id b at the MUSIUMS.  Again, 1st hand SEEING.
Then, if not in any of thsese, Id b off behind the big auto plants, tracking the many ENORMIS deer / etc. in the strips of bush / trees n trash the city never took care of.  Not a Park (as ud call a park) but a PARIDICE to wildlife…n thus, to ME!
The small mendering creeks n streems, filled with floating oil, trash, old tires, etc. TEAMING with fish.  BIG ONES!  Never DID see a Carp, or a Sucker….EVER.  But saw RECORD BREAKING Bluegills and Trout!  Never saw another human, ether….OR the Truint Officer.  ( :
Id trap Phasents…Rats…Farrow Cats…Racoons (live traping)…and use a willow branch as a fishing pole. Made my own hooks…but store bought fishing line (untill I learned how to make my own from green long weed leafs).  Everything found “on the spot”. This “usless and “STUPID” kid, dressed as a “hood”…had a BALL!  Building hideing places as Id go.  Little sleeping “huts” that fit into the area.  Nights out in these.  Tiny LOW fires in cleared brush to break up the smoke…hidden fires so as not to b detected. This “hood” was HAVEING a BALL!
Then, emerge to Taxis, City Busses, Noises (that had been dulled by the factorys masses) and hundreds of cars n predestriens…and FULL sunlight…SHOCKING to the sences!  Then onto a bus, or hitch hikeing….back home again.  A few days WHERE I “BELONGED” now behind me….the “normol” (WHITEMAN) world.  ugh!
My mother had long ago stoped worrying about me.  She had her own “life” and one less “kid” was alright with her.  (She was a ‘party girl’).
Trying to ‘hide’ her Indianess…telling all she was “Egyption” (hi ck. bones / etc.)…she did all she could to fit into the “white” world.  Ashamed of being NA.  ! was ASHAMED of HER!
Anyway…did as I needed to do, schoolwise.
Always WANTING a COLLEGE Education….eventualy (after 3 attempts) I managed to “tough it out” n passeds my GED test….then to 2 colleges.  Last just for Fun (likes the campis).  Studying in these things I could choose.  Things needed to help round off my ‘calling’.
Yup, this miss-spelling twit has a COLLEGE Degree!  ( :   (Only one yr. at #2 college…and, for fun…AND to futher my “Med.” training).
As u can c, my spelling is, well, sorta “off”. BUT U CAN READ IT!  Thats all u need as far as Im concerned.
Its not “Whitman” rules “way”…but at least ur understanding anyway.  (U outta c my COLLGE CLASES NOTES….my form of PETROGLIFS!  That only I CAN read. Aho?)!
Eventualy I joined the Navy.  ‘Survived’ THAT.  Fun, but got out as fast as I could.  The wouldnt give me what I had signed up for.  Just wasnt worth it.
Then, to marryed life.  At 26 (n officil batchler, as was my goal) I found “The Warden”.  Been a prisoner every sence.  Cant recall how many yrs, but over 40.
When I clled my mother to tell her I was geting marryed….her words went “Congradulations”….no, it was “is she INDIAN!”  Like spit comeing out of her mouth. (She realy had a “problem”).  ( :
When we adopted r daughter…a COLLVILL NA Child…..oh oh!
Yup, mom sure had a ‘problem’.
When my mother finily passed away….I felt no more oblagation to “honor” her “WE R WHITE” issue, and went from HER Nameing us…to my REAL name.  Yes, I am legely Red Elk.  Aho? No first name.  No last name…just Red (ElkRedElk).  Aho?
I am NOT related to ANY Red Elks in NA land.  Mine given in a Sacred Cerimony.
Wasnt MY choice…was GIVEN it.  Aho?
So, here I am, a Meti (“Half Breed”).  “2 Shoes” sorta being.   One Mocc., One Street shoe.
Ok, uve got a bit more “about” me….AND what WS has to put up with to make my spelling more platabel to u.  Bless her Vollinteer Heart!  re
(Yay, a break! 😀 😀 😀 – WS)
I’ve been watching Low to High-aged teens “work”.  Work?  WORK!???

What has HAPPENED to our youth?  NO Work Ethics THAT I’VE FOUND (in the BOYS).  Gals far better…more Self-Esteem i guess.

Folks, the USA WILL BE INVADED…and now I can understand why we LOSE!  Between the LAZY youth and our Screwy “Elite” “Leaders” of our Country….WE DON’T STAND A CHANCE!
Right NOW we should be planting explosives under airports (private to Community)…on ALL our bridges (FARM “canals” ones to our Largest)…Mountain Passes…..Etc. Etc.  to at LEAST slow the invaders DOWN (5 allies).   Building up our HOME defenses…not splitting our armed forces all over earth.

I’m NOT Speculating… I was SHOWN!   THREE TIMES!
Meanwhile (followers of GOD)…FEAR NOT!!       re

Pipe Heating

Winds lowered.  Sky and I were able to get a larger “scrap tarp” on.  About a 2 hour job.  Several holes in these but Bad COVERS Bad…and all helps pad the many willow “nobbies”.

The big GOOD tarp will hide those below….but INSIDE these will need WHITE SHEETS put on to hide all the various colors.  I’ll get those at the 2 Cheap Shops when I can.  I’ll use willows Crisscrossed to help hold ‘em tight.  Did this in my Tipis too…REALLY LOOKED GREAT! Did away with the Drape “Poofs” AND HELPED INSULATE as well!

Sky was goofing around with a long piece of white PVC pipe.  Had part stuck outside into the sun.  Put his ear to the inside (and RAISED) part, to listen.  Looked at me and said “THERE’S HOT AIR COMING THROUGH THIS, Grampa!”  Told him “Heat Rises.  The outside is in the sun.  You’re holding this inner part ABOVE the outside part.  The sun’s heating the outside and rising to you. If this pipe were BLACK, it would be ALOT HOTTER.”

Then it dawned on me…a BLACK pipe(s) run out like that….with a 45 or 90 Degree elbow WOULD HELP HEAT INSIDE OF ANY HOME!  Even in WINTER!  Snow wouldn’t stay on long using Black.  WOW!  A NATURAL Solar HEATER!  NON-ELECTRIC!    ???    re


In this morning’s TV News, they are talking of people having to turn “in” their family pets…due to “can’t afford to keep ‘em” (oil spill States).

I warned about this in my book.  Not foreseeing it happening NOW, but as a FUTURE event.

My wife has gone “nuts” over Chihuahuas.  Started with one.  Now 7 !   PLUS her Shelty.

Cute dogs…darn smart…entertaining.  But basically a useless (in FUTURE) animal breed.

Can SHE “let ‘em go”?  Doubt it.  Would tear her apart.  (ME TOO, darnit).



“You’re forgetting, re, they are GOOD PROTECTION!  WARN!” (Etc.).

Well, they Can WARN….AND GIVE YOU AWAY by their noise!

To “make it” you’ll NEED to Turn ‘Em Lose (Can YOU DO THAT?!)….Kill ‘em (can you do THAT?)….Eat ‘em to feed your KIDS (can you DO THAT?)…or, suffer, yourself.


If things go on “as is”….you had BETTER think about it!

Worse yet…new human BABIES!    “Woe the woman who suckles”.  IE:  In THOSE (these?) DAYS….The Creator “HIMSELF” WARNS AGAINST PREGNANCIES and NEWBORNS!

PETS are NOTHING compared to your BABY!

To me, this TV News Show is a PRE-WARNING FOR US!



(PS; there ARE animals that can “handle themselves”….CATS / GOATS.  Might be others as well.  PEOPLE Need COMPANIONSHIP….but you must be WISE!  Aho?    re


Mind of a child….

This one (“I”) would like to share with you, the reader.  So MUCH this one would like to share….TOO much…and to so MANY. It’s just impossible.  My life, since age 10, has been devoted to Learning the ways of “Medicine”…but ways no Native Americans have heard of in possibly Centuries.

WAYS of the SPIRIT.  This has brought on healing abilities only those Fully In Touch with the Living Maker can / will do.
I would like you consider a verse in Scriptures:  “The mind of a child”.

Reader(s), this saying says it ALL!  It’s that simple.

A child HAS NO thought Man “reality”.  They can believe ANYTHING.  No “can’ts” have as yet ‘entered’ in, thus their abilities are as UNLIMITED as their IMAGINATION.  Their Belief system so DEEP…it MANIFESTS itself!

To those who can obtain that INNOCENCE….the Door to GODLY DOINGS ARE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!

It isn’t easy to “go back”, but it CAN BE DONE! Even the oldest can do so.  Age matters not.

AS you “achieve” even a SMIDGEN of the Child Mind you once possessed, the “hard” becomes easier and easier.

It’s when you “arrive” at this Innocence Time AND CONTINUE PRACTICING IT…upon looking “back” you’ll know how EASY IT IS!  SIMPLE “Easy”.  Aho?

SO Simple PEOPLE THINK ITS “Crazy”.   Mankind has to make everything so HARD!

Wasn’t that way when you WERE a CHILD!  Then, you didn’t “comprehend” the word “Can’t”.

I hope this helps SOMEONE to understand.  SOME to actually take what I’ve told here and begin DOING something about it.

We are a UNIQUE “people”.  Soul Bearers, one and all.

RETURN, friend(s).  PLEASE…..return.

Good luck.

CreatorGod bless.   Re

An e mail to Red Elk:

“C” got me to drive her car into Bendigo today to pick “B” up…got cheap Aldi food & had a good time with “B”…at her school, all the kids were sitting around in groups on the ground….it was wonderful to ‘see’…& be shown insight into why….its for the future ‘aftertime’…all will be tribal again as before…Father preparing them for future…just reconnecting physically to Mother Earth in this way is a healing healthy thing to do…the kids don’t even realize what’s happening to them….soon as $ is removed from the scene, the only way to survive will be in small tribal groups…I was shown the future return to Tribal living bro…just by watching these kids……..this new generation are so Tribal & they don’t even realize it….I know tribal people when I see them…how they move & sit…seen it in New Guinea…these young kids (early teens) will be right at home in the return to Tribal Future….it made my day to ‘SEE’ (be shown) this….then Father kept giving me all the things i needed to get ON SPECIAL…(His subtle way) …some where the only or last left on shelf….unreal…best part is He did it in front of “B”…& I told her what was happening…also about future return to Tribal Living…GB

Red Elk Responds:

Like and echo….you repeat. Must have been VERY special to you indeed…as you contemplated and re-contemplated the Loving Memory of it. Wonderful indeed. Ho

Ive just returned from a (now) rare ride into town. Contemplating as I drove. Was “shown” ME as ‘GOD’…and Christ as Me. How are relationship is as “Dads” relationship with Me. So MANY disappointments…days after days, weeks after weeks….and THEN, out of the ‘blue’, a Ray of SUNSHINE. A Good Deed…a Gift of GIVING without reward. The sign of HOPE…of LOVE, and of a deep respect.
“C” occasionally, is the sunshine in the sad darkness of our being together. Occasionally, giving…without the need, or want, of recompense. It is rare, but when it occurs…OH the WONDER and LOVE of IT!
MAKES you want to continue LOVING that one. Aho?

Yes, just as I am like “C” to Me, I AM LIKE THAT to GOD. Aho? re

Alms ($) have I none, but that that I HAVE, I give onto you.”

It is so REAL to them!  It’s FUN to read/hear!

It is Good to ANALYZE (an ADULT TRAIT) and needed…..yet read TOO as a LOVE-“ALYST.”  Do Not let one Or the other “rule” over the other.  USE YOUR ADULT MIND to remain SAFE but your CHILD MIND to be FREE!  In this way you will be BOTH FREE…A  N  D SAFE.

It is here you will find JOY.

Aho?   GB    re
