Asked in an email to Red Elk:
What length knife recommend, longer than 4″ blade?
Red Elk’s Response:
Asked in an email to Red Elk:
What length knife recommend, longer than 4″ blade?
Red Elk’s Response:
My Wear Kit Medicines
Would YOU?
The Making of a PANTS PACK
“Wear” Run Kit Bracelet
The Snap on my bracelet broke. Shake to much to take apart the Parra-Cord and re-do.
Reason for all…right? After trying various ways, I wasn’t happy with the results. ALL Too BULKY…and looked bad as well.
Well, not NOW! I simply left it open, dangling straight down, then added four SNAP RINGS in line and NOW HAVE A KIT SECTION that’s ALSO my Pick-Up KEY CHAIN!
Hooking wanted things onto the rings as well.
I’ve it hooked to a belt loop on my jeans but CAN hang it around my neck (leather strap) and tuck it behind my shirt if I want.
Anyway, like it better this way then as a bracelet.
(For those wanting similar…look for them that are now being made as DOG/CAT COLLARS!
Your birth area has your best healing medicine(s).
I cant explain this, I just find it to be true.
Plants, etc., of where you were born PROVIDES the BEST plants / etc., to heal / help.
Even more so if born and RAISED there. Baby to Young Age.
ALL plants are helpers…but not KNOWING which does what…Time to pick…How to prepare….Amount to help…ALL of these factor in.
The Traditional Medicine Person spends YEARS learning by ROTE! Teacher to student . MANY trips to find / check / prepare / use….in the RIGHT AMOUNT.
Again, done by ROTE teaching.
The Inner Heyoka’ are NOT Traditionalists. OUR learning was / is centered on CREATOR CONNECTION.
Via that, we ask “how”…He then TELLS and SHOWS how.
If in tradition…HE KNOWS ALL THESE WAYS. Tells US. Then shows us the TRADITIONAL “Way”.
Ways we were Never taught.