Category : Red Elk Speaks

I’ve Got a Feeling

I’ve the DANDIEST feeling:  WATCH THE SMALLER BUSINESSES FAIL like FALL LEAFS!  Just a DOMINO effect. This taking Companies by UTTER SURPRISE!   Just “out of the blue”.
And this……SOON.  VERY soon.   Next Month?
I’ve no idea “where” this is “coming from”….none at ALL.  Or Why.
I don’t like it but THINK it MIGHT Come true.
Wish I “KNEW”.
Like our money will be about USELESS!
People reneging on bill obligations….”hiding” their cars Etc., from Repoman, etc.
Almost a MAD Mass “MADNESS” (of utter “loss” reason)!    UGH   ???????                                
Bank runs?  
All I can say…is: WATCH YOUR MONEY (buy, or DON’T buy….WISELY!)….and lets hope this is NOT true.  
I DON’T  K N O W !  



If you’ve the money to get and learn these following languages….it WILL be WISE! ;



Arabian (major ones)

German (I suggest Alexandra Dittmann)



By knowing what is said in THEIR “Circle”…And DON’T LET ON YOU UNDERSTAND…you will be in a FANTASTIC “position”. Able to Leap” if “leaping” is called for.
A “SPY” for you and others.


Spanish the LESS of the above.

I’d suggest friends / family each pick a DIFFERENT language.




I wish we could meet face to face.  I’d teach you to talk WITH nature.  Thing is, you DO…or rather “they” TRY to (to you).  Try with EVERYONE…but man thinks its his / hers OWN thoughts. Thus man misses out on some FASCINATING things.

The conversations I’ve had…that PROVED them to be TRUE…would blow you away! The last TREE Talk was at Lions Rock…ACRES and ACRES of trees saying “WE WILL BURN”….and, low, all now burned to death in our last big fire.  Yet thin Stretches saying “WE WILL NOT BURN”…and fire went AROUND – PAST THEM!

Want proof?  ADAM WAS WITH ME and AS THEY TOLD, I told HIM!  He can back me. Other (FUTURE) things were told then (by them) too. MASS “RUNNING” via a near IMPOSSIBLE Mountain Pass, by LINES of PEOPLE.  Trying to get into Canada by this UNKNOWN Route. Dead and Dieing (Old / Weak) lining its STEEP path.  People put into a “CEMETERY” area…MILES and MILES BEFORE the pass!  Died while trying to get TO the path. Flee-ers walking from the coast. Exhausted to DEATH, BEFORE the still miles away Mountain Pass.

People from as far away as OREGON…let alone the Seattle area.

TREES KNOW.  Willing to SHARE, but man has forgotten how to HEAR.

Animals have TRIED to converse to man…but have had to give up…so instead the go to BODY LANGUAGE…which man can UNDERSTAND (the Basics of) still. VERY BASIC. In THAT man THINKS they are so smart.  No, but at least they still have that.

Nature conversation is nearly a lost art.

OUR horse gal (across the street here) has me come to talk to her horses. REFUSES TO LEARN herself (“NOT of GOD”) yet calls OFTEN. The last just last weak. A lame horse.  BADLY Swollen hoof / leg. TERRIBLE CONDITION.

When I asked what happened, she (horse ) told me “I stepped on a nail”. Not knowing the WORD “Nail”, she PICTURED it.  A rusty bent nail that punctured the base of her hoof…then came out. BLOOD POISON GOING UP HER LEG…QUICKLY!
I told the gal, “get help QUICKLY, she needs both a Penicillin shot AND a Tetanus shot (explaining).

She called, afraid (later that day) to have me come help her CALM the horse during one shot. Afraid the horse would hurt her, I did. As YOU’D like to know “whats about to occur”, so too do animals. As I was explaining to the horse, the gal, needle in hand, STRONGLY Told me to “SHUT UP”!

I “blew” Up! “WHAT!”? You call me to HELP then tell ME to SHUT UP and NOT do the Job!?

I might as well LEAVE and go into my WARM HOUSE and leave YOU with HER…TO BE KICKED and REAR UP ON!  ALONE!

Well, the gal calmed down, contrite. I then told the horse her / we were trying to help her…but that IT WOULD HURT, for a few moments.  Explained the shot. Had the gal show her the LONG needle and then touch the area the needle would go in.

I told the horse to “PLEASE BE CALM…DON’T KICK or REAR UP. It NEEDS to be done…to HELP YOU!”

I then told the gal, “Massage the area”…she did. Then to the horse, “On THREE hon…One / Two / THREE!”

The gal, so AFRAID just  COULDN’T! “DAMMIT SHARON, She was READY! She was PREPARED….now DO IT!”

(To the horse) I apologized and said “Again”…One…Two…THREE…

This time Sharon slammed the needle deep and straight down into the muscle. THE HORSE ONLY QUIVERED but stayed still.

“Thanks hon, it’s over.” (to the horse).

Sharon told me the vet would give the other shot the next day and “pull out the nail”. I told her, “its not THERE, it came out.  He wont find it!”

Yesterday he came.  Found her hoof “palm” had a busted open abscess. “COULD have been caused by a nail, If so, its no longer in here.”

I will take my metal detector over tomorrow and go over the pen and clear it of nails (less then a Month ago she had a roof section replaced…causing lost nails). Told her too:  Sharon, I don’t EVER want you to interfere with me as I’m working Again! Call and I’ll come…but if so, Y O U…”SHUT UP!”

(I do this for her “in trade”. No money).

Yes you CAN talk WITH “nature”!

So, that’s what man is MISSING. Simply by NOT HEARING what CAN be HEARD. The teaching TOO DANGEROUS to Write or Tape out to sell / give. NEEDING A “DESIGNATED DRIVER” to make it SAFE…so only can / WILL be done on a “Face-To-Face” way.



Election Coverage

Well, election over.  “Dad” has had HIS will.
Doesn’t matter really.  Armageddon on…..FAST now.
“In those day, TIME will be SPEEDED UP”.  
Now I suggest: TIGHTEN UP your holdings. Things will now QUICKLY be taking place.
Good luck.    
Today I’ve witnessed the “end’.  Though I’ve yet not seen the “days of the Red Sun,”, this election shows me its DAWN.

We have chosen….few being aware of this as being a Critical moment in mankind’s near (now NOW) immediate future.  Thus:  TIGHTEN UP! 
Aho?  sigh (and CRY). 

I Am NOT God

Already a good day.  Packs of MY cigarettes given…With a request: asking me to rid their 2 acres of Ticks.  The LYME carrier type.  Called and told him “No. YOU DO IT!”

He forgot his AUTHORITY.  Told him, “You were taught.  Now YOU must APPLY THE TEACHINGS”.  Then refreshed the teachings. Now totally up to HIM.
If I did all the work, what good am I?
If applied, then THEY (he) can be EXAMPLE to many others.
I am NOT God…and choose not to portray HIS roll. 
Folks, it’s TIME to STAND!
GB    re

Wood Burning

Don’t know about YOUR area, but here: Snow and WINTER.
For you wood burners, I write this, for others contemplating a PELLET stove:  Before you get one, THINK!  If your Elect, goes “down”…SO DOES THE PELLET STOVE!  It NEEDS ELECTRICITY TO RUN.
In short, if you think it’s a good “Back Up” buy…it ISN’T!  Aho?
Now for the others:  If you are one within reach of a SAWDUST Pile,  GET PAPER BAGS….Along with “cast-off” Tiny wood CHIPS (etc.).   Doesn’t need to be BIG pieces,  Then mix some of the little pieces Within a BAG of SAWDUST,  Do this in paper bags.  Fold the top over your “mix” and light.
The “chips” will cause the SAWDUST to Rekindle via those chips…keeping the sawdust smoldering and heating.  Aho?
We had a 55 gallon Barrel Stove,  Each night we’d put in 3 bags,  BURNED ALL NIGHT!  Only took 3 bags to keep our 2 bedroom, place comfortable.   Did this 2 winters (before moving).  Sure cut down on fire wood.
Good Luck,  GB   re


Watching a new series of “Preppers”.  Simply a new batch of fearfull people.  “Christians” included.
Like a number in past shows,  “Bug Out” ready.  I am too…but in a super light way.  You see, I HAVE THE CREATOR’S PROMISES…and FULLY BELIEVE in THIS!
Most have “run to” spots (as do we)….GIVEN spot.  10 acres.  I can only TRUST “Dad” will WARN US to “GO!”.
What type Prepping are they / you prepping for”  Earthquake?  Fire?  Radiation?
Will your “spot” be as ours:  across MANY Bridges?
BRIDGES FALL DOWN!  so…how FAR do you INTEND TO GET (to your “spot”.  EXPECT SOME WON’T BE POSSIBLE.  You’ll only get so far / park / and die right there (always a possibility).  Aho?
What if it’s a “controlled” happening (Government)?  ARE you aware “they” can KILL YOUR ENGINE at THEIR Discretion?
Whatever, to WALK.  No matter what the “event”…
THIS “engine killing” HAS BE KNOWN (and USED) since early WWII!   (NEVER USED cause War = MONEY.  Aho?)
In short, folks….our only SAFE way to survive, is STICKING in “HIM”!
YOU don’t understand…YOU.
We are ALL simply ENERGY.  Literately, a (“His”) DREAMING!
ALL is of the SAME Energy. 
YOU call your body…and all around you:  REALITY.   This its ‘firm’ in your mind.  In mine though….I see Gods’ WORD….We / EVERYTHING, is simple “His” THOUGHT (dream) ENERGY.
Learn THAT to FULL KNOWING..and you need NEVER Fear.
Good Luck.   In “Him”….

The Least Shall Be First

The least shall be First…

Ever think on that?  

Should….as we of Earth are FULL of “least”.

They cook your McDonald’s meals / Clean your work spaces / Dig our graves / Sweat in the fields so we can eat, etc.
The “least”.  Janitors at  our schools / Sewer workers / the Housewife…….and on and on.
“The least”.
People, just like the rest of us.  Eeking out a living, for Pennies…so WE can “Live a ‘Better Life”.
The “hidden ones”.  Unseen.
So, you think YOU are “SOMETHING’?
SHAME on US who do.
Perhaps you have no change to Tip.  AT LEAST GIVE THEM A ‘THANK YOU’ SMILE!
Help make them feel WORTHY.

For they ARE!                     



Had enough money to buy a number of feet of Soft Denim (blue jean color) cloth.  Cheap shop.  $4.08.  Enough to make 3 to 4 nice LOIN CLOTHS.  I’ll have my wife cut and hem them for me. An easy “do” for her.
As you can tell, I “practice what I Preach”.
I’ll be wearing these at our secluded property so no one is “disturbed”.  Aho?
I’ll have her sew on 2 or so  LOOPS on the front.  Knife / Flint / Etc. to be with  me at all times then.  My CHIEF A.J. Slingshot to hang on the “belt” if wanted, as well as small  sock with Marble “shot”.
ARE YOU intrusted in “ditto”? 
Before closing: I’ve been Posting on GHOST’S  HUB….Google by Typing in: Survival Cabin on a Shoestring Budget.  This will get you there.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            GB   re

Ordered  the Clothes Washer PLUNGER last night.  Should arrive by the 11th of Oct…Then, if more donations come in, I’ll get a Galvanized PAIL Sized Wash Board.  Should be “set” then.  Intend too to get 1 larger fiberglass “pails” at BiMart store in town.  That should complete our cloths washing needs.
We can string clothesline at opposite trees.  Aussy Dave has a SUPER Big ROUND Wash Hanger, NICE, and MIGHT invest in the same eventually.
My Grandmother taught my sister and myself how to dry clothes / etc. during winter freezes.  Hang them on the line…let them freeze…beat the ice off…freeze again…beat again.  Thick things need 3 beatings.  Then drape on things indoors to finish drying.
The place looked like a tornado had hit….not a lot of room to set (4 peoples things) but the house smelled GREAT (finale ‘STEAM’ injected the homes air).  Smelled so CLEAN inside.
SUNSHINE does something no machine dryer can EVER do.  A pure blessing from God to wear or sleep (sheets) to have to use.
There’s  a HAND WRINGER one can put on a bucket.  Another to place on the outside of an RV.  My wife wants one.
I was taught (grandma again) to be SURE to FOLD Buttons / etc. UNDER a shirt (etc.) them before placing through a wringer….OR FACE BROKEN AND MISSING BUTTONS.
These hand powered wringers sure beat hand WRUNG doing.
Creating less drying time.
IF no wringer…we’ve SPANISH WINCH doing (for heavy cloth (jeans / etc.) and sheets, etc..
To do this you hook one end to a stationary post / tree….tIe a stick to the other….anD TWIST the stick.  “Wringing” out the water.
Its a slow process but effective.  Good for heavy blankets / sleeping bags / etc..
With the Hand Plunger…..FAR LESS WATER IS NEEDED.  A Plus in the water shortage we will (and in some places now) times.
Though few will do so….LOIN CLOTHS for At Home wear is a great clothing choice.  EASY to wash….COMFORTABLE to wear.
Women can drape a flat piece over their breast, tie around the neck and in back.
MANY Native American used these as daily wear.  TARZAN TOO!  ( :
If you have a piece of “woodsy” land…consider this.  Leave “regular” cloths for In-Town use.  At the same time, this allows very simple / easy / fast, washing.  A great TIME Saver.
I’m fully aware on River and Rock beating washing.  Works, but hard on you.  Still………..
If a 2 bucket (Wash / Rise)  is used:  Wash in one…then rinse in the other.  If possible save the WASH water (if using biodegradable soaps) to water your garden with….the RINSING water then poured into the (now empty) Washing one.  Use that to wash your next load.  Water saving.  Aho?
My mother did once a week washing when I was a child.  Doing so for 5 kids / self and father.  A hard task.  Heated water via an open pit fire (not NEEDED…COLD water does as well) to wash…an oval galvanized container, Wash Board.  A LOT of sweat n Hard work.  Yes, I remember………………..
Early White American gals had a bucket placed on the back of their ROCKING Chairs.  They’d set / Rock/ and HAND SPIN at the same time.  The rocking motion washing the small cloths within the bucket.
Even dirty cloths in soapy buckets in tour car works (we’ve often done so) works as you drive about, works.  UTILIZE!  Aho?
Friends, we are entering into some really rough times.  Might as well at least be aware of the SIMPLE (but Hard) ways now…for THEN.
and DON’T FORGET OUR GODCREATOR in all this coming harshness.
We CAN “make it”.  Aho?
Yes, I’m still ‘about’, still trying to help.  I HAVEN’T GIVEN UP ON YOU.  Aho?  HO!
Your brother, in HIM…..
Red Elk
A friend uses a FAR CHEAPER way to squeeze water from washed cloths:  a MOP BUCKET MOP SQUEEZER!