
As I sit in the midst of death…..I hear not the moans
I hear the TEARS
“I’m sorry”
“I’m sorry”
Born with love
Shadowed with will
taking all down with it
Is there NO One else
 that HEARS???
“I DO”   “I DO”   a voice comes
then yet another….from far far off
as an echo they come
So few
So far apart
but they call
out of the destruction
they call
There IS Hope!


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2 Responses to “Poetry”

  1. Red Elk your words are clear and true. Let us combine with Grandfather Albert Taylor, Tom Porter, Arvol Looking Horse, Chief Jake Edwards, and many more leaders who are coming to Woodstock next week and throughout 2013. We have a National Movement on our hands, and the Unity Riders ,Gus High Eagle leading them to New York on 2000 mile ride. See The Dakota 38 +2 on you tube and then you will see what this is all about. I am sure you already know. John Spirit Heart

  2. redelk says:

    MANY Native Americans are TRYING.

    Praise the Lord! re